IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Robyn, you are right I should stay positive, it is just such a kick in the teeth after all the waiting for IVF to begin and then al the drugs. I feel a bit of a fraud hanging arounf here now :( Back at work today so hopefully will get head down and the next two weeks will fly by.

Megg, you never know honey, stranger things have happened.

One thing, I have been told to take these cyclogest capsels. Does anyone know anything about the side effects? I know I shouldn't but I am symptom spotting already.

x x x
Hello ladies :hugs:

MrsJPC please do hang about in this thread you should not feel like a fraud we hope that you get to share your BFP with us all very soon :hugs:

Raf-Wife- hope your doing well Dear, you made this thread and again please do hang about so lovely to see your msgs and valuable advice, I wish that the adoption process is a quick one for you, and the child will be the luckiest ever as you have so so much love to give and God bless you both xx

The Nasal Spray is for Downregging and my FS told me that she didnt want to give me injections as i will be injecting anyway for stimming. At first i was a little worried that it would not be as effective.. (all you do is sniff in each nostiral x3 a day, but while you Stimm it goes up to 4 sniffs a day) yesterday was CD3 Im all downregged thank goodness the spray worked and not really any major side effects just the occasional headache :thumbup: I am on day2 of stimming and i will be using the Nasal Spray up untill EC. I definitely have been feeling so much more tearful last few days as its been 2 weeks since i have been Downregging and i just feel the hormones are getting to me now :shrug: but nothing i cant handle :grr:

I look forward for Monday to see my 1st scan i tried to explain to my FS that I ovulate on days 10-12 but she told me with the DR drugs i wont ovulate that early?? Just hope and pray shes correct :thumbup: I look forward to hear the day i do EC.

My husband injected be this morning he kept saying 'im sorry babes im so sorry' i was thinking just hurry up! :haha: he also handed in his semen tub never seen him so cool and didnt once make a fuss, did the deeds than dropped it off on his way to work... today is the 1st day in ages i feel were a team and hes in it with me without moaning with every step.

Daisy jump- not long to go Hun how your feeling?? im so obsessed with symptoms :blush: cant wait will you announce your BFP!

Robyn- Touchwood hes calmed down, at the start there were tears and why us.. im 28 hes 29 he still wanted to try naturally for much longer! Luckily we found out while time is still on our side, deep down he feels so so sad and guilty that its from him, I told him as long as were on the same page I dont think about what the problem is?? We just need to focus on being strong for each other,,, i can see in his eyes hes worried sick :sick: and so am i, i guess we just find it easier not talking about how we feel, and going with the flow. I just dont want to burden him with my fears :shrug: I hope your scan goes will tomorrow and you get a date soon :happydance:

Love and hugs to everyone else xx
Nayla - omg, it sounds like you and your dh are similar to us! Dh and I are 28/29, and we're dealing with low morphology (and possibly slightly below average motility). Although we haven't discussed it out loud, I can see that dh has taken it badly that there are problems with his swimmers - I pushed to see a fs because I was convinced that there was something wrong with me but when we saw the ivf dr he basically said the sa was the problem. We really never thought we would be in this situation...and if I hadn't insisted dh would have been happy to keep on trying without seeing the fs.

MrsJPC - I can't even imagine how hard it is to gear up for ivf and it not happen, I'm on day 10 of stims today and so nervous. Sending lots of :hugs:
Hi all

Wasn't for my egg collection this morning. Unfortunatly I had ovulated, apparently this happens one in one hundred. There was one egg left in my ovary, one actually ovulated in front of him. So not to give up completely I had an iui, although who knows how many of those ovulated follicles contained eggs.

I can't stop crying, I finally got to egg collection and this happens. First an ectopic last time and now this. I don't know how to get over this. I can't even bare to think about the IUI. 16 day wait for what I know will not happen. I am just so sad.

Tomorrow I have to go back to work where I share an office with a girl who is pregnant with twins after one month of trying and who feels she needs to share with me. Why is life so unfair.

Sorry to bring you all down I am just so sad.


I'm so sorry and so shocked to hear this. Never heard of this before. Sorry I don't know what to say.... take care though :hugs:
Thank you Wallie. Yes apparently it is rare I am now discovering!

I am trying to get in to see my consultant to discuss more as I was pretty out of it on Monday.

He reckons it would not have been more than an hour before my EC and eventual IUI, so I am hoping that maybe I get some luck, and one of my big eggs met some swimmers!

x x x
Hi ladies,

I've not been on this thread for a while but since my failed cycle just last Monday (seems longer now) my OH and I are fine. I think we've had a "go" it didn't work and now we need to get on with things. Next step will hopefully be IVF in June paid for by the NHS this time. Hopefully well get a better response and they will probably do ICSI this time too to give the fertilisation a better chance. I'm hoping to get two embryos put in next time too (if I have them anyway). FX'd ladies :hugs:
I'm glad Mrs JPC they are giving you some of the treatment costs back. Have they admitted it's their fault? What will they do if they have to do it again, down reg you more, not leave you so long inbetween trigger shot and EC?

You know, sometimes I think we know too much about some things and others we don't have a clue. Maybe it's best to stay in the dark sometimes...we'd worry far too much.

Good luck with the IUI working though, you never know!!!!
thats great news wallie im sure it will come around in no time at all chick and next time they will have a better idea of what to do :hugs:
Well Wallie, looks like if the IUI doesn't work then we will be together in June. I am also hopeful that this time the NHS pick me up. Was approved then there was cuts, now my consultant says they may be pickign people up again. I am top of list!?!

Well the trigger shot was 36 hours before ec. On both previous IUI's it was 36 hours prior and I hadn't ovulated. So guess it was just mother nature. I was further along in my cycle because of my slow response to menepur, so maybe that had something to do with it?

You are right though, sometimes ignorance is bliss!!

Hopefully I will get in to see my consultant soon and he can tell me more.

Stick around please so we can be buddies in June! God what a long time that seems!

x x x
Hi Girls! Would it be ok if I joined this thread? I did post at the begining of the year when our referral first went off, I have stepped back as was just waiting and waiting but I guess the journey is truly beginning today, we have our first IVF group seminar today...eeek! Followed by appointment with the consultant on the 13th Im hoping I can start next cycle, am I right in saying most people start on CD21.
hi everyone im going to change the title slightly as im hoping this thread will keep going for a while, i will do it tommorrow so hopefully most of you will know by then x
Well Wallie, looks like if the IUI doesn't work then we will be together in June. I am also hopeful that this time the NHS pick me up. Was approved then there was cuts, now my consultant says they may be pickign people up again. I am top of list!?!

Well the trigger shot was 36 hours before ec. On both previous IUI's it was 36 hours prior and I hadn't ovulated. So guess it was just mother nature. I was further along in my cycle because of my slow response to menepur, so maybe that had something to do with it?

You are right though, sometimes ignorance is bliss!!

Hopefully I will get in to see my consultant soon and he can tell me more.

Stick around please so we can be buddies in June! God what a long time that seems!

x x x

FX'd your IUI works and we're not cycle buddies in June! :hugs:
JPC the cyclogest - I'm not fully sure on what the side effects are but I've been told anything you feel that you would think is pregnancy symptom could be due to the pessery.
But also crampin and wind is a defineate side effect the nurse told me about.

AfM I just wish it was this time next week. Am testin friday morning.
Dunno about symptom spottin as like I say the cyclogest could be to blame but my BBs are really really sore and heavy.I do get this before AF every month but this is a lot earlier.
Just tryin to not think anything xx
hi pluto - do you always have the scan on day 8? I had my first scan on day 5 of stimming, and they upped my meds then - so (if you do this again, but here's hoping this one will work!) maybe it would be help to have an earlier scan so if they need to up the meds they can do so earlier in the cycle?

I go in for my second scan tomorrow (day 9 stims)

thanks Robyn, I'll find out tomorrow if I have to abandon this cycle and do it again. I'll definitely make sure they do the scan earlier-thanks for the post because i was wondering if other people had scans earlier. I've not been that happy with my gyne-she just seems to be too busy and doesn't take enough time for each case but I'm a bit stuck as would have to travel far if I decide to change.
you would think when it all takes so much time that they would make as sure as possible that it is going according to plan.
Well Wallie, looks like if the IUI doesn't work then we will be together in June. I am also hopeful that this time the NHS pick me up. Was approved then there was cuts, now my consultant says they may be pickign people up again. I am top of list!?!

Well the trigger shot was 36 hours before ec. On both previous IUI's it was 36 hours prior and I hadn't ovulated. So guess it was just mother nature. I was further along in my cycle because of my slow response to menepur, so maybe that had something to do with it?

You are right though, sometimes ignorance is bliss!!

Hopefully I will get in to see my consultant soon and he can tell me more.

Stick around please so we can be buddies in June! God what a long time that seems!

x x x

Hi Mrs JPC

I was soo sorry to hear what happened to you. I'm having my second scan tomorrow to see if the extra medication has worked to increase the number of follicles and see if I can go ahead with this cycle. She wasn't very hopeful from the last scan so I know how you feel-this whole thing is so hard-you get geared up for the whole process, go through all the drugs and then that just seems like the beginning of all the hurdles.

It is really good to have other people going through the same thing to talk to though and we will get through it in the end.
Good luck today Pluto. Sometimes these nurses can be so down on you. I went for one scan and they were quite negative, went to the next had a different nurse and she was very positive. You would think they would a bit more consistant.

I suppose it is all just a learning experience, if you have to go through this again they can give you more drugs from the begining?!? I hope you don't though!

You are right though, I sometimes think it is only this place that knows how I am really feeling!

take care x x x
Hello Ladies :flower:

I went in this morning for my 1st scan since Stimming, today is day 6 (But i did not have my 6th injection till after the scan) Im feeling a little upset as my right Ovary was 2 Follies and my left 4 ?? my FS said she expected it to be a little more than that but due to my low dosage that could be the main reason...

She has increased my injections now.. Can anyone tell me if its so so low? and is there still a good chance to get Eggs from that kind of number? i so hope it increases in the next few days, and as far as i know is there 1 egg per follicle? (sorry to sound dumb)

Im due for my next scan on Thursday but im so so scared i will ovulate by than :shrug: she told me as long as im sniffing i should Not ovulate naturally?? i just hope the numbers pick up..

I would love to hear that this is normal at this stage? and anyone elses experience?? Thank you, Love to all xx
Hope everyone's doing ok. Nayla - they upped my meds on day 5 of stimms too, and I had ec yesterday and they managed to get 12 eggs!

But I'm upset right now as clinic was due to call today to tell us how many eggs fertilised and finalise et time (we are due in for et tomorrow). Waited until 3pm and then just couldn't wait anymore so tried to call clinic - no answer. Called the emergency number my nurse gave me and she couldn't tell me how many eggs fertilised (it's Sunday so clinic has shut) but could only say et had been scheduled for 10.30 tomorrow morning and she will confirm first thing in the morning. I am going crazy with the not knowing and am still really tired from ec. Both angry and teary...
How frustrating that must be Robyn! but 12 eggs is a fantastic number :happydance: Im sure you have a handful of fertilised eggs in that 12.. I hope morning comes fast for you :hugs:

How many follicles did you have and day 5 of stimming?? At the start of the treatment the FS told me she will predict 10-13 Eggs she will be very happy with that.. Than today when she looked at the screen she said 'oh i would have thought it would have been a little more i will up the dosage' So im taking 2 injections every morning, one is mixing it with powder :shrug: i hope the 6 Follies will double by thursday [-o< and she said measuring 11mm what ever that means?? does it have to be 18mm for Egg Collection? she said possible on Saturday 12th...

Pluto- how did your appointment go hun? hope all is well xx

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