Thanks everyone. I think the doctor was referring to the fact that my fertilization rate is low. I guess that the fertilization rate with ICSI is 50 -80% and technically with the 11 eggs they got my fertilization rate should have been between 5.5 and 8.5. Now I'm just sitting on my hands trying not to compulsively call the embryologist to see how everything is going over there.

MrsG - I can't believe you still have a week to go!!!
Thanks everyone. I think the doctor was referring to the fact that my fertilization rate is low. I guess that the fertilization rate with ICSI is 50 -80% and technically with the 11 eggs they got my fertilization rate should have been between 5.5 and 8.5. Now I'm just sitting on my hands trying not to compulsively call the embryologist to see how everything is going over there.

MrsG - I can't believe you still have a week to go!!!

I still think 5 is a good number!
Okay. It's official. I'm :bfp:!!! I'm still shocked & don't quite believe it!!
My HCG level is at 600 (11dp5dt), so I think it's real! But it's early days yet -- I've been here before... But I can't help it -- I'm really excited. :yipee::yipee::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
Yeah yeah yeah an official bfp!!!! Well done!!!

I think my test date is wrong!! Egg collection was 8th nov, egg transfer 11th so I think I should test Monday but oh says gotta wait till otd!!
:hugs:Maxxxi - Ok so ill be honest I can see your surgeons point of view... its not the best fertilization rate ever BUT 5 is 5. I got 5 eggs last time and 3 fertilized and i thought that was crap basically. I was upset and disappointed and was mad at the hospital if im honest.

Fact is there is not set numbers in this game its a bloody lottery of crap and you never know what you are going to end up with. I am dreading my fert report tomorrow. It will probably be something stupid like 2! You just never can tell. Flower (on here) got something like 42 eggs - 38 fertilized into blasts - 2 transferred and BFN???? WTF??? You know what it doesnt matter.... You only need one! And its important we all remember that. I have been through all the disappointment... IVF no1 was 6 eggs and 6 fert (i was lucky) and got BFP and then lost her at 24 weeks. IVF no. 2 cancelled as i didnt even stimm past 2 follicles, IVF #3 5 eggs 3 fert, BFN.... jesus. There is no pattern. Its just luck. you can have 2 follicles and one egg and get pregnant when someone else gets 28 eggs, 2 blasts and BFN! You are never out of the game.... in heinsite you have as much chance as anyone else no matter how low or high your odds might be! I hope someone reminds me of this tomorrow when im crying over my fert report.... :hugs: I just wish everyone into a BFP! Thats all.... :thumbup:
Yeah yeah yeah an official bfp!!!! Well done!!!

I think my test date is wrong!! Egg collection was 8th nov, egg transfer 11th so I think I should test Monday but oh says gotta wait till otd!!

NO NO NO... test test test!!! And good luck!!!! :hugs: I just want to fill the main page with BFP's... the BFN's are taking over and I hate this! :growlmad:
Okay. It's official. I'm :bfp:!!! I'm still shocked & don't quite believe it!!
My HCG level is at 600 (11dp5dt), so I think it's real! But it's early days yet -- I've been here before... But I can't help it -- I'm really excited. :yipee::yipee::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:

Aww fab mercy!!! you have brought a smile to my face.... have a happy and healthy 9 months (already updated the main page with a BFP so its for DEFINITE!!!!) :hugs:
Official congrats mercy!!!

Mrs G - My transfer date is tentatively scheduled for the 23rd and my OTD is the 3rd so you should be able to test sooner I would think.

Sammy - I'll remind you tomorrow! I bet you'll do better than me!

I just had my first progesterone injection. Not bad. I hope this weekend flies by. Does anyone think it's worth it for me to call tomorrow and see how my embryos are doing?
Just remember hun I got pregnant with 6 eggs the first IVF but like i said you only need one... sadly we cant put them all back in! :haha: I don't even care if I dont get any frosties as long as I get two good embryo's

Todays report: WE GOT 7 EMBIES!!!!!

BUT jesus i cannot believe just how freaking awkward and stupid my OH is... for days now I have been waiting for the fertility report and so they ring at 9am this morning, transfer is at 1pm and im like WTF???? How many fertilized...? he ignores me.... i'm like "dont let her go off the phone i need to speak to her about 5 day transfer..." he ok's her conversation and hangs up!!!! :growlmad: Sparks fly! I ring them back and speak to the nurse and said i need to know how many have fertilized... we dont know that blah blah blah... i'm like "well i need to know... i need to know if its worth risking the number I have until blast stage" shes like "its the weekend now why didnt you mention this earlier?" The fact is that I asked OH to speak to them about this when he took the eggs and he didnt!:dohh:

So anyway I call them back and say that i would like a 5 day and they say they dont normally do this lalalala.... She finds out that I have 7 embryos (two are a little slow right now but she expects them to catch up on Day 4) and the rest are of a fantastic standard and that they have already selected two perfect ones to transfer today! :dohh: So I say again i would like a 5 day since we have 7 embryos (anything 6+ i was going to do day 5 otherwise i didnt want to risk it) and she says that there is two perfect ones and at the moment 3 Grade A to freeze (they will not freeze unless they are absolutely top notch)

She says that they cannot freeze blasts at their hospital as they dont have the equipment that is needed to do this... only Day 4 embryos so we finally agree that tomorrow they will select 3 of the best embryos to use for Day 5 (Monday) and freeze whatever is good enough to freeze of the Day 4 embies. I have decided to take 3 for Day 5 in case one arrests or starts to keel over and then we will have two left. Sadly the left over embie will have to be discarded whatever state it is in since they cannot freeze it but thats the way it has to be this time. I have to cover my back in every way I think I can and I cannot risk just taking two out in case somethings happens to one of them. I would prefer to risk a Day 5 trans and lose some along the way than freeze them since 2/2 of my FET's have failed and most of the time the embies dont even make it to transfer! So ET is on Monday.... fingers crossed I have made the right decision here. Last time 2 x 3 day embies were transfered and I was BFN so its time to try something new. Worried now.... :wacko:
Congrats, Mercy! :hugs:

I think you made the right decision, Sammy! I really do! I think I've actually come to the conclusion that I'm going to have 3 put back (whether day 3 or day 5), so long as I have 3 good ones to do it with. My paperwork stipulates that its 100% up to me. So, they'll do it if I ask them to. I feel 3 gives me the best chance to end up with at least 1 baby whilst maintaining a very low chance of triplets.
Congrats, Mercy! :hugs:

I think you made the right decision, Sammy! I really do! I think I've actually come to the conclusion that I'm going to have 3 put back (whether day 3 or day 5), so long as I have 3 good ones to do it with. My paperwork stipulates that its 100% up to me. So, they'll do it if I ask them to. I feel 3 gives me the best chance to end up with at least 1 baby whilst maintaining a very low chance of triplets.

It was a tough decision but i thought.... ok so if they freeze some then I only really need 3 ideally so i can do one FET out of them if IVF doesnt work. If they froze 4 then i know we would do 2 x FET's and with only thawing 2 at a time then one is bound to arrest as mine always do and trasfering one never works either so if we do FET then if i had 3 that would be great... i need one of the slower ones to catch up if this happens but twice before with IVF this has happened so i am hopeful. Then maybe 2 would make it to transfer. If we only get two frosties though its ok. I dont mind as long as we get two good blasts... its a well thought out plan so i hope it flipping works! ::chews nails::
Congrats, Mercy! :hugs:

I think you made the right decision, Sammy! I really do! I think I've actually come to the conclusion that I'm going to have 3 put back (whether day 3 or day 5), so long as I have 3 good ones to do it with. My paperwork stipulates that its 100% up to me. So, they'll do it if I ask them to. I feel 3 gives me the best chance to end up with at least 1 baby whilst maintaining a very low chance of triplets.

Its definitely a thought... would you like triplets if you did happen to get pregnant with them? I would never be able to cope. I know the odds are not high on this happening though... :hugs:
Congrats, Mercy! :hugs:

I think you made the right decision, Sammy! I really do! I think I've actually come to the conclusion that I'm going to have 3 put back (whether day 3 or day 5), so long as I have 3 good ones to do it with. My paperwork stipulates that its 100% up to me. So, they'll do it if I ask them to. I feel 3 gives me the best chance to end up with at least 1 baby whilst maintaining a very low chance of triplets.

It was a tough decision but i thought.... ok so if they freeze some then I only really need 3 ideally so i can do one FET out of them if IVF doesnt work. If they froze 4 then i know we would do 2 x FET's and with only thawing 2 at a time then one is bound to arrest as mine always do and trasfering one never works either so if we do FET then if i had 3 that would be great... i need one of the slower ones to catch up if this happens but twice before with IVF this has happened so i am hopeful. Then maybe 2 would make it to transfer. If we only get two frosties though its ok. I dont mind as long as we get two good blasts... its a well thought out plan so i hope it flipping works! ::chews nails::

It is a well thought out plan! I agree! I'm thinking much like you are... trying to cover all the bases! LOL
Congrats, Mercy! :hugs:

I think you made the right decision, Sammy! I really do! I think I've actually come to the conclusion that I'm going to have 3 put back (whether day 3 or day 5), so long as I have 3 good ones to do it with. My paperwork stipulates that its 100% up to me. So, they'll do it if I ask them to. I feel 3 gives me the best chance to end up with at least 1 baby whilst maintaining a very low chance of triplets.

Its definitely a thought... would you like triplets if you did happen to get pregnant with them? I would never be able to cope. I know the odds are not high on this happening though... :hugs:

Honestly, it threw me for a loop to find out that I will be deciding how many we put back. I thought there was a standard or rule. But, not the case, apparently. I'm stuck between 2 and 3 in my head. I'm considering 3 no matter what... but would be willing to consider only 2 if they're really, really great quality.

I'm thinking in the vein of "the path of least regret"... An IVF doctor was talking on some clinic's website about taking the path of least regret. If I put back 2, I could end up with a failed cycle and feeling like I should have put the 3rd back too. If I put back 3, I'd feel like I did the best I could if the cycle failed... but I'd regret triplets much less than I'd regret a failed cycle. So, if I had to rank possible outcomes from best to worst they would be: pregnant with singleton (best); pregnant with twins; pregnant with triplets; no pregnancy but feeling like I gave it my best shot; no pregnancy and kicking myself for not following my gut instinct (worst)... Therefore, 3 sounds like the best decision I can make right now.

Would I like triplet if it happened. I'm sure I'd love them, but I'm terrified of triplets. I don't know how I'd cope, but I'm assuming I'd manage it. The chances seem to only be 3-4%... which doesn't feel like a risk really at all. So, I'm not terribly concerned with the prospect of 3. Of course, I'd be a mess over it in the 2ww. LOL But, I still think I'd rather have three than zero! :(
Congrats, Mercy! :hugs:

I think you made the right decision, Sammy! I really do! I think I've actually come to the conclusion that I'm going to have 3 put back (whether day 3 or day 5), so long as I have 3 good ones to do it with. My paperwork stipulates that its 100% up to me. So, they'll do it if I ask them to. I feel 3 gives me the best chance to end up with at least 1 baby whilst maintaining a very low chance of triplets.

Its definitely a thought... would you like triplets if you did happen to get pregnant with them? I would never be able to cope. I know the odds are not high on this happening though... :hugs:

Honestly, it threw me for a loop to find out that I will be deciding how many we put back. I thought there was a standard or rule. But, not the case, apparently. I'm stuck between 2 and 3 in my head. I'm considering 3 no matter what... but would be willing to consider only 2 if they're really, really great quality.

I'm thinking in the vein of "the path of least regret"... An IVF doctor was talking on some clinic's website about taking the path of least regret. If I put back 2, I could end up with a failed cycle and feeling like I should have put the 3rd back too. If I put back 3, I'd feel like I did the best I could if the cycle failed... but I'd regret triplets much less than I'd regret a failed cycle. So, if I had to rank possible outcomes from best to worst they would be: pregnant with singleton (best); pregnant with twins; pregnant with triplets; no pregnancy but feeling like I gave it my best shot; no pregnancy and kicking myself for not following my gut instinct (worst)... Therefore, 3 sounds like the best decision I can make right now.

Would I like triplet if it happened. I'm sure I'd love them, but I'm terrified of triplets. I don't know how I'd cope, but I'm assuming I'd manage it. The chances seem to only be 3-4%... which doesn't feel like a risk really at all. So, I'm not terribly concerned with the prospect of 3. Of course, I'd be a mess over it in the 2ww. LOL But, I still think I'd rather have three than zero! :(

Personally, for me... no i wouldnt do it. Firstly because I would be horrified at having triplets and although the chances are low it does happen. The chances were low of our baby having Hydro but she had it! Also the difference between having 1 embie transfered and 2 embies is only 5% more chance of getting pregnant so I would imagine 3 would be similar and I would prefer to keep a good embie for freezing rather that transfer it IF i had two great embies already. Also for the fact that one poor girl looknomore had 2 x 3 day and 2 x 5 day blasts transfered and BFN and also ICI Buttercup had 2 x blasts and a morula transfered and BFN where as I got pregnant with 2 x 3 day embies..... :shrug: You could transfer 10 and get BFN or 1 and get BFP. It just depends on your body and the embie and if they connect, there is no set rules and it doesnt seem to increase your chances or guarantee anything. Thats my thoughts anyway... two is fine for me. I could handle twins (i think! lol) if I had to, one baby would be perfect (especially since I have bought the pram already for a singleton :haha:- this was for my angel baby, bless her) Its never an easy decision.... :dohh:
Congrats, Mercy! :hugs:

I think you made the right decision, Sammy! I really do! I think I've actually come to the conclusion that I'm going to have 3 put back (whether day 3 or day 5), so long as I have 3 good ones to do it with. My paperwork stipulates that its 100% up to me. So, they'll do it if I ask them to. I feel 3 gives me the best chance to end up with at least 1 baby whilst maintaining a very low chance of triplets.

Its definitely a thought... would you like triplets if you did happen to get pregnant with them? I would never be able to cope. I know the odds are not high on this happening though... :hugs:

Honestly, it threw me for a loop to find out that I will be deciding how many we put back. I thought there was a standard or rule. But, not the case, apparently. I'm stuck between 2 and 3 in my head. I'm considering 3 no matter what... but would be willing to consider only 2 if they're really, really great quality.

I'm thinking in the vein of "the path of least regret"... An IVF doctor was talking on some clinic's website about taking the path of least regret. If I put back 2, I could end up with a failed cycle and feeling like I should have put the 3rd back too. If I put back 3, I'd feel like I did the best I could if the cycle failed... but I'd regret triplets much less than I'd regret a failed cycle. So, if I had to rank possible outcomes from best to worst they would be: pregnant with singleton (best); pregnant with twins; pregnant with triplets; no pregnancy but feeling like I gave it my best shot; no pregnancy and kicking myself for not following my gut instinct (worst)... Therefore, 3 sounds like the best decision I can make right now.

Would I like triplet if it happened. I'm sure I'd love them, but I'm terrified of triplets. I don't know how I'd cope, but I'm assuming I'd manage it. The chances seem to only be 3-4%... which doesn't feel like a risk really at all. So, I'm not terribly concerned with the prospect of 3. Of course, I'd be a mess over it in the 2ww. LOL But, I still think I'd rather have three than zero! :(

Personally, for me... no i wouldnt do it. Firstly because I would be horrified at having triplets and although the chances are low it does happen. The chances were low of our baby having Hydro but she had it! Also the difference between having 1 embie transfered and 2 embies is only 5% more chance of getting pregnant so I would imagine 3 would be similar and I would prefer to keep a good embie for freezing rather that transfer it IF i had two great embies already. Also for the fact that one poor girl looknomore had 2 x 3 day and 2 x 5 day blasts transfered and BFN and also ICI Buttercup had 2 x blasts and a morula transfered and BFN where as I got pregnant with 2 x 3 day embies..... :shrug: You could transfer 10 and get BFN or 1 and get BFP. It just depends on your body and the embie and if they connect, there is no set rules and it doesnt seem to increase your chances or guarantee anything. Thats my thoughts anyway... two is fine for me. I could handle twins (i think! lol) if I had to, one baby would be perfect (especially since I have bought the pram already for a singleton :haha:- this was for my angel baby, bless her) Its never an easy decision.... :dohh:

I already have a pram for a singleton too! That does make me think I'll end up with twins no matter what I choose! Sod's law, right?

My FS has been doing this for 30 years. In his 30 years, he's only made 15 sets of triplets. That sort of sounds like a lot until you realize that he sees loads of women each month. Let's just assume they do groups of (being conservative) 5 per month... I think its more, honestly. That's about 1800 women that he's done IVF for. If only 15 conceived triplets, that less than 1% conceiving triplets. So, if he has an opinion, I'll do what he feels is best. His goal is for me to conceive at least one healthy baby, and hopefully two at most. He doesn't want me to have triplets, and he doesn't want the cycle to fail. So, I hope he has a strong opinion on what I should do when the time comes. I don't know if he will though... and I'm trying to plan for the possibility of him giving me no opinion.

I know there aren't guarantees... I wish there were. I do feel I could cope better with triplets than a failed cycle... but I say that now and not when I'm trying to care for triplets. LOL I just seriously hope he has a strong opinion when the time comes. FX'd!
Congrats, Mercy! :hugs:

I think you made the right decision, Sammy! I really do! I think I've actually come to the conclusion that I'm going to have 3 put back (whether day 3 or day 5), so long as I have 3 good ones to do it with. My paperwork stipulates that its 100% up to me. So, they'll do it if I ask them to. I feel 3 gives me the best chance to end up with at least 1 baby whilst maintaining a very low chance of triplets.

Its definitely a thought... would you like triplets if you did happen to get pregnant with them? I would never be able to cope. I know the odds are not high on this happening though... :hugs:

Honestly, it threw me for a loop to find out that I will be deciding how many we put back. I thought there was a standard or rule. But, not the case, apparently. I'm stuck between 2 and 3 in my head. I'm considering 3 no matter what... but would be willing to consider only 2 if they're really, really great quality.

I'm thinking in the vein of "the path of least regret"... An IVF doctor was talking on some clinic's website about taking the path of least regret. If I put back 2, I could end up with a failed cycle and feeling like I should have put the 3rd back too. If I put back 3, I'd feel like I did the best I could if the cycle failed... but I'd regret triplets much less than I'd regret a failed cycle. So, if I had to rank possible outcomes from best to worst they would be: pregnant with singleton (best); pregnant with twins; pregnant with triplets; no pregnancy but feeling like I gave it my best shot; no pregnancy and kicking myself for not following my gut instinct (worst)... Therefore, 3 sounds like the best decision I can make right now.

Would I like triplet if it happened. I'm sure I'd love them, but I'm terrified of triplets. I don't know how I'd cope, but I'm assuming I'd manage it. The chances seem to only be 3-4%... which doesn't feel like a risk really at all. So, I'm not terribly concerned with the prospect of 3. Of course, I'd be a mess over it in the 2ww. LOL But, I still think I'd rather have three than zero! :(

Personally, for me... no i wouldnt do it. Firstly because I would be horrified at having triplets and although the chances are low it does happen. The chances were low of our baby having Hydro but she had it! Also the difference between having 1 embie transfered and 2 embies is only 5% more chance of getting pregnant so I would imagine 3 would be similar and I would prefer to keep a good embie for freezing rather that transfer it IF i had two great embies already. Also for the fact that one poor girl looknomore had 2 x 3 day and 2 x 5 day blasts transfered and BFN and also ICI Buttercup had 2 x blasts and a morula transfered and BFN where as I got pregnant with 2 x 3 day embies..... :shrug: You could transfer 10 and get BFN or 1 and get BFP. It just depends on your body and the embie and if they connect, there is no set rules and it doesnt seem to increase your chances or guarantee anything. Thats my thoughts anyway... two is fine for me. I could handle twins (i think! lol) if I had to, one baby would be perfect (especially since I have bought the pram already for a singleton :haha:- this was for my angel baby, bless her) Its never an easy decision.... :dohh:

I already have a pram for a singleton too! That does make me think I'll end up with twins no matter what I choose! Sod's law, right?

My FS has been doing this for 30 years. In his 30 years, he's only made 15 sets of triplets. That sort of sounds like a lot until you realize that he sees loads of women each month. Let's just assume they do groups of (being conservative) 5 per month... I think its more, honestly. That's about 1800 women that he's done IVF for. If only 15 conceived triplets, that less than 1% conceiving triplets. So, if he has an opinion, I'll do what he feels is best. His goal is for me to conceive at least one healthy baby, and hopefully two at most. He doesn't want me to have triplets, and he doesn't want the cycle to fail. So, I hope he has a strong opinion on what I should do when the time comes. I don't know if he will though... and I'm trying to plan for the possibility of him giving me no opinion.

I know there aren't guarantees... I wish there were. I do feel I could cope better with triplets than a failed cycle... but I say that now and not when I'm trying to care for triplets. LOL I just seriously hope he has a strong opinion when the time comes. FX'd!

Lol... of course you will have twins now you have bought a pram! ha ha ha. Yeah i know the chances are low so not much to worry about there but the thing is I am NOT a lucky person so I would end up with triplets believe me! :haha: I would almost carve that in stone. I know i couldnt cope with 3 waking up in the middle of the night and one screaming while you are trying to juggle the other two with bottles/breast. Then them waking each other up.... ARGHHHHH!!! No, not for me thanks! :haha: Its your decision though and if thats what you both decide then I wish you all the very best of luck... well I wish you luck with any decision of course! I hope its our time this time... its so worrying all the way through and then you get to this stage and you still worry and i think i will at least be a bit happier when Monday is over with and I have two back inside me and I just hope that happens.... :hugs:
Megg & Sammy -- I wish you guys all the best as you make your hard decisions. My clinic follows a chart -- and only if I had "unfavorable" day 3 embryos would they transfer 3. In every other category, they transfer 2 automatically. I guess I could've made a choice, but it was a relief that the decisions were made for me. Sammy, your clinic in particular seems to put an awful lot of the medical decisions on you. It's a good thing you're so knowledgeable, but that still seems a bit unfair for them not to use their medical expertise to guide & support you better.

I'm kinda worried that I'll be having twins. The nurse said my high HcG levels (600 at 11dp5dt) may indicate multiples. I'm trying not to think about it!
Megg & Sammy -- I wish you guys all the best as you make your hard decisions. My clinic follows a chart -- and only if I had "unfavorable" day 3 embryos would they transfer 3. In every other category, they transfer 2 automatically. I guess I could've made a choice, but it was a relief that the decisions were made for me. Sammy, your clinic in particular seems to put an awful lot of the medical decisions on you. It's a good thing you're so knowledgeable, but that still seems a bit unfair for them not to use their medical expertise to guide & support you better.

I'm kinda worried that I'll be having twins. The nurse said my high HcG levels (600 at 11dp5dt) may indicate multiples. I'm trying not to think about it!

Thanks Mercy hun :hugs:

I agree... i mean why wasnt someone calling me and saying "look, you have 7 embies enough to risk 5 day transfer, on day 3 5 are looking perfect lets do this or that, what do you think?" I mean FFS they are the experts in this. I think personally they just want an easy life... everything is transfered on Day 3, like it or lump it and then they dont have to worry about monitoring them.... NEXT! Like sheep you know... one room they have EC and the next room they have ET, one in one out! It sounded to me like I was probably the first ever person to ask for 5 day since she had to ask her boss if we could make an acception this time? Thing is nobody in Holland knows anything about IVF... their insurance pays for it and they just turn up on their appointments (like sheep) and hope for the best. They wouldnt have a flying clue that 5 day transfers ever exist because they are not done here. The sad thing is she even seemed a little excited about my plan, probably enlightened her day and gave her something to actually think about from just dealing with boring SHEEP!
hello ladies :) x x x x x wowsers! Has been a busy week!

Isi - so sorry for you news hun x x x thinking of you

Sammy - sounds like you have had one hell of week hun with one thing and another, i hope you're well this weekend and will be thinking of you monday x x x

maxxi - 5 fertilised, good number hun :thumbup: :) x x

megg - hope you're doing well hun x x x

mrs-g - hope you had a good week away hun :) x x

x x x x

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