IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Rosa - Sorry you have had such a bad day hun, hope you wasn't too stressed as thats not good lady :growlmad: No not testing yet, just getting prepared :haha: How come we can start tomorrow??? I didn't think HCG would be released until Tueday??? I have this of jut google though :haha: will try to post the timeline thing.

Pet - Glad the injections are going well :thumbup:

Kelly - The 31 will be here soon enough hun, all we do is wait for something else dont we :haha: Good point about the tests, just checked and the expire December 2011. Shows how long we have been TTC :haha:

Well I spook to DH about getting a FRER and he thinks they are a waste of money and all tests are the same :growlmad: Men do not understand these things. I think I may sneek a 2 pack in, he wont know what brand I have used on testing day as he will just see the stick :thumbup:

Well the bloat seems a lot better today but now I am worried that that is a bad sign :dohh: I cant win. Worry worry worry. I have been tossing and turning since 5 :growlmad:

Thanks Tinks! :thumbup: It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! I hope your bloating gets better! Can you use a heat pad???

Pet glad to hear your stimming is going well.
Have fun my lovely fall buddies :flower:

Thanks Hope! I also hope that your bloating gets better...I am not looking forward to the enlarged ovaries :cry: Any tips on how I can help relieve some of the pain?

HI all!
Pet-yay for starting stimms!

Traskey you really are an inspiration to us all thankyou for taking the time to give such positve thoughts...:hugs:

Aq hang in there and remember it only takes the one... we've just got to believe that our few are doing the very best they can....:hugs:

ST that was a truly weird dream and hopefully prophetic re the cow:hugs:

Rosa im sorry you had such a pants day yesterday, hopefully you've managed to chill and forget it all today...

Doodar dont be scared be excited ..:hugs:

Hope im very sorry to have been so negative yesterday when i should have been celebrating your lovely follie news... :blush:

Hi Tinks Delly Princess Kelly Pet and all the rest of the gang, i hope today finds you bright and breezy....:hugs::hugs:

afm feeling much better today...due largely to you ladies....Thankyou... you are all a PMA inspiration....


Thanks so much! :dust:
Happy weekend to you all ladies!! Sending sticky vibes! PMA vibes! follie growing vibes!! and any other vibes you may need!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Thanks for PMA girls.
I am still feeling very low and exhausted but i think a lot of that is grief as well as upset over the scan so only time will help.
I am off to get my last menopur jab now and then tomorrow night its my last burserlin and then later on my trigger shot. I am glad my ivf cycle is coming to a end but so nervous of tuesday's results. I am hoping and praying for a miracle now xxx
Lou what are you apologising for you crazy lady. You had a tough day yesterday and to be quite honest I was more worried about making sure you and AQ were ok than whether anyone was celebrating my scan, it's still early days for me.

Pet I think we're allowed to take paracetamol to help with the pain but I try and stay away from painkillers so I'm just resting up with a heat pad. It's helping with the discomfort and hopefully helping them grow too. I'm actually fine when sitting down, walking around is uncomfortable and so is being in the car especially as I drive a tiny aygo and you can feel every bump in the road!

Sending lots of PMA for sticky little beans and ever growing follies... Don't forget those little men in the menopur with the bicycle pumps! :dust: :dust: :dust:
Evening all!
Well its been a chilly but beautiful sunny day in Cambridge! had a lovely day in town with my friend, we had lunch outside by the river watching the punts go by! :) and i brought a new dress:)
Soo tired all day though, been yawning my head off! hoping its a symptom!

Loopy-glad you seem a bit more cheeerful today!:hugs:

AQ-hopefully getting out in the sunshine did you some good? Just wanna echo Hopes tip bout a water bottle-it is meant to help them grow!xxx

Trask-glad to see you popping in here, and how kind of you to think of us when you must stillbe feeling sad yourself. How do you feel? :hugs:xxx

Tinks-how ru? did you buy a frer in the end? hope you have had a sunny day too! :)

Hope-I was very uncomfy the few days before egg collection and it was defo just best to rest!:sleep:

Doodar and Zowiey-how does it feel to be prego?:happydance:
Kelly-ru feeling any better? hope so!

Hi to eveyone else-hope you have all had a nice day!xxx
AQ - So sorry, you and DH are so down. It is understandable :hugs::hugs::hugs: Good idea about the protien shakes. Sending lots of PMA your way hun x I will be testing before OTD but not sure when yet :thumbup:

Hope - Thats very interesting about a good nights sleep :thumbup: If you feel its what you need then you should not be in the office hun. If you can work from home then thats ace and go for it :thumbup:

Traskey - Been thinking of you today :hugs:

Pet - Glad things seem to be going smoothly.

Lou - I am glad you are feeling better, I have everything crossed for your next scan PMA PMA PMA :kiss:

Doodar - Love your new avatar :happydance::happydance::happydance:

ST - Your day sounds lovely, hope you cant fit into that new dress for long so make the most of it. We did get a nice sunny day also :thumbup:

AFM - I have bought 2 twin packs of FRER. DH was not as against as I I had imagined. The were buy 1 get 1 free in superdrug so got 4 tests for £10. Quite pleased with that. You should stock up girls. DH has just asked if I am testing in the morning :saywhat: That would be madness, I dont think he understands bless him :haha:
Thanks Tinks. My dh is home soon so im putting a pizza an garlic bread in the oven and we have got cookie dough ben an jerrys so going to have a treat night to cheer ourselves up, seeing as we would love to drink a btl of wine but cant so junk food next best thing ;-) lol. I have been googling a lot today and have found a fair few success stories from women in my situation so praying we can be one too.
Thats a good deal on the FRERS! If we get as far as ET il stock up :) cant wait for your OTD as i have a good feeling for you xxx
Pet I think we're allowed to take paracetamol to help with the pain but I try and stay away from painkillers so I'm just resting up with a heat pad. It's helping with the discomfort and hopefully helping them grow too. I'm actually fine when sitting down, walking around is uncomfortable and so is being in the car especially as I drive a tiny aygo and you can feel every bump in the road!

Sending lots of PMA for sticky little beans and ever growing follies... Don't forget those little men in the menopur with the bicycle pumps! :dust: :dust: :dust:

Thanks! I have never heard of that drug but I think staying natural will be the best thing. I know my doctor has told me to stay away from hot tubs so I wonder what is different from a heating pad? Thanks for the advice! :flower:

AFM-sending lots of love and :dust: your way!!
I wish we had frers that went on sale for buy 1 get 1!

I am feeling better! My tummy seems to have gone down a bit or maybe the fluid moved more toward my back cause I still weight 5 pounds more but I feel better despite being absolutely exhausted all the time and eating enough food to feed a hockey team :blush:

AQ and loopy I do hope you're feeling better, do you get another scan soon? There can totally be more the 1 egg per follie, I think I had 17 or 18 follies and got 20 eggs.

Doodar I love your avatar, how have you been feeling?

Hope, you must be close to collection now hey?

ST: OMG Test!!!!! haha, I don't know how you've waited this long! Good luck!

Tinx, our men don't always get it, when I showed DH my pee stick with the faint line he was like "what am I looking for?" :rofl:

Hi to everyone else I've missed!

Is anyone else close to testing besides ST?
Thank you so much AQ, I really hope you are right, might feelings change from hour to hour :dohh: Junk is the best for times like this. You WILL be a success story also. Are you having another scan before EC? Is it trigger tonight???

Kelly - I did think it was a very good deal. Considered buying loads and outting them on ebay :haha::haha: I am glad you are feeling better. You will be putting weight on now for about 9 months :winkwink:

AFM - I am up early again, bloody 6am. I slept better but just not for long enough. Dont know if its the pesseries or just because I am anxious???
Ah can't believe that superdrug offer! I meant to pop in there yesterday as DH has run out of conception vitamins and I felt so crap I forgot :( I might venture out today and see if my local superdrug is open on a Sunday but I don't think it does, might have to go in this week instead. I won't have any qualms on peeing on sticks that cheap :lol:

Tink hope youre able to get some more sleep, an afternoon nap might be good for you today. I had to get up at 8 to sniff and I'm awake now so I'll have to find something to watch on tv. I got in a good 10 hours last night so hopefully my follies are growing! Have you decided on a test day yet? Friday maybe?

St are you up? Are you gonna poas today? I agrees with Tink that you need to get the most out of that dress while you can!

Pet are you in the us? Paracetamol is Tylenol I think. Not sure about the hot tubs, they're banned for men because they destroy sperm, not sure about women. I know you can't have heat pads or hot baths after transfer. How is your stimming coming along?

AQ your junk food evening sounds yummy. I'm glad you've found some success stories and keep the PMA because you'll be another one :dust:

Lou sending grow follies grow vibes your way too :dust:

Princess what you up to this fine Sunday honey?

Rosa have you managed to have a relaxing weekend so far?

Zoe and Doodar and Kelly and chris how is pregnancy treating you girls?

O who did I miss.... :flower:

DH is off to work today so I'm going to have a sofa day, do a bit of work, a bit of knitting and watch some junk television while I have control of the remote :thumbup:
Morning all! I didn't test in the end mainly because DH has hidden the tests and I didn't dare wake him up to ask him where they are! -he doesn't think I should test today!
Wish I had now though! A lady on another thread I'm on tested and got her bfp this morning! and another yesterday! the BFPS just seem to be flooding in at the mo!!!!
I'm just scared in case of bfn-don't know how I will cope.
Do you think it would be foolish to do a test later today? or should I just wait til tuesday now?
Did I read somewhere that you don't need fmu to test? Are those other girls on the same schedule as you? If they are I'd say :test:
I got my bfp at 6dp5dt. I am a serial tester though and there is no way I could wait until otd. I think the thing with testing early is you have to be prepared to accept that if it's a bfn that it may just be too early. That can mess with your head just as much as a faint bfp. Everyone is different though, I was happy to test early, some people don't like to. I also find that I get darker lines with second or third morning urine rather than first! Tough decisions girls! Babydust to you both! Can't use smilies, on my phone x
Hope I know, its an ace offer. I have been trying to check online but cant get on their website. The offer wasn't online Friday night though as I checked to see about prices. I think our SD opens sunday so yours might :thumbup: Enjoy your sofa day.

ST - I was hoping you would test as well :haha: The fear of a BFN is just overwhelming and I guess we will have to cope if the time comes. We are all here for each other for suport also :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I have everything crossed for you :kiss:

Well I am I moody today!!!!!!!!!!! I have just had a rant and shouted at all the cats (I have 4) for jumping up and sitting on things and leave hair everywhere. I now feel guilty. Plus I have gone on one due to the house being untidy. Its no big deal and its mainly just the diningroom, which is in the middle of decoration. I cant seem to calm myself down, normally I would have a lovely long bubble bath but nope :growlmad: And now I have just burst into :cry: for no reason lol. I need help :haha:
Wow doodar that was early, I want to think there is a good chance of getting the right answer when I do test but I cant hold out too long I just cant. Even more so now I have 7 HPT in the house eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk
Oh dear Tink, nothing like feeling blue. Can have some chocolate instead?

Well new spanner in the works today... I've just found out at my clinic does double blast transfer once you're 35. And I'll be about 3 weeks shy of my 35th birthday at transfer, which means if we'd have waited one on to start we'd have had that option! I'm going to ask tomorrow if they would consider us for it given the matter of days before my birthday. Of course we might not even get one last let alone two but I want to be armed with options so we don't have to make a decision on the spot. The thought of completing our family in one fail swoop is so tempting to consider,but at the same time I'm scared of the possible complication with twins, both for the pregnancy and their health. Having twins by accident is one thing, but increasing the chances knowingly? Not sure... What do you all think? If you had the chance for a double blast would you take it? Should I push for the option?
That's a tricky one Hope, 2 embies at day 3 is a different thing than 2 blasts! having said that though we all want to succeed so bad whether it with one baby or two i think I would agree to 2 blasts if given the chance!

Tinks-sorry your feeling tearful! just one of them days? I hate the house being untidy! what can you do to relax other than a bath? hope you feel better soon!
I knew you wanted me to test! and Hope!
You know what? DH has gone out and can i find where he has hidden the flippin tests??? Nope!!! looked everywhere!!!!!!

So terrified to test though. When we were still ttc a natural bfp, I was a poas addict, but now it's ivf I'm terrified. x
Morning ladies.....

ST your DH is funny hiding the tests from you...lol Mine doesn't even have the first idea about tests... he never asks....!!!

Tinks sorry you feel so tearful, however that could be a good sign....

Hope if i had the choice and mine got to Blast stage i would go for the two and deal with everything else after even if it meant complete bed rest...!!! nothing would make me happier!!! but then i am an old dear at 41.... lol


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