IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Doodar :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I am so happy for you, congrats hun.

Traskey, sorry about the BFN but it is really soon yet, there is still time. I know it must be gutting to see all the same :hugs::hugs::hugs:

ST - Congrats on being PUPO :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Rosa - Whats your news???

Hi - Hope, AQ, Zowie, Chris, Pet, Lou, Pincess and the rest of the gang.

AFM - I am going to be naughty and just copy and paste from my journal :blush:

Great news :happydance::happydance::happydance: ALL 3 embies were graded the highest quality.

I am now PUPO with 1 and the other 2 are in the freezer :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I dont want to scare the ladies still to have transfer, I was assured this was not normal and I could tell by the Dr face :dohh:

Oh my did transfer hurt :nope: My cervix was all inflamed and sore from egg collection and he could not get the catherter through it, although he had severel attempts. He then had to grab my cervix with forcep type things and force it in, ouch does not cover it. I was almost of the bed and getting clammy and sicky. I am now bleeding quite a lot also but the Dr did warn my I would as all my cervix has been scratched :nope::nope:

DH face was a picture, he was as white as sheet.

But we got to see the little embie go in on the screen and could see it right where it should be :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

Owieeeeee! You poor thing! I can only imagine how bad it hurt you! I hope you feel better and that they are letting you take something for the pain! :hugs: That's awesome that the 3 embies were great quality! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Tinks, I'm sure the cathedar thing didn't mess anything up. :thumbup: PUPO!! So glad for you. Sorry to hear how painful it was...Ouch. Not cool.

Rosa, I'm going to have to do p suppositories in the am then the pm. Apparently they're absorbed within 20 minutes so any that comes back out after that is just the stuff the bullet is made of. Top tips are to wear a panty liner as when the bullet stuff comes back out it's messy. Also my friend said to try and sit/lie still for the first 20-30 minutes, she said the day she popped it in then got ready for work the thing pretty much exploded and made a mes of everything she was wearing on her bottom half :eek:

Good to know. I got some panty liners, and haven't had much of a mess yet. Some interesting colors, though! I have 2 in there, so it's mixed to make a nice purple color. :haha: Yikes...your friend's story sounds awful! Can you imagine if you were at work and had no clean clothes?! :wacko:

Just wanted to say no judging here because I'm exactly the same as you!:flower:

Thanks. :kiss:

Lou, isn't it weird to feel your ovaries? :wacko: Means it's working, though! :thumbup:

Traskey, you are def not out yet. I'm sorry you're feeling so down. I imagine that temps are all messed up with cycles like these, so they're probably not reliable. Chin up. :hugs: :kiss:

AQ, glad stims is going well! Don't forget that these follies grow so fast towards the end.

Hope, like I just said, the follies grow so fast towards the end. I didn't feel much until the last few days. Good for you for mixing! It takes forever!

Afm, I'm pupo with twins! :dance: I went in totally thinking they would call at any time to tell me it would be Wednesday. Never called. Got to the clinic, and they said we're not sure yet, wait here. So I waited. And waited. And waited. :hissy: I HAD TO PEE!!!! Doc called me back...6 were mature, 5 fertilized and only 2 made it to day 3. :sad2: I immediately started crying. Doc said it's totally fine. They are A/B quality, which made me feel worse. We put both in. Dh is pretty pumped and trying his darndest to make me feel positive, but I can't help but being disappointed. I'm glad we put 2 in. No totsicles.

So now I'm freaking out because I didn't plan on having to take tomorrow off, so I have no sub, no sub plans, no nothing. Scrambling around looking for a sub, and trying to relax at the same time. Feet are up, pillow under the laptop, and trying to think positive thoughts. I think I"ll put zita west on and take a nap.

:happydance::happydance::happydance:Yay for twins!!! Good for you dear! 2 is better than none! :hugs:
Pet, how are you doing? You know you can multi-quote in one post? Click on the little + sign in the lower right hand corner by the quote button. It'll turn to a - sign, then do that to all of the posts you'd like to quote, and then press reply. They'll all show up!

bahaha i didn't know that! thank you! :thumbup: i am okay, i had a breakdown last night with this IVF cycle not working and my DH told me to keep a PMA because it WILL work. It's so hard though because I had 3 failed IUI cycles :cry:
It's so hard to keep the positivity all the time. :hugs: I totally understand. If it doesn't happen the first time, it will eventually. :thumbup:
You're welcome, pet! you also don't have to quote the entire post. You can delete sentences if you'd like, just keep the
thing at the beginning and end. :thumbup:
You're welcome, pet! you also don't have to quote the entire post. You can delete sentences if you'd like, just keep the
thing at the beginning and end. :thumbup:

Thanks for the advice on how to post things correctly! I feel so stupid!:dohh: I am definitely trying to keep a PMA, even though I have to bite my tongue!! haha:hugs:
Rosa- Congrats for being PUPO with twins! when is OTD? x

Tinks- Glad your ok now. Sometimes a difficult transfer can affect the outcome BUT it all comes down to the embies bedding in so you still have a great chance. When is OTD? x

Hi to everyone else.
Im off to bed with my book as im worn out today. Just cant wait for fri. Nite all xxx
Nighty night, AQ. Not sure when my beta is yet. :shrug: I go in on Thursday for something, so I'll ask then.
Doodar!!!!! I am so thrilled for you! Those are lovely lines!

Trasky don't count yourself out yet you're still early! I'm still hoping and praying for you.

Tinx I've had my cervix clamped before and it was so painful I nearly passed out. So I for sure understand :hugs: but your emby is nice and snug in there. Also when I had transfer one of my embies went back into the catheter so they had to do it again which means more time in the catheter and I'm preggo so I wouldn't worry.

Rosa congrats on pupo! Rest up!

ST no judgemet here you did what you had to do to make your
Dreams come true no one can blame you for that. Congrats on being pupo!

Hi to everyone else I hope all is well.

Afm I am still in the hospital I'm waiting on another scan of my leg veins and a heart echo and for the fluid to be drained out of my belly ( all 11 pounds of it!) ouchy! All of this is happening tomorrow and I am being released tomorrow to. If they find a clot in the scan then they'll send me home with daily blood thinner injections and let me tell you those meds sting like hell! I'm still super bloated and uncomfortable but the draining should make me feel a lot better

I had a beta done two days ago so at 4 weeks and 1 day pregnant and it came back at a healthy 358! So baby/babies are fine. They did do an u/s but it was to early to see anything so I'll have to wait till my scan oct 31 to find out how many took.
Morning ladies

Pet - I have always wondered how people do the multi quote thing as well :blush:

AQ - Hope you managed to get some good rest, not long until your scan :thumbup:

Kelly - You poor thing, I hope the test come back ok. :happydance::happydance::happydance: for the beta :happydance::happydance::happydance: You really have been through the wars. 11lbs of fluid, not nice :hugs::hugs::hugs: I am so glad you have confirmed how painful having yout cervix clamped can be as I was feeling soft :haha:

I dont think I will be able to not worry about the transfer effecting the outcome but I am going to try and put it too the back of my mind.

My OTD isnt until the 27th, which I think is over board. I dont see why my clinic make you wait so long, no where else seems to :growlmad: I dont get a beta or anything, I just do a HPT and call them on the 27th with the result.
Morning ladies,

Well I caved yesterday afternoon and tested, and I got a very, very faint line on a frer, I didn't know what to think or how to feel, hubby came home, and he could see it too! We had a line! We tried our hardest not to let our heads run away, but it's the first time in 3 years there's ever been anything. So we agreed that I would test again this morning, I did, and we still have a line, but it's no darker than yesterday. Almost exactly the same. So now I'm wishing I hadn't tested, my head is a mess, and really, I'm not hopeful.
I'm thinking it must either be the left over hcg from trigger, or it's a chemical. I'm 8dp5dt or 13dpo, I'm guessing there should be more than a very faint line. Gutted.

I don't know what to think, and I'm certainly not writing this, whilst sitting here thinking I'm pregnant. I don't know what to think now, why couldn't I have will power? :nope:
Rosa I always wondered how to multi quote, they have it on another forum and i always wishes they had it here and it was there all along :thumbup:

Tink that seems like an awful long time to wait for OtD, I think we need to work out a new date for you to test :thumbup:

Zoe keep the PMA girl, a line is a good thing and surely it can't be trigger this late on. Rmind me when your OTD is? Will you pee on another stick?

Sorry no more personals, I need to go get showered and dressed for work. Staying home again today as I had the worst night sleep, loads of weird dreams about egg collection! I'm going for hypno this afternoon, need a PMA boost about my injections as I had a minor freak episode again last night.
This soooo reminds me of my last cycle. Ive had 3 ivf and various FET's and the trigger has always gone after 4-5 days so i never tested the trigger out. I tested 2 days AFTER AF was due and got a faint line on a FRER and PREGNANT on a CB digi. The next morning the FRER was the same and still on CB digi as well. I booked an apt at the midwives for that evening just for a quick chat and after work thought id just use up the last digi to make sure. I was horrified when it said NOT PREGNANT! Either the trigger lingered for more than 10 days and the progesterone delayed my AF or it was a chemical pregnancy. I guess ill never know :(

Have you tried a digi? If it was me then id try one now and one tomorrow. I asked the midwife and she said you do NOT have to use FMU for these tests, it makes no difference (obviously if you are testing really early like 4 days before AF and using internet cheapies i think FMU is best but saying that, with my last pregnancy, the lines were darker avo/evening for me!

Good luck x
My beta is Thursday, I'm going to get more tests today, I figured I've created a monster now, I may as well feed it! Part of me is thinking feck it a line is a line, I don't know if I'll see another tomorrow or ever again, so enjoy what could be now. But the biggest part of me knows it's a dangerous game to play, I have to be realistic.

Thanks Hope :hugs: I hope you have a lovely day, enjoy your hypno
Thanks coco, I'm not really sure when I should expect my period, as it was due the day after my embryo transfer! I'm going to keep testing, but try not to read to much into it until my beta on Thursday.
Wow this thread moves so fast, had problems getting on last night!

Tinks congrats hunny on being pupo! I guess ouch doesnt even cover it, poor you! I had my cervix pinched by a junior doctor once and boy did it hurt, I bled for a while after! It wont affect your embies though my lovely, they will be nicely snuggling into that lining!! Hope your getting lots of rest!

Rosa Cant remember if I congratulated you on being pupo or not!! Mushy brain! Well if I didnt then here it is CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hunny! If I did then well then you got double the congratualtions off me hee hee! Hope your resting up too :hugs:

Kelly! wow sounds like your going through the mill. Really hope the leg scan comes back clear! I'm on blood thinners at the moment, they were given as part of my protocol, but they did say that with the ohss I would have been given them anyway. So I'm glad now that I am on them, I think its helped a lot and to be honest I'm not finding them too bad. They sting for a few minutes after going in but I'm getting used to it now and hubby has become a pro at injecting lol. Hope your feeling better very soon and fantastic betas!! Twins maybe!!!

Zowiey you poor thing I just want to give you the biggest hug. Do you have anymore tests, you could maybe test this afternoon. My lines always seem to be darker in the afternoon rather than fmu. I have on the other hand heard many a story of ladies getting faint lines and going on to be pregnant. One lady even got a negative on the day of otd and then it turned positive that afternoon, with only a very faint line. Everyone is different my lovely and embies implant at different stages and hcg rises at different rates. I praying to the babygods for you that the line gets darker! :hugs:

Hope,Trask,AQ,Pet,ST How you all doing. I know I missed someone coz I always do :dohh: :hugs:

AFM I'm still stressing about my bfp! I'm finding it really difficult to remain positive. I've been here twice before and I dont think I will relax at least until that 6 week scan. I havent tested again today but I will do later. Normally though I'm testing to see that line get darker but I dont think it could get any darker than yesterdays lol so now I'm stressing in case it goes lighter. I'm a serial tester and the clinic always tell me off for doing it but I would rather know whats happening than get to scan day and be heartbroken. It's such a hard ride. Love and luck to you all :hugs:
Zowiey like Hope say a line is a line, but if in doubt get a digi.... :hugs:

Thanks Rosa for showing us how to multi quote:thumbup:... :happydance:and super Mega Congraulations on being PUPO with TWINS...:happydance:

Hope have a good day at work and hope your Hypno session goes well... im hearing you on the weird dreams..

Hi to all you lovely ladies today... i woke up feeling like everything had stopped hurting/feeling uncomfortable so i must have ovulated.... cant shake this feeling.. i know its just worry!! But still....:dohh:

Thanks coco, I'm not really sure when I should expect my period, as it was due the day after my embryo transfer! I'm going to keep testing, but try not to read to much into it until my beta on Thursday.

I know how you feel, you are in a bit of a grey area now... Ive been there, i know what its like!

I would hold your pee and take a digi later if it was me. At 13dpo a digi will give you a clear answer. I found out that even when the FRER had a faint but perfectly visable line that the digi finally gave me the correct result (sadly i was not pregnant)

The trigger is supposed to be out of your system after 10 days and i tested it out with my first two ivfs after 4 days but last time it was there for about 12 days! Weird. If you take a FRER again and theres still no change in line colour at 13dpo then its possible its the trigger or a chemical although also possible that your hcg is not very strong. I can understand you wanting to know a definite answer though... I would want to as well. Theres still hope!!!! PMA PMA! GL x
Just a quick one for Zowiey as im at work!
Just echoing everyone else that a line is a line so congrats!!! Remember that hcg doubles every 48 hrs so it may take another day for the line to get darKER!!!! XXXXXXXX
Hi girls.

Zowiey- Naughty girl for early poas! haha. I truly hope its a early BFP for you and why should it not be? ;-) i would test again in 2 days and if a line is there u have cracked it ;-) good luck hun and i would of done the same. I have no wilpower where pee sticks are x

Rosa- Hope your doing ok with 2ww x

Pet- You start dr tomorrow right? good luck hun! x

Princess- Any word from dh's dr yet? hope things start moving soon x

ST- How are u doing? x

Hope- Enjoy your hypno and hope all is well x

Tinks- How are u feeling today after all the drama with EC? Did you have a mock transfer prior to ET? x

Traskey- Hope all is well for you too x

Doodar- You will feel like that but im sure u will be fine x

Nici- How r u doing? have u got your scan thur? x

Lou- Hope all well with u? x

Chris- Any news ? x
Hi to everyone else x

AFM- Day 7 of stimms already! feel lil bit bloated but no pain etc. Cant wait till fri to see if we are cooking with gas! haha xxx

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