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Anyone else using progesterone capsules and leaking white all over the place? Sorry if that's TMI but I'm wondering what everyone's experience has been.
Maxi are you lying down for 30 minutes after each one, this allows it time to absorb and prevents leaking!!! I've been wearing panty liners but had very little mess to speak of!
Mrs-G, best of luck, I hope you get your :bfp:

Hey ladies at work, we're now working with a company who's abreviations is bfp! Hopefully it's an oman for me!
Anyone else using progesterone capsules and leaking white all over the place? Sorry if that's TMI but I'm wondering what everyone's experience has been.

Actually, after all the descriptions of the suppositories, I chose to keep going with the shots, which don't hurt me, instead of dealing with the mess. The nurse thought I was weird.

MrsG, you are a marvel of self-control! I think you'll get a BFP -- can't wait to see!
Maxi are you lying down for 30 minutes after each one, this allows it time to absorb and prevents leaking!!! I've been wearing panty liners but had very little mess to speak of!

Definitely not 30 mins. I have to use them 4 times each day so that means I'm using them at work so no laying down for me.
That'll be why then honey x I'm just twice a day, 7 o'clock am and pm.

Thanks everyone, I'm getting my hopes up a bit now but I don't want to as I know my chances are slim, I've been playing a game with my keys which gives me a 50 % chance of getting in first time at home and I keep losing so I don't hold out much hope with 26% chance x
Wallie - I hope so!

Mercy - they didn't give me the option of continuing the injections but my butt is still sore from them and the last injection I did was 2 days ago.

MrsG - You test Friday right?
Yeah testing first thing Friday morning, only 1 more wake up to wait!!!!!!!

I've got my hopes up now and feel a bit more positive, I just hope it's not a bfn, cos now I'm gonna be gutted, if I make it to Friday with no af and it's a bfn I won't really understand it.

Anyone else testing with me or are you all a week behind or so.
Yeah testing first thing Friday morning, only 1 more wake up to wait!!!!!!!

I've got my hopes up now and feel a bit more positive, I just hope it's not a bfn, cos now I'm gonna be gutted, if I make it to Friday with no af and it's a bfn I won't really understand it.

Anyone else testing with me or are you all a week behind or so.

I've got some waiting to do. I'm not till next week. I like where I am though, not too close to testing.
Yeah testing first thing Friday morning, only 1 more wake up to wait!!!!!!!

I've got my hopes up now and feel a bit more positive, I just hope it's not a bfn, cos now I'm gonna be gutted, if I make it to Friday with no af and it's a bfn I won't really understand it.

Anyone else testing with me or are you all a week behind or so.

I would love to be testing with you but a) its to early :haha: and b) I dont even know when myt official test date IS! They never gave me one. AF is between 26 days and 29 days so thats not even definite anymore and also last time the progesterone delayed my AF for 2-3 days and its never done that before, I always had 27 day cycles dead on (only after IVF #2 that they have been between 26-29 days!) So i dont know whether I will EVER be able to test and take the result as true.... What a nightmare eh?! Springflower had this problem with the progesterone as well so I know i'm not alone but its kind of a pain in the ass because I am scared to test in case its not real and i get my hopes up.... Good luck for Friday!!! :hugs:

Maxxi - This is perfectly normal with the progesterone. I had to take it while I was at work since i had to take it 3 times a day and it was disgusting and kept leaking out all white and curdled looking. Dont worry, that just Progesterone for you... gross isnt it? :hugs:
Sammy - thanks. It is nasty isn't it? My post transfer instructions said that we can start having sex 24 hours after transfer but with that progesterone it's not happening!
Yeah, we were told no sex til test date -- then after the BFP, they said no sex for the first trimester. Riiiiiight! That was a no-go. It'd already been four weeks at that point.
Yeah, we were told no sex til test date -- then after the BFP, they said no sex for the first trimester. Riiiiiight! That was a no-go. It'd already been four weeks at that point.

Well that progesterone is a killer that's for sure. How early did you test by the way? I don't want to test but then I think of waiting to get a call from the clinic and I just don't know if I'll be able handle it. In the end I'm sure I'll do what I need to do.
Yeah, we were told no sex til test date -- then after the BFP, they said no sex for the first trimester. Riiiiiight! That was a no-go. It'd already been four weeks at that point.

Well that progesterone is a killer that's for sure. How early did you test by the way? I don't want to test but then I think of waiting to get a call from the clinic and I just don't know if I'll be able handle it. In the end I'm sure I'll do what I need to do.

Yes, if I were doing the suppository, I could totally see how that wouldn't work!
My transfer was on Monday, the 8th. I started testing on Sunday, the 14th -- so 6 days after? I got a ghost of a line! It's possible I even imagined it. Monday, a slight shadow, but I was starting to feel hopeful. Tues it was a definite faint line -- Wed am, looked a bit brighter, Wed pm quite dark. I didn't test again, as I ran out of dollar store tests & just didn't want to keep going. My first beta was that Friday (19th) & my HCG was 666 -- yes, 666! On Monday (22), 72 hrs later, my HcG was over 2000.

I still feel very tentative. I'm a "little bit pregnant" -- and won't feel that it's true until I hear a heartbeat (scan on Dec 6). Right now, it's just one more hurdle we've cleared -- not really different than getting enough follies, enough fertilized, enough blasts, etc. I guess the disappointment will be much greater, but the excitement levels are about the same as for the other bits of encouraging news.
Sammy - thanks. It is nasty isn't it? My post transfer instructions said that we can start having sex 24 hours after transfer but with that progesterone it's not happening!

Ha ha ha.... I thought it was vile stuff so I asked for the injections last time, one every 3 days and no gunk! Ask to swap. :thumbup:
Yeah, we were told no sex til test date -- then after the BFP, they said no sex for the first trimester. Riiiiiight! That was a no-go. It'd already been four weeks at that point.

Well that progesterone is a killer that's for sure. How early did you test by the way? I don't want to test but then I think of waiting to get a call from the clinic and I just don't know if I'll be able handle it. In the end I'm sure I'll do what I need to do.

Yes, if I were doing the suppository, I could totally see how that wouldn't work!
My transfer was on Monday, the 8th. I started testing on Sunday, the 14th -- so 6 days after? I got a ghost of a line! It's possible I even imagined it. Monday, a slight shadow, but I was starting to feel hopeful. Tues it was a definite faint line -- Wed am, looked a bit brighter, Wed pm quite dark. I didn't test again, as I ran out of dollar store tests & just didn't want to keep going. My first beta was that Friday (19th) & my HCG was 666 -- yes, 666! On Monday (22), 72 hrs later, my HcG was over 2000.

I still feel very tentative. I'm a "little bit pregnant" -- and won't feel that it's true until I hear a heartbeat (scan on Dec 6). Right now, it's just one more hurdle we've cleared -- not really different than getting enough follies, enough fertilized, enough blasts, etc. I guess the disappointment will be much greater, but the excitement levels are about the same as for the other bits of encouraging news.

Awww bless.... I know how you feel. Its just one hurdle after another but things are going great and you have got over the biggest hurdle so if you can (and i know its hard) try to relax and enjoy :hugs:
Mercy - you did a 5 day transfer, right? I did a 3 day so I have no idea what that would mean for testing. I should just forget about testing early. No good's going to come out of it for me. I just get anxious. I'm trying to think positively.

Sammy - today there's tons of progesterone discharge! I'm putting it in as far as I can. You don't think I'm doing something wrong do you? I almos want to put another capsule in.
Mercy - you did a 5 day transfer, right? I did a 3 day so I have no idea what that would mean for testing. I should just forget about testing early. No good's going to come out of it for me. I just get anxious. I'm trying to think positively.

Sammy - today there's tons of progesterone discharge! I'm putting it in as far as I can. You don't think I'm doing something wrong do you? I almos want to put another capsule in.

Hey i had to do 2 capsules 3 x a day.... 2 morning 2 afternoon and 2 evening... there was always a big stack of it in my pants (all those that are eating lunch look away NOW! lol) I used to have to wipe it off from them when I went to the loo and it smelt weird as well. I hated the stuff and it also gave me Cystitis! You are not doing anything wrong, its just like that... well it was for me anyway, loads of it came back down.
Mercy - you did a 5 day transfer, right? I did a 3 day so I have no idea what that would mean for testing. I should just forget about testing early. No good's going to come out of it for me. I just get anxious. I'm trying to think positively.

Sammy - today there's tons of progesterone discharge! I'm putting it in as far as I can. You don't think I'm doing something wrong do you? I almos want to put another capsule in.

Yes, two 5 day blasts. I don't know if that makes a difference in test dates, but it seems logical to think it would. I wouldn't have tested, but my boobs were getting so big :haha: Of course, now I'm always squeezing them, worried that they're getting smaller & that the embryo stopped growing. :wacko:
I'm trying to be relaxed -- but it's hard. Thanks, Sammy, for the encouragment! :hugs:

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