IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

You know, not too bad for triplets! MS is there, but not severe and I don't throw up (just once) and it seems to be at it's worse if I am over-tired. heartburn, frequent trips to the bathroom, round ligament pain whenever I get up or move, stuffy nose, growing out of my clothes already! How about you?

Lottie your Bhcg is coming up in about a week or so?
I'm tired too, heartburn sometimes depending on what I eat....my only complaint is MS constantly all day long, even with the mess the doctor gave me...haven't gained weight bc I can't eat anything lol but look like I'm atleast 3 months pregnant! Lol One of the joys of having multiples :-D
Hi ladies!
I just wanted to pop in and say I am thinking of you all! I have been off for a few days so it took me a while to catch up! :dust:

AFM, I had my day 3 scan and guess what, my cyst is bigger and my E2 was in the 600s! BOO! Also my lining was 8mm which I guess is pretty thick for day three. But on all of my day 3 scans (and there have been many) My lining has never been less than 7. I asked my previous doctor about it and she said she wasn't worried, that a think lining is not a problem. But my new IVF md seems a little concerned, which makes me concerned. has anyone heard of this? I just really dont want to post pone my IVF anymore!
Now they have me back on provera along with daily lupron injections to shrink the cyst. I have to go back in 2 weeks or before if I get a bleed for more blood work and US. Hopefully I will still be on track for March [-o<
Hi Lottie! Looks like it's triplets for me! Crazy, eh? One is very small and may not make it though. Will know next week. I can't wait to come on here and see your BFP. I am keeping track of you!

thanks hun im testing next weekend,
i had a feeling it was going to be 3 or more, i hope it all goes well for you chick:hugs:

did any of you have weird dreams during the 2ww i normally dont remember my dreams but ive had some real weird ones, for example i dreamt last night that there was a big multi coloured bird flying around my room and it was so real i made dh check that it wasnt in the curtains:wacko: and then after that i dreamt there was a robot walking through the door wtf and my kettle was on fire, told you they were weird but seemed very real at the time x
Yes, I sure did after they implanted and then it let up. It's like the new hormones make for weird dreams for sure until your body adjusts! I think we've got twins maybe?
were you really crampy after the transfer too it was really strong on the second night but mostly comes and goes just when im walking around now x
I was really uncomfortable after transfer, I didn't sleep well because of it!

As for weird dreams, I always seemed to get that during the 2ww, think it's the stress & worry disrupting my sleep. I had so many dreams on sat & sun night last week, worrying about my embryos!!
In a weird wayive kinda enjoy reading ur pregnancy symptoms! Glad to see them heehee!

Just to let you know my EC is on monday. I'm very very nervouse. Can't place myself. Hubbies takin me out tonight then to a fun fait!
All I want to do is talk babies.
He told me last night he dreamt about the babys christenin. Fingers crossed! Xx
hi daisy good luck for monday and please dont be too nervous i was so so scared and shaking when i got there but it was fine chick x
Good luck for EC Daisy, I was really nervous too but it was fine, I don't remember a thing about it!!!
Yea Lottie, I was cramping 2 days after transfer for about a week after until AF was to have been due then it was intermittent and now I hardly ever feel AF type cramping, just stretchy ligament type stuff going on. I had AF cramps for about 3 weeks, but then again I've got 3! Totally normal Lottie and a great sign! Implantation for sure.
it seems to have stopped now i only had it a little bit yesterday and nothing so far today i dont feel sore or bloated now either so its got me worried x
Hi Lottie
don't worry too much, I had some bloating and cramping but then it started getting better (until my OHSS type thing resurfaced) and didn't really have any other symptoms at all (still have hardly any) apart from a tiny bit of nausea about day 13/14 after collection - but really not much. I think it is sounding good for you so far!

Jo hope that you are doing well, meant to say congrats on getting your 2 blastos frozen - that was great news!
Popping in to wish all the PUPO beauties the best of luck!! :dust: Not long left ladies xx

Hope everyone else is doing well, the newly pregnant ones and the ladies in the process xx :hugs:

AFM im in the middle of DownReging, my :witch: should be due this weekend than i can start stimming it will be here soon, want this week to zoom past! wishing my life away i know :dohh:

If everything arrives on time I have worked it out to be 9th or 10th for Egg collection?? Will know for sure after the weekend whats happening :thumbup:

Have a great week ladies xx
thanks polly, how are you doing hun x

nayla once you start stimming it will fly by chick x

daisy how are you getting on hun x

wallie hows it going hun x

last night when i used the crinone gel i had a little bit of pink blood on the applicator when i took it out and then during the night i had some very strong painful cramps in my stomach and back, it didnt last too long though but i dont know what to think about that really, i do have a new thing thats happening though, since yesterday ive had really itchy boobs, i hope thats a good sign x
Thanks Polly, yeah, I'm doing fine, feeling a bit negative now though, mainly from a bfn yesterday (6dpt, 9dpo) & a lack of symptoms apart from the usual cramp & sore boobs!

How are you feeling now? When do you get your first scan? I had a dream about the GCRM last night, I had to share the scan room with a couple of OAPs, like that'd happen!
Hi all

I went for my second scan this morning. I have 5 small follicles. She talked about upping the drugs and I have another scan on Wednesday. I must admit I feel very down. This is normally the bit I do so well. With both IUI's I produced too many and had to have some drained away.

Sorry just feeling sorry for myself, I know it only takes one.

I keep thinking of you pupo ladies, not long now until you find out. Everything crossed for you!

x x x
remember if you have too many the quality of the eggs isnt always so good, this is what i had to remind myself of, good luck for your next scan hun x
Thank you honey!

Also I don't want to get your hopes up, but when I read your itchy boobs I smiled. Although my last pregnancy didn't go to plan, I did have really itchy boobs!

everything crossed for you x x x
raf-wife: I've heard itchy boobs are a good sign too! Mine didnt itch but just about everything else did and still does...lol

Flake-y: Its probably still too early for a :bfp: so I wouldnt get discouraged! :hugs:

Nayla: You are almost there, it will all go so fast now

MrsJPC: quality matters more than quantity. You only need 1 to get pregnant. I wish I hadnt had so many (17 follicles) because my ovaries are still enlarged over a month later and hurt when I move too much. Good luck at your next scan :hugs:

AFM: Still sick everyday, kinda spent most of the last 3 days in bed :( My tiredness had gone away (I thought) but now its come back...lol And I've lost 5 lbs due to being so sick..my stomach is still growing though so I guess thats all baby...lol

Hope everyone else is doing well :D

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