IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Congratulations Kristin and Sunshine - twins all round yay!!!!!! Such great news!!

Sorry your feeling down Lottie and Daisy, I know its v tough but it might be a good sign that AF is just round the corner Lottie and Daisy, the injections do get better, just try and clump a fatty bit as the others said.

Polly - my E2 levels were high and i was on the SP and didnt stim at all for 3 nights before trigger and got 15 eggs, 10 were mature so try not to worry. They've brought down your meds so im sure it will be ok.

Sending you lots of PMA

Alexa - hope your doing okay? I did notice on another thread that you were worrying about your E2 levels, i dont really have any great advice im afraid. Is your EC tomorrow. I know when I triggered my follicles had a great growth spurt and they were worried about my E2 levels which were too high (sorry i dont know what though), they stopped me stimming for 3 days and i got 15 eggs, 10 mature. I would have thought 4-5 follies on each ovary was good though :thumbup:

Sorry i cant be more help but hope alls good tomorrow, be thinking of you.

Alexa - hope your doing okay? I did notice on another thread that you were worrying about your E2 levels, i dont really have any great advice im afraid. Is your EC tomorrow. I know when I triggered my follicles had a great growth spurt and they were worried about my E2 levels which were too high (sorry i dont know what though), they stopped me stimming for 3 days and i got 15 eggs, 10 mature. I would have thought 4-5 follies on each ovary was good though :thumbup:

Sorry i cant be more help but hope alls good tomorrow, be thinking of you.

Thanks Angiemom for asking about me;I'm in my own world at the moment.

Yea, I am worried as doctor (who is an a**) said my right looks "lousy" but both sides have same amount (4-5)...I have no idea what this means either. They were all "looking great" same size and numbers last Wednesday (8-10@11mm) and come past Monday right is lousy? I don't get it. He had me stim one extra day (total 10 days) and I think he may have over-matured some of them (? just a guess) because according to my calculations they would've been ready to trigger Sunday (1-2mm growth daily). I know he didn't want to come in when the clinic is normally closed, but I now know he WILL come in if there's a strong need. I think he didn't want to.

Also, my injections went along for 5 days "in the wrong spot" but the nurse drew the targets on my bum for my husband! So that is why they switched to my thighs day 6! I had a feeling they were given in the wrong area and missed my muscle half the time and I tried to tell my husband, but he kept saying, but this is where she drew the targets! I was like I know, but I am a nurse too and this doesn't feel right! Damage done.

I just keep hearing the word "lousy" in my head and thinking EVERYTHING is now going to be lousy...that jerkoff of a doctor. I won't even go into how inept his office and nurse practitioner are! She was fired by me after failing to call me back for my progesterone to confirm ovulation so I could DR. Thank goodness, I already know when I have ovulated without a test! The doctor and her would both give me conflicting advice and not only that her license is on probation! I could go on and on....it's his stats (53%) and them being only 1 of 2 clinics in town that kept me there and the other is way too conservative and expensive!

Yes, I am having ER tomorrow. Triggered last night....bloated and uncomfortable and can't wait to have this fiasco finished. Hopefully, I will not have thrown $8K of my hard earned money down the drain. Still trying to be postive as it's all I've got left!

Sorry for being such a bummer here.
Sorry about all the headaches Alexa! Good luck tomorrow at ER!! :)
I'm trying not to get too excited either, but it's so hard, I know they're in there so I'm just hoping so much that 1 of them will stick! Im going to be devastated if it doesn't work anyway so might as well have a chat to them lol


I agree about talking to them!

I'm just going crazy looking for symptoms already....lol looking for implantation spotting, thinking this crampy feeling i have is due to implantation....I read that if the eggs are 5 day implantation occurs within 1-3 days so for me it would be by tomorrow...its driving me crazy that I don't know whats going on! :brat:
Thanks Angie, scan is tomorrow so will see how I get on. Just hoping that the E2 levels haven't shot up any further and that no further follies have developed (I feel like my ovaries really can't take any more, they feel at bursting point already!). My follies were all sorts of different sizes so I am just hoping (assuming that EC goes ahead at some point) that they can find a bunch which are around the same level.

Daisy, sorry to hear that you are having a hard time with your injections. I have found them ok although I know what you mean about pushing the liquid in, that is the worst bit. Definitely helps if you find a flabby section and warm it up with your hand a little bit before injecting.

Rafwife sorry that you are feeling down, maybe this is a sign that AF is on its way (hopefully).

Alexa, sounds like you are having a rough time - all the best for EC tomorrow.

oh alexa hun i cant beleive all the trouble your clinic is giving you, good luck today chick x

good luck with your scan today polly x

hi puppo ladies hope your embies are snuggling in x

i hope your feeling better today daisy x

how are you angie x

AFM ive found a way this morning to be not so ticked off about af, the way im going to see it is that on friday when i start provera is the day im starting ivf its the first step, its just a different first step than id hoped for and my protocol will be longer than expected so im now on the medium protocol lol x
oh alexa hun i cant beleive all the trouble your clinic is giving you, good luck today chick x

good luck with your scan today polly x

hi puppo ladies hope your embies are snuggling in x

i hope your feeling better today daisy x

how are you angie x

AFM ive found a way this morning to be not so ticked off about af, the way im going to see it is that on friday when i start provera is the day im starting ivf its the first step, its just a different first step than id hoped for and my protocol will be longer than expected so im now on the medium protocol lol x

thats a good way to think, positive thinking i like it!!
you sound like youre having such a nightmare with your clinic alexapoo, surely they should be positive about things, i'm sure your follies aren't lousy. good luck with ec

pollydoodle, i'm sure they will find plenty of follies that are all fine, i know its hard but we just have to trust they know what they're doing

kristen, i've had crampy pains since my et, i completely understand what you mean about wanting to know whats going on, i'm trying my bext to put it to the back of my mind, but finding it completely impossible

anyway i'm gonna go watch harry potter, a film i know where there will be absoluetly no reference to babies and infertility!!

I just got back from the doctor, they had me come in to get an E2 blood test...so we'll see what they say...i have no idea what they are looking for at this point so if anyone can help me out that would be great!

today the cramps have shifted mostly to the front, which i'm hoping is a good sign...no spotting or anything but I know not everyone has that as a sign of implantation. I feel almost like there is a bubble in the front, especially if i'm walking around...

I'm gonna spend today watching the twilight movies I think, something to keep my mind occupied

Mrssunshine, how long are you taking off work? I took off 4 days and I'm am going stir crazy!! :wacko:
Hi Kristen, they normally check your e2 to see if you're at risk of ohss, they're probably just ruling out things. I've still got a few cramps, but we have just undergone ec and et, so probably not quite right after ec and then having et not long after

i was gonna go back to work today, but hubby told me not to bother this morning, i phoned work today and they said to take the rest of the week off to put my feet up. They know that we've had ivf, so think they're also trying to give me time to just try and chill, and hopefully for little embie to implant

i've been watching harry potter films!! i started watching a film yesterday 'did you hear what happened to the morgans' or something like that, and they were a bloody infertile couple!!! :dohh: feel like i can't get away from it!! so harry potter and twilight are both excellent choices, no mention of babies or infertility in them lol :thumbup:

hope everything is ok with you, am hoping its just the embies getting comfy :hugs:

sorry just remembered, i was thinking about the date they gave you to test, it makes a lot of sense cos that was the date you ovulated, so you would test 2 weeks after that wouldn't u? so that means i can test next friday!! :happydance: don't know if i'll dare :haha:
Hi Kristen, they normally check your e2 to see if you're at risk of ohss, they're probably just ruling out things. I've still got a few cramps, but we have just undergone ec and et, so probably not quite right after ec and then having et not long after

i was gonna go back to work today, but hubby told me not to bother this morning, i phoned work today and they said to take the rest of the week off to put my feet up. They know that we've had ivf, so think they're also trying to give me time to just try and chill, and hopefully for little embie to implant

i've been watching harry potter films!! i started watching a film yesterday 'did you hear what happened to the morgans' or something like that, and they were a bloody infertile couple!!! :dohh: feel like i can't get away from it!! so harry potter and twilight are both excellent choices, no mention of babies or infertility in them lol :thumbup:

hope everything is ok with you, am hoping its just the embies getting comfy :hugs:


Its good your work is being so cool about it, I dont go back till Friday and was just told by someone there that I got supervisor of the month in december :happydance:

my hubby and I have thought it strange the last few months because since we found out that we would have to do IVF it seems like everything we watch talks about infertility! its probably that we are just noticing it more because of the situation but it always felt like a constant reminder

sorry just remembered, i was thinking about the date they gave you to test, it makes a lot of sense cos that was the date you ovulated, so you would test 2 weeks after that wouldn't u? so that means i can test next friday!! :happydance: don't know if i'll dare :haha:

ya...it would go from the date of ER because its 2 weeks from fertilization...mine was that wednesday and so yes technically you could test friday bc it would be 2 weeks :)

I really want to wait bc I dont want to get a :bfn: and then go for the blood work for them to tell me the same thing...but its going to get soooo much harder as it gets closer!

oh and FYI i haven't heard anything from the dr about my blood work yet so hopefully that means everything is ok (they normally call by now)
Yeah I'm sure they'd have let u know by now if there was anything to worry about

Good news about being given supervisor of the month! Well done x

I'm so scared about getting a bfn, I know I'll want to test, but I also know I should wait:wacko: nightmare!

just a wee update on my scan this morning - still a load of follicles in there although loads and loads of wee ones and not so many big ones. I had loads in the 6-9mm range, and quite a lot between 10 and 13mm.

Anyway at the bigger end I had 5 at 15mm, 3 at 16mm and 1 at 17mm. Could be bigger I think but they have decided to go for EC on Friday anyway so fingers crossed we can get most of those ones out. Don't think that any of the smaller ones will catch up in time. So have gone from worrying about having loads of eggs to not having enough! Just taken my trigger shot now so the countdown is on......

My estradiol level today was 8000 - so am still worried about OHSS although the clinic don't seem overly concerned. Hopefully they know what they are doing!

Rafwife, any progress from you?

Alexa how did your EC go today? Hope that you got on ok

omg...i'm so freaking myself out! I am so worried that these cramps are from AF bc even though my cycle is normally 29 days i don't know about this month because of the treatment..according to the calculator i usually use to track it AF would be due tomorrow..but the birth control they put me on last month made me have it earlier (I had it twice last month)....its driving me crazy! they seemed to be getting stronger as the day went on and now I don't know what to think :(
Krisitn, I would consider it implantation and nothing else until further notice. I've been prego before and one of those pregnancies had AF cramping and a little bleeding and I kept running to the bathroom to keep expecting AF, but come to find out, it was my now 17 y.o daughter implanting-that sure sounds weird huh? LOL. Cramping is soooo common in early pregnancy. Just thought I'd make you feel better! (I hope)

Congrats Polly on your good follie count.

AFM: Had EC and boy do I hurt. My abdomen feels about to explode and feels so crampy. Have used hot pad, hot bath, ibuprofen, Tylenol and it only takes the edge off. I excpected my inner bits to ache but it is fine and just a little spotting only. It's my belly that aches!

I don't recall much except a few things: talking to the NP as she loaded me up on Versed and then lights out, woke up as a needle went in the ovary, remeber saying "owwww" and sitting half up, but I don't remember the pain lol Versed is a weird drug I tell you. Next thing I remember is sitting up on the table (I guess NP walked out of room) and I started playing with my IV and the blood pressure machine (why, I don't know LOL!) I was like a really big drunk my hubby told me. I remember them shoving me inot the car and then begging for McDonalds as I hadn't eaten for 14 hours. I ate that half asleep and not even tasting it when I was home and then passed out for 2 hours. Quite and experience LOL! NP told my hubby we got "8 good eggs" and transer is Saturday...so we will see what we get then I suppose. PIO starts tonight. At least it isn't in my thighs!
oh alexa hun i cant beleive all the trouble your clinic is giving you, good luck today chick x

good luck with your scan today polly x

hi puppo ladies hope your embies are snuggling in x

i hope your feeling better today daisy x

how are you angie x

AFM ive found a way this morning to be not so ticked off about af, the way im going to see it is that on friday when i start provera is the day im starting ivf its the first step, its just a different first step than id hoped for and my protocol will be longer than expected so im now on the medium protocol lol x
Good thinking rafwife! It's just a delay is all. I know we get so excited to get started! I understand. She will have to show her head soon, no worries! Even if she is forced out by Provera.:hugs:

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