Sorry i have been AWOL from the thread... im finding it hard to cope. BFP this morning but i cannot hold out any hope... I just dont have any ladies. I updated my journal but the updates are on the last pages. I cannot even bring myself to update on page 1 of my journal. I feel sick and worried and crap basically. FRER and CB Digi were BFP and PREGNANT 1-2 this morning with FMU (i was surprised to be honest) internet cheapies will not detect anything even though they are 10miu and the CB digi 25miu so the IC are supposed to be MORE sensitive. I dont understand. I have not tested with a CB this evening. OH bought 3 more today but I will do one in the morning if AF is not here and the others Thurs and Fri (if i get that far!) My boobs have started to feel full, pains going through them but not sore as such. I never have AF symptoms she always arrives as a "surprise" but I cannot help but feel she is on her way. Maybe im paranoid or maybe i just "know" but I dont feel positive or have any hope even with positive tests. Maybe so much has happened over the last 2 years i never will but i will be really surprised if AF does not arrive tomorrow (due AF tomorrow) or at some point soon :nope:

I think you're just traumatized from all that's happened over the past couple of years. Is there any way you can force them to give you a beta? That will put your mind at ease for sure. I think you can trust the tests more than AF not showing up since the progesterone more often than not delays AF. Or am I hearing/reading the wrong stuff? Because I'm tempted to hold off doing the beta myself! Tomorrow would be CD 28 for me and by now I should have started spotting so I'm hoping your right! But seriously if you could get a beta you'd see the tests are good and you'd feel SOOO much better!

Maxxi hun i only wish! There is no way on this God forsaken Earth they will give me a BETA test because they just dont do them here... you WAIT until 16 days after EC and you DONT ring before BF or NOT and if you do then they will tell you to feck off basically (in not so many words) because we have been there before with IVF #1. I called them when I was due AF and they told us to get lost and call after 16 days and I said "look i am pregnant" and they said yeah but it may be the Progesterone causing a false BFP!!! What Progesteroine SUPPOSITIORIES? I dont think so.... Injections yeah but pessaries no. They wouldnt have it anyway so we had to call back 16 days after EC! :dohh:

Progesterone can delay AF, Springflower has had this problem. Last time the Progesterone delayed my AF by 4 days i think but im unsure if it was a chemical so i cannot say for definite.

Well you have done well to get to CD28 so lets hoping this is for you! Is AF due tomorrow? Wishing you all the VERY best of luck! :hugs:

That's annoying about the beta. I wish there was a way you could just show up there and refuse to leave! How many days till you're 16dpo? You'll feel so much better at that point. I rarely see cycles of 28 days but that's what tomorrow would be. I have been seeing cycles from 21 days to the rare 27. I think I had a 28 day cycle 2 times during the past year. I thought about waiting till next Wednesday to go in for blood work which would be CD 35 but does the cycle day really matter? I almost feel like I'll be taking progesterone all those extra days and giving myself a headache for nothing! I can only go into the office this Friday, Monday or next Wednesday.

THEY are annoying! Well 16 days after EC is this Friday. I had a 25 days cycle last month (which is fairly short for me as i normally have a 27 day cycle) so AF is 2 days late if you like but i cannot go by that because i dont normally have a 25 day cycle! :dohh: It could alsp be the Progesterone delaying AF... or i could be pregnant. Who knows? Not me! They dont even give you a BETA test when your 16dpo... or EVER! I think you get one at the midwifes for some reason but my hospital dont do them.

I would go to the doctors as soon as they can get you in if i were you.,... i would be there tomorrow if they would give me a beta test! :hugs:

So wait will they or won't they give you a beta this Friday? I'm ready to go over there and take your blood myself! The earliest I can go in for my beta is Friday. It was a toss up for between having me in Friday or Monday so they said to come in Friday. I have to make an appt which I'm too nervous to do!
But surely the cycle day doesn't matter at all as an IVF cycle is totally different? I personally would just go on dpt and if a three day transfer test on 11 days after tranfer and if a five day tranfer test 9 days after. Although when I did IUI they said 19 days after IUI, so they are wanting you to wait a little longer than what your normal LP is.

That's what I figured. It's a nice way to look at it though. I'm so nervous about going that I figured I'd be a little more confident the more days that pass without me seeing AF. I almost wish I could never go in and just see myself getting pg and at that point I'd go in!
i wish i lived near you sammy so i could give you a hug cherub x x x there's so much hope through this thread, you're allowed a day off hun, we'll be here when you need a dose :)

that goes for everyone :)

mercy :hugs: everyday is a step closer hun, i do hear what you're feeling though about being worried due to your past x x x

maxxi - i'll be dropping by friday to check up on you bud! x x x

i'm off to bed ladies, nighty nightsville :) x x x
OMG, maxxi, I'm so excited/nervous for you! I can't believe your willpower, not peeing on sticks!

Sammy, I'm flabbergasted by your clinic. No offense, but they suck! My clinic has treated me like a princess (maybe b/c I'm paying them $12,000? :haha:) -- they did a beta 9 days after my transfer! I can't believe how sucky your people have been. I would have lost my damn mind if I'd been treated like that! You're so strong. And I think you're pregnant.
mrsF - awww i could do with a big hug right now! night night hun ps i finally got round to putting your BFP on page 1!!! lol x

mercy- yep they are crap! i totally agree. i rarely hear of a worse hospital. they wont give u a fert report they make you wait 3-5 days until they are teansfered, no progesterone after 12 days, unless you whine and moan like me! oh it goes on forever... no sedation for EC you got to stay awake... la la la crappity crap! grrr x
OMG, maxxi, I'm so excited/nervous for you! I can't believe your willpower, not peeing on sticks!

Sammy, I'm flabbergasted by your clinic. No offense, but they suck! My clinic has treated me like a princess (maybe b/c I'm paying them $12,000? :haha:) -- they did a beta 9 days after my transfer! I can't believe how sucky your people have been. I would have lost my damn mind if I'd been treated like that! You're so strong. And I think you're pregnant.

I had 3 sticks and peed on 2 3dp3dt and 1 4dp3dt. I needed to get rid of them but of course throwing them out wouldn't have worked! All 3 were negative. I know that I tested really early so more likely than not they never would have shown a positive. But it put me in such a bad mood the whole day that I realized it's not worth it. I decided that it would be better for someone else to have to break the bad news to me.
OMG, maxxi, I'm so excited/nervous for you! I can't believe your willpower, not peeing on sticks!

Sammy, I'm flabbergasted by your clinic. No offense, but they suck! My clinic has treated me like a princess (maybe b/c I'm paying them $12,000? :haha:) -- they did a beta 9 days after my transfer! I can't believe how sucky your people have been. I would have lost my damn mind if I'd been treated like that! You're so strong. And I think you're pregnant.

I had 3 sticks and peed on 2 3dp3dt and 1 4dp3dt. I needed to get rid of them but of course throwing them out wouldn't have worked! All 3 were negative. I know that I tested really early so more likely than not they never would have shown a positive. But it put me in such a bad mood the whole day that I realized it's not worth it. I decided that it would be better for someone else to have to break the bad news to me.

both tests were far too early to show anything so scrap any idea of those BFN's!!! good luck hun xxx
OMG, maxxi, I'm so excited/nervous for you! I can't believe your willpower, not peeing on sticks!

Sammy, I'm flabbergasted by your clinic. No offense, but they suck! My clinic has treated me like a princess (maybe b/c I'm paying them $12,000? :haha:) -- they did a beta 9 days after my transfer! I can't believe how sucky your people have been. I would have lost my damn mind if I'd been treated like that! You're so strong. And I think you're pregnant.

I had 3 sticks and peed on 2 3dp3dt and 1 4dp3dt. I needed to get rid of them but of course throwing them out wouldn't have worked! All 3 were negative. I know that I tested really early so more likely than not they never would have shown a positive. But it put me in such a bad mood the whole day that I realized it's not worth it. I decided that it would be better for someone else to have to break the bad news to me.

both tests were far too early to show anything so scrap any idea of those BFN's!!! good luck hun xxx

I figured but it sure put me in a bad mood!
I believe its real, Sammy! :hugs: Just hang on a bit longer!
OMG, maxxi, I'm so excited/nervous for you! I can't believe your willpower, not peeing on sticks!

Sammy, I'm flabbergasted by your clinic. No offense, but they suck! My clinic has treated me like a princess (maybe b/c I'm paying them $12,000? :haha:) -- they did a beta 9 days after my transfer! I can't believe how sucky your people have been. I would have lost my damn mind if I'd been treated like that! You're so strong. And I think you're pregnant.

I had 3 sticks and peed on 2 3dp3dt and 1 4dp3dt. I needed to get rid of them but of course throwing them out wouldn't have worked! All 3 were negative. I know that I tested really early so more likely than not they never would have shown a positive. But it put me in such a bad mood the whole day that I realized it's not worth it. I decided that it would be better for someone else to have to break the bad news to me.

both tests were far too early to show anything so scrap any idea of those BFN's!!! good luck hun xxx

I figured but it sure put me in a bad mood!

I understand--sounds very much like something I'd do! but I also agree with Sammy -- nothing could've shown up that early. Still hoping for you! fx!
hey girls, just trying to catch up.
Sammy- am I missing something?? At this point if you have a bfp isnt it a bfp?? sorry I dont know how it works but sounds darn close to OTD, it has to be right? when was the last time you had an injection?
ohh.....I am so very excited for you :)
My bfp month I had no pms symptoms

Maxxi, I have everything crossed for you as well. I hope you guys are both bfp. I will be checking on Friday

Ladies a CB Digi has just brought up PREGNANT again... :happydance:

Surely this must be real now? AF was due from 2 days ago to today!

Even the internet cheapie has FINALLY decided to start showing a faint line... AT LAST! OTD is Friday which will be 16 days after EC and today I am 9dp5dt = 14dpo

Oh God please don't change now!
:wohoo: WHOOP WHOOP SAMMY!!!!! HELL TO THE YEAH GIRLFRIEND!!!! Did you go and get yourself a BFP lady???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a very merry christmas indeed gal ;) x x x x x mega-chuffed for you missus :) :) :) x x x
:wohoo: WHOOP WHOOP SAMMY!!!!! HELL TO THE YEAH GIRLFRIEND!!!! Did you go and get yourself a BFP lady???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a very merry christmas indeed gal ;) x x x x x mega-chuffed for you missus :) :) :) x x x

Thanks Hun and you would think yeah but I've just looked over my last journal and at this stage last time it was BFP then the next day it turned to BFN... maybe I had a chemical. The IC now hasn't developed how I thought it would and looks vitally BFN although the digi was BFP. what's going on? :(
Hey Sammy- Congratulations. I think this would be a BFP. At 9 day post 5 day t/f it should be safe to assume its real. All the patience and perseverance has paid off. You deserve it. Good luck
Have been lurkin on this thread since my failed ivf- just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world xx
sammy and maxxi - i have everything crossed for you ladies, i really do [-o<

anyone else near to testing or near PUPO?

mrs-g - it's scary over in first tri isn't it!!! The ladies seem lovely, but i think cos i;ve been used to such a small community for the past few years, going over there is like walking into an arena full of people!!! the board moves so fast!

can we not just hide out here .............. ?

much love ladies, thinking of you all the time x x x x

Yeah I like it much better here, there is too much loss in first tri, it scares the hell out of me, I think we should have an assisted conception first tri area so we are weaned in gently, some of the girls there appear to have had it easy, just a couple of months of wham bam thank you mam, and their off to first tri! I'm not moving!!!!!!!!

Least in this area we are all hopeful and know how much it means to get that BFP!

Maxi, it's really difficult waiting for the OTD isn't it, you try and scruntinize every little twinge and convince yourself AF on way. Good Luck

Sammy - I think you might of got your BFP, you might as well accept it and now start worrying about next 8 weeks, I'm still as stressed about the whole thing now as I was before OTD so you might as well just start stressing about whether or not it's gonna stick like me and analyse the fact that every twinge or pain or lack of symptom means an eptopic or MC. Oh the joys of trying to become a mother!!!!! If I have a girl I'm gonna make sure she knows how hard it can be so she doesn't spend her late twentys and early thirty's thinking she's not ready yet and putting it off like I did!

Oh, can you tell i'm snowed in, I've not been this talkative for weeks, I am avoiding irining though whilst watching scary programs about labour and birth on Sky!
mrs-g i was thinking of an assisted conception thread on 1st tri too hun. i defo feel more comfy here with you ladies as we've been through so much x x x

sammy :hugs: it's never bloody simple and easy is it gal x x x x x god knows we all deserve it x x x x

i'm snowed in too - snow day whoop whoop!!!! Guilt free sleeping, eating, net-surfing and tv - fab stuff. We've got about 10-12 inches here, all our major roads are closed, and country roads are so lethal. And it's still snowing :) my dog is medium sized and the snow came up to his shoulders - bless him, he just had to bound around as he couldn't walk in it properly - mind you, neither could I!!!!

x x x x
sammy and maxxi - i have everything crossed for you ladies, i really do [-o<

anyone else near to testing or near PUPO?

mrs-g - it's scary over in first tri isn't it!!! The ladies seem lovely, but i think cos i;ve been used to such a small community for the past few years, going over there is like walking into an arena full of people!!! the board moves so fast!

can we not just hide out here .............. ?

much love ladies, thinking of you all the time x x x x

Yeah I like it much better here, there is too much loss in first tri, it scares the hell out of me, I think we should have an assisted conception first tri area so we are weaned in gently, some of the girls there appear to have had it easy, just a couple of months of wham bam thank you mam, and their off to first tri! I'm not moving!!!!!!!!

Least in this area we are all hopeful and know how much it means to get that BFP!

Maxi, it's really difficult waiting for the OTD isn't it, you try and scruntinize every little twinge and convince yourself AF on way. Good Luck

Sammy - I think you might of got your BFP, you might as well accept it and now start worrying about next 8 weeks, I'm still as stressed about the whole thing now as I was before OTD so you might as well just start stressing about whether or not it's gonna stick like me and analyse the fact that every twinge or pain or lack of symptom means an eptopic or MC. Oh the joys of trying to become a mother!!!!! If I have a girl I'm gonna make sure she knows how hard it can be so she doesn't spend her late twentys and early thirty's thinking she's not ready yet and putting it off like I did!

Oh, can you tell i'm snowed in, I've not been this talkative for weeks, I am avoiding irining though whilst watching scary programs about labour and birth on Sky!

Lmao... Your post made me smile!!! ITS A BFP NOW GET OVER IT AND START STRESSING ABOUT POSSIBLE MISCARRIAGE!!! lol. I know what you mean... It's never ending eh? Well while it's still BFP and no AF I suppose it's pacifying... Still not sure this testing will not all end in tears! Nightmare! Xxx

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