IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

I'm so sorry MSG that this wasn't your time. I think what you are doing with adoption is wonderful but give yourself some time to grieve if you feel you need to. Although I can imagine your feelings as you have said that you are conscious of age and time.

All I can say is everyone is here if you need to vent, shout, cry, talk or just chat.

Sending you all my love and support from afar,

Lolly xxxxxxxx
Hi ladies

So much is happening in here.. wow... I can hardly keep up....

- :hugs: sorry you are having such a hard time... :hugs:

- can't wait to hear about how it all goes, you've been so supportive of us all (and me) it has to be your turn...

Lolly - good thing you have had that last horrible injection and not long now till we will be hearing your follicle sizes and all the fun that goes with it!

Wrighty - Not long now..

Doodar and Sila (my PUPO sisters) - I left you guys till last because I too am symptom spotting. Last ICSI cycle, I could swear that I felt implantation of that little blast on Day 5 (I think it was day 5?) after my transfer and today is Day 5 for me. So I'm sitting very still and waiting for that sharp dragging, stabbing feeling I had last time to reassure me it is all ok in there. But seriously, I am very excited to be at this point, so much could have gone wrong and to even get to PUPO is a real achievement. Now just to send sticky vibes to the embie and it will all be good... I just hope the fact that the sticky embie stuck in the catheter means it might be sticky and stick to me too!
Hiya everyone

Kat - I am symptom spotting already too! Can't help it - am analysing very twinge etc. Your embie sound v sticky which must be a good sign!

I have had some good news today. The clinic phoned me and they have been watching my 'average' embie that wasn't looking as good as the 2 that they transferred. On day 5 it has turned into an early blast!!! They only freeze well developed blasts at my clinic so they are going to watch it for 1 more day and I may get a snow baby!! I'm rooting for all of my little embies come on darlings!
hello ladies

MSG - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxxx

Silarose, Doodar and kat - how are our PUPO ladies? hope your all getting plenty of rest and have OH running around for you all :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink: good luck ladies praying you all get BFPs :dust::dust: xxxx

Isi - woohoo you start the whole journey again tomorrow good luck with it all hun xxx

Lolly - hope you dont have to wait too long to get started. good luck with your forthcoming cycle xxxx

AFM - well ov due in 5/6 days now im excited and really nervous. thinking of phoning the hospital monday about having a 5 day transfer as that is really what i want. so would be great to know that it is possible ith ov due end of the week and hospital being closed on a sunday.

good luck to all :dust::dust::dust: xxxxx
Hi all,

MSG I am so sorry :hugs: I hope things turn around for you and just remember we are here for whatever the outcome.x

Lolly you can get a topical anaesthetic quite freely from the chemist or the internet. I used it for my injections its great. x

Sila I'm not sleeping too well at night either hmmm wonder if that is a symptom hee hee!! Yay for your little embie, fingers crossed it makes it to snow baby stage.

Kat It is totally a good sign that your little embie got stuck. It will be a little sticky embie.

Wrighty and Isi ooooh not long to go now :happydance:

AFM still have that heavy feeling so I'm hoping its a good sign. This 2ww is dragging already and its only been 3 days!! sigh!!! We're having italian take out tonight, just realised I can't have prawns though!!!! Never mind I'll make up for it in some other way. Tiramisu here I come!! Have a good weekend girls. x
Hi ladies

Just a quick note to share symptoms as I'm getting excited but trying to stay grounded if that is at all possible... I'm getting twinges all day long "within" and every now and then it turns into a sharp twinge so hoping that is the embie doing its thing. I'm also starving all of the time (I'm eating so much I'll be as big as a house soon), and am bloated so much my jeans are like stretching to the max.. eek...

This time next week I could POAS and get some kind of result...
Hiya ladies

No symptoms for me as yet today.

Had a call for the clinic - 2 of my 'average' embies turned into blasts. However, they are not good enough quality to be frozen :(

Hopefully it' a good sign for the good quality ones they put back in though:)

Can't bear this tww!!!!!

Good luck fellow PUPOs x
Hey, girls! I am ok...just going through the "anger" stage of my grieving process. LOL

Sila, that really sounds promising!!! Doodar and Kat, good luck!!
Hi MSG - thinking of you. We're all here if you need to vent xxxx
Doodar, Kat, Sila :hi: Hope 2ww is serving you well!

MSG, like Sila said, we are here if you need us. I have been thinking of you and you are a very brave lady, I wish you the good things you deserve.

Hi Isi.... whats the latest then? How exciting!! And you to wrighty! Just cannot believe how many frosties you have, wishing you all the luck in the world!

Omg - I seriously can't take staying in and relaxing any longer! I am analysing every twitch (any twitches will no doubt be caused by the huge roast I had earlier). Hate to say it but will probably be better off when I'm back at work and I never thought I'd say that arggghhhh!
Evening Ladies or should that be morning!!

I CAN'T SLEEP!!! Had a really weird dream that I was working for government and they were trying to stop me from releasing an antidote medicine to stop the spread of disease. I was running through this big warehouse type place and things were falling from the ceiling. Then I woke up! and couldn't get back to sleep. Grrrrr!! So I am sat here with a big mug of horlicks in the hope it will send me back into the land of nod.

I have no further symptoms to report. The twinges have stopped and my PMA has taken a serious nose dive. AF symptoms arrived bang on time yesterday. Mood swings and majorly wound up! which usually arrives exactly a week before AF is due, which would be about right.

Isi how's it goin hun? :flower:

Kat those symptoms are sounding good girl :thumbup:

Sila I know what you mean, it's driving me insane too all this taking it easy!! I just want to clean but know that I can't and musn't. Hubby is trying his best bless him. I'm trying to take my mind off it, lots of book reading and dvd watching. Not long to go now hun. :thumbup:

MSG you are so strong!! I guess thats how this journey makes us. Stronger!! I wish you all the best for whichever future path you take and I know you will get your bubba no matter what gets thrown at you.:hugs:

Wrighty and lolly and anyone else :hi: Think the waiting to start part is the hardest! mind you this 2ww is pretty darn hard going!!
Hi everyone:hi::hi::hi:

Doodah - sleepless nights were my main symptom when I got a bfp last time! Looks promising to me. The only sleepless night I have had this time was on day 3 when my 8 cell embies were transferred - would not be related at all at that stage!

Lolly - happy birthday for yesterday. Hope you had a nice meal and have got a swanky new wardrobe!

Isi- have you started dr yet? Good luck honey.

Kat - any more symptoms - those twinges sounded promising.

Wrighty - good luck when you phone the clinic - hope you can get the day 5 transfer you want. It's so irritating that clinics close at the weekend - for the prices they charge I think they should be open. My clinic opens on weekends and I think that should be general practice.

As for me - my PMA has shot out of the window. All of the symptoms I have had were way too early (days 3-5) or seem linked to me eating too much lol! I suppose I am constantly trying to compare this time to last time and I know from friends that that is silly as pregnacies can be very different each time. I can't take much more of this obssessing and think time will fly more whne I go back to work tomorrow (normally I would be dreading work but I think the routine will help me to take my mind off things)
Hi Sila and Doodar, Keep that PMA up and don't loose heart it is very early yet... It really does mess with your head though, if I get a negative beta I'll be devastated, if I don't get a BFP before the beta I'll be devastated, if I get a good reading at the beta I'll be worried it needs to double, if I don't get a good reading I'll be worried it's a chemical... arrrggghhh......

My symptoms continue (fuller boobs, sense of smell etc) but a sneaky POAS today revealed a BFN so the trigger is officially out of my system at 4dp3dt. I'm not testing again until 7dp3dt.....
Hi lovely ladies :hugs:

So sorry for being MIA. I had a busy weekend....and I also suddenly became scared of actually trying again, for some reason. Well....had my shot! Went okay. Hurt a bit at first, but ended okay. Soooooo.....we're off to the race tracks :thumbup:

Kat, Doodar and Silarose.....gosh, I remember only too well the TOTAL ANGUISH of the 2ww :dohh:. But your symptoms sound fantastic....so looking forward to celebrating some :bfp:s by next week :dance:. And make sure you keep up the PMA. Its really all we have during the 2ww. Thinking of you three :hugs:

MSG.....I'm so sorry hunny. This IVF thing can be so heartbreaking. I know that you will have your baby soon.....whether its through this process, adoption, or even NATURALLY!!! I turn 34 this year, so I understand too well how this age thing can creep up on you. Sending you loads of :hugs:

Lolly...how goes it hun? How did you get on with the UCAS forms? Thanks so much for all the love and support you've shown everyone in the group :hugs:

Wrighty.....:yipee: for ovulating soon. You will soon be PUPO :wohoo:
Hello Ladies!

To all the PUPO ladies :dust: I remember that feeling, the positivity, the negativity, the positivity etc etc! (yuk!!) Try not to get down lovelies (easier said than done a thousand times over) But like Sila says, each time is different, you can never really tell until POAS/Beta. Kat I totally understand the many worries, I am too the same with all the what ifs!! But you all sound to be doing well and I am hopeful for you guys. Stay strong!!

Isi, i'm sorry you had a bit of a freak out (I have at least one a week!), hoping you are back to your normal PMA and doing well. Can't believe you've started, how are you getting on?

Hi MySillyGirls, I hope you are doing ok. You know where we all are.

AFM.... Final injection today!!! The nurse put in in so slowly.... ouch!!! Then she dropped a bombshell that we are starting DR 3 weeks today!! Had in my head we would be starting end of March (dunno why, that was just my guestimation!! A bad one!!) She said to be back at 7.45am on 28th. I said oh of March and she said no, this month :wacko: I was so excited. Then when got in the car and rang my mum it was all real again and I got butterflies. Felt sick for next few hours, couldn't eat any lunch and only really feel ok again now!!! It's finally happening and i'm SCARED!

Msg - been thinking of you . Hope you are ok and we're here if you need us xxxxx
Morning girls,

How's my pupo friends doing? My lack of symtoms has seriously diminished my PMA. I'm finding it really hard to keep it up. Every night I can't wait to go to bed, praying I wake up to some sort of symptom. I'm just waiting on my internet cheapies to arrive so I can curb my poas addiction. I know it will be negative but it's still gotta be done. Although I did promise myself that this time I wouldn't do it but I just can't help it. Plus it helps to pass the time and the days lol.

Isi we all get that scared feeling hunny I think its just a natural process of the treatment. I'm so glad you went ahead with the first shot though. Keep it up hun :thumbup:

Lolly wow that's great. Good Luck hunny :hugs:

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