Thanks lottie, it's just so scary to go through all of this and then to bleed just need to try and feel positive-so much easier said than done. Don't mind too much when blood is brown, but yesterday really freaked me out!
OMG guys......I caved and did an FRER today (9dpo or 6dp3dt) and you will never believe............................................
Not just any BFP either, but a decent one that is almost half as strong as the control. Must be my twins I wanted as this is early. I thought I felt them implanting about 2-3 days post transfer up until just yesterday and today I am bloated like after egg collection which they say happens if you are prego as estrogen rises again.
Of course, on the egative side my mind says small possibility of the trigger causing it. I had 5000of Ovidrel and that was 12 days ago, shouldn't that be all gone by now? I've read on other threads people who POAS the trigger out it took average 8-10 days and that was with 10,000 of do you all think?
flake-y has af arrived x
Hi ladies
Afm having a bad time bleeding got worse yesterday, was a browny red colour, spent most of the day in tears Been to clinic today, they don't seem worried, but it's obviously easier for them, they're not the ones bleeding anyway have scan booked for 15th feb, so hoping we get that far. Am on more injections now, need progesterone injections as well as the pessaries. Keep your fingers crossed for me please