IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

:hugs: awww don't feel bad for crying, this really is such an emotional time, i do really feel for you not having your hubby there
polly that sounds really good, and i'm sure you'll get some nice blasto's, sounds like they'll have plenty to choose from, will you have 1 or 2 transferred?

test date is supposed to be 31st, but don't think i'll be able to wait that long, so maybe friday, which is 2 wks from egg collection. Feeling slightly better today, still don't think its worked, had some brown cm this morning, which nearly made me cry :cry: also had really bad pain at 430 this morning, but that subsided after about 10 mins, just before i got up to get paracetamol. having more af type pains still.

kristen, i seriously think that you must be preg, or else mother nature is being a real bitch with you!! if i was you i'd be so tempted to test in the morning!!

raf wife, how are you, any sign of af yet?

glad you're ok daisy, i felt like i was just plodding when i was down reggin, just kind of waiting for the next step :hugs:

how r u doing alexa? hope your embies are snuggling in well


Mrssunshine, I'm glad u r feeling better today but like Polly said everyone is different so don't think your out till they tell u...how interesting would it be if I got a :bfn: after having all this symptoms all week and u got a :bfp:? U never know, but stay positive! I'm finding it hard today too bc I'm at work.. it's really hard when I'm here bc I chose to tell a bung of my friends about it so they are all asking me how i feel when I try not to think about it lol

I can't wait to find out but I really don't want to test early...and I'm so nervous about going wedneesday too...I mean I do but I'm so scared to see that negative like I have every month the last 2 years...so I'll wait...but if I get a positive I'm going to poas just to see that positive come up for once! Lol otherwise I am still horribly constipated (once again sorry if tmi) and have been drinking more water and eating extra fiber in the hopes that helps..I don't know what else to so as I don't know what's safe to take....

I hope everyone is doing well :-D
i went back to work today, hoped it would be a distraction, but i too was working with the people who know i've been having ivf, so they were asking, and also making sure i didn't lift anything. I find it really hard at work cos i work in the pathology lab where we do all the blood testing, so this morning i had all the ivf bloods coming through, plus the antenatal screens, so i really have no escape from it at all :cry:

i can understand you not wanting to test early, i feel the same, after 3 and half yrs of so many :bfn: i just can't bare to see another. They don't do beta's routinely in the uk, so i have to poas at home :wacko: i haven't used the test they gave me though, earliest i'll test is friday

have you tried dried prunes or apricots for constipation, i've had it since egg collection, and i'm usually very regular (tmi :blush:)

Wow that would make it so much harder to see that...I work at home depot so I don't have to worry about all that, I work with mostly men...lol

I have to get prunes I think or maybe raisins...I think I'll go to the grocery store after work
polly that sounds really good, and i'm sure you'll get some nice blasto's, sounds like they'll have plenty to choose from, will you have 1 or 2 transferred?

test date is supposed to be 31st, but don't think i'll be able to wait that long, so maybe friday, which is 2 wks from egg collection. Feeling slightly better today, still don't think its worked, had some brown cm this morning, which nearly made me cry :cry: also had really bad pain at 430 this morning, but that subsided after about 10 mins, just before i got up to get paracetamol. having more af type pains still.

kristen, i seriously think that you must be preg, or else mother nature is being a real bitch with you!! if i was you i'd be so tempted to test in the morning!!

raf wife, how are you, any sign of af yet?

glad you're ok daisy, i felt like i was just plodding when i was down reggin, just kind of waiting for the next step :hugs:

how r u doing alexa? hope your embies are snuggling in well


Mrssunshine, I'm glad u r feeling better today but like Polly said everyone is different so don't think your out till they tell u...how interesting would it be if I got a :bfn: after having all this symptoms all week and u got a :bfp:? U never know, but stay positive! I'm finding it hard today too bc I'm at work.. it's really hard when I'm here bc I chose to tell a bung of my friends about it so they are all asking me how i feel when I try not to think about it lol

I can't wait to find out but I really don't want to test early...and I'm so nervous about going wedneesday too...I mean I do but I'm so scared to see that negative like I have every month the last 2 years...so I'll wait...but if I get a positive I'm going to poas just to see that positive come up for once! Lol otherwise I am still horribly constipated (once again sorry if tmi) and have been drinking more water and eating extra fiber in the hopes that helps..I don't know what else to so as I don't know what's safe to take....

I hope everyone is doing well :-D

You can take a stool softener twice daily called Docusate (Colace)-it's harmless, ask your doc when you see him. It helps a great deal. Also, eat Activia yogurt.

Mrsunshine, that brown spotting sounds like implantation. This is what I had at first before it turned reddish and then went away. I was really down too, but then when AF never came I was pleasantly surprised. Cramps and all! I also read somewhere online a while back that implantation bleeding was most likely to be brown. Don't know where.

Rafwife: not long before stims start! Next week!

AFM: off to doctor in a few hours for progesterone as I told doc my PIO do not hurt at all and wondered if they were getting to the muscle (i have extra padding lol) so they will measure levels and he gave me Crinone gel also to try time being. Today embies are blasts in my uterus (hopefully not all 4) and the 3 in the lab perhaps; I should know if they made it to freeze today too.
polly that sounds really good, and i'm sure you'll get some nice blasto's, sounds like they'll have plenty to choose from, will you have 1 or 2 transferred?

test date is supposed to be 31st, but don't think i'll be able to wait that long, so maybe friday, which is 2 wks from egg collection. Feeling slightly better today, still don't think its worked, had some brown cm this morning, which nearly made me cry :cry: also had really bad pain at 430 this morning, but that subsided after about 10 mins, just before i got up to get paracetamol. having more af type pains still.

kristen, i seriously think that you must be preg, or else mother nature is being a real bitch with you!! if i was you i'd be so tempted to test in the morning!!

raf wife, how are you, any sign of af yet?

glad you're ok daisy, i felt like i was just plodding when i was down reggin, just kind of waiting for the next step :hugs:

how r u doing alexa? hope your embies are snuggling in well


Mrssunshine, I'm glad u r feeling better today but like Polly said everyone is different so don't think your out till they tell u...how interesting would it be if I got a :bfn: after having all this symptoms all week and u got a :bfp:? U never know, but stay positive! I'm finding it hard today too bc I'm at work.. it's really hard when I'm here bc I chose to tell a bung of my friends about it so they are all asking me how i feel when I try not to think about it lol

I can't wait to find out but I really don't want to test early...and I'm so nervous about going wedneesday too...I mean I do but I'm so scared to see that negative like I have every month the last 2 years...so I'll wait...but if I get a positive I'm going to poas just to see that positive come up for once! Lol otherwise I am still horribly constipated (once again sorry if tmi) and have been drinking more water and eating extra fiber in the hopes that helps..I don't know what else to so as I don't know what's safe to take....

I hope everyone is doing well :-D

You can take a stool softener twice daily called Docusate (Colace)-it's harmless, ask your doc when you see him. It helps a great deal. Also, eat Activia yogurt.

Mrsunshine, that brown spotting sounds like implantation. This is what I had at first before it turned reddish and then went away. I was really down too, but then when AF never came I was pleasantly surprised. Cramps and all! I also read somewhere online a while back that implantation bleeding was most likely to be brown. Don't know where.

Rafwife: not long before stims start! Next week!

AFM: off to doctor in a few hours for progesterone as I told doc my PIO do not hurt at all and wondered if they were getting to the muscle (i have extra padding lol) so they will measure levels and he gave me Crinone gel also to try time being. Today embies are blasts in my uterus (hopefully not all 4) and the 3 in the lab perhaps; I should know if they made it to freeze today too.

Thanks I'll have to look for it at the store :)
yeah ive googled implantation blood and it does say pink or brown, but now i've got more and just passed a tiny brown clot, so now i'm totally unsure, i was positive and now i'm negative again, i just don't know what to do with myself :cry:

As for me, the clinic called this morning - of my 15 fertilised eggs they said that 7 are looking really good, 3 are really good (but slightly less so than the 7), 1 is ok and 4 are not too good. Its funny how you start off with a big number then it starts getting whittled down more and more....Anyway today is day 3 so they are holding off and hoping for some blastos for transfer on day 5, on Wednesday. I am scared that they will all disintegrate into nothing tomorrow but hopefully that won't happen...
So, I am hoping for one good one to go back in, and a couple (or more) to freeze (hopefully).

Flake-y what's happening with you?

Take care all

I'm doing fine, still on the metformin, just waiting for af to arrive before I start injections, should be here in a week.

Glad you got so many good embies, y'know, I agree with you, you think there are so many but you end up with less than you thought. I had thought of doing the egg sharing, but I was worried I might only get a few eggs, & then I'd have to gice half of them away. And if you get an odd number, the recipient gets the most!

Lots of luck with your blasto transfer! I take it they'll only put 1 back?
yeah ive googled implantation blood and it does say pink or brown, but now i've got more and just passed a tiny brown clot, so now i'm totally unsure, i was positive and now i'm negative again, i just don't know what to do with myself :cry:

It sounds like implantation to me, don't give up hope yet! :thumbup:
Mrs S it could well be an implantation bleed (from what I have read, have never had it sadly!) so stay positive.

TMI but I have also been a bit constipated since egg collection, which is unusual for me - is this normal then?!

Hi Jo - yes I am only having one embryo replaced (all being well) and would hope to freeze any other good ones. I think they are quite keen on single embryo transfer at the GCRM now although at the end of the day it is our choice. (I think the embryologist at GCRM said that their statistics show a slightly decreased pregnancy rate when they put two embryos in rather than one - which is unusual, although every clinic is different. At least I think that was what he said, I spoke to him just after my egg collection so my head was still all over the place!) What are you thinking? I have always been keen just to have the one back in as although twins would be cute I am not very experienced with babies and have never been pregnant before so I think one at a time would be enough for me to deal with!
Polly i don't know if it's normal...for me it started about a week after the transfer

I haven't heard anything about a decrease in it working...that doesn't really seem to make sense...I wanted to have twins bc i want to have 3 or 4 kids...and seeing as insurance is covering 4 cycles we figured we would do 2 bc after those 4 tries there is no chance we could afford to pay for it
Hi Kristin

I totally agree that it doesn't make sense (if that is in fact what the guy said, I may have been mistaken as was all woozy at the time). Anyway if he did say that, it is only their particular statistics (and it was marginal) and is definitely not representative of the position generally as everything else I have ever seen/heard does say that replacing two embryos will increase the chances of success. They just don't seem to do as many multiple transfers at my clinic for whatever reason.

I have just always had a bit of a fear of pregnancy/childbirth (probably doesn't help my chances of conceiving) so although I would love twins, I am starting off with just the one being transferred to see how I get on. Need to try and get my head round that first of all before I start thinking about more than one. Maybe next time!

Thanks ladies, i so hope that you're all right!!

apparently constipation is a side effect of the progesterone. My clinic only put 1 back if they're blasto, think its prob just what they do in the uk
Hi Jo - yes I am only having one embryo replaced (all being well) and would hope to freeze any other good ones. I think they are quite keen on single embryo transfer at the GCRM now although at the end of the day it is our choice. (I think the embryologist at GCRM said that their statistics show a slightly decreased pregnancy rate when they put two embryos in rather than one - which is unusual, although every clinic is different. At least I think that was what he said, I spoke to him just after my egg collection so my head was still all over the place!) What are you thinking? I have always been keen just to have the one back in as although twins would be cute I am not very experienced with babies and have never been pregnant before so I think one at a time would be enough for me to deal with!

Yeah, they're def keen on single embryo, although we've decided that if we get to blasto, I'll have one put back, and if it's less that 5-day transfer, I'll have 2 put back. Like you said, it's our own decision ultimately.

Twins are a nice idea, but a lot of work, & I remember seeing that episode of One Born Every Minute with all the problems that go along with multiple births. I guess that's why the GCRM are so fussy about it!!

Maybe they have a decreased preg rate with 2 embryos cause they'll generally only put 2 in if the quality is poorer, ie if they can't go to blasto? Then the pregnacy rate would be poorer anyway. I read online that with blastos the pregnancy rate is 60-70% which is really good!!! Makes me feel a bit better!
yeah ive googled implantation blood and it does say pink or brown, but now i've got more and just passed a tiny brown clot, so now i'm totally unsure, i was positive and now i'm negative again, i just don't know what to do with myself :cry:

Awww, chin up! I know it is scary, but also remember that bleeding/spotting is sooo common in early pregnancy. Brown in my opinion is GOOD. It means it's OLD blood, not fresh. Na d even if fresh, no worries, you have 2 embies in there that could be implanting at different times. Boy, do I have to remember this myself later if it happens! I know it is sooooo easy to freak out hun. Keep up the hope.:hugs:
raf wife, how are you, any sign of af yet?
i have been cramping all day but not really thought too much into it yet im really tired we have been traveling for 8hrs today for dh,s grandads funeral its been a very emotional day hopefully i can post some good news soon, will catch up on everyone tommorrow x
raf wife, how are you, any sign of af yet?
i have been cramping all day but not really thought too much into it yet im really tired we have been traveling for 8hrs today for dh,s grandads funeral its been a very emotional day hopefully i can post some good news soon, will catch up on everyone tommorrow x

Sounds good re: cramping. Sorry it was a tough day. Hope you feel better soon.
As for me, the clinic called this morning - of my 15 fertilised eggs they said that 7 are looking really good, 3 are really good (but slightly less so than the 7), 1 is ok and 4 are not too good. Its funny how you start off with a big number then it starts getting whittled down more and more....Anyway today is day 3 so they are holding off and hoping for some blastos for transfer on day 5, on Wednesday. I am scared that they will all disintegrate into nothing tomorrow but hopefully that won't happen...
So, I am hoping for one good one to go back in, and a couple (or more) to freeze (hopefully).


polly it sounds like your embies are doing great, 10 that are doing really good is fantastic news and im sure you will have plenty to freeze hun good luck tommorrow x

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