IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Littlepee; I tested 10dpo which was 7dp3dt, & its was bfn, I used one of those ICs which I hate. They never come up dark with me, even after my positive FRER & after my blood test the ICs were faint.

On 12dpo, 9dp3dt, I tested at night with a FRER & got a faint positive. I obviously didn't use FMU, I only held my pee in for an hour or so, so I reckon if I had done the test that morning with FMU, it might have been also a faint positive. It might not though!

Symptoms wise, not many then, & still not many! I did notice from 13dpo onwards I had aching legs & hips, which I've only experienced with the HCG injections before, so I knew that was a pregnancy symptom. I still get cramps, some feel like af, most feel like a pulling or a stretching. I have a lot of cm, it occ feels like I've wet myself & I have to keep rushing to the loo to 'check'!!! Sore boobs started for me the day of EC, and they are still there; in the last couple of days the soreness has got much worse!

I've only just started to feel a bit queasy in the past couple of days, seems to happen in the afternoon & wears off. But I know most people don't get MS until 6 weeks or so so that's pretty normal.

So if your OTD is fri today you'll be 10dpo, am I right? Still v early, like I said, I got a bfn then. I know it was with the horrid ICs, but I reckon a FRER may have been negative then too for me.

What test are you using? I can't say a bad word about the FRERs!
littlepea im testing friday 11th. what date was your EC? i know it was a few days after mine wasnt it?
mine was 21st Feb and got told to wait 16 days to test. anybody know why? x
hi thanks for info flakey feel a bit better now gonna wait till wed/thur i think just sooooo impatient anyway hope u have a h&h 9months ill let u no my outcome x

daisyjump i had my ec on 24th feb i had a 5 day transfare tuesday 1st mar she said 11 days from then which is fri i cant wait, have u tested yet my symptoms r as if af is coming sore boobs but thats it really just felt down 2day its taking its toll and it is true 2ww is the worst ut of all inj and everything good luck daisy fx we both get :bfp: xx
CD1 for me... I start DR'ing in 9 days! I can't freakin' wait! I just hope this time is as successful as last time... but lasts a lot longer... like... oh... 36+ weeks!
Yay megg!! I'm happy that everything is moving ahead :D
Thanks, Kristin! Happy 10 Weeks (a day early)!
Hi ladies hope every one is doing well xx

Todays my 8th day of stimming, and im getting a little worried as i have so much EWCM coming out of me (sorry tmi) it really is oozing out and thats how it is ALWAYS on CD11 of a natural cycle?? I always ovulate between days 10-13 do you think im Ovulating already ladies?? :shrug: did any of you experience the wetness?? Im not sure whether i should ring the Clinic and bring my appointment for tomorrow instead of thursday?? i know they say with the nasal spray that will stop me from Ovulating?? but i have strong feelings that by body is stronger than the nasal spray and will do what it thinks it should be doing on CD11 and thats Ovulating?? :cry: my nightmare is to go in on Thursday and they tell me i have ovulated???

What would you ladies do? maybe its normal and my bodies getting ready for EC but its a mirror of when im Ovulating?? :shrug: Please any info will me much appreciated xx

Daisy and littlepee good luck for friday xx
Nayla - It is the oestrogen. I had the same. The nurse told me that if follicles contain eggs then you produce oestrogen, it is this that causes the cm.

I know I am not the best to give advice, because I did ovulate early, but this was after my trigger shot. And it is really rare, so do not fret!! Call the clinic if you want to put your mind at rest.

ASM I have had really horrible AF cramps for the past couple of days. It really does feel like my period will start any minute. I am not due to test for another 8 days! This is so hard...

x x x
Nayla- same thing happened to me, had it for a few days in a row leading up to EC! It's totally normal, just all your hormones.

Megg- can't wait until you get started again!

Daisy- every clinic seems to have different test dates, most are 14-16 days so your clinic sounds about normal!!!
Hi Pregnant and PUPO ladies, hope you are all good :thumbup:

Just a quick note to say that I am starting my FET cycle, first scan tomorrow and meds start tomorrow too. Very excited but nervous too!!!!

[-o<[-o<[-o< that our little embies thaw nicely

:dust::dust: to everyone

Hello, lovely ladies! I finally got AF and start my DR'ing on the 16th for sure! So excited! I should be PUPO around April 11!
thats fantastic angie i will pop by from time to time to check on how your getting along:hugs:

megg great news on starting i wish you lots of luck for this time around:hugs:

:flower:daisy i am waiting to see your bfp good luck for friday :hugs:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Hope everyone is doing well, not long left PUPO Beauties xx

A quick update i was freaking out on Tuesday that i was going to ovulate early and i just couldnt wait till Thursday. I had the scan this morning still only 6 Follies and a tiny one she can see? :shrug: Little gutted that not much happened in the last couple of days, she just said all 6 are big and are at the right size :thumbup: Im sure it was due to the fact that i was on the lowest of lowest dosages compared to what other women take i just feel mine was nothing at all :shrug: (all the injections and everything that goes with Stimming i guess 6 will be it) The FS kept saying from day one due to my size shes afraid that i would OHSS?? my stomach is as flat as an iron and today was my 9th Injection of stimming I shouldnt be feeling so low? but wished it was a little bit higher so i would have had a better chance with the Follicles :shrug: she said were looking at getting between 3-5 Eggs i know it just takes 1 so wished there was so much more to choose from. Theres nothing much i can really do now is just pray that my follies do me proud :thumbup:

Tomorrow night at 10pm will be the HCG Shot for 8am Saturday morning egg collection :thumbup: i just feel this is so much harder than i ever thought! getting to the 2ww is unbelievably stressful and not even guranteed! Am i responding? are my follicles enough? will i ovulate before egg collection? will there be eggs in the follicles? will any fertilise for the transfer? i just think by the time i get to the 2ww it will be a huge relief!!

I just hope saturday gets here smoothly and all goes well [-o<
Hi ladies. So nice to hear you're all super positive in here just now. Good luck to all the PUPO ladies, I've got everything crossed for you. Nayla, hope you get 6 really good eggs, that'll be great to work with. And yes, it is an emotional rollercoaster but I must say I'd rather be on it than be what I am on just now. Waiting and waiting, it really does my head and my heart in.

So, it's looking like spring has arrived (although we had snow last night and today) but I feel like I need to get in shape for my next IVF which will hopefully be in June.

So, all you successful IVF princesses, what should I do. Just eat lots of fruit and veg and exercise. I take Zitawest vitamins and drink water (I must drink more though). Is there anything you think you did which make a difference to your outcome of IVF being successful? What's the consensous re: after ET, should I have a few days off this time. I just had one day off work and then went back the next day.

I'm determined this next go will work! Can you tell?
ive got every single symptom i usually get of AF on it's way.
trying so hatd to keep positive but just got such a bad feeling :( x
ive got every single symptom i usually get of AF on it's way.
trying so hatd to keep positive but just got such a bad feeling :( x

hi everyone good luck to all of u x

daisy i feel exactly the same hun just feel like af is on way aswell my boobs dont feel more anymore just odd few blue vains but thats it feel really negative at the mo but not testing again now till fri and praying hoping its bfp 4 us both xx
Littlepea, Daisy I feel the same. Have had really bad period pains for the last two days. I actually keep going to the loo thinking I have started. I am not due to test until 16th. although if my body has returned to normal then I should be due on Friday, so maybe this is gonna be one hell of an af.

Wallie - Good plan on the healthy eating etc. will be interested to hear what people say. So hard isn't it? I must have taken enough folic acid to sink a small ship.

Can I moan please? My very annoying colleague has just left for her Dcs appointment, she is 10 weeks pregnant. all morning, she has been saying she is so nervous, fret fret. she knows my whole history, how can she stll keep banging on. why she felt the need to confide in me I do not know. She thought it was appropriate because of my history?? Meanwhiel I am sitting her with really horrible cramps. Why is life so unfair?

sorry to moan

x x x
hi mrsjpc i no its hard isnt it whys life so unfair were not asking 4 much r we fx for u aswell lets hope and pray it happens xx good luck

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