IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Polly, lots of luck for tomorrow!! Fx for another bfp for you to add to our lucky thread.

As for me, 1st injection done today! And egg collection will probably be Valentines day!

Nayla, sorry to hear about the latest results, hope your FS gets to the bottom of as soon as poss so you can carry on with your ICSI.
flake-y: Yay for starting injections! It all goes so fast once you start :)

Raf wife: I'm glad your injections are going well :happydance:

Mrssunshine: Awesome beta number!! When do you go for your next one? :happydance:

Polly: Good luck tomorrow! I'm waiting to hear that we have another :bfp: in the group!!

Nayla: i'm sorry about the setback but I'm glad that you got to still start

AFM: Nothing new really going on, I go for another beta test tomorrow...everything else the same, completely and utterly exhausted...lol
I'm glad to read everyone is pushing on really nicely although Nayla I'm sorry to hear that your test results are holding everything up. It's such a nightmare the waiting and waiting.

AFM - Action scan tomorrow, this is the first one I've had since starting injections for stimming. I've now had 7 injections, so we'll see what they say tomorrow. How long were most of you on injections for, do you think it'll be next week I have EC? I hope so but if it's the next week that's fine too.

I must admit though I'm feeling slightly scared. I'm scared of finally getting pregnant and then trying to keep it. I keep reading about these poor ladies who get their much wanted bfp and then losing it. Oh, I'm so heartbroken for anyone who has lost a pregnancy but the thought is now making me really scared and sick. I may even have to come off this board for a while as I'm starting to freak out and I'm not even pregnant.
good luck today polly :hugs:

good luck today with your beta kristin x

fantastic numbers mrs s :happydance:

i hope your scan goes well today wallie

flake-y how are you feeling x

i hope everyone else is doing well x

Afm i felt really sick this morning and dizzy in the night i think i need to take lots of water up to bed with me im not complaining though and love how fast this is all happening now i have been looking at the dates and reckon egg collection will be next friday i will have to wait and see how it goes on mondays scan x
hi wallie, I'm due to start downregging next week and EC is scheduled for the 04th march. I have also started thinking about actually being pregnant and the possibility of miscarriage but i think you really have to put it out of your mind and take one step at a time. Just concentrate on getting that BFP first!!! After that, all you can do is be positive, hopeful and take care of yourself-worrying about it won't change the outcome and may contribute to it. -I know thats easier said than done!

Mrs sunshine-I'm so glad the bleeding has stopped and everything looks good

Nayla- I hope that you will be able to continue with the cycle- Its all so hard and stressful isn't it? I really feel for you.

Flake-y congrats on starting the injections-I'll be just a couple of weeks behind you. Can't wait to get on with it-EC is four weeks today!!!

Kristen-its great everything is going well
Hi RAF-Wife, 10 days will fly by. did you take a spray for downregging? did you have any side effects from it? I'm due to start the spray at the end of next week and am wondering what the effect will be. I know the stimming part will be awful so am expecting that!
exciting stuff raf wife, seems to be going very quickly!! :happydance:

wallie good luck with your scan today, i had to stim for 13 days, but that was because i didn't respond too well to the drugs, my follies were slow and there weren't very many of them, so hopefully you'll be faster than i was EC may well be next week for you!!! :happydance: I totally inderstand about the miscarriage worry, i'm trying to be hopeful and positive, but its so hard with the thought of it hanging over you :hugs:

nayla, i'm sorry about your result, hopefully the drugs will be fast acting and you wont be too far behind your original plan :hugs:

flake-y glad your injection went well, you don't have long to wait til ec :happydance:

polly - i can't believe you haven't tested yourself - or maybe i'm just very impatient! lol can't wait to hear your result, ive got everything crossed for a bfp for you :hugs:

good luck pluto, not long now

good luck with your beta kristen! i'm completely exhausred too!

afm no more betas, only had those to done cos i specifically asked for them, so its just a wait for my scan now, very scary

hope i haven't missed anyone

Hi RAF-Wife, 10 days will fly by. did you take a spray for downregging? did you have any side effects from it? I'm due to start the spray at the end of next week and am wondering what the effect will be. I know the stimming part will be awful so am expecting that!

hi pluto i didnt down reg chick but wallie used the spray, maybe you could take a look at her journal, with the stimming just drink drink and drink some more lol x
Hiya ladies, just wondering if I could please pick your brains as you all seem much more knowledgeable of this than me! :haha:

It's our first IVF cycle, i'm on day 8 of stimming. Had a scan Weds, they said I was over-responding and had 'far too many' follicles so they reduced my dose down to 112 gonal-f (was previously on 150). Had another scan today, and I have 7 x 12/13mm follies but also around 30 follies of 8mm or under. I'm staying on 112 gonal f and going back tomorrow for another scan, and probably monday as well.

The clinic are talking about doing EC, but then freezing any fertilised embryo's as apparently I'm at risk of OHSS? I really want to proceed with a fresh transfer, not frozen. We only get one go on the NHS (although we do have funds to pay ourselves after if necessary).... so my thoughts are heading towards abandoning the cycle, and trying again and hoping that they can get me to respond without over-responding. Has anyone any thoughts/experience of this?

I'm just so aware the FET success rates aren't as good as a fresh cycle, and I want to give us the best possible result.

Very confused :shrug:
They suspected I had ohss and I was very uncomfortable after ec, my consultant discussed with me whether I'd like to freeze my embryos rather than continue with the cycle, I said I wanted the transfer. Maybe speak to one of the nurses at your clinic and see what they say. Hope it turns out ok for u, sorry I haven't been much help
Thank you so all so much for your support :hugs:

I took 5 different tablets last night including the pill, been feeling very very dizzy all morning. I have managed to do some research on the Prolactin hormone and its usually high when your pregnant and breast feeding and It is under 20 ng for non pregnant women :shrug: I cant seem to find anyone as high as 120? I have read its your brain telling your body that your pregnant? (I have been thinking about being a mother for well over 1 year i breath being a mom :cloud9:, sometimes i feel that i have caused all this to my body?)

My husband told me last night our priority is to get this hormone sorted out, i just hope it can drop 100 in 2 weeks? :shrug: The FS said its a little worrying being so so high and an MRI of the brain will be needed if there isnt a decrease? She didnt say that it will affect the ICSI Treatment? but would like to sort it out the best she can before we continue :thumbup: were paying so much money for this treatment I dont want to go ahead if the high prolactin will bother it? if my brain is telling my body that im pregnant how will i get pregnant and the embies implant?

Maybe im worrying too much, there alot at stake and we cant afford to lose thousands of pounds as well as the emotional pain :cry: theres nothing i read that i can eat or drink to reduce Prolactin, i guess its just something that needs to be controlled with the strong drugs.

I will continue taking the pill that I have been given, and I guess after 2 weeks i will know for sure if the treatment is worth moving forward with? even if theres a slight doubt that it will affect my treatment im willing to wait that bit longer to make sure im 100% on track :thumbup:

I thought having zero sperms in one test and the next a few sperms it really couldnt get any worse :nope: now i have a freak result of 120, I just knew deep down my body had to misbehave one way or another :nope:

Just going to take each day as it comes [-o< Also read stress can increase Prolactin and my parents have been married for 35 years and are going now through a very messy divorce which has been very very heavy on my mind.
On my next test i might gor for a massage just before the blood test too make sure im relaxed as one can be :thumbup:

I really love going on here and reading everyones journeys and the BFP'S give me the strength and hope that it will happen soon.

Good luck to all you very strong ladies xx and your all in my prayers :hugs:

xxxxxx Will Update you all as soon as i get the 2nd blood tests and what the next step will be, Very stressful time.
Hiya ladies, just wondering if I could please pick your brains as you all seem much more knowledgeable of this than me! :haha:

It's our first IVF cycle, i'm on day 8 of stimming. Had a scan Weds, they said I was over-responding and had 'far too many' follicles so they reduced my dose down to 112 gonal-f (was previously on 150). Had another scan today, and I have 7 x 12/13mm follies but also around 30 follies of 8mm or under. I'm staying on 112 gonal f and going back tomorrow for another scan, and probably monday as well.

The clinic are talking about doing EC, but then freezing any fertilised embryo's as apparently I'm at risk of OHSS? I really want to proceed with a fresh transfer, not frozen. We only get one go on the NHS (although we do have funds to pay ourselves after if necessary).... so my thoughts are heading towards abandoning the cycle, and trying again and hoping that they can get me to respond without over-responding. Has anyone any thoughts/experience of this?

I'm just so aware the FET success rates aren't as good as a fresh cycle, and I want to give us the best possible result.

Very confused :shrug:

i cant really be of any help to you hun, i have seen many successful FETs on here, but hopefully things will work out and you can continue with this cycle :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thank you so all so much for your support :hugs:

I took 5 different tablets last night including the pill, been feeling very very dizzy all morning. I have managed to do some research on the Prolactin hormone and its usually high when your pregnant and breast feeding and It is under 20 ng for non pregnant women :shrug: I cant seem to find anyone as high as 120? I have read its your brain telling your body that your pregnant? (I have been thinking about being a mother for well over 1 year i breath being a mom :cloud9:, sometimes i feel that i have caused all this to my body?)

My husband told me last night our priority is to get this hormone sorted out, i just hope it can drop 100 in 2 weeks? :shrug: The FS said its a little worrying being so so high and an MRI of the brain will be needed if there isnt a decrease? She didnt say that it will affect the ICSI Treatment? but would like to sort it out the best she can before we continue :thumbup: were paying so much money for this treatment I dont want to go ahead if the high prolactin will bother it? if my brain is telling my body that im pregnant how will i get pregnant and the embies implant?

Maybe im worrying too much, there alot at stake and we cant afford to lose thousands of pounds as well as the emotional pain :cry: theres nothing i read that i can eat or drink to reduce Prolactin, i guess its just something that needs to be controlled with the strong drugs.

I will continue taking the pill that I have been given, and I guess after 2 weeks i will know for sure if the treatment is worth moving forward with? even if theres a slight doubt that it will affect my treatment im willing to wait that bit longer to make sure im 100% on track :thumbup:

I thought having zero sperms in one test and the next a few sperms it really couldnt get any worse :nope: now i have a freak result of 120, I just knew deep down my body had to misbehave one way or another :nope:

Just going to take each day as it comes [-o< Also read stress can increase Prolactin and my parents have been married for 35 years and are going now through a very messy divorce which has been very very heavy on my mind.
On my next test i might gor for a massage just before the blood test too make sure im relaxed as one can be :thumbup:

I really love going on here and reading everyones journeys and the BFP'S give me the strength and hope that it will happen soon.

Good luck to all you very strong ladies xx and your all in my prayers :hugs:

xxxxxx Will Update you all as soon as i get the 2nd blood tests and what the next step will be, Very stressful time.

oh you are having a tough time hun, i hope it all works out for you :hugs:
I just got my new beta number....7985! No more blood tests either...yay :happydance:

and..i got my appt for my first ultrasound...next wednesday night! I'm so excited :D
Kristen everything sounds fantastic for u! Can't wait to hear about your scan next wk!

Nayla sorry you're having such an awful time, really hope things improve for u soon :hugs:
Hello ladies
thanks for all your good wishes. Am in shock as I got a BFP!!

Wasn't sure what to expect so needless to say we are delighted (and am feeling a bit in shock) although I am not planning too far ahead at the mo as am still feeling pretty hellish with major bloating (I look about 4 months preggo) and various abdominal aches and pains. Just hope it sticks!!

I have been pretty convinced that I have OHSS although the clinic aren't so sure.

Anyways will just enjoy my first ever BFP for now!

Hello ladies
thanks for all your good wishes. Am in shock as I got a BFP!!

Wasn't sure what to expect so needless to say we are delighted (and am feeling a bit in shock) although I am not planning too far ahead at the mo as am still feeling pretty hellish with major bloating (I look about 4 months preggo) and various abdominal aches and pains. Just hope it sticks!!

I have been pretty convinced that I have OHSS although the clinic aren't so sure.

Anyways will just enjoy my first ever BFP for now!


Yay!!!!! I'm so excited for u :D I knew this thread was good luck!!! :happydance:
Hiya ladies, just wondering if I could please pick your brains as you all seem much more knowledgeable of this than me! :haha:

It's our first IVF cycle, i'm on day 8 of stimming. Had a scan Weds, they said I was over-responding and had 'far too many' follicles so they reduced my dose down to 112 gonal-f (was previously on 150). Had another scan today, and I have 7 x 12/13mm follies but also around 30 follies of 8mm or under. I'm staying on 112 gonal f and going back tomorrow for another scan, and probably monday as well.

The clinic are talking about doing EC, but then freezing any fertilised embryo's as apparently I'm at risk of OHSS? I really want to proceed with a fresh transfer, not frozen. We only get one go on the NHS (although we do have funds to pay ourselves after if necessary).... so my thoughts are heading towards abandoning the cycle, and trying again and hoping that they can get me to respond without over-responding. Has anyone any thoughts/experience of this?

I'm just so aware the FET success rates aren't as good as a fresh cycle, and I want to give us the best possible result.

Very confused :shrug:

Hi Mrs Major

I had a similar issue to you, as I had about 35 follicles by day 7 of stims. I had been more worried about them cancelling the cycle, as OHSS was also a concern for me (I just got a BFP today and am convinced that I have or have had some form of OHSS or similar, which has been pretty miserable). They said to me as well that if things were worse by the time of ET then they would have to freeze the embryos. I was ok with that (I think according to my clinic's statistics success rates for frozen embryos are almost as good as fresh). I don't really like the thought of all the drugs/hormones we have to put into our bodies in IVF so having done 7 days of stims, my feeling was that I would prefer to take what I could get rather than start over again - but everyone is different, and cost is an issue as well. Ask your clinic, but I know for me it was a difficult balancing act with the drugs - as I have loads of follicles naturally, but if they drop the dosage too low the follicles might not mature to the required size. Before deciding, I would ask them what they could do differently next time if you did cancel the cycle.

In the end they were fine to go ahead with my ET, so it doesn'talways mean that the embryos will have to be frozen - they will see how you are at that time. But I think if you get to that stage and they recommend freezing them then it is wise to go with their judgement as severe OHSS can be very nasty.

Good luck
Hello ladies
thanks for all your good wishes. Am in shock as I got a BFP!!

Wasn't sure what to expect so needless to say we are delighted (and am feeling a bit in shock) although I am not planning too far ahead at the mo as am still feeling pretty hellish with major bloating (I look about 4 months preggo) and various abdominal aches and pains. Just hope it sticks!!

I have been pretty convinced that I have OHSS although the clinic aren't so sure.

Anyways will just enjoy my first ever BFP for now!


:happydance:polly i am so pleased for you sweetheart i have been checking the thread all day congratulations :hugs:

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