IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Rosa-congrats on the good eggies!!!

How is everyone else doing?

Kelly I hope you start to feel better real soon!!! I hope you don't have OHSS, I am worried about that!

Thinking about all of you ladies! :hugs:
Kelly sorry you're still in so much pain honey, call the doctor.

Well the first stimming exercise was pretty funny. DH was preparing everything and first of all he couldn't draw up all the liquid from the barbie bowling pin so he had to squirt it back and redraw. Then same happened with the first powder so he did the same again. By the time we got to powder two it was full of air bubbles! So he drew that up and swapped to the real needle to get rid of the air.

I was trying not to see how big the needle was so turned around while he took the plastic cap off. He screeched, I turn around, the needle is snapped and he has a huge glob of blood on his finger!

So we get another needle and I have to take the cap off, then he tells me to lift up my top and tries to pinch my skin and which point I realise my tummy is really quite flat and I started the whole No No I'm not ready freak out! Ended up kneeling on the sofa with my hands over my eyes, and to be fair apart from the tiniest scratch I didnt feel a thing, though it felt like it took ages to get all the liquid in.

Hopefully tonight we'll mix the meds better and it'll just be mix, jab, hot pad watch Glee :)

Oh and did anyone notice anything straight away? About an hour later I swear my overies felt funny, sort of bruised. Might just have been in my head though.

What does everyone have planned for Saturday?

Tink, hope you feel better and can stand up today. Will the clinic call?

Rosa hope youre doing ok too honey.

:hugs:Hope i think it seems par for the course to have a mini freak out and calamity with the first.. i did laugh when i read that cause i was like 'that was me and my OH' even the stabbing himself bit...:hugs:

the things we do eh?? glad it didnt hurt though and yes it takes forever to go in

A little bloated, cramps are back. I took some more tylonol, but not with codeine. I only have one pill left and I'm saving it. :winkwink:

Not that I'm worried about ohss, but for those of you who had it, when did it set in? The same day as retrieval or day after?

I had my collection at 8am and by 7pm I was in agony. I'd been ok until about 6pm. Really hope it isn't ohss for you :hugs:

I'm in agony and I don't want to take anything, I don't think tylenol would work anyway. I may call the clinic tomorrow if it's getting worse. I keep watching my weight to cause I was told an 8-10 pound gain in 2-3 days is bad cause of the fluid. I'm still only up 6 pounds. I feel awkward going out cause I look sooooo pregnant and I don't want to run into anyone I know since we're not announcing yet obviously and anyone that sees me and knows me is going to ask that right off. ugh.

I don't think so, I'm not having pain while breathing, just fluid issues and peeing issues. It may get worse though so I'm keeping an eye on it. I feel worse then I did after collection, I wasn't this bloated after collection, I only put on 4 pounds of fluid then.

Kelly, HCG aggrevates ohss and enlarged ovaries. It may be that you were still a bit swollen from collection. Can you call your clinic?

Hey girl, I am okay just getting ready to start stimming in a few days! I am hoping that I can mix the Menopur correctly :dohh: Other than really sore boobies :holly: I am hanging in there! How are you dear? :flower:

Exciting time, stimming. That part goes really quickly.

Well the first stimming exercise was pretty funny. DH was preparing everything and first of all he couldn't draw up all the liquid from the barbie bowling pin so he had to squirt it back and redraw. Then same happened with the first powder so he did the same again. By the time we got to powder two it was full of air bubbles! So he drew that up and swapped to the real needle to get rid of the air.

I was trying not to see how big the needle was so turned around while he took the plastic cap off. He screeched, I turn around, the needle is snapped and he has a huge glob of blood on his finger!

So we get another needle and I have to take the cap off, then he tells me to lift up my top and tries to pinch my skin and which point I realise my tummy is really quite flat and I started the whole No No I'm not ready freak out! Ended up kneeling on the sofa with my hands over my eyes, and to be fair apart from the tiniest scratch I didnt feel a thing, though it felt like it took ages to get all the liquid in.

Hopefully tonight we'll mix the meds better and it'll just be mix, jab, hot pad watch Glee :)


Oh dear! I shouldn't but :rofl: I'm sure you will have better luck with your second one!

:hugs:Hope i think it seems par for the course to have a mini freak out and calamity with the first.. i did laugh when i read that cause i was like 'that was me and my OH' even the stabbing himself bit...:hugs:

the things we do eh?? glad it didnt hurt though and yes it takes forever to go in


You too Lou! Hehe, glad you've got it sorted now.
Kelly, I hope you're feeling better today? :hugs:

Tinks & Rosa, hope you're not to sore today, and good luck for your progress reports. The wait for the phone to ring is agony, so I'm really sending lots of love to you both xxxxx

:wave: to everyone!
Thank you Pet, EC was not that bad at all. Please try not to worry. I was in a fairly bit of pain last night but it is easing now and nothing too unbearable.

Hope - That was an eventfull first jabby :haha::haha::haha: Love that you are using my bowling pin reference :thumbup: I hope that to nights goes better. Your meds do sound fiddly though :growlmad:

Kelly - I would call the clinic also, hope you feel better soon :hugs:

AFM - As I said I am feeling better today, had a pretty rough night but that was also down to worry also. I am still bloated and tender but ok and I can walk straight at the minute :thumbup:

We have had the call and We have 3 embryos going well. 5 out of 7 were mature enough to use, 1 didn't fertilise and 1 grow abnormally.

She mentioned that if all 3 are top quality on Monday then they could take them to day 5 blast but DH and I dont think we want to do this with just 3. We are going to go for day 3 transfer no matter what. We have done some research and with my age there is no evidence to suggest a blast would be better and we should stand a better chance of getting a snow baby. Plus I think they are better with me. We may be allowed 2 back also if they are both not top grade. So many things to consider :wacko: My heart would love twins, I am a twin and just love it but my head is thinking of finances :shrug: We may not even get 2 as option anyway.

Zowie - The wait really is agony. How are you today?

Traskey, Lou - How are you???
Morning all!

Tinks GL for 3 day transfer hope your 3 embies are still going strong! Will that be Monday? x

Hope-what an eventful first jab! you will soon be a pro don't worry. I was preparing my injections in front of the tv in the end (but then i did spill one!)

hey Trask, pet, Loopy!

AFM-nothing to report really. QUESTION: what did you do/gonna do after ET? Did you lie down all day in bed, sit on the sofa, or just carried on as a normal day?
I ask because my transfer is tommorrow at 8.15 and at 4.30pm is my mums birthday meal at my parents house with my brothers and sisters. I don't know whether to go or not or if I should be lying down! I think my heart will tell me to lie down as we all worry about our embie sticking or not! Our hearts also think the embie will fallout if we are standing although of course my head knows this is not true!!!
What is everyone planning to do? xx
Hi Tinks phew that must have been a relief knowing 3 are doing well after worrying last night... Blast or 3 day transfer?? it really is a dilemma.... i think id do what youve decided and go for a 3 day transfer and hopefully get a frostie out of it aswell... glad your not in too much pain now...

ST - I have just asked the embryologist the same thing. She said it will not matter if we lie down with our legs in the air or carry on as normal but obviously not over so it. Oooooh good luck tomorrow, when will you find out if you have any frosties??? Are all 7 still going strong hun?

Yes my transfer will hopefully be Monday :thumbup:

Thanks lou, there are so many decisions and possible scenarios its just mind boggling lol. How are you?
I don't get a call today as it's day 4, but yesterday they were doing fine, though 2 are lacking behind. 1 was standing out a bit. Thanks for your info on resting, I do want to go to my mum's....
With your 3 day 5 day thoughts, I just want to say that I would have been just as happy with a 3 day transfer as a 5. My clinic will only do 1 embie on a 3 day so to have the choice of 2 is good! I think we would opt for 2 and just not think about the finances!!! I think you are making the right choice with the 3 day regardless if you transfer 1 or 2. A lady on another thread I go on had 3 embies, 2 transferred and the 3rd made it as a frostie!! the first lady on the thread to break the 'frostie curse'! as the same on here no one seems to be getting any frosties!
I don't know when my clinic will tell me about frosties, I think it might be the next day after ET. x
ST it will also depend on how your feeling after transfer. As long as you dont intend on doing the conga it would probably be alright for you to go and it could also help take your mind of it aswell.... Good luck for tomorrow

Tinks im feeling much better thanks, felt really rough yesterday all sick and achy.. today its just a headache so im drinking as much as i can fit in me..lol..

Kelly i hope your feeling better today...
St I think you'll be fine for dinner as long as like lou says you're not planning on conga or dancing.

Tink are you an identical twin or a fraternal? Do twins run in your family? Just intrigued if you put two back whether you might end up with 3 or 4 ! I'd love twins as it would complete our family inone shot, but like you the finances would take a hit. And I'm not sure i could cope with two babies at once!
Tinks- Great news on embies! you might have triplets if u have 2 transferred! lol x

Doodar- Hope all is going well with u. Not long now! x

Princess- Hope this coming wk brings some news for you to go forward x

Hope-Hows things going? x

Lou- Hope stimms going wlel for you x

Rosa- Hows it going? x

Hi to all the other ladies. Day 4 of stimms for me today! having a lazy day watching films. Just watching "going the distance" and then im gonna watch "the social network" its one of those days for staying home an chilling xxx
Hope! I think we all go through similar when it comes to that first jab! It did make me laugh though. Hope hubby's finger isnt too sore :haha:

Tinks glad you've made a decision on which day to transfer, It makes it so much easier when you have a set plan in your mind :thumbup: So you will be pupo tomorrow then?

Kelly hope your feeling much better today :hugs:

ST I think every clinic recommend differently. Mine tell you to rest for day of transfer and then take it easy for a few days. No heavy lifting or housework etc. I was told to bed rest because of the ohss but I guess it depends how you feel in yourself. I think if anything makes you think should I, then think twice about doing it.

AQ enjoy your movies hunny! sounds like a nice chill out day.

Rosa, Trask,Zowiey,loopy how you all doing? I'm sure I've forgotten someone!!

AFM nothing to report. Other than I'm feeling very relaxed and chilled out about this cycle. Ive never felt like this before. Normally I'm obessing over every twinge and symptom spotting etc and poas every 2 seconds. No symptoms to report other than the usual windypops,constipation etc caused by the progesterone! Oh I have a very spotty, hairy chin. I resemble a teenage boy at the moment, but I know thats down to steroids! The end of my finger is numb!! could that be a preggo symptom :haha:
Hi Doodar glad your feeling so relaxed this cycle, sometimes theres just too much to stress about isnt there??... xx

Hope, I couldn't help but laugh, because your story sounds a lot like mine! I was silently sobbing and when my very calm dh looked up he's like oh honey it's going to be fine. Then he made some dumb joke and proceeded to poke himself which made me laugh even harder! :haha: It'll get MUCH easier. The first few jabs were hard for me, and then I got used to them. Mixing is a pain in the butt, but it also gets easier. I didn't notice anything an hour afterwards because I was already fast asleep. :sleep: I did notice some movement the next day though. It works fast!

Pet, don't worry about the egg collection. It was so not a big deal for me. Everyone is different, I know, but I was in no pain apart from some af like cramps. Ask for some tylonol with codeine and make sure you have your heating pad ready and you'll be just fine.

Kelly, how are you feeling today?

ST, I plan to just chill on transfer day. I took the transfer day and the next day off from work, but only because I teach music and my job is very active all day long. I want to just chill. I am teaching piano lessons the night of the transfer though. They're at my house, and no movement involved. :thumbup: I think you can still do normal things just take it easy. I'm not going to lie around all day though. I'll probably be up and doing some light house work or something.

Doodar, glad you're relaxed! I love how we all symptom spot! :haha: I've never heard of a numb finger being a symptom, but you never know!!

Tinks, I think you're making a smart decision with the 3 day transfer. They're safer inside of you. :thumbup: How are you feeling today?

Afm, feeling good this morning! No need for pain killers. I am still in bed with my heating pad on, but that's because it feels so good and I'm lazy! :haha: No phone call yesterday, which annoys me, but every clinic is different I guess. So, basically I'll find out as I'm driving to the clinic if I have my transfer on Monday morning. I have to get up at 7 to start drinking water (on my day off, thank you very much) and wait for a call while my bladder is about to burst. Lovely. They all seemed to think it would be on Wednesday though, so we'll see.

Today is my dh's bday. :cake: He doesn't want anything. He wants to be out of debt. :wacko: Well that's nice, but I can't wrap that up and give it to you in a pretty box. :haha: So, I think we'll go out for dinner and a movie and celebrate with a nice progesterone shot in the a** tonight. :rofl:
Doodar- Glad your feeling relaxed this cycle. Good sign! x

Rosa- Glad u are feeling fine now and GL for transfer! happy bday to your dh:cake: have a nice evening x

Lou- Yes i felt very sick for first 2 days. I am ok today but having twingy pains in both sides so think its starting to work:thumbup: How u feeling? x

AQ i feel like ive got s stitch in my side or someone pushing me in the back... dont really know how else to describe it... hope you enjoyed your film..

Happy birthday to you DH Rosa... and glad your feeling so good.... nothing wrong with being lazy and relaxing in bed... boo to the no phone call...


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