IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Oh good rafwife:progress to AF.....I can't wait to see your BFP.

Kristin: I hope I didn't sound blunt or mean, I didn't mean to as I truly think you are pregnant from all your symptoms! Beta in 5 more days? WHy sooooo long??? Ughhhh
Oh good rafwife:progress to AF.....I can't wait to see your BFP.

Kristin: I hope I didn't sound blunt or mean, I didn't mean to as I truly think you are pregnant from all your symptoms! Beta in 5 more days? WHy sooooo long??? Ughhhh

Alexa, I didn't think you were being rude at all!! It made me laugh in a good way, most people are telling oh you never know I guess to help me not get my hopes up so it was so nice to hear that and think, maybe your right! I'm trying so hard not to get excited just in case I'm not. It seems like forever but I've already waited 5 days since the transfer (and 10 since the retrieval) so I guess it won't kill me lol
Ok good and stop googling! I know you are. LOL Try and do something to get your mind off of things. Give those blasties some of that blood circulation, it's all going to your head he he

I myself am trying to think of what to do to keep my mind off of things and I'm coming up with nothing as I have been off work 17 days.....I really hate that the day implantation may start is when I will be going back to work...boo! I have pretty much done everything that normally "keeps my mind off of things" the last 17 days and I am at a blank. Wish i wasn't so broke.
Hubby already "yelled" at me..lol..for googling too much so now im left to talk to a woman at work who recently had twins...she is the one that thinks i am pregnant, that it will be twins, and be a boy and a girl..I'm in the same boat...I was fine while I was off but once in got back to work I started thinking more, and getting more down about it...I think it's bc I got so used to being in bed, sleeping whenever I wanted and now I'm tired lol my mind wanders a lot when I'm tired!
I am opposite! My mind wanders when i am not tired, so the good part of work will be keeping busy. It's rough though: 12 hour night shift! Stressful and busy first 6 hours too. I can't wait till your beta! Then your worry will turn to other things and it will keep going and changing as that is what being a mother does to you!
I am opposite! My mind wanders when i am not tired, so the good part of work will be keeping busy. It's rough though: 12 hour night shift! Stressful and busy first 6 hours too. I can't wait till your beta! Then your worry will turn to other things and it will keep going and changing as that is what being a mother does to you!

Wow I can't imagine working overnight all the time! I did it a few times and it killed me for the rest of the week!

I can't wait for the test either :) 3 days until wednesday! :happydance:

Did they tell you yet how many froze Alexa? My clinic called me the next day to let me know...I hope they froze :)
hi ladies, hope you're all well

excited for u kristen in a few days you'll know :happydance:

i'm so negative at the moment, i seriously don't think its worked, i just want to be put out of my misery now :cry::cry:

hope everyone else is feelin better xxx
Why do you feel like it didnt work? do you have any symptoms? From everything i hear most early pregnancy symptoms feel pretty much the same as before AF comes...dont give up! :flower:

Today I had a massive bout of nausea that made me feel like i was going to puke or pass out and had to go sit down

How is everyone else feeling?
I am opposite! My mind wanders when i am not tired, so the good part of work will be keeping busy. It's rough though: 12 hour night shift! Stressful and busy first 6 hours too. I can't wait till your beta! Then your worry will turn to other things and it will keep going and changing as that is what being a mother does to you!

Wow I can't imagine working overnight all the time! I did it a few times and it killed me for the rest of the week!

I can't wait for the test either :) 3 days until wednesday! :happydance:

Did they tell you yet how many froze Alexa? My clinic called me the next day to let me know...I hope they froze :)

I know, now it's only 3 days! It sure is flying! I know you don't think so LOL!!! They probably won't tell me until tomorrow as they will be blasts tomorrow (hopefully) as I had a 3 day transfer (norm for his clinic). How many of yours froze? I forgot, sorry!
I am opposite! My mind wanders when i am not tired, so the good part of work will be keeping busy. It's rough though: 12 hour night shift! Stressful and busy first 6 hours too. I can't wait till your beta! Then your worry will turn to other things and it will keep going and changing as that is what being a mother does to you!

Wow I can't imagine working overnight all the time! I did it a few times and it killed me for the rest of the week!

I can't wait for the test either :) 3 days until wednesday! :happydance:

Did they tell you yet how many froze Alexa? My clinic called me the next day to let me know...I hope they froze :)

I know, now it's only 3 days! It sure is flying! I know you don't think so LOL!!! They probably won't tell me until tomorrow as they will be blasts tomorrow (hopefully) as I had a 3 day transfer (norm for his clinic). How many of yours froze? I forgot, sorry!

Why do you feel like it didnt work? do you have any symptoms? From everything i hear most early pregnancy symptoms feel pretty much the same as before AF comes...dont give up! :flower:

Today I had a massive bout of nausea that made me feel like i was going to puke or pass out and had to go sit down

How is everyone else feeling?

Oh man Kristin, you sure are having some early symptoms like mad! Must be twins!

Mrssunshine: it isn't over till it's over. I will just share with you that all my pregnancies had ZERO symptoms until a week after AF went missing! I felt no different. Everyone is sooooo different. Symptoms or not does not mean you are NOT pregnant. Even each pregnancy can be different witht he same person. Keep positive!
I am opposite! My mind wanders when i am not tired, so the good part of work will be keeping busy. It's rough though: 12 hour night shift! Stressful and busy first 6 hours too. I can't wait till your beta! Then your worry will turn to other things and it will keep going and changing as that is what being a mother does to you!

Wow I can't imagine working overnight all the time! I did it a few times and it killed me for the rest of the week!

I can't wait for the test either :) 3 days until wednesday! :happydance:

Did they tell you yet how many froze Alexa? My clinic called me the next day to let me know...I hope they froze :)

I know, now it's only 3 days! It sure is flying! I know you don't think so LOL!!! They probably won't tell me until tomorrow as they will be blasts tomorrow (hopefully) as I had a 3 day transfer (norm for his clinic). How many of yours froze? I forgot, sorry!

Actually at this point it feels like its going by pretty fast! the next 2 days at work will fly bc of what is going on there and Wednesday I'm off, but i'm sure I will be a nervous wreck all day lol

I had 10 to begin with, 2 transfered and 4 high enough quality to freeze :) I hope when they call you they tell you all of yours froze...its nice to think that the next time around I wont have to go through the whole long process again :)
I am opposite! My mind wanders when i am not tired, so the good part of work will be keeping busy. It's rough though: 12 hour night shift! Stressful and busy first 6 hours too. I can't wait till your beta! Then your worry will turn to other things and it will keep going and changing as that is what being a mother does to you!

Wow I can't imagine working overnight all the time! I did it a few times and it killed me for the rest of the week!

I can't wait for the test either :) 3 days until wednesday! :happydance:

Did they tell you yet how many froze Alexa? My clinic called me the next day to let me know...I hope they froze :)

I know, now it's only 3 days! It sure is flying! I know you don't think so LOL!!! They probably won't tell me until tomorrow as they will be blasts tomorrow (hopefully) as I had a 3 day transfer (norm for his clinic). How many of yours froze? I forgot, sorry!

Why do you feel like it didnt work? do you have any symptoms? From everything i hear most early pregnancy symptoms feel pretty much the same as before AF comes...dont give up! :flower:

Today I had a massive bout of nausea that made me feel like i was going to puke or pass out and had to go sit down

How is everyone else feeling?

Oh man Kristin, you sure are having some early symptoms like mad! Must be twins!

Mrssunshine: it isn't over till it's over. I will just share with you that all my pregnancies had ZERO symptoms until a week after AF went missing! I felt no different. Everyone is sooooo different. Symptoms or not does not mean you are NOT pregnant. Even each pregnancy can be different witht he same person. Keep positive!

My mother had very early morning sickness (by the end of week 2/beginning of week 3) and i heard some study was done that said women usually have the same kind of morning sickness their mothers did! And a woman I work with had twins and she said thats she definetly thinks I am bc of the way I feel...Another new symptom today is a tightness in my uterus and occasional sharp twinges...along with constipation for the last few days (Sorry if TMI)
hi ladies, hope you're all well

excited for u kristen in a few days you'll know :happydance:

i'm so negative at the moment, i seriously don't think its worked, i just want to be put out of my misery now :cry::cry:

hope everyone else is feelin better xxx

mrs s i didnt have any sickness tiredness achy boobs etc with dd until i was 6 weeks and i was definatly looking out for it because i was trying for a baby infact i didnt get any other signs all the way through all i did get was sickness from 6 weeks to about 12 weeks and spotting on and off x:hugs:
Hi all.
Just checking in really. Im so far behind with everyones up dates. Hope everyones doing ok.
Ive finally come on so that relieved a bit of tension. Feelin a bit happier.
Week 1 of injections down and im still here! Ploddin along xxx
My mother had very early morning sickness (by the end of week 2/beginning of week 3) and i heard some study was done that said women usually have the same kind of morning sickness their mothers did! And a woman I work with had twins and she said thats she definetly thinks I am bc of the way I feel...Another new symptom today is a tightness in my uterus and occasional sharp twinges...along with constipation for the last few days (Sorry if TMI)[/QUOTE]

Oh I so know your pregnant with all those crazy symptoms with multiples...just m y opinion, but wow!
Hi all.
Just checking in really. Im so far behind with everyones up dates. Hope everyones doing ok.
Ive finally come on so that relieved a bit of tension. Feelin a bit happier.
Week 1 of injections down and im still here! Ploddin along xxx

I know how that goes! I too, stayed away when I was really contemplative. Just do what you have to do to get through!
Hi all.
Just checking in really. Im so far behind with everyones up dates. Hope everyones doing ok.
Ive finally come on so that relieved a bit of tension. Feelin a bit happier.
Week 1 of injections down and im still here! Ploddin along xxx

i was wondering how your getting on, im glad your feeling better, alexa is right do what you need to do and were here when you need us x:hugs:

Nice to have you back Daisy, hope you are doing ok.

Rafwife, glad that things are starting to happen for you now.

Mrs Sunshine, I am sorry that you are feeling negative at the moment, I think I will be like that too when I am (hopefully) on the 2ww as I am usually negative about these things anyway and don't like to get my hopes up. BUT it sounds like you have no reason to be negative at the moment - it is still very early days and plenty of people don't get any symptoms to speak of for the first few weeks. Everyone is different so just hang in there. When are you due to test? Fingers crossed for you.

Kristin, you are testing on Wednesday then? That seems to have come round really quickly. All the best for you too x

As for me, the clinic called this morning - of my 15 fertilised eggs they said that 7 are looking really good, 3 are really good (but slightly less so than the 7), 1 is ok and 4 are not too good. Its funny how you start off with a big number then it starts getting whittled down more and more....Anyway today is day 3 so they are holding off and hoping for some blastos for transfer on day 5, on Wednesday. I am scared that they will all disintegrate into nothing tomorrow but hopefully that won't happen...
So, I am hoping for one good one to go back in, and a couple (or more) to freeze (hopefully).

Flake-y what's happening with you?

Take care all
polly that sounds really good, and i'm sure you'll get some nice blasto's, sounds like they'll have plenty to choose from, will you have 1 or 2 transferred?

test date is supposed to be 31st, but don't think i'll be able to wait that long, so maybe friday, which is 2 wks from egg collection. Feeling slightly better today, still don't think its worked, had some brown cm this morning, which nearly made me cry :cry: also had really bad pain at 430 this morning, but that subsided after about 10 mins, just before i got up to get paracetamol. having more af type pains still.

kristen, i seriously think that you must be preg, or else mother nature is being a real bitch with you!! if i was you i'd be so tempted to test in the morning!!

raf wife, how are you, any sign of af yet?

glad you're ok daisy, i felt like i was just plodding when i was down reggin, just kind of waiting for the next step :hugs:

how r u doing alexa? hope your embies are snuggling in well

Oh had a perfect weekend was really happy and positive but back to being low again.
Husband rang earlier and hes totally gutted that he cant be here so i felt really bad for crying. Especially as he cant do anything. Although he did sayhis deployment might end earlier so he mite be hone earlier. Fingers crossed. Xx

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