IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Im sorry MrsJPC, i hadn't read your post before I posted. Im really sorry, that must be so disappointing to get to EC and then for that to happen. Did they tell you how it could have happened? It is such a hard journey anyway without something like that going wrong. But looking at your signature, you have got pregnant with IUI before so don't give up hope you still have a great chance of getting your BFP on this cycle...thinking of you :hugs:
and to have someone like that at work to face, must be so difficult. Please dont give up hope though xx
Hi all

Wasn't for my egg collection this morning. Unfortunatly I had ovulated, apparently this happens one in one hundred. There was one egg left in my ovary, one actually ovulated in front of him. So not to give up completely I had an iui, although who knows how many of those ovulated follicles contained eggs.

I can't stop crying, I finally got to egg collection and this happens. First an ectopic last time and now this. I don't know how to get over this. I can't even bare to think about the IUI. 16 day wait for what I know will not happen. I am just so sad.

Tomorrow I have to go back to work where I share an office with a girl who is pregnant with twins after one month of trying and who feels she needs to share with me. Why is life so unfair.

Sorry to bring you all down I am just so sad.


Oh god, honey! I'm so sorry! I hope the IUI takes! There's always hope! :hugs:
MrsJPC hun I guess I don't know enough about what you are going through hun, I'm not sure what that means :(
( egg collection and ovulating ?)
I'm so sorry you are going through this, we can all sympathize with you sweetheart.
As far as the co-worker (sigh) I totally understand babe.... DH and I have been unprotected for four years, two years actively trying ...got preggers on Clomid in May of last year ended in mc in July and ttc ever since ... Just after I found out I had to have endo removed etc... Our Administrative Assistant brings us in to tell us that her daughter 17 is having twins well of course that is all everyone is talking about around the office SHE'S 17 PEOPLE doesnt that bother you??? LOL To each is their own but it hurts so much, although I try not to let them know and of course they all know my journey and still don't mind .... The thing to remember doll is we don't know that maybe some of the things we talk about may bother others, unless they tell us how are we to know... so if I were you.. I would just tell her you are absolutely happy for her however, you are going through a really rough time at the moment and you would appreciate it if she could spare your feelings...that way you are both on the same page and its not that you don't want to be happy for her its just that your going througha lot right now and your feelings need to be considered about "How life is not fair".
I wish you the best I know its not easy ....
Hello Ladies Im just reading through the last few pages and my heart is so sad for many of you Strong Angels you truly are strong women and whatever path or road you take, im sure you will all have a new baby soon... Raf-wife Wallie Wales hang in there each and every one of you are in my prayers xx

MRS JPC- Im so so sorry Hun that Ovulation took place i didn't even think that could have been possible as all of the monitoring that is taking place? im so upset for you, Drs should have knows it was about to burst?? :shrug: I think i would be so angry with them saying that it was THERE job to take over your reproductive system so they have control of your Ovulation! Im so sorry im getting so worked up my heart breaks for you Dear, than if it was to happen this would have been You mentioned 1 in 100, but please be strong the best you can.
You know sweety you never know TTC is a crazy journey and ANYTHING is possible try and think IUI might be the one?? I mean im sure healthy eggs were there. I just hope and pray in 16 days you get the lovely news you deserve xxx I understand your sadness, This is what were here for to listen not only to share the good times but the frustrating times that TTC certainly brings to the table xx

Daisyjump- How are you dear? are you feeling anything new? please update us with every twinge and cramp! im sure its getting all snuggle in there :hugs:

I hope everyone else is doing well xx AFM went in for my CD2 Blood tests and I guess tomorrow i will get the injections and start stimming, i just want a date for egg collection now... I have just got to the stage now where i want it over and done with to see has it worked or not? :shrug: if it doesnt work 1st time i cant deny it, i will be broken into a zillion pieces. I feel my marriage is on the line :cry: my husband got upset this morning and out of the blue told me if it doesnt work 1st time he cant emotionally go through it all again and if i try to make him he will not hesitate to leave me :cry: That really hurt me to the core. hes took it so so badly, Im so so scared that i have got him this far!! and if we need to repeat it I dont know what to do :nope:

I promised myself to take each day as it comes... im trying not to get too excited and carried away, as the Lord works its beautiful ways and he really does bless us when he feels the time is right! I so hope this is my time and everyone else's xxx

love and hugs to all x
MrsJPC- Gosh, I didn't know that could happen, Fxed that the IUI works & you don't have to go through IVF again!!! Hope you are ok.

Pluto- Sorry to hear about your poor response, here's hoping that upping the meds will work & the cycle won't have to be cancelled.

As for me, I'm just counting down the days until my first scan! Trying not to get too excited or over the top about everything, cause it's still so early. In 3 weeks 2 days I will be able to relax a bit more!!!
so sorry to hear about that MRSJPC that is terrible news. fingers crossed for IUI. :thumbup: I don't know too much about them but don't give up hope.

Raf wife glad youre feeling better, and i'm glad yours sticking around with us for a natter. will be very interested to see how you and your hubby get on with what you decide on next.

Naylar so sorry to hear about your husband. Sometimes we do just forget to help them aswell. I think deciding on doing another cycle of ivf should be disscussed if and when its needed. fingers crossed you won't

AFM - no symptoms to note really. first 3 days after EC i was in quite a lot of pain with cramping etc but that has all gone. not sure if it was due to pesseries tho i changed where i use them. Maybe TMI ------> :blush:
was putting pessery in chocolate factory, now in lady garden :haha:
but in a weird way i liked the cramping as it felt like something was happening.
11 days to go and counting. Just wish there was something i could do to help. xx
Morning Ladies.

Got back from the clinic, Im all down regged and the scan shows a good uterus :thumbup: Got given my Puregon injection pen and she did the 1st one for me in the clinic Ouch!! it really hurt today. The nurse asked me i could pop in everyday for 6 days where they will do the injection for me? or i can take it home and do it myself. i decided to take it home as i didnt fancy popping to the clinic everyday at 7.15am and it looked simple enough.

Also i spray my nose 4 times a day instead of 3 ,every 5 hours. Also due to my small frame she is starting me off on a low dosage so my ovaries dont over stimulate and next Monday she will check the scan to see if she needs tp upgrade the dosage?? She definitely knows her stuff. she said to me any day between 10-13 for Egg Collection I guess we will know for sure after Mondays scan...

hope every one else is doing well xx
excellent news nayla and it sounds like you have a very good clinic there chick x
Hello ladies, thank you for your kind messages. Think I may have still been a bit out of it when I typed yesterday.

Feeling a bit more positive today, who knows maybe the IUI will work. Have decided to tell no one though, and just get on with things.

Just feel like it has been such a waste, all that time and money, although the clinic are giving us £2000 back. So we have something towards the next one, which probaly wont be until May.

Raf don't disapear, I have often thought abut adoption, happy to chat if you need to x

Love to all, my cyber chicks (that's what by hubby calls you all)

x x x
thanks mrsjpc, i think your still in with a good chance iui has worked for you before and maybe even multiples with all those eggs you have released, i am still going to hang around for a while im hoping this thread will get some luck again and i want to see all your bfps also it seems like such a long time ago i started this thread and im quite attached :haha: the adoption forum is very lonely:hugs:
hi everyone hope ur okay xx

today im offically pupo otd 11th march will let u no how i get on fx :bfp:xx
Nayla: Thats great! You get used to the injections after a few days and they arent bad at all. I had to do all injections and didnt have the option of the nasal spray...how is it?

Littlepea: Congrats on being pupo :happydance:

AFM: Have an appt with my OB tonight, I dont know if they are doing a scan or not. My MS has been getting better, today i'm going to try and make it without taking my meds so I can get a true feeling of how much its decreased. I'm off today and plan on laying around watching tv anyway....(and my back is killing me :()

Hope everyone else is doing well :D
Littlepee- congrats on being pupo!

Nayla- great news on starting stimms! Not long to go now.
Hello Ladies,
Been reading through your journey's some so sad and painful some full of joy and hope. My friend is currently 20wks pregnant on her 2nd cycle of IFV so I know there is a reason to stay positive.
I am on day 7 of my down reggin injections and 3 days late for AF. I am so tired and moody and could cry at any given moment I have another scan on the 10th to see if I am ready for the next lot of injections, this sure is a tough journey we are all on, I have the upmost respect for you all.
MrsJPC I'm so sorry to hear about your early ovulation. But you got preg with iui before so here's hoping it'll happen for you again! With all those eggs being released there must be higher chance!

I feel for you on the co-worker front - everyone around me seems to be either preg or have kids, and if anyone asks me 'when are you going to have a baby' the red mist descends...

Nayla – sorry to hear your hubby is upset – throughout our journey as the procedures have got more and more invasive my dh has been getting more and more worried – neither of us thought there would be a problem. It’s so hard. Yay for the good uterus though – how interesting that you do nasal sprays – I’ve had so many injections my tummy is feeling like a pincushion!

Congrats on being pupo littlepee!

AFM I’m on day 10 of stims, back in for 3rd scan tomorrow – hoping we can finally get the go ahead for EC! Bw yesterday showed that my LH and estradiol were a bit low, so they added another injection to the regimen….this is all so nerve-wracking…
I am SO behind! Jeez! LOL

I just finished 7 days of BCP to try and bring on a withdrawal bleed. I haven't had my first AF after my loss on February 2. And, I need to start by March 10 to avoid missing my 2nd ICSI cycle. I guess I'm technically waiting to find out if we might have lucked out and caught the egg on our own this time... but I'm not considering it very likely. I think I'm 10dpo today (since its after midnight)... but I doubt I'll test unless I have a good reason to do so.

I'll start down regging on March 16, if all goes well. FX'd for all of you who are ahead of me!
congrats Littlepee Did you have IVF or IUI?

hi smile 4 me i had 4 failed iui and this is my first ivf so fx it works dreading 2ww x

daisyjump lets hope we get :bfp: no doubt ill be testing before ha x

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