IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

I had the progesterone injections starting the night of EC and then I started my pessaries the night after ET.
Congratulations Nayla, thats great news :happydance: i was thinking of you yesterday, it must have been nerve-wracking waiting for the phone call..

I was told to insert the pessaries at the back between EC and ET and then vaginally after but again if you can get intouch with your clinic, they may do it differently...theres always so many forgotten questions :shrug:

Good luck for ET tomorrow, its lovely being PUPO

Hi everyone - feels like I've been away from this thread for ages - so much has happened!

Congrats on your good news Daisy - that's fantastic!!!!

So so sorry littlepee, sending you lots of hugs.

Nayla - that's fab news about fertilization!! I had my ET at 10.30am too and they said not to put the cyclogest in before ET, the dr put it in after he did the transfer.

Hope your appointment with the fs goes well pluto. Definitely ask if you can be monitored earlier during your cycle so that they can up the meds if need be. I think they do need to spend some time tweaking them to find the right dose for you (there were lots of changes in my cycle). I've been doing acupuncture too.

Thanks to everyone for their advice on resting after et! I'm now 7dp2dt and had a lovely weekend away but now back to worrying worrying worrying...
I posted this in a thread earlier, but I think I may get more support if I post here? I'm still learning how the forums work...so my apologies!!

My current story:

My husband & I have been trying to conceive for a year and decided to go in and have an SA done, as my husband has had one testicle removed due to testicular cancer. We got the SA results 3/9/11, which were low sperm count (2mil) & low motility. The doctor said that IVF, donor sperm or adoption are our 3 options. I was just floored. I knew that the cancer could have hindered our ability to get pregnant, but with all the research I did, I had convinced myself we could still get pregnant naturally because my husband never underwent chemotherapy or radiation. So, now I just feel like my world has been turned upside-down. It didn't help to find out last night that my sister-in-law is two months pregnant with my next niece or nephew. I'm very happy for them, but the news was hard to take, just 4 days after being told I will never have that chance. I am seriously considering IVF. Does anyone have an opinion on why this would be a good choice or not? Has anyone had success with IVF, due to male fertility issues? The decision isn't an easy one. We were quoted an $18,000, cost for IVF. There is something that makes me feel selfish about wanting to have my husband's baby, especially knowing how many children are in need of parents. We had decided that adoption was in our future prior to finding out this recent news. However, it was our plan to have our first child naturally considering our ages (I'm 31 and my husband is 34). Now I'm just rambling, but I have found myself extremely upset and feeling very much alone. I do not care to discuss this with friends and family, so any support here would be very nice. I'm not sure where else to go. Thanks!!
Amorbebe, you are definitely not alone, I bet most of us are having assisted conception with male factor, so it can definitely be done, don't worry about that at all. I have male factor too but my OH has antibodies, so totally different than your case but seriously this is not uncommon at all.

And yes, we were all devasted, just like you, when we all found out we needed IVF/ICSI so we know exactly how you feel. You are both very young so at least time is on your side.

And again yes, we have all gone through the upset of someone close to us announcing their pregnancy. Infact, mine was just last Tuesday! Still hurting from that....

But on the positive side, alot of couples don't know they have low sperm count, they just take a while to conceive. It's not out of the question at all but they recommend IVF as if it takes a while, they like to give you a little help.

I hope I've made you feel a bit better. It's unfortunate you've just joined this forum as if you'd joined a year ago, this maybe wouldn't have been such a shock for you.
Wallie- Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I feel so much better just knowing there are other people feeling the same way I am. I feel bad knowing that some people have tried to conceive for a considerably longer time than my husband & I, with the same results. Fingers crossed for us all!! Thanks again & now I know where to post! :)
Hi Amorbebe - you've found the right thread! Like you we are dealing with male factor - in our case low morphology and slightly low motility. We were so upset when we were told to do ivf, it felt like we were unnatural, and knowing that we had to have icsi knocked dh a bit.

The good news is that we're are currently doing our first ivf cycle, retrieved 12 eggs and all 12 fertilized. DH was over the moon - I believe his exact words were 'so there's not that much wrong with my sperm then'! Not sure how right he is as we are testing on Friday, but it made him feel better!

We haven't told anyone about our ivf treatment, which is hard when people keep asking 'so when are you going to have a baby?', and of course since no-one knows no-one can give us support, and even if they knew I'm not sure how much they would understand if they haven't been through it themselves. That's why for me bnb has been a lifesaver - people here are going through the same thing so can relate to how you're feeling - whether you're down in the dumps or happy as a clam!
Oh Amorbebe, you are more than welcome to join this exclusive club of ours. Not that any of us ever wanted to join.

It is devastating when you realise that you are going to need help to conceive. I still find myself thinking, why me? You have been through so much already, it is so unfair.

You are certainly not being selfish wanting your own child. You just want what should be perfectly natural. Besides I still think you are young, so you have time to think about the option of adoption if you get there.

I know the money is a stretch, I can remember thinking that I had walked in to a casino and put the whole lot on red. If you can stretch to it, why not try?

You must log on when ever you feel down and let us know. I have found this group so supportive. Have a think about anyone in your life you want to share with though. It is so hard when everyone around you is having children, sometimes you just need a few people in your corner looking out for you!

Take care honey.

As for me? It is my test date tomorrow, my period pains have returned with a vengeance and I fear that I shall be out this month. So ladies I am not going anywhere. Here's to the next round!

X x x
good luck today nayla you will soon be pupo x

nearly time to start megg x

angie how are you doing chick x

afm i have my review next week and even though i cant see us trying again i am still interested in finding out what they have to say, im pretty sure the dose they used was far too low, a tiny part of me would like to try again but i just dont feel up to it at all and dh is going to afganistan again in october x

hope everyone else is ok x
hi amorbebe, like a lot of the girls here have said you're definitely not alone with having mf (we haven't, we're unexplained), but it seems like most of the girls on here do have mf.

i certainly don't think you're selfish to want your own child, i feel exactly the same at the moment, i really want our baby to be our baby, maybe later down the line if nothing works i'll think differently

good luck on your journey :hugs:

good luck for friday robyn :hugs:

mrsjpc, hoping just implantation pains for you :hugs:

raf wife, i can understand you not being up to trying again so soon, but at least you know the option is there for the future :hugs:

hope everyone else is ok
Amorbebe, sorry to hear that you have to post on this thread. Like you we have mf factor and it was heartbreaking when we first found out last August. Low Count and high abnormal forms for us. My OH gave up smoking and cut down on drinking and both improved but still has low count. (just incase your OH smokes), Bnb is great for support and talking to other ladies makes you feel less abnormal..i never thought we would have a problem conceiving but thankgod there is technology in place to give us hope!!! We had a cycle of ICSI before Christmas which didn't work but we have 4 snowbabies (frozen embryos), i like to picture them on snowboards but thats just me :dohh: and i have just started a cycle to use them. ICSI isn't really that bad (well it wasnt for me), its difficult but you also feel like you're getting somewhere, doing something!! Obviously the disappointment is awful but at least there is some hope. And anyway, like I think Wallie said many people conceive with a low sample and will never know there sample may not be good so don't give up naturally either..and im like you, I want our baby but perhaps my opinion will change in the future. So please don't think you're selfish, we just want something that other people don't even have to think about. Theres lots of support here for you :hugs:

lottie-hope the review goes well and i wondered if there is any way you can have another cycle before October? Let us know how it goes. Hope you are okay honey bun!! :hugs: thanks for asking about me, i just started meds on Wed for the FET cycle, ET should be end of next week OMG another 2WW to go through. Feel a whole lot more relaxed this cycle though xxx:winkwink:

Hi Wallie, how are you doing Hun? What is your plan? Hope your feeling a ok!! :hugs:

Mrs JPC-a lot of girls on here have thought they were getting AF and got a BFP so you never know. Good luck and im thinking of you :hugs:

Sunshine - hope your feeling better! Are you planning another cycle soon? xx

Good luck for Friday Robyn, wow 12 out of 12, thats fab, you're doing great. Feeling positive about that? I would be. Hope you get your BFP Friday :happydance:

Hope your feeling good Daisy and getting lots of symptoms (i mean that in a good and reassuring way) :hugs:

Hi to everyone else too


Hi to everyone
Robyn321- Thank you for sharing your story. It's helpful to know that I can come here and talk to others who also don't care to share their IVF stories with those close to them. Congratulations on starting your first cycle. I can't wait to hear how everything goes for you!! Also, what your DH said, was just so sweet. I know our husbands can't help but to have feelings around this as well. Men just don't seem to 'emote' as much as women. Best wishes to you & your procedures!!

MrsJPC- Thank you for reassuring me about the selfish factor. I have a hard time letting that go. I will make sure to turn to this group of wonderful women when I feel I need support. I had no idea there were so many of us. Wishing you the best!!

mrssunshine78- Thank you for sharing your feelings about how you too want your baby to be 'your' baby. Good luck on your journey as well!

raf-wife- My thoughts are with you. <3
angiemon- I am taken back by all of you supportive women! It's amazing to me that I've felt so alone for so long throughout this process and I could have been coming here all along. Your snowboard analogy made me laugh...thanks for that. :) Keep us posted on your journey and thanks again for your words of encouragement.
Hi Wallie, how are you doing Hun? What is your plan? Hope your feeling a ok!! :hugs:

Hi Angiemon,

Well apart from every tom dick and harry being pregnant I know, who are upsetting me :growlmad:, next step is review appt 19th April, then IVF with NHS sometime around June.

Any info anyone can give me on questions to ask and also if they were on any "special" meds, I would appreciate. I'm making a list to take with me to my appt.
Hi Wallie,

well your review appt isn't too long away and i know what you mean about everyone being pregnant, it just goes on and on! You did your first go private didn't you? Glad you have a cycle on the NHS, do you go to the same clinic?
Questions, I don't think I was put on anything unusual really but ill let you know if i think of any questions :amartass: ill have a think

Hi Wallie,

well your review appt isn't too long away and i know what you mean about everyone being pregnant, it just goes on and on! You did your first go private didn't you? Glad you have a cycle on the NHS, do you go to the same clinic?
Questions, I don't think I was put on anything unusual really but ill let you know if i think of any questions :amartass: ill have a think


Yeh, first was private, I just couldn't wait any longer and OH was keen too. Yes, it's the same clinic/hospital, so at least they know what happened the first IVF cycle and should learn from it.

Thanks for replying, I had a wee smile at your icons. :haha:
I hope you ladies don't mind me crashing here.

I just wanted to share my questions from my review appt.

I asked what could I do to improve my egg quality (meds, vitamins etc.)? What dose stims did they think I should be on for next time? Should I use a different med for stims? Should I have any other testing done - natural killer cells etc? Should I be on any other "meds" metformin, asprin, etc.? How many would they plan to transfer this time? Are they planning to icsi all eggs? What was the exact report on the eggs and sperm that day? Did they plan to go to day 3 or day 5 next time?

If I think of anything else I asked I will add it.

Sending everyone tons of :hugs: and :dust:
Blue what were the pills you took to increase the quality of your eggs again?

Oh and thanks for a note of what you asked. They're now on my listy!
I posted this in a thread earlier, but I think I may get more support if I post here? I'm still learning how the forums work...so my apologies!!

My current story:

My husband & I have been trying to conceive for a year and decided to go in and have an SA done, as my husband has had one testicle removed due to testicular cancer. We got the SA results 3/9/11, which were low sperm count (2mil) & low motility. The doctor said that IVF, donor sperm or adoption are our 3 options. I was just floored. I knew that the cancer could have hindered our ability to get pregnant, but with all the research I did, I had convinced myself we could still get pregnant naturally because my husband never underwent chemotherapy or radiation. So, now I just feel like my world has been turned upside-down. It didn't help to find out last night that my sister-in-law is two months pregnant with my next niece or nephew. I'm very happy for them, but the news was hard to take, just 4 days after being told I will never have that chance. I am seriously considering IVF. Does anyone have an opinion on why this would be a good choice or not? Has anyone had success with IVF, due to male fertility issues? The decision isn't an easy one. We were quoted an $18,000, cost for IVF. There is something that makes me feel selfish about wanting to have my husband's baby, especially knowing how many children are in need of parents. We had decided that adoption was in our future prior to finding out this recent news. However, it was our plan to have our first child naturally considering our ages (I'm 31 and my husband is 34). Now I'm just rambling, but I have found myself extremely upset and feeling very much alone. I do not care to discuss this with friends and family, so any support here would be very nice. I'm not sure where else to go. Thanks!!

Hi Amorbebe,

Sorry to hear the news about your husband's SA, I see you have been given the option of IVF & donor sperm, this is something I am familar with as I have just gone through a cycle of IVF using donor sperm as my husband is infertile. As you can see from my ticker it was successful!

Did they mention anything about ICSI? That is normally used for very low sperm counts.

Good luck & hope you find lots of support here!
I went with my list of questions yesterday to our clinic and I have learnt early on that being on forums like this n reading books gives you knowledge as clinics dont tell you alot of stuff eg I asked for the Natural Cell Killer test ( an extra £260 for one tube of blood shocking) as It worries me yet they hadnt even mentioned it let alone offered the test. I know they cannot cover EVERYTHING so read, learn and ask. I know if anyone is like me, it consumes most waking moment of the day .. but hopefully if we put our bodies AND minds to it ... then we will get what we want.

ps.... acupuncture is really working for me.... only has 4 treatments but feel it helps.

Hopeful2011 x x

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