IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Angiemom, I'm so sorry to hear about your bfn, you must be so disappointed. Hope you manage to have a nice evening tonight and a well deserved glass of wine.

Just a wee update from me, as I've not been on the forum for ages due to holidays and work etc. Had my consents appointment on 3rd December, which went fine although I feel like I've forgotten half the information already. Need to get the drugs ordered up then we can decide whether to start in Jan or Feb (depending on when AF arrives, if it's on New Year's Day or something, when the clinic is closed and I can't get to them for my baseline scan, then will have to be Feb). Am on the short protocol.
Strangely, haven't been giving it as much thought lately as had a lot of other things on - but can't quite believe that we are about to start IVF.... part excited/part apprehensive/part scared..... Glad that we are all here to support each other though.

So sorry Angie :cry: please don't apologize for posting your news :hugs:

We were at the bank today and the lady we know there was telling us her friend had 12 cycles of IVF. They were on their last try and she got pregnant, I think that put things in perspective for me. I think it relaxed me into not putting all my hopes into this one cycle, but WOW 12 cycles is alot
great to hear from you pollydoodle x

clinic just called i have my dates

17th jan cd1 attend scan collect meds from clinic

19th jan start fsh injection

25th jan add antagonist injection

26th, 28th, 30th jan attend scans

30th jan trigger

31st jan egg recovery

2nd feb embryo transfer

16th feb test
Thank you all so much for your kind words..:hugs:

good to see you back flake-y and good luck in starting soon....

thanks daisyjump, sunshine, pollydoodle and crystal wow 12 cycles-not sure if I could cope with that but your right in saying it puts it into perspective, I shouldn;t be too upset it didn't work straightaway....

raf-wife-great you've got all your set dates, the SP does kinda fly-by so you'll be on your 2ww before you know it.

keep positive!

Good luck everyone and lots of :hugs: and :dust:
Hello everyone do you mind if I join you all?
After what seems like forever the doctor told us last week that he thinks our only way forward is ICSI, we have a patient information evening on 12th Jan and see the doc again on 5th Jan when we have to tell him what we want to do. We have decided to fee pay while waiting for our 1 NHS cycle, the wait for the NHS cycle is 12-13 months and I am 39 next month. I am really scared but glad that we are now doing somthing rather than just keep being dissapointed each month.
Good luck to all and big hugs to those who need it.
Hi alexina, you'll be starting your ivf in no time! X

Wow 12 ivf attempts that's a lot! It does put it into perspective, and maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up too much for this cycle

Afm my injections seem to be going ok, but am feeling pretty crap at the moment cos I'm full of cold and my af has decided to arrive, got two huge bruises on my stomach but my last few injections have been fine, obviously I must have been doing something wrong at first!

How's everyone else?

hi alexina welcome x

mrssunshine glad the injections are going fine now hope you feel better soon x

has anyone else had there flu jab i went for mine last thursday because there wanting everyone whos pregnant to have it so i thought id play it safe and have it now x
great to hear from you pollydoodle x

clinic just called i have my dates

17th jan cd1 attend scan collect meds from clinic

19th jan start fsh injection

25th jan add antagonist injection

26th, 28th, 30th jan attend scans

30th jan trigger

31st jan egg recovery

2nd feb embryo transfer

16th feb test

Great news you have all your dates, I guess I will be about 3 weeks behind you then!

Wow, 12 cycles of IVF; that is a lot. I don't know if I'd be able to go through all that! Plus, I'd be skint......:blush:
:hugs: I'm sorry Angie! Stay positive and think about those snow babies waiting for you!
Hi Alexina - you will be underway in no time then. Think the next couple of weeks will go really quickly for all of us given the distractions of Christmas etc - probably a good thing, apart from the difficulties of trying to steer clear of alcohol at this time of year! I'll be at my parents on Christmas day so will be trying to pour my own glass from a bottle of non-alcoholic wine which I'll be smuggling in, to avoid any suspicion!

Hi Raf-Wife - that's good you got your dates, they are very specific - is that cos you know AF will definitely arrive on 17th Jan? I'm not sure we will be able to start in Jan after all now - the clinic called today to say that the drugs are all held up due to the weather - and so they may not get here in time. Plus my cycle is a bit unpredictable and AF could arrive any time between 2nd and 9th Jan - the clinic only re-opens on 7th Jan so if AF arrives much before then, we will definitely be putting off til Feb. Only one month though so not a huge deal.

Crystal - wow, 12 cycles... can't imagine going through all that, but good to know that it can still be successful after so many tries. Am trying to have a positive attitude towards our first attempt while not expecting it to work first time..

P x

had a bit of a nightmare yesterday, a massive bruise appeared where i'd done my injection! went to see the nurse, she said i'd probably hit a blood vessel, and to give it another go today, do have another bruise today, but nowhere near as bad as the one from yesterday - am gonna look such a mess in a weeks time lol

good new raf-wife, bet u just wanna get started now!

how's everyone else?

Are you still bruising when you do your shots? How are you feeling otherwise?

I've been very tired and getting bad headaches since starting the shots...do you have anything similar?
hi polly no they could vary its a guideline for when af should arrive so they have booked me in, it could be a few days either side but this cycle arrived on time and im sure its down to the accupuncture, i still go in on 17th anyway and pick up meds my clinic has there own stock there but if af arrives sooner they will have me go straight in they said, i really hope your clinic gets it sorted for you, could they not put you on bcps for a while to delay af so you can start later jan instead of feb, just a thought x:hugs:
had a bit of a nightmare yesterday, a massive bruise appeared where i'd done my injection! went to see the nurse, she said i'd probably hit a blood vessel, and to give it another go today, do have another bruise today, but nowhere near as bad as the one from yesterday - am gonna look such a mess in a weeks time lol

good new raf-wife, bet u just wanna get started now!

how's everyone else?

Are you still bruising when you do your shots? How are you feeling otherwise?

I've been very tired and getting bad headaches since starting the shots...do you have anything similar?


the bruising has stopped thankfully, i was dreading what i was going to end up looking like! i'm full of cold at the moment, so don't know if i have any side effects cos feeling so rubbish at the moment anyway! although on sunday i burst into tears for no real reason, so maybe thats to do with the injections? i am really tired, but that could also be the cold, who knows? lol

what do do u go for your 1st scan? mines the 30th dec, have blood tests the 29th

hi alexina welcome x

mrssunshine glad the injections are going fine now hope you feel better soon x

has anyone else had there flu jab i went for mine last thursday because there wanting everyone whos pregnant to have it so i thought id play it safe and have it now x

I haven't been for flu jab yet, will have to check with the clinic that i can def have it, although can't see why not, but need to get rid of this cold first :dohh:

hi alexina welcome x

mrssunshine glad the injections are going fine now hope you feel better soon x

has anyone else had there flu jab i went for mine last thursday because there wanting everyone whos pregnant to have it so i thought id play it safe and have it now x

I haven't been for flu jab yet, will have to check with the clinic that i can def have it, although can't see why not, but need to get rid of this cold first :dohh:


good idea to speak to clinic first because youve already started your jabs x
i had my 4th accupuncture today and i am so glad ive got nothing to do today because i am so tired, i seemed to have needles coming out of everywhere, i had a new one in the back of my head and i didnt like that one very much it was a bit sore and gave me a headache but the rest were fine, i had the burning herb ones today too which i quite like x
had a bit of a nightmare yesterday, a massive bruise appeared where i'd done my injection! went to see the nurse, she said i'd probably hit a blood vessel, and to give it another go today, do have another bruise today, but nowhere near as bad as the one from yesterday - am gonna look such a mess in a weeks time lol

good new raf-wife, bet u just wanna get started now!

how's everyone else?

Are you still bruising when you do your shots? How are you feeling otherwise?

I've been very tired and getting bad headaches since starting the shots...do you have anything similar?


the bruising has stopped thankfully, i was dreading what i was going to end up looking like! i'm full of cold at the moment, so don't know if i have any side effects cos feeling so rubbish at the moment anyway! although on sunday i burst into tears for no real reason, so maybe thats to do with the injections? i am really tired, but that could also be the cold, who knows? lol

what do do u go for your 1st scan? mines the 30th dec, have blood tests the 29th


I'm glad you stopped bruising:thumbup:

I'm sorry that you are sick :( I can't imagine doing all this with a cold!

I burst into tears last night! I think its because i'm so tired..I haven't been feeling any stress, I've actually been very mellow since starting the Lupron.

They did an internal ultrasound when I went in the 16th to start the lupron. My next appt is 12/30 and they will do another ultrasound that day...i dont think i have my first blood test till january 4th though. That week I go in Tues, Thurs, and Saturday!
i have a lot booked in for that week too, my clinic isn't open on a wknd so i have scans 30th, 5th, 7th and the 10th, and hopefully egg collection on the 12th, well thats if everything goes according to plan!

its so good having someone going through it all at the same time, fingers crossed we both get a bfp! :happydance:
Angiemom: so sorry it didn't work. I am so glad that you have frozen embies as consolation if I remember correctly? When will you start if you are doing a FET?

Everything is definitely getting underway here! More dates and injections happening for sure. Exciting!

Rafwife: I don't get flu shots anymore as the only time I got the flu was when I had a flu shot a week before and boy was it horrible! I'm not saying for you to not get one (I know you already did) but I think when you get a flu shot your body is so busy fighting off the "bug" in the injection that it's easier to get sick in that time if exposed. I just have bad memories of being at my sickest in that week of hell with the fllu and not to mention I felt "off" and a bit ill after getting the shot for a few days. Sorry for the rant lol :))

Anyway, looks like headache and fatigue are the biggest side effects from the DR meds. Something to look forward to lol

AFM: went for appointment today and have another appointment on the 23rd probably to discuss exactly when to start DR and the stims etc. I had just ovulated (according to the scan) but to me on the screen it looked like a ready to burst follicle (she says it was the corpus luteum) and so progesterone was drawn. I also got the rest of my drugs. I now have 3 full bags in my closet of meds and syringes and the trigger shot in the fridge lol After the 23rd, I also have a scan booked for the 28th which I am guessing is the scan to ensure my ovaries are shut down? I dunno....I will be 8DPO...

This is going to be a very exciting thread to be a part of very soon!

Oh and hubby needs to drop a "sample" on the 23rd at my appointment to see if his men are still so low in #'s that we may have to freeze some for later! Hope not, as it's another $500!
Angiemom: so sorry it didn't work. I am so glad that you have frozen embies as consolation if I remember correctly? When will you start if you are doing a FET?

Everything is definitely getting underway here! More dates and injections happening for sure. Exciting!

Rafwife: I don't get flu shots anymore as the only time I got the flu was when I had a flu shot a week before and boy was it horrible! I'm not saying for you to not get one (I know you already did) but I think when you get a flu shot your body is so busy fighting off the "bug" in the injection that it's easier to get sick in that time if exposed. I just have bad memories of being at my sickest in that week of hell with the fllu and not to mention I felt "off" and a bit ill after getting the shot for a few days. Sorry for the rant lol :))

Anyway, looks like headache and fatigue are the biggest side effects from the DR meds. Something to look forward to lol

AFM: went for appointment today and have another appointment on the 23rd probably to discuss exactly when to start DR and the stims etc. I had just ovulated (according to the scan) but to me on the screen it looked like a ready to burst follicle (she says it was the corpus luteum) and so progesterone was drawn. I also got the rest of my drugs. I now have 3 full bags in my closet of meds and syringes and the trigger shot in the fridge lol After the 23rd, I also have a scan booked for the 28th which I am guessing is the scan to ensure my ovaries are shut down? I dunno....I will be 8DPO...

This is going to be a very exciting thread to be a part of very soon!

Oh and hubby needs to drop a "sample" on the 23rd at my appointment to see if his men are still so low in #'s that we may have to freeze some for later! Hope not, as it's another $500!

hi alexa i dont know if you have the same flu vaccine but in the uk its not a live vaccine so i cant possibly catch the flu because of it, normally every year i catch it at christmas but last year i had the vaccine for the first time and didnt have flu all year.

i think its amazing seeing what going on with the scans, i had one on my last appointment too and had a follicle about to pop and af arrived 14 days later so that was great to know i did ovulate.

it must be great having all your meds there waiting to be used must make it all feel more real, i dont get mine until 2 days before i start injecting.

best of luck for your appointment tommorrow x :hugs:

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