IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Nayla- good luck!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Mrs JPC- I am on royal jelly, red raspberry leaves, berry greens, fish oil and some chinese herbal supplements. All recommended by my acupuncturist and ok by my doc.
Lainey- welcome! :flower: I hope you find this thread as helpful and encouraging as I have.

I too am going through the "babies are everywhere!!!" thing. My best friend just had a baby, my SIL is due in june, a 4 co-workers, my acupuncturist, the list goes on... It is sooo frustrating when they complain! I agree, I just want to shake them and tell them how lucky they are! I'm trying to ignore it. Some days are easier than others.

On a better note, I got a call from the clinic today and I am scheduled to go in for my ER Wednesday morning! :happydance: I came straight home from work and gave myself the hcg shot! US showed 12 follicles (one was 28mm- seems almost too big). I have to say the stimming went by quickly. It seems like just yesterday that I was told I had a cyst and couldn't go ahead in February. I was so upset and March seemed like so far away! I was so afraid of the drugs and now I am basically done with them. I didn't have much in the way of side effects, maybe just a few dizzy spells, and a few very emotional days. I just hope we get some good embies out of this and the next few steps go as smoothly as the first few! What a crazy whrilwind rollercoaster we are all on. :wacko:
Definitely babies everywhere... Ugh!

Good luck to those of you ahead of me! I'm just counting down to stims in about a week and hoping time doesn't start dragging!
Hi everyone,

Amorbebe-insurance sounds good but i know what you mean, you dont trust it until you know for sure sure....bet your looking forward to your appointment..

Welcome lainey-its great being able to talk to people who are going through the same thing. Lots of support and to know there are many people in the same boat which is obviously a shame but good for us too!! It also helps me keep away from googling every single little thing and reading all the books!!
I think the symptoms are different for everyone so dont worry, good luck for Friday.:thumbup:

Blondemop-EC tomorrow :happydance: so exciting. Good luck for it :thumbup:

Mrs JPC - Sorry you have to go to work with someone so annoying, little do they know what we're going through. Im lucky in that i work with my brother, not much chance he;ll come in pregnant :haha: I can sympathise though, theres seems to be pregnant ladies everywhere and on TV, but we'll all be pregnant soon too :thumbup:

Wallie - hope your ok. Hope your good :hugs:

Megg - you'll be stimming before you know it, then it flies by after that doesn't it? :hugs:

Hope everyone else is ok. Hi to anyone I have missed :hi:

I knew id forgotten someone - Me :haha:

afm-im due for ET on Thursday and im praying my little embies will thaw ok. Had a bit of a wobbler last night but back to normal this morning. Im[-o< they'll thaw ok....

Hello ladies

My annoying work mate has returned. So far I have had how this is probably the last time she will fit into the dress she is wearing, and how inconvenient it is that her scan is at midday on a Friday. I want to scream! Instead I am my usual pleasant self. grrrr

I have my appointment on Thursday to see when I will get to go again. Oh I do hope there is room to go in April. They have started to pick up NHS patients again so I think it could be quite busy. Not that I am complaining because luckily this time I will be an NHS patient.

Anyway quick question. May I ask what supplements you are all taking. Apart from the usual multi vits with folic acid. I have also started to take royal jelly and spirulina. I do need to speak to my Consultant to see if there are ok to take. Both are recommended for healthy eggs.

Any ideas/thoughts ladies?

Many thanks - and happy Monday

x x x

Hi MrsJPC, Thanks for your kind words a few days ago-I'm in a much more positive place now.
I got my new dates-its 23May for EC. I was hoping it would be a bit earlier. They said if I call on the first day of my AF they will see if they can bring it forward but AF hasn't shown up yet although i think it might come today, have been having cramps this morning. It would only be a couple of weeks either way and I think i might leave it untill the 23rd now and just organsie my holidays for then and plan properly for it.
Let me know when you get your dates-we might be quite close to one another! Here is hoping it will be a success for both of us this time!
Thanks angiemon - over the past few months i have been a google fanatic! So am trying to stay away from that now. I just end up scaring myself! Well hopefully on Friday they will say I can go ahead with ER on Monday the 28th - if not i will still be stimming over the weekend and going for another scan on the 28th to check my progress. Wishing you lots of :hugs: for thursday.

Thanks blondmop - its been great so far - until you are in this situation you dont realise how many others are out there! Good luck for your ER tomorrow - wishing you lots of :hugs:. xxxx
Hi everyone,

Amorbebe-insurance sounds good but i know what you mean, you dont trust it until you know for sure sure....bet your looking forward to your appointment..

Welcome lainey-its great being able to talk to people who are going through the same thing. Lots of support and to know there are many people in the same boat which is obviously a shame but good for us too!! It also helps me keep away from googling every single little thing and reading all the books!!
I think the symptoms are different for everyone so dont worry, good luck for Friday.:thumbup:

Blondemop-EC tomorrow :happydance: so exciting. Good luck for it :thumbup:

Mrs JPC - Sorry you have to go to work with someone so annoying, little do they know what we're going through. Im lucky in that i work with my brother, not much chance he;ll come in pregnant :haha: I can sympathise though, theres seems to be pregnant ladies everywhere and on TV, but we'll all be pregnant soon too :thumbup:

Wallie - hope your ok. Hope your good :hugs:

Megg - you'll be stimming before you know it, then it flies by after that doesn't it? :hugs:

Hope everyone else is ok. Hi to anyone I have missed :hi:


It certainly DOES fly by after the stimming starts! Especially since I only stim for about 1 week (9 days, tops). :shock:

I knew id forgotten someone - Me :haha:

afm-im due for ET on Thursday and im praying my little embies will thaw ok. Had a bit of a wobbler last night but back to normal this morning. Im[-o< they'll thaw ok....


I'm sure it'll go great! :thumbup:
Hello Ladies, not been on here for a while, life seems so consumed with IVF and trying to keep a lid on things at work.
The down reggin seemed to take forever but the stimms have flown by. I had a scan this morning and am booked in for EC on Friday but have to do two more Gonal F jabs tonight and tomorrow before trigger jab tomorrow night, I think the doc wants to try and get a few more follies up to speed as I only have 2 at 20mm.
I have to admit I am terrified re the EC on Friday and feel really panicked by th e whole thing at the moment, I am hoping I calm down soon. xx
Not sure if anyone is it the same stage as me but would be good to hear all your thoughts.
Good Luck to all
I knew id forgotten someone - Me :haha:

afm-im due for ET on Thursday and im praying my little embies will thaw ok. Had a bit of a wobbler last night but back to normal this morning. Im[-o< they'll thaw ok....


You're in my thoughts! Fingers crossed that all goes well!! :hugs:
Hi all

Im not sure if I belong in this thread, maybe you can direct me to the right one if not?

Just moving from Clomid to FSH injectables with a hCG shot- no plans to do IUI, just timed BDing. My FS appt is on April 5th. Not really sure what to expect but anything is better than the depression I get on Clomid.
I knew id forgotten someone - Me :haha:

afm-im due for ET on Thursday and im praying my little embies will thaw ok. Had a bit of a wobbler last night but back to normal this morning. Im[-o< they'll thaw ok....


ohh, haha, that was funny!

Yes, I'll say a little prayer for you too Angiemon, FX'd this works out for you :hugs:
Hi all

Im not sure if I belong in this thread, maybe you can direct me to the right one if not?

Just moving from Clomid to FSH injectables with a hCG shot- no plans to do IUI, just timed BDing. My FS appt is on April 5th. Not really sure what to expect but anything is better than the depression I get on Clomid.

Its hard to say where the "right place" is for that... I think you can fit in here just as well as anywhere, hun. I mean, at least we'll understand what you're going through with the shots and stuff! :hugs:
Hi ladies sorry i have not been here for a few days, the dreaded 2WW is much harder than i thought!

I am 8DPT Today and 11DPO, i go in for blood tests on friday that will be 10DPT AND 13DPO. im feeling 100% certain the witch is coming!! this morning while making breakfast i felt a huge gush came out of me! went straight through my nightie and all down my legs, i was certain IT came! but it was weird not even EWCM just water consistent??

Had a cry and a cuddle last night with my husband, last week we were so happy and giddy like teenagers and now coming to the end of the 2ww theres a HUGE CHANCE that im out 'i just know it ladies :cry:'

My husband really wants me to go in tomorrow for the Blood tests hes finding this harder than i thought, he told me in his lunch break he had a cry at work in the toilets, and hes a very macho man?? Im worrying about his mental state now. Yet i think its WAY TOO EARLY! what do you ladies think? i will be 9 days past transfer and 12 days past Ovulation?? i did do a HPT 3DPT to make sure the HCG was out of my blood and it was starch white result BFN. I know blood tests are very sensitive do you think they will pick up anything at all 12 days past ovulation? 9 days past transfer? if the answer is yes and theres a possibility i will definitely go tomorrow morning :thumbup:, i dont think we can hang in limbo for another day :nope:

Or do you think its way too early and it will having nothing in my blood to suggest anything? its a private clinic and we find out 30min after they take the blood tests? i dont want to be wasting £ going thursday and friday, any advice will be appreciated xx
Ok Nayla, if you can hang on. I just think if nothing shows tomorrow you will then be left thinking oh maybe it is too early. Least Friday you will know for sure. Although this easy for me to say.

Could you hang on two days more??

As for hubby, does he have anyone to share with/ go for a beer with?? A good friend of my husband's is also going through IVF with his wife. I do not know her that well but I know it has been great for him to have someone to share with/moan with. Your hubby sounds so lovely, I wish you were closer I would send mine over to take him out. They really should have a section for men on here shouldn't they!

Good luck honey, I'll be thinking of you

love to all

x x x
Nayla honey I did a quick google search for you and there is a definite possibility that you'll be testing too early if you go in tomorrow (Thursday). If it's negative you're going to be in limbo wondering whether you tested too early, and if your hcg is at that in-between stage (5 - 25 I think) the clinic will just tell you they're not sure and to come back in for another test a couple of days later. So if you can do try and hang on until Friday. My clinic made me wait until 13dpo too.

The whole thing was very hard on my dh too - it does affect them a lot more than we perhaps think - but it's lovely that he's so involved and obviously cares a lot about you.
Thanks. I'm still on a clomid cycle but have absolutely no hope for it as my follicles were 8mm on cd12. Will lurk here for a few weeks then I'm sure I'll have loads of questions for you. Don't have much of an idea what to expect rly, how many times a day I'll be injecting or where or I I should trust my Hubby to do it. Just gotta wait and see I think

Nayla - Feeling like your out seems to be a good indication that your cycle was successful! LOL I see it all the time!

cranberry - Understandable, honey. I can tell you now that you'll be injecting once a day, in the evening, in the tummy below the belly button. You could have hubby do it... but I would probably suggest doing it yourself if you think you can. I can't imagine having him do my SubQ shots. Its super easy to do yourself and the needle is so small that you can't feel it at all.
Hi LAdies,
EC is all done! I was very worried about it going in but it was really easy. I don't remember a thing except getting on a table in one room and then "waking" in a different room in a chair with DH next to me. They got 11 eggs :happydance: We are doing ICSI so they will call me tomorrow to let me know how things look. They are hoping to do a day 5 transfer (Monday).

Right now I am a little more sore than I thought I would be but nothing too bad. Just spending the day on the couch with my kitties.

Nayla- like the other girls have said, try to hang in until Friday for testing. That way you will know for sure. I'm keeping you in my prayers!
Hi LAdies,
EC is all done! I was very worried about it going in but it was really easy. I don't remember a thing except getting on a table in one room and then "waking" in a different room in a chair with DH next to me. They got 11 eggs :happydance: We are doing ICSI so they will call me tomorrow to let me know how things look. They are hoping to do a day 5 transfer (Monday).

Right now I am a little more sore than I thought I would be but nothing too bad. Just spending the day on the couch with my kitties.

Nayla- like the other girls have said, try to hang in until Friday for testing. That way you will know for sure. I'm keeping you in my prayers!

Congratulations! I hope everything works out for you!! You will be in my thoughts over the coming weeks!! :flower:

just wondered if i could add myself to the list etc? I start down regging next thursday 31st March. Im getting a prostap injection as part of a long agonist protocol. Scan on the 20th April. Fingers crossed as at 41, 2 mc's and only one shot at IVF - we really need it to work! :) Oh, and also my AMH level is 4 so in all honestly i am sh***ng myself a bit about all this, eggs etc..but..Im gonna keep my PMA and hope for the best!!

:dust: and good luck to everybody!!

:hug: xxx

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