Hello Ladies

Yes I'm offically PUPO!!!:happydance::happydance:

I had 1 10 cell grade 2 and 1 8 cell grade 1+ put back in. They wouldn't let go to blast as the other two were starting to fade. We haven't bothered with freezing either, it didn't seem worth it.

So my offical testing date is 14 October!! God I'm so scared! Last time my usual AF spotting started one week into the 2ww, so I knew I was out pretty quickly. This time I'm on a higher progestrone so hopefully that won't happen.

I see lots has happened today...hope I dont miss anyone out!

MrsF - Sorry to hear you ballooned, I had that on my last cycle, it's the weirdest feeling isnt it?

Sammy - Lovely I'm worried about you. Big hugs:hugs: I hope things sort themsleves out quickly and you guys are back on track

Wrighty - Good luck for the scan on Friday!!

Yomo - Wowee EC on Monday, that's great news!! I'm excited for you!

Britt - How cool, you have a date! Bet you're getting excited now!

MercyMe - Hope AF appears soon! It's so annoying when you want her to turn up, she always drags her heels!

MySillyGirls - You and I are snap, arent we! Goodluck for ET tomorrow!

Isibuttercup - Great news about OH's swimmers!

Looknomore - Good luck for your scan!

Maxxi - Hope you're going ok and the cold is nearing the end!

Reammy hope I haven't missed anyone out.....

Lots of love to you all:kiss:

Im ok hun.... but thanks for your concern :hugs: just a bit sad and depressed but the weekend is coming up so I should feel better tomorrow. I am tired with lots of early starts and late nights and i feel kind of drained if im honest :hugs:
Hey ladies, I just found out that the "Flare" protocol I am on is actually different than the "long" protocol. Sorry for the confusion, I am still learning all of this stuff.

Had my 2nd scan- the no. of follies has gone up. I am today on day 7 of stimming. Total 13 follies but 2 are below 6mm so doc is counting it as 11 follies. My left ovary which had endo before my Lap seems to have caught up a bit and has 5 follies. Doc says its a fantastic response for a short protocol but I am trying not to be happy cos no. of follies is not equal to no. of eggs collected. But atleast its one hurdle crossed. All this fertility treatment has made me so scared of feeling excited/happy. I just stop myself always bracing for disappointment.

Samy- whats a natural FET- does it mean no drugs. I am not very familiar with IVF yet but getting there. Hope the clinic is not screwing up with ur progesterone supplements this cycle.

Springflower- Congrats on being PUPO. Hope u give this thread a good start with a BFP

Everyone else- lets all pray hard for this thread. xoxo
hello ladies

hope everyone is ok

looknomore that is great news hun. whats your biggest follie now? xx

Sammy - hope you get chance to relax and catch up on some sleep this weekend hun xx

Springflower - how are you feeling hun hope your getting plenty of rest xx

MySillyGirls -hope your ok hun. did you have your transfer today?? xx

AFM - well had my scan this morning and i got the numbers :haha::haha: glad i remembered to ask so here goes

15 follies
all the rest are small

19 follies including small
there are more big ones but my ovary was in an awkward postion (quiet painful) so they just had a quick look

i started on the cetrotide aswell today and have another scan booked for monday. wont be too long and i will be pupo again :happydance::happydance:

thinking of you all xx
WHERE is my period?!?!?!?! Gahhh! Am freaking out, totally stressed. I thought maybe I'd start early, like last Saturday, b/c of the cramping. Then, Wed & Thurs, I had all sorts of cramps that usually mean AF is right there. Today, nothing. No, I'm not miraculously pregnant, as I took a FRER & today is one day past expected period. I'm just so aggravated -- I really want to do my suppression check tomorrow, not wait until Monday. I thought for SURE it would be here by now. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

Geez, wrighty, that sounds like LOADS of follies! and for you, too, looknomore! Plenty of follies! My baseline is like 6-7, so if I had as many as 11, I'd be thrilled.

Springflower, are you our first PUPO? It's so hard to keep track of where everyone's at. Good luck!!
WHERE is my period?!?!?!?! Gahhh! Am freaking out, totally stressed. I thought maybe I'd start early, like last Saturday, b/c of the cramping. Then, Wed & Thurs, I had all sorts of cramps that usually mean AF is right there. Today, nothing. No, I'm not miraculously pregnant, as I took a FRER & today is one day past expected period. I'm just so aggravated -- I really want to do my suppression check tomorrow, not wait until Monday. I thought for SURE it would be here by now. :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad:

Geez, wrighty, that sounds like LOADS of follies! and for you, too, looknomore! Plenty of follies! My baseline is like 6-7, so if I had as many as 11, I'd be thrilled.

Springflower, are you our first PUPO? It's so hard to keep track of where everyone's at. Good luck!!

i thought that was alot. i wasnt expecting that many on the short. i had 28 follies altogether on the long so it is strange that ive got more now. im a bit puzzled myself about it all. i know i wont get that many eggs but i was i little shocked when the nurse told me how many follies.
Had my 2nd scan- the no. of follies has gone up. I am today on day 7 of stimming. Total 13 follies but 2 are below 6mm so doc is counting it as 11 follies. My left ovary which had endo before my Lap seems to have caught up a bit and has 5 follies. Doc says its a fantastic response for a short protocol but I am trying not to be happy cos no. of follies is not equal to no. of eggs collected. But atleast its one hurdle crossed. All this fertility treatment has made me so scared of feeling excited/happy. I just stop myself always bracing for disappointment.

Samy- whats a natural FET- does it mean no drugs. I am not very familiar with IVF yet but getting there. Hope the clinic is not screwing up with ur progesterone supplements this cycle.

Springflower- Congrats on being PUPO. Hope u give this thread a good start with a BFP

Everyone else- lets all pray hard for this thread. xoxo

Hi, congrats on the follies!!! Yeah unfortunately it does not mean you get eggs out of all of them. I had 11 with my first IVF although a couple were a little on the short side so had about 8/9 large ones in the end and 6 eggs. All fertilized. They said they didnt want to see a lot of follies as it normally meant the egg quality was lower and i think they are right cos i have seen people with a lot of follies and then by the time ET comes round they have the same amount of embryos as someone with a lower count of follies!!!

Last time I had 8 large follies and 3 smaller ones and got 5 eggs, 3 fertilized, two transferred and 1 frozen - not good in my opinion! :growlmad:

With a natural FET you just take the trigger shot at my hospital and then 36 hours later go for transfer IF the embryos have thawed properly. I am aphrehensive about this... i am not being negative but hey there is only a 50% thaw rate and then 10-15% chance of success... its really low! So I consider myself as just facing facts and statistics. IF the embie thaws I will be quite positive but i do know it could swing one way or another so im expecting that it might collapse. This time I will take progesterone for as long as i like (if i get that far) but if it fails will start a fresh cycle in Nov cycle (will be at the end of Nov) and failing that then we will move to the new hospital and do another cycle maybe Feb? Not really thought that far ahead yet! :haha: I never held out much hope with the last FET and i dont with this either.... but thats good in a way because I wont be upset... I always have a lot more faith with fresh cycles. Thing is though... FET does and can work and there is no doubting that!!! So heres hoping! :flower:
hello ladies

hope everyone is ok

looknomore that is great news hun. whats your biggest follie now? xx

Sammy - hope you get chance to relax and catch up on some sleep this weekend hun xx

Springflower - how are you feeling hun hope your getting plenty of rest xx

MySillyGirls -hope your ok hun. did you have your transfer today?? xx

AFM - well had my scan this morning and i got the numbers :haha::haha: glad i remembered to ask so here goes

15 follies
all the rest are small

19 follies including small
there are more big ones but my ovary was in an awkward postion (quiet painful) so they just had a quick look

i started on the cetrotide aswell today and have another scan booked for monday. wont be too long and i will be pupo again :happydance::happydance:

thinking of you all xx

Fab news hun!!!! Plenty to work with there! :happydance:

I could have killed OH last night... he rolled in at 2.20am, i was asleep. He switched on the light, pissed, and woke me up and the started talking to me! HELLLOOOOOO i had to get up at 6am!!!! I was fuming. He never goes out in the week but cos of the arguments he went straight from work to the pub and he was steaming when he got in. After the 10th time of coming in the bedroom and switching on the light i snapped. I gathered all his clothes and opened the window to throw them all out but he stopped me. Well infact he grabbed me round the throat to stop me so i slapped him really hard around the face and he scuttled off! THEN he came back upstairs at 4am and switched the lights on AGAIN!!!! I went mad... then he went into DD's room and asked her for the phone charger. It was the final straw and i dragged him out by his shirt collar. He has never done that before and never will again believe me. Poor DD... she was alseep! The tosser! He has had the 3rd degree from me all day... I told him he could shove his IVF where the sun dont shine. I hope he had a raging hangover today :growlmad:

AFM - well im home now, alone :happydance: and drinking my first glass of wine... erm i mean BOTTLE! Its been a tough week for me but im feeling a little better. Thanks to everyone for their support and kind words it really meant alot in a difficult time. I think a lot of it stems from what happened to Shaylee... there are hidden skeletons with us both. Its hard to let go but you have to try... I am worried about getting pregnant again. I will never be able to relax. Its so sad... pregnancy should be a wonderful and enjoyable experience but if i get pregnant again i will dread every scan. I hate that. I hate my happiness being taken away from me but its how i feel..... sigh.

Anyway on a lighter note how exciting is it in here girlies? WOW a pupo and follies growing wild all over the place... it will be like Day of The Triffids in here soon! :haha:
AND.... im going to hold a BIG Halloween party!!!! :happydance:

I just love Halloween... always have... so DD has bought her Zombie School Girl costume and me a sexy red devil with waist clincher corset and Whale net tights with red high heels and horns! :haha:

I bought about 200 euros of decorations for the house last year but then my dad died on 26th October :cry: and we had to fly to Spain so we missed it... hardly important when it comes to my dads funeral... we never gave it a second thought after that happened. So i have all the decs ready... Im going to make an Eyeball Halloween Punch (punch with floating eyeballs) and a buffet and buy plenty of wine and beer for our guests. DD will invite 20 and us about 15 ish and then about 12pm we will go into town to hit the late bars! I really cant wait! Im going to have my nails re-done and file them to points and paint them red and poke everyone with my big forked stick! muhahahahha :haha:

We will borrow our friends disco lights and im about to burn two CD's or normal chart music and one of Halloween music....

Also the builders are here at last (only took one year to get them here and they live opposite us) to re-do the 3rd floor... its costing a fortune but it will look amazing! I am getting really excited about that.... I dont have anything foillicle or HPT wise to talk about so im just gonna bore you all with my other plans instead until we get closer to the FET! :thumbup:
Yes Sammy- Even my doc said she does not want to see too many follies as it generally means a lot are empty or of poor quality. Now I am actually questioning the requirement of a long protocol if with lesser drugs one can get there.

Wrighty- my biggest follie is 15mm, smallest is 6 mm. I have a lot of 11, 12, 13mms. Doc feels she should be able to get 7-8 eggs. I would be happy with this number as this is a trial IVF for me and I am not expecting any frosties. I too started cetrotide injections today. subcutaneous injections hurt a lot more than intra muscular
Yes Sammy- Even my doc said she does not want to see too many follies as it generally means a lot are empty or of poor quality. Now I am actually questioning the requirement of a long protocol if with lesser drugs one can get there.

Wrighty- my biggest follie is 15mm, smallest is 6 mm. I have a lot of 11, 12, 13mms. Doc feels she should be able to get 7-8 eggs. I would be happy with this number as this is a trial IVF for me and I am not expecting any frosties. I too started cetrotide injections today. subcutaneous injections hurt a lot more than intra muscular

Its true yes.... mine said before i had IVF that ideally they would like to see 10-15 and no more. In their opinion (and every hospital has their own beliefs) what they saw was a lot of follies meant poor egg quality. Many many times i have seen people get 30-40 follies but by the time they get to transfer its no more that people who originally had 8!!!! Infact i got pregnant with 6 embies when others had 11 and got BFN. Just goes to show you....

The long protocol is normally a good thing for women who had irregular periods and dont have a set 28 day cycle. Its easier to control by downregging first and then stimming. For me though I have 28 days cycles, ovulate on CD 14 so there was no need to put me on that. I think normally women with PCOS down regg as well but someone quote me if im wrong. All in all though i wouldnt want to be on a long protocol. The short one is LOOOONNNNGGGGG enough for me!!!! :dohh:
hello ladies

hope everyone is ok

looknomore that is great news hun. whats your biggest follie now? xx

Sammy - hope you get chance to relax and catch up on some sleep this weekend hun xx

Springflower - how are you feeling hun hope your getting plenty of rest xx

MySillyGirls -hope your ok hun. did you have your transfer today?? xx

AFM - well had my scan this morning and i got the numbers :haha::haha: glad i remembered to ask so here goes

15 follies
all the rest are small

19 follies including small
there are more big ones but my ovary was in an awkward postion (quiet painful) so they just had a quick look

i started on the cetrotide aswell today and have another scan booked for monday. wont be too long and i will be pupo again :happydance::happydance:

thinking of you all xx

Fab news hun!!!! Plenty to work with there! :happydance:

I could have killed OH last night... he rolled in at 2.20am, i was asleep. He switched on the light, pissed, and woke me up and the started talking to me! HELLLOOOOOO i had to get up at 6am!!!! I was fuming. He never goes out in the week but cos of the arguments he went straight from work to the pub and he was steaming when he got in. After the 10th time of coming in the bedroom and switching on the light i snapped. I gathered all his clothes and opened the window to throw them all out but he stopped me. Well infact he grabbed me round the throat to stop me so i slapped him really hard around the face and he scuttled off! THEN he came back upstairs at 4am and switched the lights on AGAIN!!!! I went mad... then he went into DD's room and asked her for the phone charger. It was the final straw and i dragged him out by his shirt collar. He has never done that before and never will again believe me. Poor DD... she was alseep! The tosser! He has had the 3rd degree from me all day... I told him he could shove his IVF where the sun dont shine. I hope he had a raging hangover today :growlmad:

AFM - well im home now, alone :happydance: and drinking my first glass of wine... erm i mean BOTTLE! Its been a tough week for me but im feeling a little better. Thanks to everyone for their support and kind words it really meant alot in a difficult time. I think a lot of it stems from what happened to Shaylee... there are hidden skeletons with us both. Its hard to let go but you have to try... I am worried about getting pregnant again. I will never be able to relax. Its so sad... pregnancy should be a wonderful and enjoyable experience but if i get pregnant again i will dread every scan. I hate that. I hate my happiness being taken away from me but its how i feel..... sigh.

Anyway on a lighter note how exciting is it in here girlies? WOW a pupo and follies growing wild all over the place... it will be like Day of The Triffids in here soon! :haha:

Oh honey, I am a bit worried for you....its one thing to fight but that sounds truly awful and I am worried about the physical part of it, he should never put his hands around your neck. Sammy, maybe you just guys need a cooling off or perhaps counselling? I really hope it all works out and you guys are on track soon. TTC is so awful on relationships- just horrible...cant wait until that is no longer an issue. :hugs: We are all here for you if you need to talk or vent or want our advice. :hugs:

So you seem to be a mini expert on IVF...obviously not by choice but because you have been through it in the past and I truly value your expertise.
Have you or has anyone heard of the Flare protocol? apparently its different than the long protocol, you have to be on BCP for a month, double drugs as the short protocol and they do assisted embryo hatching. Have you heard of that? sounds a bit scary...hope it works

hello ladies

hope everyone is ok

looknomore that is great news hun. whats your biggest follie now? xx

Sammy - hope you get chance to relax and catch up on some sleep this weekend hun xx

Springflower - how are you feeling hun hope your getting plenty of rest xx

MySillyGirls -hope your ok hun. did you have your transfer today?? xx

AFM - well had my scan this morning and i got the numbers :haha::haha: glad i remembered to ask so here goes

15 follies
all the rest are small

19 follies including small
there are more big ones but my ovary was in an awkward postion (quiet painful) so they just had a quick look

i started on the cetrotide aswell today and have another scan booked for monday. wont be too long and i will be pupo again :happydance::happydance:

thinking of you all xx

Fab news hun!!!! Plenty to work with there! :happydance:

I could have killed OH last night... he rolled in at 2.20am, i was asleep. He switched on the light, pissed, and woke me up and the started talking to me! HELLLOOOOOO i had to get up at 6am!!!! I was fuming. He never goes out in the week but cos of the arguments he went straight from work to the pub and he was steaming when he got in. After the 10th time of coming in the bedroom and switching on the light i snapped. I gathered all his clothes and opened the window to throw them all out but he stopped me. Well infact he grabbed me round the throat to stop me so i slapped him really hard around the face and he scuttled off! THEN he came back upstairs at 4am and switched the lights on AGAIN!!!! I went mad... then he went into DD's room and asked her for the phone charger. It was the final straw and i dragged him out by his shirt collar. He has never done that before and never will again believe me. Poor DD... she was alseep! The tosser! He has had the 3rd degree from me all day... I told him he could shove his IVF where the sun dont shine. I hope he had a raging hangover today :growlmad:

AFM - well im home now, alone :happydance: and drinking my first glass of wine... erm i mean BOTTLE! Its been a tough week for me but im feeling a little better. Thanks to everyone for their support and kind words it really meant alot in a difficult time. I think a lot of it stems from what happened to Shaylee... there are hidden skeletons with us both. Its hard to let go but you have to try... I am worried about getting pregnant again. I will never be able to relax. Its so sad... pregnancy should be a wonderful and enjoyable experience but if i get pregnant again i will dread every scan. I hate that. I hate my happiness being taken away from me but its how i feel..... sigh.

Anyway on a lighter note how exciting is it in here girlies? WOW a pupo and follies growing wild all over the place... it will be like Day of The Triffids in here soon! :haha:

Oh honey, I am a bit worried for you....its one thing to fight but that sounds truly awful and I am worried about the physical part of it, he should never put his hands around your neck. Sammy, maybe you just guys need a cooling off or perhaps counselling? I really hope it all works out and you guys are on track soon. TTC is so awful on relationships- just horrible...cant wait until that is no longer an issue. :hugs: We are all here for you if you need to talk or vent or want our advice. :hugs:

So you seem to be a mini expert on IVF...obviously not by choice but because you have been through it in the past and I truly value your expertise.
Have you or has anyone heard of the Flare protocol? apparently its different than the long protocol, you have to be on BCP for a month, double drugs as the short protocol and they do assisted embryo hatching. Have you heard of that? sounds a bit scary...hope it works


HI, yes the hands round throat technique is not acceptable but in all fairness (and im not making excuses for him) he didnt apply pressure. He has never harmed me or hit me or anything and i dont think he ever would but yes agreed its not acceptable behaviour! I do hold some blame though. I can be moody and awkward at times... im a right perfectionist and he isnt so we clash on DIY! lol. But on a more serious note i can see what you mean... i think if i could escape for a while it would do us both some good.

I have just googled assisted hatching... is this not another word for ICSI? I cannot see any difference. They do ICSI when the sperm quality is really poor and so inject them into the egg in the hope that they will fertilise. Good if the sperm have low motility and dont swim so well which is what we first got diagnosed with but samples have been good enough for IVF so far.

I found out this:-

How is assisted hatching performed?

1.The embryo is held with a specialized holding pipette.
2.A very delicate, hollow needle is used to expel an acidic solution against the outer "shell" (zona pellucida) of the embryo.
3.A small hole is made in the shell by digesting it with the acidic solution.
4.The embryo is then washed and put back in culture in the incubator.
5.The embryo transfer procedure is done shortly after the hatching procedure. Embryo transfer places the embryos in the woman's uterus where they will hopefully implant and develop to result in a live birth.

Looks good though.... i would feel pretty comfortable with that personally :hugs:
hello ladies

hope everyone is ok

looknomore that is great news hun. whats your biggest follie now? xx

Sammy - hope you get chance to relax and catch up on some sleep this weekend hun xx

Springflower - how are you feeling hun hope your getting plenty of rest xx

MySillyGirls -hope your ok hun. did you have your transfer today?? xx

AFM - well had my scan this morning and i got the numbers :haha::haha: glad i remembered to ask so here goes

15 follies
all the rest are small

19 follies including small
there are more big ones but my ovary was in an awkward postion (quiet painful) so they just had a quick look

i started on the cetrotide aswell today and have another scan booked for monday. wont be too long and i will be pupo again :happydance::happydance:

thinking of you all xx

Fab news hun!!!! Plenty to work with there! :happydance:

I could have killed OH last night... he rolled in at 2.20am, i was asleep. He switched on the light, pissed, and woke me up and the started talking to me! HELLLOOOOOO i had to get up at 6am!!!! I was fuming. He never goes out in the week but cos of the arguments he went straight from work to the pub and he was steaming when he got in. After the 10th time of coming in the bedroom and switching on the light i snapped. I gathered all his clothes and opened the window to throw them all out but he stopped me. Well infact he grabbed me round the throat to stop me so i slapped him really hard around the face and he scuttled off! THEN he came back upstairs at 4am and switched the lights on AGAIN!!!! I went mad... then he went into DD's room and asked her for the phone charger. It was the final straw and i dragged him out by his shirt collar. He has never done that before and never will again believe me. Poor DD... she was alseep! The tosser! He has had the 3rd degree from me all day... I told him he could shove his IVF where the sun dont shine. I hope he had a raging hangover today :growlmad:

AFM - well im home now, alone :happydance: and drinking my first glass of wine... erm i mean BOTTLE! Its been a tough week for me but im feeling a little better. Thanks to everyone for their support and kind words it really meant alot in a difficult time. I think a lot of it stems from what happened to Shaylee... there are hidden skeletons with us both. Its hard to let go but you have to try... I am worried about getting pregnant again. I will never be able to relax. Its so sad... pregnancy should be a wonderful and enjoyable experience but if i get pregnant again i will dread every scan. I hate that. I hate my happiness being taken away from me but its how i feel..... sigh.

Anyway on a lighter note how exciting is it in here girlies? WOW a pupo and follies growing wild all over the place... it will be like Day of The Triffids in here soon! :haha:

Oh honey, I am a bit worried for you....its one thing to fight but that sounds truly awful and I am worried about the physical part of it, he should never put his hands around your neck. Sammy, maybe you just guys need a cooling off or perhaps counselling? I really hope it all works out and you guys are on track soon. TTC is so awful on relationships- just horrible...cant wait until that is no longer an issue. :hugs: We are all here for you if you need to talk or vent or want our advice. :hugs:

So you seem to be a mini expert on IVF...obviously not by choice but because you have been through it in the past and I truly value your expertise.
Have you or has anyone heard of the Flare protocol? apparently its different than the long protocol, you have to be on BCP for a month, double drugs as the short protocol and they do assisted embryo hatching. Have you heard of that? sounds a bit scary...hope it works


HI, yes the hands round throat technique is not acceptable but in all fairness (and im not making excuses for him) he didnt apply pressure. He has never harmed me or hit me or anything and i dont think he ever would but yes agreed its not acceptable behaviour! I do hold some blame though. I can be moody and awkward at times... im a right perfectionist and he isnt so we clash on DIY! lol. But on a more serious note i can see what you mean... i think if i could escape for a while it would do us both some good.

I have just googled assisted hatching... is this not another word for ICSI? I cannot see any difference. They do ICSI when the sperm quality is really poor and so inject them into the egg in the hope that they will fertilise. Good if the sperm have low motility and dont swim so well which is what we first got diagnosed with but samples have been good enough for IVF so far.

I found out this:-

How is assisted hatching performed?

1.The embryo is held with a specialized holding pipette.
2.A very delicate, hollow needle is used to expel an acidic solution against the outer "shell" (zona pellucida) of the embryo.
3.A small hole is made in the shell by digesting it with the acidic solution.
4.The embryo is then washed and put back in culture in the incubator.
5.The embryo transfer procedure is done shortly after the hatching procedure. Embryo transfer places the embryos in the woman's uterus where they will hopefully implant and develop to result in a live birth.

Looks good though.... i would feel pretty comfortable with that personally :hugs:

I can honestly say i have never heard of this flare protocol! :nope: I have read from people all around the world but never heard of this... I would be interested to find out though! :hugs:
Hiya, girls. Well I had the ET this a.m. The news isn't that great. Between yesterday and today, one of my embies basically stopped growing and two are growing too slow. One is a "perfect" 3 day with 8 cells. So, we transferred one 8 cell and two 5 cells. Not what I hoped for at all. Yeah, I know it only takes one but the odds feel against me now. I can't believe after all this our response was so low. I had a good antral follicle count, a high response to clomid, good fsh, etc etc. I thought our only problem was sperm-related. I am not feeling optimistic but really hoping..
hello ladies

hope everyone is ok

looknomore that is great news hun. whats your biggest follie now? xx

Sammy - hope you get chance to relax and catch up on some sleep this weekend hun xx

Springflower - how are you feeling hun hope your getting plenty of rest xx

MySillyGirls -hope your ok hun. did you have your transfer today?? xx

AFM - well had my scan this morning and i got the numbers :haha::haha: glad i remembered to ask so here goes

15 follies
all the rest are small

19 follies including small
there are more big ones but my ovary was in an awkward postion (quiet painful) so they just had a quick look

i started on the cetrotide aswell today and have another scan booked for monday. wont be too long and i will be pupo again :happydance::happydance:

thinking of you all xx

Fab news hun!!!! Plenty to work with there! :happydance:

I could have killed OH last night... he rolled in at 2.20am, i was asleep. He switched on the light, pissed, and woke me up and the started talking to me! HELLLOOOOOO i had to get up at 6am!!!! I was fuming. He never goes out in the week but cos of the arguments he went straight from work to the pub and he was steaming when he got in. After the 10th time of coming in the bedroom and switching on the light i snapped. I gathered all his clothes and opened the window to throw them all out but he stopped me. Well infact he grabbed me round the throat to stop me so i slapped him really hard around the face and he scuttled off! THEN he came back upstairs at 4am and switched the lights on AGAIN!!!! I went mad... then he went into DD's room and asked her for the phone charger. It was the final straw and i dragged him out by his shirt collar. He has never done that before and never will again believe me. Poor DD... she was alseep! The tosser! He has had the 3rd degree from me all day... I told him he could shove his IVF where the sun dont shine. I hope he had a raging hangover today :growlmad:

AFM - well im home now, alone :happydance: and drinking my first glass of wine... erm i mean BOTTLE! Its been a tough week for me but im feeling a little better. Thanks to everyone for their support and kind words it really meant alot in a difficult time. I think a lot of it stems from what happened to Shaylee... there are hidden skeletons with us both. Its hard to let go but you have to try... I am worried about getting pregnant again. I will never be able to relax. Its so sad... pregnancy should be a wonderful and enjoyable experience but if i get pregnant again i will dread every scan. I hate that. I hate my happiness being taken away from me but its how i feel..... sigh.

Anyway on a lighter note how exciting is it in here girlies? WOW a pupo and follies growing wild all over the place... it will be like Day of The Triffids in here soon! :haha:

Oh honey, I am a bit worried for you....its one thing to fight but that sounds truly awful and I am worried about the physical part of it, he should never put his hands around your neck. Sammy, maybe you just guys need a cooling off or perhaps counselling? I really hope it all works out and you guys are on track soon. TTC is so awful on relationships- just horrible...cant wait until that is no longer an issue. :hugs: We are all here for you if you need to talk or vent or want our advice. :hugs:

So you seem to be a mini expert on IVF...obviously not by choice but because you have been through it in the past and I truly value your expertise.
Have you or has anyone heard of the Flare protocol? apparently its different than the long protocol, you have to be on BCP for a month, double drugs as the short protocol and they do assisted embryo hatching. Have you heard of that? sounds a bit scary...hope it works


HI, yes the hands round throat technique is not acceptable but in all fairness (and im not making excuses for him) he didnt apply pressure. He has never harmed me or hit me or anything and i dont think he ever would but yes agreed its not acceptable behaviour! I do hold some blame though. I can be moody and awkward at times... im a right perfectionist and he isnt so we clash on DIY! lol. But on a more serious note i can see what you mean... i think if i could escape for a while it would do us both some good.

I have just googled assisted hatching... is this not another word for ICSI? I cannot see any difference. They do ICSI when the sperm quality is really poor and so inject them into the egg in the hope that they will fertilise. Good if the sperm have low motility and dont swim so well which is what we first got diagnosed with but samples have been good enough for IVF so far.

I found out this:-

How is assisted hatching performed?

1.The embryo is held with a specialized holding pipette.
2.A very delicate, hollow needle is used to expel an acidic solution against the outer "shell" (zona pellucida) of the embryo.
3.A small hole is made in the shell by digesting it with the acidic solution.
4.The embryo is then washed and put back in culture in the incubator.
5.The embryo transfer procedure is done shortly after the hatching procedure. Embryo transfer places the embryos in the woman's uterus where they will hopefully implant and develop to result in a live birth.

Looks good though.... i would feel pretty comfortable with that personally :hugs:

okay, I just had a sigh of relief when i read this, i am so glad your DH has never harmed you. I am also glad that you are feeling better about things. HOnestly, TTC was ruining us but we took a step back and realized thats what it was. It takes one person to put out the olive branch, in our case it was my hubby and I am so glad he did...we seem to be stronger than ever now. Maybe give him a big hug and you guys can suport eachother.

thanks for the info Sammy, I found out a bit of info as well on it.
It actually is different from ICSI- (we likely need that too lol) they insert the solution so to speak to help the outer layer of the embryo be able to "hatch out" of it and implant properly in the uterus. ITs a fairly new technique but has had a lot of success, that being said from the reading i have done it can have risks...scary...so was curious if anyone had it.

we are mtg with the FS in a couple weeks and i will definitely be asking more questions

congrats to all the ladies growing embies!! yeah!! :happydance:
Hiya, girls. Well I had the ET this a.m. The news isn't that great. Between yesterday and today, one of my embies basically stopped growing and two are growing too slow. One is a "perfect" 3 day with 8 cells. So, we transferred one 8 cell and two 5 cells. Not what I hoped for at all. Yeah, I know it only takes one but the odds feel against me now. I can't believe after all this our response was so low. I had a good antral follicle count, a high response to clomid, good fsh, etc etc. I thought our only problem was sperm-related. I am not feeling optimistic but really hoping..

sounds like that one embie was great though, so good luck hon!! woo hoo, our second PUPO lady!! :happydance:

okay, i have to get off the computer for awhile..ha ha
Sammy - Space may be just what you guys need. We haven't been fighting more since ivf became a reality for me but we had a rough go of it after my first m/c in November. I hope we never go back to that place again. And of course there should never be any hitting, pushing, whatever of any kind - unless it's one of us going over there to kick his butt!

Congrats Wrighty and Looknomore!

Mysilly - Congrats on being the second PUPO! I'm sending tons of positive energy!!

I've got nothing going on. I'm 1 or 2 dpo. AF has come as early as CD 21 and as late as CD 28 so I'm waiting patiently.
Britt, hello! I saw you mention the Flare protocal. That was the protocal I was on. I was on BCPs for a month and then on both Gonal F and Repronex for 11-12 days. :)
Britt, hello! I saw you mention the Flare protocal. That was the protocal I was on. I was on BCPs for a month and then on both Gonal F and Repronex for 11-12 days. :)

oh great, how exciting!! how did you find it? where are you at in the protocol now??!! are they doing "assisted embryo hatching" for you as well?
so many questions...so excited...what clinic are you at?
good luck to you btw!! :happydance:

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