IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Know what you mean Megg, I have days where eberythings rosey and can see the positives but get my days too where I'm terrified none of this will work and yet there's a women where I live with 11 kids, 6 different known fathers. A few kids don't know who their dad is :doh: she's also never worked a day in her life. Ones things for sure there's no fairness when it comes to LTTTC. Anyway really hope it's good news for you on Fri :hug:

I would be upset too Kaylakin. I thought the only reason they wouldn't go to blast is if there was too few and they weren't great but that doesn't sound the case. Will you get to speak to Dr to find out? Hopefully you won't be too reliant on them anyway as this'll work :thumbup:

Not sure with FET mrsmajor but hope you can start sooner rather than later.

So only 2 days til Prostap jag and consents app. I know cos of my age they'll push for SET but I take it it's ultimately down to me? I want the best chance poss and therefor 2 embryos unless I get to go to blast. Gonna need to write down everything I want to clarify cos sometimes it's just all so mind boggling for me :doh:
As far as being emotional... Its the curse of 7dpo. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone calm at 7dpo. I decide my cycle's failed every time on 7dpo exactly! LOL

totally agree with you megg, my first week was lovely i really enjoyed being pupo the second week i was a wreck :wacko:
good luck for friday sweetie :hugs:
I seriously think the 7dpo curse strikes everyone! I wish I could research it! LOL

Thanks, Meg. I wish I knew, too. I don't think that's his reason, but I can't think of any others. I know he is very concerned about multiples, even twins, but it's not like I would transfer back like 3 blasts unless I had to!

That's interesting about 7dpo. I really just got emotional today. This waiting is torture. I think I need to call and speak directly to my doctor. I'm going to have him call me back so I can ask him all of these questions and hear his answers from the man himself. I'm even scaring my husband, as I called him after my appointment and I was going off on the phone. Once he even told me to "take it easy" LOL
Meg, how you hanging in there?

Definitely call and get answers! :hugs:

I'm just terrified of Friday. I feel like I don't want to know. On the bright side, this is how I felt the 1st cycle. The 2nd cycle (that failed) was no biggie because I was 100% sure it hadn't worked. This time I guess I can't be sure.
Thanks, Debbie - looks like you're getting closer - great! Yes, I think it is ultimately up to you, within reason - I'm not sure..But it is your body and your embryos!...And def write everything down before you go - it really does help to keep things in order so you don't forget anything ;-)

Meg - I hear you about being terrified. I don't feel much different at all, and I haven't been symptom spotting. I never really get symptoms after the trigger shot, so maybe in a few days, I wouldn't feel symptoms either..I don't know. I'm dreading the beta, too. That's good that you felt like it didn't work the first time, but it did. The hard thing is that whether you have symptoms, don't have symptoms, feel positive, or feel negative, you could still be pregnant - you just don't know until the beta. Ugh.

I did speak with my doctor. They called to tell me the progesterone levels were normal and I left a message for him to call me back. So, long story short is that he called back within the hour and we talked for about 10 minutes on the phone, and I feel way better. Everything he said was based on statistics so I felt much better. I even asked him things that I was sure that he wouldn't really have an answer for, but he did and I felt much better. I'm glad I called - I just wouldn't have been able to deal without hearing it directly from him, you know? He was super nice and said to call with any questions to make sure we're on the same page..so, that's good...Now, more waiting...
So only 2 days til Prostap jag and consents app. I know cos of my age they'll push for SET but I take it it's ultimately down to me? I want the best chance poss and therefor 2 embryos unless I get to go to blast. Gonna need to write down everything I want to clarify cos sometimes it's just all so mind boggling for me :doh:

I want to know about the SET.

I thought it was my choice, but I have heard mixed stories from people.

I dunno why if I have 2 healthy good embryos why I cant have them both put back. It's not like I want something daft like 5!

Let me know what you find out Debbie.

Hi Ladies,

Mind if I join you? We are due to have FET transfer tomorrow morning. I'm nervous,excited,emotional every bloody emotion under the sun which I'm sure you all understand, along with the what if's. This is our third embryo transfer, we did a fresh cycle in sept last year which resulted in mc, followed by an fet which also resulted in mc. I'm hoping this is gonna be third time lucky. We have opted to have single embryo transfer, just because we feel like we need to do something different this time round and the last two times we had two transfered. I'm thinking my body just can't cope with the two. So here we are again ready to start the rollercoaster. Wishing you all tons and tons of luck for this rollercoaster journey, let's hope we see lots and lots of BFP'S.
Hi Ladies,

Mind if I join you? We are due to have FET transfer tomorrow morning. I'm nervous,excited,emotional every bloody emotion under the sun which I'm sure you all understand, along with the what if's. This is our third embryo transfer, we did a fresh cycle in sept last year which resulted in mc, followed by an fet which also resulted in mc. I'm hoping this is gonna be third time lucky. We have opted to have single embryo transfer, just because we feel like we need to do something different this time round and the last two times we had two transfered. I'm thinking my body just can't cope with the two. So here we are again ready to start the rollercoaster. Wishing you all tons and tons of luck for this rollercoaster journey, let's hope we see lots and lots of BFP'S.

Hi Doodar - welcome! Wow, I hope this is third time lucky for you. Have they found out why you have had the 2 mc's or has it been attributed to bad luck? Good luck with your transfer and the 2WW..
I've just had a SET.We got 31 eggs, 23 injected, 17 fertilised and we have one embryo transfered and 12 in the freezer. We had no choice but SET. We had a 2 day 4-cell transfer (grade 4A - the best). They wouldn't allow us more than one because of my age and because of the quality of the embryo. I pushed for two but was turned down. Originally my clinic said that only 10% of eligible people are 'forced' to have SET but were were clearly in that 10%. The good news is that we will be allowed 2 if this fails in a FET. Cumulatively, if you add up the percentage chances of a SET followed by same-cycle FETs the percentage chance of a pregnancy is about the same as if you had a DET. Make sense? I'm really nervous now. Good luck everyone.
Hi girls,
I was told that due to my age etc i would have to have SET if embryo was absolutely perfect. Ours were just below that and I was allowed 2 transferred. I think it really just depends on the clinic and if the embies are perfect x
Hi Ladies,

Mind if I join you? We are due to have FET transfer tomorrow morning. I'm nervous,excited,emotional every bloody emotion under the sun which I'm sure you all understand, along with the what if's. This is our third embryo transfer, we did a fresh cycle in sept last year which resulted in mc, followed by an fet which also resulted in mc. I'm hoping this is gonna be third time lucky. We have opted to have single embryo transfer, just because we feel like we need to do something different this time round and the last two times we had two transfered. I'm thinking my body just can't cope with the two. So here we are again ready to start the rollercoaster. Wishing you all tons and tons of luck for this rollercoaster journey, let's hope we see lots and lots of BFP'S.

Hi Doodar - welcome! Wow, I hope this is third time lucky for you. Have they found out why you have had the 2 mc's or has it been attributed to bad luck? Good luck with your transfer and the 2WW..

They think possible immune issues although they haven't been tested so can't be 100 percent sure. Hubby really didn't want me to do immune treatment so didn't see any point in being tested for it. We have said though that if it comes to it and we have to do another fresh cycle then we will try immune treatment, for now though we are just gonna try with the remaining embies we have and keep our fingers tightly crossed. Can't believe in 12 hours time I'll be pupo again. Praying to god our little embie survives the thaw.Looking forward to taking it easy and chilling out.
Megg - the 7dpo thing totally struck me as well. I had a complete melt down of a day and cried all over hubby's shoulder. Poor thing was worrying but I had to let it out.

I had another one of those days yesterday - not sure why but again just super tired and sore from the shots which still hurt by the way (the heat only works so far with me I guess) and just cried and cried. No reason at all other than I was tired.

What is up with all of our emotions, Oh wait I know :)
Welcome Doodar and beadyeyes! Sending love and luck!

Sorry the shots are still hurting, davecr... Mine haven't caused an ounce of pain yet this time. Very confusing! Makes me wonder if they're working!
Hi girls,

Back from transfer. One embie didn't survive the thaw so they had to thaw our last remaining embryo. So pupo with one blast on board. Let the dreaded two week wait begin. Although in previous cycles I have been given a test date 9 days after transfer which would fall on the day af is due, but this time they have given me a test date 14 days after. Really hoping it's third time lucky coz it's last chance saloon. Come on little embie burrow in, your our last hope. I found the transfer quite uncomfortable this time round usually it doesn't bother me but found it quite painful. Got lots of cramps and stabbing pains so I'm off for a lie down.

Meggles not long now hunny. I'm keeping everything crossed babe :hugs:
Good luck doodar!! How does the fet cycle work honey?? What drugs do you take etc? X
Good luck tomorrow Megg, what time will you get the results ?xx
Good luck, Vick! Hoping "3rd time lucky" is the motto for the moment!

I'll have my results at about 9-10am my time... That's 3-4pm UK time!
Glad you felt re-assured Kaylakin following your chat with Dr, sometimes it just hard to have your absolute faith in these strangers when it's your future they hold in their hands. Anyway not long for you now, think this would be when I'd start to get really nervous!

Doodar and Beadyeyes very best with your journeys, here's hoping there's a baby boom next spring:winkwink:

Well asked about SET at consents but nurse indicated it was my choice but no final decisions should be made til they see the quality and number of embryos. Gonna stick by 2 (if there are 2 good ones) unless I go to blast. Not sure whether your choice is dependant on whether you're private or NHS though.

Well that's me had my Prostap jag and just itching for :witch: to come so I can start stimming on CD3. Looks like I'll be on my own doings the jags seein as DH couldn't even bare to watch me get my Prostap one:dohh:

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