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Hi Isi - big :hugs:. This process can be so heartwrenching. Does it make you feel better that you have another good embryo left?

Megg - I know, I know I need to stop. I'm taking Blue's advice and so everytime I have a negative thought I counter it with a positive thought. I'm going to assume I've got little fighters.

Sammy - good luck today!
Right well i'm back and I'M PUPO WITH 2 BLASTS!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

This morning was a total nightmare... by 10am I still hadn't been called by the hospital so i just though that since they said it would be an afternoon transfer they would call me later. By 12pm i started to flap and told OH that we would call them if they had not called us before 1pm. AT 1pm he tried to call them and another department said WE were supposed to call this morning... absolutely NOT true, they said they would look at their schedules this morning and call ME! :growlmad: Anyway then we were told that nobody was available to speak to us and the dept only opened again at 1.30pm. I started to get worried, shaking and finally ended up in tears thinking it was all over. AT 1.30pm they were still not picking up and then at 1.45pm we finally managed to speak to someone who said they had tried to call us an hour ago (yeah like i dont think so since the phone has been on standby since this morning and never out of out site!) They told us to come in at 2.15pm with a full bladder (I had just been to the loo!) pm and by now it was 1.50pm and we had to get into Rotterdam city and then across it. The traffic was ok but when we arrived at the hospital they must have been having a seminar there or something because there was a queue of about 20 cars and move arriving! :dohh: I was slowly losing the will to live so i jumped out the car, now realising that I had drank too much water and my kidneys were beginning to ache. I ran into the hospital asking anyone i could for directions and then sat and waited. I knew i had to go to the loo... I couldnt hold out but then she called us in. I let out a little pee while in the changing room toilet just to relief the pain and sat down in the chair, legs akimbo.

The Verdict

She told us they had frozen one embie :happydance: I was expecting the other two to catch up but they obviously never did and we all know where "expecting" gets you with this procedure... nowhere. Also that they were transfering one blast and one just about to become a blast, right on the borderline. I was quite happy about this because i thought since I have never had blasts then if my body doesnt like it then maybe the other embie will be liked instead and that one will implant. It was quite cool knowing I had two different kinds of embryos even though one is about to go to blast any minute! It was quite funny when they did the scan because they said "oooh full bladder eh?" I said "yeah you better believe it so dont go pressing too hard on that ultrasound gadget otherwise you may see the entire contents of it like a small tsunami" She looked a little shall we say "worried" after that :haha: The proceure was pain free as they inserted the speculum and under that humungous bladder you could see my uterus. The got the catheter with the embies and I saw them whizzing in like they had just gone down a slide. The previous times they had sort of been placed but this time they went swooshing in. I was then allowed to go to the loo which was the most wanted toilet break EVER and now i'm home relaxing. Finally, we got there in the end. They never gave me a test date (how crap is that?) I thought OH was discussing this with them while i got dressed but nooooo.... so I dont know when I am supposed to test. Great! :growlmad:
YAY!!! Sammy, what exciting news! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Your clinic is so crazy -- I've never heard of a patient having to do so much of the doctor's work! Geez. They sound totally disorganized. Good thing you're proactive & vocal -- who knows what would happen otherwise!

Fingers & toes crossed for you!!!!! :hugs:
Right well i'm back and I'M PUPO WITH 2 BLASTS!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

This morning was a total nightmare... by 10am I still hadn't been called by the hospital so i just though that since they said it would be an afternoon transfer they would call me later. By 12pm i started to flap and told OH that we would call them if they had not called us before 1pm. AT 1pm he tried to call them and another department said WE were supposed to call this morning... absolutely NOT true, they said they would look at their schedules this morning and call ME! :growlmad: Anyway then we were told that nobody was available to speak to us and the dept only opened again at 1.30pm. I started to get worried, shaking and finally ended up in tears thinking it was all over. AT 1.30pm they were still not picking up and then at 1.45pm we finally managed to speak to someone who said they had tried to call us an hour ago (yeah like i dont think so since the phone has been on standby since this morning and never out of out site!) They told us to come in at 2.15pm with a full bladder (I had just been to the loo!) pm and by now it was 1.50pm and we had to get into Rotterdam city and then across it. The traffic was ok but when we arrived at the hospital they must have been having a seminar there or something because there was a queue of about 20 cars and move arriving! :dohh: I was slowly losing the will to live so i jumped out the car, now realising that I had drank too much water and my kidneys were beginning to ache. I ran into the hospital asking anyone i could for directions and then sat and waited. I knew i had to go to the loo... I couldnt hold out but then she called us in. I let out a little pee while in the changing room toilet just to relief the pain and sat down in the chair, legs akimbo.

The Verdict

She told us they had frozen one embie :happydance: I was expecting the other two to catch up but they obviously never did and we all know where "expecting" gets you with this procedure... nowhere. Also that they were transfering one blast and one just about to become a blast, right on the borderline. I was quite happy about this because i thought since I have never had blasts then if my body doesnt like it then maybe the other embie will be liked instead and that one will implant. It was quite cool knowing I had two different kinds of embryos even though one is about to go to blast any minute! It was quite funny when they did the scan because they said "oooh full bladder eh?" I said "yeah you better believe it so dont go pressing too hard on that ultrasound gadget otherwise you may see the entire contents of it like a small tsunami" She looked a little shall we say "worried" after that :haha: The proceure was pain free as they inserted the speculum and under that humungous bladder you could see my uterus. The got the catheter with the embies and I saw them whizzing in like they had just gone down a slide. The previous times they had sort of been placed but this time they went swooshing in. I was then allowed to go to the loo which was the most wanted toilet break EVER and now i'm home relaxing. Finally, we got there in the end. They never gave me a test date (how crap is that?) I thought OH was discussing this with them while i got dressed but nooooo.... so I dont know when I am supposed to test. Great! :growlmad:

yeah Sammy congrats, finally!! :happydance::happydance: That would be so cool to watch them go in....seriously awesome

Isi- I am so sorry of your new hon, I was really hoping for you :hugs: I hope you join us again soon with a sticky bfp'
take care of yourself

Mercy- how are you feeling?
Congrats Sammy! It'll all work out for you you'll see. You're test date will be on the 2nd which is one day before mine I think even though you went after me. I'm very impressed with the fact that you were able to let only a little pee out and hold the rest. Good bladder control!
Isi - I'm so sorry, honey! I hope you're coping okay! :hugs:

Sammy - Sounds good! Congrats on PUPO!

Hun im not quite sure what you mean when you say numbers? Do you mean number of follies? If so, then yes it may seem great that you have tons of them but this many may not be a good sign. My hospital said they "ideally" like about 11-15 (before in the past i have only got 8) because they said that a high number of follicles normally means a lower quality of egg resulting in weaker embryos. They have always considered my "8" as good though... i cant see why but they have and then of course I got 11 this time but one was smaller than the rest and never contained an egg. Also if they stimm so many there is the chance of OHSS and then usually there is no ET and they all get frozen. Only very very occasionally have I seen a high number of eggs result in very good embryos so just watch out for that, make sure they dont over stimm you!! :hugs:

No, when I asked about #... I was asking what a good E2 level was for the baseline. I know sometimes it can be too high and things can get pushed back until it gets lower. So, I'm just wondering what range they'll be okay with. I have to go have the blood draw for it on Wed.

Hi Isi - big :hugs:. This process can be so heartwrenching. Does it make you feel better that you have another good embryo left?

Megg - I know, I know I need to stop. I'm taking Blue's advice and so everytime I have a negative thought I counter it with a positive thought. I'm going to assume I've got little fighters.

Sammy - good luck today!

I'm sure they are fighters, honey!
Thanks to everyone for their well wishes!

Megg- sorry hun i dont know anything about E2 numbers but good luck!

Maxxi - ha ha... I would not say my bladder us the best but i can pee out a little then stop but i was worried that it might not so only risked a bit!

My DD has stolen the laptop and left me with her nearly flat iphone so will catch up soon ok xxx
Hi all, unfortunately it didn't work for us. So.....back to the drawing board!

Wishing you all the very best of luck!

Isi, so sorry Hun, hope you work out what to do for the best, did you have any frosties in the end?
Well, my second beta went well. My levels went from 600 on Friday to over 2000 today, so my IVF nurse was very happy -- said she wouldn't be surprised if it were twins, but it's impossible to tell for now. I'm so tired all the time -- yawwwwn.

MrsG, Maxxi & Sammy, I've got my fingers crossed for you! Good luck.
OMG! Love that level, mercyme!!!! Doubling in 41.45 hours! that's just right within PERFECT! :yipee:
Well, my second beta went well. My levels went from 600 on Friday to over 2000 today, so my IVF nurse was very happy -- said she wouldn't be surprised if it were twins, but it's impossible to tell for now. I'm so tired all the time -- yawwwwn.

MrsG, Maxxi & Sammy, I've got my fingers crossed for you! Good luck.

oh my that does sound like twinnies :thumbup::winkwink:
when do you have your first scan?
and congrats on the #'s
Well done mercy, looking good on the twins front.

AFM I'm a bit stressed to day, cm has changed from a creamy White to a darker creamy beige, not the usual spotting before af shows but certainly a definate change in tone, think af is imminent, had some cramping last night, different to the pains I've been getting, if I make it to Friday without af showing it'll be a miracle!
Well done mercy, looking good on the twins front.

AFM I'm a bit stressed to day, cm has changed from a creamy White to a darker creamy beige, not the usual spotting before af shows but certainly a definate change in tone, think af is imminent, had some cramping last night, different to the pains I've been getting, if I make it to Friday without af showing it'll be a miracle!

That is so stressful. Are you using the progesterone capsules? My nurse told me that I'd get some discharge at some point and I'd be convinced it was AF but it was my vaginal lining sloughing off. Also aren't you testing late? You probably should have started bleeding by now if you were going to.
Well done mercy, looking good on the twins front.

AFM I'm a bit stressed to day, cm has changed from a creamy White to a darker creamy beige, not the usual spotting before af shows but certainly a definate change in tone, think af is imminent, had some cramping last night, different to the pains I've been getting, if I make it to Friday without af showing it'll be a miracle!

That is so stressful. Are you using the progesterone capsules? My nurse told me that I'd get some discharge at some point and I'd be convinced it was AF but it was my vaginal lining sloughing off. Also aren't you testing late? You probably should have started bleeding by now if you were going to.

Oh jeezus! :sick: That's unfortunate... So, I get that to look forward to? Great!
Well done mercy, looking good on the twins front.

AFM I'm a bit stressed to day, cm has changed from a creamy White to a darker creamy beige, not the usual spotting before af shows but certainly a definate change in tone, think af is imminent, had some cramping last night, different to the pains I've been getting, if I make it to Friday without af showing it'll be a miracle!

That is so stressful. Are you using the progesterone capsules? My nurse told me that I'd get some discharge at some point and I'd be convinced it was AF but it was my vaginal lining sloughing off. Also aren't you testing late? You probably should have started bleeding by now if you were going to.

Oh jeezus! :sick: That's unfortunate... So, I get that to look forward to? Great!

Guys, no bleeding or spotting all day, tmi alert, this morning I had a gooey bit of disharge, not like ewcm, a thicker consistency and it was creamy beige, a bit like a bogey (sorry). I am on progesterone capsules but haven't had anything like this so far, just a bit oily/White from the capsules, I'm so confused.

I nearly gave in and went to tesco to buy a test but the thought of deceiving my oh I couldn't, 2 more wake ups then I test.

I think my testing date is really late 15 days post 3 day transfer, on my normal cycle af was due last Tuesday but I know the drugs affect it,

Guys, no bleeding or spotting all day, tmi alert, this morning I had a gooey bit of disharge, not like ewcm, a thicker consistency and it was creamy beige, a bit like a bogey (sorry). I am on progesterone capsules but haven't had anything like this so far, just a bit oily/White from the capsules, I'm so confused.

I nearly gave in and went to tesco to buy a test but the thought of deceiving my oh I couldn't, 2 more wake ups then I test.

I think my testing date is really late 15 days post 3 day transfer, on my normal cycle af was due last Tuesday but I know the drugs affect it,

I give you credit that's for sure! Today is your official test date since it's 13 days post transfer so this may be good! I'm on the capsules and am leaking white all over the place! It doesn't sound like that happened to you. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong with them.

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