IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

hi angie i have had signs of it coming for a week now and some spotting on thurs night but no af yet what im worried about is that sometimes my af just decides to take 2 month long holiday , the nurse said if it doesnt show by cd 35 they will give me provera to start it but that will set me back by a couple of weeks which would be disappointing but also difficult because dh goes back on his squadron in feb so here i am fingers crossed it shows tonight,

anyway enough of my moaning how are you hun x
hi angie i have had signs of it coming for a week now and some spotting on thurs night but no af yet what im worried about is that sometimes my af just decides to take 2 month long holiday , the nurse said if it doesnt show by cd 35 they will give me provera to start it but that will set me back by a couple of weeks which would be disappointing but also difficult because dh goes back on his squadron in feb so here i am fingers crossed it shows tonight,

anyway enough of my moaning how are you hun x

I see, every extra day seems like a week in this process doesn't it? I'll have an AF dance for you tonight :happydance: keep fingers crxd for you!!

Im not too bad, feel like this TTC is my whole life and is mostly all i ever think off. I actually had some unusual spotting this week and kinda convinced myself that it was imp bleeding and id conceived naturally but then AF got me this morning. REally I should be happy, at least the IVF doesn't seem to have affected my cycle and I do have a regular cycle which obviously is your anxiety at the moment...but ive had quite a tearful week, its been hard and i feel like we've been waiting for our follow up appointment for years :dohh:
Well its next Thursday so not long now. I dont know what my FS will suggest for the FET and was hoping i could try and get started on this cycle but im not sure how it works so well see. Sometimes I feel really positive and other times bit crappy but thats too be expected. My OH did win £1800 money today on a football bet so that has def perked us up, Think what baby stuff we could buy with that or holiday hmmmmmm!!

Anyway so hope the:witch:arrives for you tonight and the SP really goes like a flash, i was only put on it because my FS wanted to get us in before Christmas but im glad for it now!!

Awwww Angiemom, so happy you won that money and that FET is coming up soon! That is so good to hear. I hated to hear when you got a BFN. So on to the next step!

Rafwife; ughhh damned AF! I hope she shows up soon-like tomorrow would be nice- for you. I know I was worried mine wouldn't show just because we were waiting on her, but she came right on time. Thought she was due tomorrow? Fingers crossed she comes tomorrow so you can stay on schedule.
your right every day does feel like a week whilst waiting for things to get started,
it is good your cycle has returned to normal that can sometimes take a while so hopefully you can get started again very soon x :hugs:
Awwww Angiemom, so happy you won that money and that FET is coming up soon! That is so good to hear. I hated to hear when you got a BFN. So on to the next step!

Rafwife; ughhh damned AF! I hope she shows up soon-like tomorrow would be nice- for you. I know I was worried mine wouldn't show just because we were waiting on her, but she came right on time. Thought she was due tomorrow? Fingers crossed she comes tomorrow so you can stay on schedule.

thanks alexa if i base it on how its been for the past few (31 days) it would be tommorrow but it varys so much with me anything from 28 - 70, i thought i had felt ov pain earlier this month which would of meant af last tue/wed but i guess it wasnt i just dont know because its so unpredictable, they are going to scan me tommorrow do you reckon they can tell if its about to arrive that way at least id know x
Wow so transfer day is tomorrow Krisitn-how exciting! How many are they transferring? Ugh to ovarian enlargement AFTER EC....bummer! Any pain after retrieval/collection? I am scared of it myself as I normally have pretty bad cramps each month as it is. Oh well, will see what happens. So long as they get all those eggos inside he he

Where is Hammonton exactly? I have been to Jersey a few times and I loveddddd it. Nothing like everyone says. So green and beautiful, lots to do...etc etc

I know i'm excited :happydance: i'm going to have them transfer 2..I want to have 3 or 4 kids and our insurance is covering 4 tries so I figured I may as well get the most from each try...if i get twins from this try though (which i'm hoping i do :)) we will only do one any times after.

I had a little pain after ER but nothing too bad..they told me to take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 hours and that made most of it go away...and i slept a lot that day and the next so that helped too because then i couldnt feel it..lol

Hammonton in is in the middle of south jersey...30 minutes from atlantic city and 30 minutes from philadelphia. I'm originally from Michigan and have lived all over (NY, CT, ME...) because of my father being in the coast guard when I was little. NJ reminds me a lot of Michigan especially in Hammonton because it is a farm town (Blueberry capital)

Where do you live?

Speaking of Extra Strength Tylenol-I need some! My head has never really stopped hurting, but for a couple days since stimming. I just downed a bottle of Gatorade to see if I am dehydrated and nope, still there. My belly is gettin big and I weighed myself and I think I am 10lbs heavier though I feel like I lost weight, minus my "pregnant with ovaries feeling."

I want twins too as we had to pay for this and I don't want to do this again. I hope you get your wish. Boy/girl twins would be great, but I will take whatever as long as they are healthy!

I have been all over Jersey to visit, not live, it's all beautiful. I just hate the Northern area because I hate big cities! Otherwise, I have always lived in the CA/AZ area.

Well, good luck with transfer and may both embies snuggle in!
I have cousins and an aunt who live in jersey. Around Fairlawn If i remember right. Ive been there a couple of times and it is lovely.......and so are the family over there. So hospitable!
Lottie I dont know if they can tell sorry but they can tell so much! fingers crxed for tomorrow..
ARGH first injection tomorrow! Decided to do them at 9 am every morning! as a quite often do 24 hr shifts at work and at uni im often there untill 9pm :(
Did want to do them at night but never mind.

My husband sent me a bunch of flowers with a card thanking me for going through ivf with him. Bless.

You've all got me terrified about this weight gain thing with the injections. Just last week got down to my perfect weight (8st10 woohoo!) and dont want to put weight on.
I get really horrendous period cramps. So not lookin forward to any pain.
Hi all

Angie, thanks for asking, I am doing OK. Am on the short protocol, so all moving along quite quickly - today is day 6 of my injections already. Getting on ok with the injections, just feeling quite bloated and a bit achey in my tummy region. Got my first monitoring scan and blood test tomorrow so we'll see how that goes (am hoping they haven't overstimulated me as I didn't expect to get these side effects so soon, but we will see). Hope that you are doing ok, I totally know what you mean about this taking over your life - I feel like I hardly think of anything else these days. Great win by your OH though, I hope he treats you to something nice! Hope you get on good with finding out about your FET; I am really hoping we have some embies which can be frozen for next time(s).

Raf-wife how frustrating for you! Hope that AF turns up soon for you.

Alexa, good scan results - not long til EC for you now.

Daisy - don't worry too much about the injections, I was a bit freaked out about them but they are fine, nothing to worry about. I feel like I have gained about half a stone cos I feel so bloated but not sure if I have gained any weight at all - decided not to weigh myself at all at the moment - best not to know!

Kristin, good luck for tomorrow - we'll be thinking of you.

Take care all

Awwww Angiemom, so happy you won that money and that FET is coming up soon! That is so good to hear. I hated to hear when you got a BFN. So on to the next step!

Rafwife; ughhh damned AF! I hope she shows up soon-like tomorrow would be nice- for you. I know I was worried mine wouldn't show just because we were waiting on her, but she came right on time. Thought she was due tomorrow? Fingers crossed she comes tomorrow so you can stay on schedule.

thanks alexa if i base it on how its been for the past few (31 days) it would be tommorrow but it varys so much with me anything from 28 - 70, i thought i had felt ov pain earlier this month which would of meant af last tue/wed but i guess it wasnt i just dont know because its so unpredictable, they are going to scan me tommorrow do you reckon they can tell if its about to arrive that way at least id know x

Yes! They can see your lining and how thick it is. Just before my period he said it certainly looks thick and in need of a bleed any day now and sure enough, it came. They can definitely gauge that for you. I know your lining can only get so thick before it sloughs off....so hope to hear some good news from you tomorrow!
ARGH first injection tomorrow! Decided to do them at 9 am every morning! as a quite often do 24 hr shifts at work and at uni im often there untill 9pm :(
Did want to do them at night but never mind.

My husband sent me a bunch of flowers with a card thanking me for going through ivf with him. Bless.

You've all got me terrified about this weight gain thing with the injections. Just last week got down to my perfect weight (8st10 woohoo!) and dont want to put weight on.
I get really horrendous period cramps. So not lookin forward to any pain.

Even though I think I have gained 10lbs, it is ALL water weight related to the increased estrogen. It's not FAT. Don't worry too much! I had no idea I weighed this much more till I weighed myself today. I know I have lost fat as I actually feel thinner (minus belly bloat from ovaries/estrogen) and have eaten less the last few weeks due to worrying about this IVF. There's no doubt I have lost fat in fact. I have eaten about 50% less! I am sure this will be good post pregnancy! (i'm thinking positive lol) I also get horrendous cramps!
Hello Ladies :flower:

Can I join Please? I just found out today that I will be starting ICSI Next Month, well FS told me today that I need to go and get blood tests on CD2 (should be the start of Feb) than on CD3 the FS will give me all my drugs and injections, I should be all ready to go by March :thumbup:

Im just a little confused with it all :blush: Will i still get a period in March? and are they are just waiting for around the time I ovulate to collect my eggs? when exactly in the cycle do they collect the eggs? Again I must sound very stupid i was sat with her for over 1 hour and the sheer shock and excitement of it all gave me a mental block :wacko:

Many of you seem to be already in the middle of your treatment, I really hope and pray that you kick start us all off with BFP


Your all in my prayers xx
Hi yes join us.
We're all at different stages so youre more than welcome to join us.
Ive just this minute had my first injection. Was ok. Really didnt hurt at all! Couldnt quite believe it :) Im half glad i was on my own. I was very dramatic. Lots of tears :'( silly girl

Although its really itchy now. Did anyone else have this?! X
hi nayla and welcome,

the point in your cycle where your start depends on what protocol your on you should be told this at your next appointment, i am on the antagonist protocol and start on cd3 but others start at different points x :hugs:
Oh forgot to say aswell mine just started when was convieient for the clinic todo egg collection. It didnt matter where i was in my cycle. X
Hi yes join us.
We're all at different stages so youre more than welcome to join us.
Ive just this minute had my first injection. Was ok. Really didnt hurt at all! Couldnt quite believe it :) Im half glad i was on my own. I was very dramatic. Lots of tears :'( silly girl

Although its really itchy now. Did anyone else have this?! X

:happydance: your on your way x :hugs:
I'll catch up with all the posts later but just letting u know I'm PUPO!:happydance: they've put 2 back in both 8 cell, a grade a and a b

Good luck to everyone else

I'll catch up with all the posts later but just letting u know I'm PUPO!:happydance: they've put 2 back in both 8 cell, a grade a and a b

Good luck to everyone else


YAY!! Congrats :) Stay off your feet and relax!

I'll be right there with you in a few hours! :yipee:
Hi yes join us.
We're all at different stages so youre more than welcome to join us.
Ive just this minute had my first injection. Was ok. Really didnt hurt at all! Couldnt quite believe it :) Im half glad i was on my own. I was very dramatic. Lots of tears :'( silly girl

Although its really itchy now. Did anyone else have this?! X

Daisy, I had some days where the spots got a little red and itchy but it always stopped within a few minutes..good luck with the rest of your injections! It becomes such a routine that you don't even think about it anymore

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