IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

Hiya everyone

MSG - it is still too early - but I know how disheartening it is to see bfn. I'm praying things change for you over the next few days. It can happen!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Isi - yay you have your drugs! I feel like you have been waiting for ages so I can only imagine how long it has seemed to you.

Wrighty - hope time flies for you honey.

Kat - let me know how you get on tomorrow. I didn't ask how many cells my embies had. I must ask tomorrow.

Hello everyone else - any news? xxxx
Hello all

Well I am PUPO :happydance::cloud9: with an 8-cell 3 day old embie. My other one was 6 cell so they will probably freeze it for me and i had a 3rd which was only 5 cell and they think it is fragmented. The embryologist said that my embie was a "beautiful 8-cell high grade" embryo so me and DH are really happy even though they didn't go to blast because I didn't have enough. I was supposed to go to work today but last time I had a transfer I was very relaxed about myself and went away for the weekend and was very active when I should have been resting. This time, I am resting and everything else can go on hold.

Doodar sorry to hear about your waiting, try not to worry too much. I had a bit of a scare too - they had to have two goes at the transfer for me, the first time the embie stuck inside the catheter and didn't actually end up inside, so I had to go through it all again and they needed another catheter to put him/her back in. But my embie got there (i think) and well I must say it's great to be back on the horse and pupo again after six months of waiting.

sila - how did your transfer go?

MSG - :hugs: thinking of you

Isi - How exciting soon you will be telling us your follicle sizes and all that jazz
That's awesome, Kat :happydance:. So happy for you! Do make sure you rest this time, love. That's one of the things I also believe I didn't do enough of last time. Blowing you some sticky baby dust!!! When is your OTD?
Hello all

Well I am PUPO :happydance::cloud9: with an 8-cell 3 day old embie. My other one was 6 cell so they will probably freeze it for me and i had a 3rd which was only 5 cell and they think it is fragmented. The embryologist said that my embie was a "beautiful 8-cell high grade" embryo so me and DH are really happy even though they didn't go to blast because I didn't have enough. I was supposed to go to work today but last time I had a transfer I was very relaxed about myself and went away for the weekend and was very active when I should have been resting. This time, I am resting and everything else can go on hold.

Doodar sorry to hear about your waiting, try not to worry too much. I had a bit of a scare too - they had to have two goes at the transfer for me, the first time the embie stuck inside the catheter and didn't actually end up inside, so I had to go through it all again and they needed another catheter to put him/her back in. But my embie got there (i think) and well I must say it's great to be back on the horse and pupo again after six months of waiting.

sila - how did your transfer go?

MSG - :hugs: thinking of you

Isi - How exciting soon you will be telling us your follicle sizes and all that jazz

Congrats on being pupo :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: xxx
Sila, good luck on your transfer!!! Hope those embies snuggle right in! Isi, you must be sooo excited to start.

As for me, hate to be a downer, but BFN on FRER 8dp3dt

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: im praying it changes hun xxxx
Having real trouble posting. I keep getting thrown out and it says I'm not signed in when I am. I've contacted Mods, hopefully it will be sorted soon. So if I suddenly go awol its not intentional.

Kat congrats on being pupo hunny. Feet up, look after yourself and take it easy. :happydance:

MSG I found this maybe it will help.

This is what happens in a 3dt :

1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells &
fetal cells
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
11dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on

This is what happens in a 5dt :

0dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells &
fetal cells
6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on

Love to you all :hugs:
Hello everyone

Doodah - congrats on becoming a PUPO and thanks for that info. I think I am going to try to hold off from testing for a while as I tested at 11dpo last time and got bfn - but then tested at 12dpo and got bfp. I don't think hcg shows up in my urine until later on. I'm really nervous about the OTD.

Kat - we are going to be testing on the same day - Mon 14th. Think I might do a test on the weekend though as need to build in time to respond to the outcome before I go to work. Good luck hun.

MSG - how are you getting on honey? I'm rooting for your embies all the way.

As for me - I have had 2 good quality 8 cell embies transferred today. They looked really cute as when the embryologist sucked them up into the big pipette thingy they travelled up side by side like little friends. Oh please stick lovely little embies!!!!

Sila, I have a GREAT feeling for you on this!! Take it easy!!

Doodar, thanks for posting this. I have seen this and it is the only thing that gives me hope. However, I am not sure how much I believe this schedule as it seems everyone gets their BFP before 12dpo :) But, either way, I'll grasp it!

I am doing ok. Actually, I have contacted a few adoption attorneys this a.m. DH's company gives a $5000 donation towards your adoption so it seems like it would be good to look into it again. I don't think we'd want to do international this time...too hard to leave the babies at home when you travel.
That's awesome Silarose. And aww, how cute about them travelling together.....bless! :cloud9:

MSG....have you tested again? Still wishing you loads of luck. But that's great that your DH's company provides that much support. It must be a family oriented company!
Hey, Isi. I tested last night...bfn. I ran out of tests, so will make one more test trip to the store. well, actually, i didn't run out dh brought home the wrong kind (not early response).

His company has some great benefits, so we are lucky. Unfortunately, they insure us out of HQ in NYC so they are not required to include IVF in insurance. If we were insured out of IL, we'd have more ivf coverage. It makes me ill that we spent almost $9000 on this cycle. That would have covered a HUGE chunk of adoption. There is something wrong that isn't diagnosed...maybe implantation failure? I get relatively good embies transferred and never an implant.
Hello everyone

Doodah - congrats on becoming a PUPO and thanks for that info. I think I am going to try to hold off from testing for a while as I tested at 11dpo last time and got bfn - but then tested at 12dpo and got bfp. I don't think hcg shows up in my urine until later on. I'm really nervous about the OTD.

Kat - we are going to be testing on the same day - Mon 14th. Think I might do a test on the weekend though as need to build in time to respond to the outcome before I go to work. Good luck hun.

MSG - how are you getting on honey? I'm rooting for your embies all the way.

As for me - I have had 2 good quality 8 cell embies transferred today. They looked really cute as when the embryologist sucked them up into the big pipette thingy they travelled up side by side like little friends. Oh please stick lovely little embies!!!!


:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: congrats on being PUPO hun xxx
Sila congrats on being pupo hunny. Wow its becoming so exciting with all us pupo ladies.

MSG Last time I got my bfp it didn't happen until 1 day before otd, so your not out yet hunny. Keeping everything crossed for you x

Isi how you doing, not long to go now. Can't wait for you to start your journey.

Hello to everyone else. :hugs:

AFM I'm just resting and trying to take things easy. I have a few days off work plus the weekend so I am making the most of it. Been putting my feet up and have hardly moved from the sofa. Hubby is taking good care of me. Hmmm I could get used to this.
Hi lovely ladies :hi:

How are our lovely PUPO ladies doing.....MSG, Sila, Kat and Doodar :flower:. I hope you're all enjoying your 2ww!!

MSG, I still have you as PUPO because I'm still holding out for a miracle for you. When are getting your beta? And girrrrl.....I understand only too well how IVF can cause a HOLE in the pocket. We're self funded, and I shudder when I think of how much we have spent these past 2 cycles.

Wrighty, Lolly.....it will soon be our time :thumbup:

Hi to everyone else!!!!

Hi Girls,

Isi only 2 days to go wow! its come round so quick :happydance:.

How are the rest of you ladies today?

I've started to symptom spot already. I have stabbing pains and kind of fluttering feeling low down on my left hand side. I had these symptoms last time and must say I am starting to worry. Is it a good sign, who knows. I know if I get a bfp then this journey is not going to be easy and I won't relax until I see that little heartbeat on the scan. I also have a kind of heavy weighted feeling too and my bb's are itchy. Is it too early for these kind of symptoms, I often wonder if its all in my head.
Hi Doodar....sounds very exciting!! I typically hate to symptom spot, so my advise to you would be to try to get your mind off it (as if, right :haha:. Don't worry....its the nature of the 2ww). Wish you loads of luck hun. Only 8 days until test day :thumbup:
Hi Everyone!!

Sorry no posts last couple of days, internet has not been co-operating!!

Have had to do a big catch up!

Sila, Kat and Doodar congratulations on being PUPO!!! So exciting yet terrifying! Praying you have all got some super sticky embies and we are hearing good news soon!

Hi Isi, I can't believe you are so close to starting. Seems only few days back you were saying how it felt a life time away and now its nearly here, yay!!!

MSG, i'm with Isi, still holding out hope. I have seen from posts on this site that miracles do happen and hope you are one of them. But if it sadly is a bfn then I think adopting again sound wonderful. Either way you will get your longed for child no3! :hugs:

Hi to any one i've missed....

AFM, I am up and down, mainly up I must say, although SIL thinks she may be expecting. She has had 3 m/c last year and so I really hope it is her time. Still can't helping thinking what if my cycle fails and seeing her beautiful bump makes me sink again??? I know its too early for any of these thoughs and so am trying to shut off frpom it. Hard though. It's my bday sunday so am looking forward to being taking shopping tomorrow and picking out loadsa new clothes! Then a nice meal sunday with family. Just what I need.

Have my last zolodex injection monday. Have heard from Inky through another thread, who is a nurse, that she used a local anaesthetic when giving these as they are quite nasty! I have no such luck and have to grit my teeth and bear it...boo!!! But we find out our start date for cycle 2 this time so i'm quite excited to know when it'll all kick off again!

Better go, I'm trying to fill out my UCAS form for my studies but its so long winded and boring thought I would check in with you lovely ladies!! But back to work, Loads of love everyone,

Lolly xxxxxxxxxxx
Doodare, Sila, and Kat, can't wait to read some great news from you 3!!! Isi, soo exciting, you are almost there!!

As for me, sadly, I am most certainly out. BFN. Beta should have been tomorrow but the office is closed tomorrow, so I'll go Monday. Anyway, I have a phone consultation on Monday with an adoption attorney. My feelings right now are a mixed bag. I LOVE and BELIEVE in adoption with all my heart. After all, my youngest doll was adopted and she is soo much like me it is scary. However, I also loved those little embies. And, my mind raced back sooo many times to that adorable little blonde curly first born of mine who grew up way too fast. I had really gotten used to the idea of another one of those. Another small baby (youngest dd was 13 mos when she came home from Russia).

Finally, and probably one of the most difficult things is that this whole process has been representative of my age and time flying by on me. You always think you have soo much time to pursue your dreams and really you don't. It seemed like I was young yesterday and now IVF has been a constant reminder that I am not anymore.

LOL...sorry for the drama. My heart and head hurts right now. Hugs to you guys!!
Hi MSG - I so hope things change for you honey. I am the same age and know what you mean about age creeping up out of nowhere. It is good that you have set the wheels in motion for adoption - but I can understand that your feelings are a mixed bag as you do grow so attached to your little embies and are so hopeful for them. Give yourself some much needed TLC - but remember you're not out until the beta says so!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi everyone

Doodar - sound like symptoms to me. With 2 blasts you have a good chance so why not? I have been having imaginary symptoms lol! (Impossible that they are real as only had a 3 day transfer yesterday!). I couldn't sleep last night - probably as I laid around sleeping and eating all day yesterday.

Isi - nearly there! You will be a pupo before you know it!

Lolly - glad you are treating yourself before your birthday. Good luck for cycle 2!

Wrighty - thanks for the support and good luck for your FET x


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