IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Nayla - on day 5 they only measured 3 of my follies and they were around 10-11mm, the rest were too small to measure. By day 10 stimms it seemed that I had 9 - 10 follies of various sizes, and then yesterday (somehow) they managed to get 12 eggs! No, I'm not sure how that happened either...
The follicles can grow quite a bit in a few days so I wouldnt worry too much...(easier said than done i know :)) I couldn't believe how much mine were growing between each scan...and quality is more important than quantity. You may only get a few but they can be really good quality, just like u could get a lot and have none of them be any good...and believe me, u don't want to have to deal with over swollen ovaries...I had my ER done January 17th and at my last appt at the clinic a week and a half ago they were still swollen (and it's painful when you move the wrong way and it pulls)

Good luck to everyone :D
Robyn your story is great they must have been AMAZING quality!! 12 Egg wow i so wish i can get a good number also :cloud9: Thursday will be my Day 10 of Stimming will have to see if the extra injection made a difference [-o<
Im so excited for you, you will be PUPO so soon!! xx

Kristen- how are you hun? your so right its better to be under stimulated than over, she asked me was i feeling anything in my ovaries i said no :shrug: yes i keep forgetting its the quality not the quantity :dohh: i think its a phycological thing, the more follies = more eggs = more eggs to be fertilised = higher chance of pregnancy= :baby: : Thats my dumb equation! I just feel emotionally and mentally fragile a feather will break me.... Emotionally this journey is a killer! i so hope with the results we all dream of :dust:
Nayla--I'm feeling much better than a few weeks ago, my MS is going away to the point that I feel good during the day but it's still hanging around at night lol

I completely understand what u are saying, I was very emotional, negative, everything during that time in my cycle. I was scared to death that i was going to ovulate early, that it was going to be all for nothing...all that..don't let it get u down :hugs: when everything is said and done it will be worth it. Btw I had 17 follicles with 11 mature and 10 fertilized...6 made it to the end...the swollen ovaries were kinda annoying bc it was painful at times
I had quite a lot of pain from my ovaries. It was so bad that even walking hurt in the last few days before EC i had 13 eggs and 10 were fertillised.
Over night they left them to fertilise and then on the day of EC we only had 2 that were of good quality.
So you just never know whats going to happen. Im very very grateful for
My 2 that i have put back but was quite upset about the 8 that didnt make it.
My test is on friday so fingers crossed these 2 little embies wa t to stick around and meet us. Xx
So frustrated... I'm either 11 or 14dpo... BFN today... tried to force a cycle with BCP... but still no AF. If I don't start soon, I'm going to miss my treatment cycle. (Just had to have a whine!)
So frustrated... I'm either 11 or 14dpo... BFN today... tried to force a cycle with BCP... but still no AF. If I don't start soon, I'm going to miss my treatment cycle. (Just had to have a whine!)

oh its so frustrating megg isnt it, in the end i drank loads and loads of fresh orange juice i dont know if it really helped but af came the next day, i hope she arrives for you soon so you can get started, you really desrve for all this to go smoothly:hugs:

robyn excellent number of eggs good luck chick you will soon be pupo x

nayla dont worry too much hun the sizes change so quickly :hugs:

good luck for friday daisy i will be thinking of you and waiting for your update :hugs:

hope everyone is doing ok

AFM im feeling so much better and more like my old self, bleeding finally stopped it was awful for a few days, ive started aerobics again and going back to the gym, right now im concentrating on getting fit again for the summer although im sat here with a glass of chardonay right now:haha: and im planning dds birthday party she wants a prom theme so that will be great fun :hugs:
Keeping everything crossed for you nayla and daisy - the end of this week can't come fast enough!

Glad you're feeling better raf-wife - prom sounds fun! How old will your dd be?

After all day yesterday glaring at the phone and wondering what was happening I had ET this morning (day 2 transfer) so now attempting to keep myself as prone as possible while typing! What everyone's views on resting etc after ET (my dr just said 'take it easy today'? 2 4-cell embies were transferred, and we have 10 frosties. Really hoping I haven't done anything to jeopardize them sticking...
Congrats on being pupo Robyn!! :happydance:

I rested for 4 days including the day of transfer...the day of and the next were full bed rest (only out of bed to use the bathroom) the other 2 were in bed and up some around the house...but I didn't go anywhere except for bloodwork 3 days after transfer
Pluto - any word on your cycle?

Hi Robyn,

Thanks for asking-The scan didn't go well. I hadn't responded at all-just one follicle-I do that on my own!!! I was very upset -we had already taken the day off so just went away for the day and tried not to think about it too much.

I still can't belive it-I really didn't think there would be any problem and the doctor was really surprised aswell. I was very stressed the last few weeks though and she thinks this might have contributed but still you would think there would be more than one!!

They are going to get some more dates from the clinic and they will review the drugs and will try again. Next time I will take some holidays-i can take two weeks anyway and will try some relaxation techniques. Think I will try acupunture aswell. so am now waiting again.......and am worried that I won't respond next time either.

they gave the optiont o convert it to an IUI but the lining was bit thin and she didn't sound too hopeful. I just couldn't deal with more disapointment this month so we decided to just stop and start with a fresh IVF cycle.
How frustrating that must be Robyn! but 12 eggs is a fantastic number :happydance: Im sure you have a handful of fertilised eggs in that 12.. I hope morning comes fast for you :hugs:

How many follicles did you have and day 5 of stimming?? At the start of the treatment the FS told me she will predict 10-13 Eggs she will be very happy with that.. Than today when she looked at the screen she said 'oh i would have thought it would have been a little more i will up the dosage' So im taking 2 injections every morning, one is mixing it with powder :shrug: i hope the 6 Follies will double by thursday [-o< and she said measuring 11mm what ever that means?? does it have to be 18mm for Egg Collection? she said possible on Saturday 12th...

Pluto- how did your appointment go hun? hope all is well xx

Hi Nayla-I've heard of people who just had 6 eggs collected-I think its the quality rather than the quantity that counts so you still have a great chance-I hoep everything goes well for you-keep us updated!
Oh Pluto, I am so sorry. How very disapointing. You just feel like it is such a waste. All that time planning, all those drugs.

Look you must be positive. They know now to give you more drugs from the off. You know that you were stressed, so next time take some time out. Its all a learning process I guess.

I really am sorry though, I think you were right about the IUI, why get your hopes up again. That is exactly how I feel now. every twinge I am wondering if the IUI worked. Instead I wish I had just not had it and was now planning for the next stage.

Oh why is this so unbelievably hard and unfair?

Take care honey

x x x
Keeping everything crossed for you nayla and daisy - the end of this week can't come fast enough!

Glad you're feeling better raf-wife - prom sounds fun! How old will your dd be?

After all day yesterday glaring at the phone and wondering what was happening I had ET this morning (day 2 transfer) so now attempting to keep myself as prone as possible while typing! What everyone's views on resting etc after ET (my dr just said 'take it easy today'? 2 4-cell embies were transferred, and we have 10 frosties. Really hoping I haven't done anything to jeopardize them sticking...

Hi Robyn,I'm just catching up on this thread this morning (as you can probably tell from my posts!)-congrats on being PUPO -I really hope it works for you.
Hi MrsJPC-that is exactly how i feel-that it was all such a waste and all the drugs did was make me exhausted. Its so unfair but you are right I think it is all a learning process and I am trying to be positive and plan what I can do for the next time.

the worst thing is that my sister in law rang me over the weekend to tell me she is preggers with her second. It was really hard hearing that this weekend.

I know what you mean about the IUI but there is a chance it worked for you-I really hope it does. Was there just one follicle left to ovulate when they did it or was there more? That was such an awful thing to have happened to you. God this is all so hard if everything goes according to plan, but it is so much harder when that doesn't even happen. I guess we just have to try to stay positive and believe that one day we will be pregnant and it will happen for us, although i must admit sometimes i really struggle with this.
Hi Pluto - They are not sure how many were left. Three days before I had 6 large and one small at scan. When it came to EC I only had one large and one small left. So 4 or 5 ovulated.

Then you have to think whether they all contained eggs? Also because of my previous ectopic my chances of another one are increased.

Have 9 days until the test date, and now I have read that the drugs I am taking could bring on symptoms similar to preg symptoms. So it is all just a confussing mess. I do keep cramping and keep wondering if AF is just around the corner?

Both my sister in laws have babies. Really hard isn't it. You don't want to be a misserable cow, but it just seems so unfair.

Lets try and stay positive together!

x x x
if 4-5 ovulated it sounds like you have a very good chance, although i know you must be worried about an ectopic, but please god that won't happen again. that would be too cruel.

I think if i finally get through all the hurdles leading up to it, that the two week wait will nearly be the worst of all. It is so confusing and most of the drugs do seem to give symtoms similar to pregancy symtoms. I'll keep for fingers and toes crossed for you though.

It is great to have people to talk with on here, that really understand how you feel. The emotional side of it is really the worst isn't it? The drugs are bad enough but you can get over that, it's the constant rollarcoaster of emations that is the worst.

yes, lets stay positive together and we will get there.
Keeping everything crossed for you nayla and daisy - the end of this week can't come fast enough!

Glad you're feeling better raf-wife - prom sounds fun! How old will your dd be?

After all day yesterday glaring at the phone and wondering what was happening I had ET this morning (day 2 transfer) so now attempting to keep myself as prone as possible while typing! What everyone's views on resting etc after ET (my dr just said 'take it easy today'? 2 4-cell embies were transferred, and we have 10 frosties. Really hoping I haven't done anything to jeopardize them sticking...

I went food shopping after transfer, obviously didn't jeopardise anything! My clinic told me just to take it easy, no excessive exercise, but you can go for a walk & I asked if I could go to the cinema 2 days after & they said that was fine. Obviously if going about normal day-to-day activities hindered a pregnancy then no-one would get pregnant. But saying that since we put so much into the cycle & trying to get pregnant, you don't want to risk anything.
Keeping everything crossed for you nayla and daisy - the end of this week can't come fast enough!

Glad you're feeling better raf-wife - prom sounds fun! How old will your dd be?

After all day yesterday glaring at the phone and wondering what was happening I had ET this morning (day 2 transfer) so now attempting to keep myself as prone as possible while typing! What everyone's views on resting etc after ET (my dr just said 'take it easy today'? 2 4-cell embies were transferred, and we have 10 frosties. Really hoping I haven't done anything to jeopardize them sticking...

I went food shopping after transfer, obviously didn't jeopardise anything! My clinic told me just to take it easy, no excessive exercise, but you can go for a walk & I asked if I could go to the cinema 2 days after & they said that was fine. Obviously if going about normal day-to-day activities hindered a pregnancy then no-one would get pregnant. But saying that since we put so much into the cycle & trying to get pregnant, you don't want to risk anything.

hi hope everyone okay
flakey can i just asked when did u test and when did u get faint poss, im on my 2ww now and im stressed i couldnt wait and tested 2day 6dpt and got negative my otd is fri 11 im symptom spotting cracking up!!! just looking se what syptoms u had etc thanks xx
Flake-y.. just wanted to say a HUGE congrats on your BFP.... x

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