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Mrs G that is fantastic, congratulations! Wonderful news.
Congratulations Mrs G :happydance:

Hope everyone else is ok - keeping my fiingers crossed for you all :hugs:
Sorry this is the first time I have had to update today... work has been manic!

Congrats Mrs-G... i knew it... i told you... :thumbup::happydance:

AFM god i have felt a bit crap again today, stomach whirring all over the place and pains and bloated and some of the pains taking my breath away. BUT on a lighter note I got my new iPhone 4 this evening!!! :happydance:
MrsG - I bet I'm unluckier than you!

Sammy - I still have nothing major going on except that I feel a cold coming on. I'm staying in bed the whole weekend since the last thing I need is to get sick.
MrsG - I bet I'm unluckier than you!

Sammy - I still have nothing major going on except that I feel a cold coming on. I'm staying in bed the whole weekend since the last thing I need is to get sick.

Ohhh I had a bad "flu" and felt sick when I was about 5 and 6 dpo my bfp month.....felt really awful....I think your body shuts down to protect the baby :winkwink:
good luck hon
just had a wuick scan to check on you mrs-g, and i'm so pleased for you :) many many congratulations :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: i shall be back later for a full catch up

hello to everyone else :flower:

:) x x x
MrsG - I bet I'm unluckier than you!

Sammy - I still have nothing major going on except that I feel a cold coming on. I'm staying in bed the whole weekend since the last thing I need is to get sick.

Ohhh I had a bad "flu" and felt sick when I was about 5 and 6 dpo my bfp month.....felt really awful....I think your body shuts down to protect the baby :winkwink:
good luck hon

Wouldn't that be nice? It feels more like sinus congestion, headache, sore throat but not too bad yet. The weather has changed from temps in the 60's to a lovely 35 this morning so I'm blaming that for now!
MrsG - I bet I'm unluckier than you!

Sammy - I still have nothing major going on except that I feel a cold coming on. I'm staying in bed the whole weekend since the last thing I need is to get sick.

Ohhh I had a bad "flu" and felt sick when I was about 5 and 6 dpo my bfp month.....felt really awful....I think your body shuts down to protect the baby :winkwink:
good luck hon

Wouldn't that be nice? It feels more like sinus congestion, headache, sore throat but not too bad yet. The weather has changed from temps in the 60's to a lovely 35 this morning so I'm blaming that for now!

i dont really have any either... im starting to feel like it hasnt worked again. surely i should have something other than the usual progesterone pains?
MrsG - I bet I'm unluckier than you!

Sammy - I still have nothing major going on except that I feel a cold coming on. I'm staying in bed the whole weekend since the last thing I need is to get sick.

Ohhh I had a bad "flu" and felt sick when I was about 5 and 6 dpo my bfp month.....felt really awful....I think your body shuts down to protect the baby :winkwink:
good luck hon

Wouldn't that be nice? It feels more like sinus congestion, headache, sore throat but not too bad yet. The weather has changed from temps in the 60's to a lovely 35 this morning so I'm blaming that for now!

i dont really have any either... im starting to feel like it hasnt worked again. surely i should have something other than the usual progesterone pains?

I spoke to a friend of my who had twins with her third ivf and she felt absolutely nothing until a few months into her pregnancy so anything is possible. Britt said she had flu-like symptoms but that was it. I feel like I'm getting a cold and I really hope that's not the case. I'm good for several colds a year so I wouldn't be surprised. And with this change in weather it's a total set up for me. I don't think I can take anything either. Are you using estrogen patches?
MrsG - I bet I'm unluckier than you!

Sammy - I still have nothing major going on except that I feel a cold coming on. I'm staying in bed the whole weekend since the last thing I need is to get sick.

Ohhh I had a bad "flu" and felt sick when I was about 5 and 6 dpo my bfp month.....felt really awful....I think your body shuts down to protect the baby :winkwink:
good luck hon

Wouldn't that be nice? It feels more like sinus congestion, headache, sore throat but not too bad yet. The weather has changed from temps in the 60's to a lovely 35 this morning so I'm blaming that for now!

i dont really have any either... im starting to feel like it hasnt worked again. surely i should have something other than the usual progesterone pains?

I spoke to a friend of my who had twins with her third ivf and she felt absolutely nothing until a few months into her pregnancy so anything is possible. Britt said she had flu-like symptoms but that was it. I feel like I'm getting a cold and I really hope that's not the case. I'm good for several colds a year so I wouldn't be surprised. And with this change in weather it's a total set up for me. I don't think I can take anything either. Are you using estrogen patches?

i know your right... im sitting in the hairdressers with my daughter who is having hghlights put through for the second time today cos the first time it didnt even change colour and im not paying 85 euros for no change!! and googling away and some people even with triplets had no symptoms. i cant help but feel pessimistic though. im 10dpo and a test brought up a stronger line than yesterday but i went through this scenario last time so im not reading anything into that at all!
Think positive ladies, it can and will work. :hugs: Sammy it is looking hopeful though even though I know you don't trust the sticks.
MrsG - I bet I'm unluckier than you!

Sammy - I still have nothing major going on except that I feel a cold coming on. I'm staying in bed the whole weekend since the last thing I need is to get sick.

Ohhh I had a bad "flu" and felt sick when I was about 5 and 6 dpo my bfp month.....felt really awful....I think your body shuts down to protect the baby :winkwink:
good luck hon

Wouldn't that be nice? It feels more like sinus congestion, headache, sore throat but not too bad yet. The weather has changed from temps in the 60's to a lovely 35 this morning so I'm blaming that for now!

i dont really have any either... im starting to feel like it hasnt worked again. surely i should have something other than the usual progesterone pains?

I spoke to a friend of my who had twins with her third ivf and she felt absolutely nothing until a few months into her pregnancy so anything is possible. Britt said she had flu-like symptoms but that was it. I feel like I'm getting a cold and I really hope that's not the case. I'm good for several colds a year so I wouldn't be surprised. And with this change in weather it's a total set up for me. I don't think I can take anything either. Are you using estrogen patches?

i know your right... im sitting in the hairdressers with my daughter who is having hghlights put through for the second time today cos the first time it didnt even change colour and im not paying 85 euros for no change!! and googling away and some people even with triplets had no symptoms. i cant help but feel pessimistic though. im 10dpo and a test brought up a stronger line than yesterday but i went through this scenario last time so im not reading anything into that at all!

Do you mean an hpt? If so a positive's a positive! How many days post transfer are you?
Think positive ladies, it can and will work. :hugs: Sammy it is looking hopeful though even though I know you don't trust the sticks.

Thanks Wallie. I'm trying to think positively. I'm not testing ever! Just kidding.
OMG Sammy, do you mean you have a positive HPT?? can I start getting excited yet?.....
Girls, honestly I expected a whole host of symptoms based on what some women post on BNB...but honestly I dont understand how they could have so much going on so early when your hormone is very low...they must be very sensitive but I dont truly believe that is the norm.
I felt great, besides flu like symptoms for 2 days only and it abruptly went away so thought it was surely unrelated...I had no nausea, no cramps, boobs were really not sore- well the left one only at like 3dpo but that went away. The only tiny wierd thing I had if I think back is almost like a really mild siatica for part of a day...shooting pain down my butt and my leg...it could have been totally unrelated and like I said it only lasted a short while but I found it odd.
Oh one more thing (I have to really think about it) I had no cramps what so ever and no implanatation bleeding but I did have a little flutter in my stomach like a short little tickle at 8dpo....I wondered if that could have been implantation just b/c of the timing.
the one thing I have realized is all women seem to have a different experience so its hard to tell but I DEFINITELY felt out my bfp month
good luck ladies, getting excited
i'm still thinking i'm out despite getting two BFP. I#m begining to think the worry is never gonna go. I thought the tww was bad, the 2 week scan wait is a nightmare too!!!

I really hope you've got you BFP Sammy x

Maxi, you holding out to OTD hun?

Is it just you two in TWW?

Megg, did your stimming start today or am I a week late?
MrsG - I bet I'm unluckier than you!

Sammy - I still have nothing major going on except that I feel a cold coming on. I'm staying in bed the whole weekend since the last thing I need is to get sick.

Ohhh I had a bad "flu" and felt sick when I was about 5 and 6 dpo my bfp month.....felt really awful....I think your body shuts down to protect the baby :winkwink:
good luck hon

Wouldn't that be nice? It feels more like sinus congestion, headache, sore throat but not too bad yet. The weather has changed from temps in the 60's to a lovely 35 this morning so I'm blaming that for now!

i dont really have any either... im starting to feel like it hasnt worked again. surely i should have something other than the usual progesterone pains?

I spoke to a friend of my who had twins with her third ivf and she felt absolutely nothing until a few months into her pregnancy so anything is possible. Britt said she had flu-like symptoms but that was it. I feel like I'm getting a cold and I really hope that's not the case. I'm good for several colds a year so I wouldn't be surprised. And with this change in weather it's a total set up for me. I don't think I can take anything either. Are you using estrogen patches?

i know your right... im sitting in the hairdressers with my daughter who is having hghlights put through for the second time today cos the first time it didnt even change colour and im not paying 85 euros for no change!! and googling away and some people even with triplets had no symptoms. i cant help but feel pessimistic though. im 10dpo and a test brought up a stronger line than yesterday but i went through this scenario last time so im not reading anything into that at all!

Do you mean an hpt? If so a positive's a positive! How many days post transfer are you?

Its a toughie hun.... EC was 17th Nov which is 10 days ago so im 10dpo - this was when i got my BFP with DD who we lost at 24 weeks. Then i was taking the progesterone suppositories. Last IVF i was doing the shot which i believe contains HCG, either that or it boosts your ovaries to produce a sufficient amount of natural progesterone in order to support a pregnancy (ie embies) Well we all know that Pregnyl is the trigger shot and so can loom in your system for several days causing fake BFP's. Before when i took 10,000 IU it was out of my system in 4 days BUT last time when i took 1500IU it either was still in my system right up until 2 days past AF due or I had a chemical pregnancy AGAIN. Strange thing was... the IC would not pick up anything in the end BUT a Clearblue DIGI and a FRER both showed BFP???? Now normally the IC will give me the first sign of a BFP but it just wouldnt pick it up and then i knew something was wrong.... the FRER got lighter and then 4 days past AF due, AF arrived and I am NEVER late. I never tested after that....

I would have thought that last night when i took the last injection of 1500IU pregnyl that by late evening the line would be dark but it was barely visable and i mean virtually blank and so this morning i tested at 10dpo and there was a very distinct pink line... Theoretically if i was pregnant the line would get darker as the HCG in my body increased and lighter if the shot was leaving and i wasnt pregnant but i dont know. I dont trust this injection. I wish i had taken the suppositories now. It could possibly take at least 4 days to leave my system... maybe longer! Or it could have left. I will never know... :growlmad:
Sammy getting darker is a very good sign. had you taken another shot before you tried your second test that got darker?

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