IVF/ICSI in Aug/Sept/Oct Updates on 1st page!

Oh Lou don't worry, you can't have ovulated surely. I assume youre still sniffing or stabbing your dr drugs? Is your scan on Friday too?

Zoe make sure you pick up a digi, I know people swear by frer for early testing but I hate searching for that damn line! Oh and your cycle has been amended by all the drugs so AF should be due 14 days after EC rather than your normal cycle length from last AF. I think so anyway!

PMA PMA PMA :dust:
Snap! AQ we posted together. I wish Friday would hurry up and arrive already :lol:
Aww me too Hope! time seems to be dragging now!
I am so excited and nervous to see if meds have done their job!
Wonder how many follies we will get?? HURRY UP FRIDAY! lol xxx
Thanks Hope, i think it was my weird dream making me freak out this morning, feeling a little bit bloated but nothing else..

Aq my scan is tomorrow... im just hoping and praying theres enough there to go ahead with...

Lou- Im sure you will be fine but i understand your concern as i feel the same.
Hopefully you will be having EC before the wk is out and il be not far behind u xxx
Very scary thought... im hoping it will be monday... i was given 12 days worth of menopour so after tonights i will have 4 left... which will mean trigger sunday i think.. if its on track at tomorrows scan...

Im hoping my EC will be mon too so we could be in the 2ww together Lou :)
and also Hope might be around that time too?

Good luck xxx
In honor of the multi-post, here we go! :rofl:

My OTD isnt until the 27th, which I think is over board. I dont see why my clinic make you wait so long, no where else seems to :growlmad: I dont get a beta or anything, I just do a HPT and call them on the 27th with the result.

the 27th?! :saywhat: That's like a 3 ww! :wacko: Totally test before that.

Well I caved yesterday afternoon and tested, and I got a very, very faint line on a frer, I didn't know what to think or how to feel, hubby came home, and he could see it too! We had a line! We tried our hardest not to let our heads run away, but it's the first time in 3 years there's ever been anything. So we agreed that I would test again this morning, I did, and we still have a line, but it's no darker than yesterday. Almost exactly the same. So now I'm wishing I hadn't tested, my head is a mess, and really, I'm not hopeful.
I'm thinking it must either be the left over hcg from trigger, or it's a chemical. I'm 8dp5dt or 13dpo, I'm guessing there should be more than a very faint line. Gutted.

I don't know what to think, and I'm certainly not writing this, whilst sitting here thinking I'm pregnant. I don't know what to think now, why couldn't I have will power? :nope:

A line is a line. There is no way that could still be the hcg, it's too late for that. I say get a digi. And like 10 more hpts. :haha: I think this may be it for you, Z! :dance:

Rosa I always wondered how to multi quote, they have it on another forum and i always wishes they had it here and it was there all along :thumbup:

Sorry no more personals, I need to go get showered and dressed for work. Staying home again today as I had the worst night sleep, loads of weird dreams about egg collection! I'm going for hypno this afternoon, need a PMA boost about my injections as I had a minor freak episode again last night.

:thumbup: I love multi-posting, but sometimes I take it too far. :blush: Like today. :rofl: Do you mean you freaked out while giving your shots last night? Why hun? Do they hurt, or is it just a fear thing? :hugs: I can totally relate to that. How many days have you been doing them now? They DO get better. Do you ice before hand? Pinch the area a few times so it goes a little numb? Heat afterwards?

My beta is Thursday, I'm going to get more tests today, I figured I've created a monster now, I may as well feed it! Part of me is thinking feck it a line is a line, I don't know if I'll see another tomorrow or ever again, so enjoy what could be now. But the biggest part of me knows it's a dangerous game to play, I have to be realistic.

:rofl: Feeding the :test: monster!!! We need an emoticon for that....

Rosa Cant remember if I congratulated you on being pupo or not!! Mushy brain! Well if I didnt then here it is CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hunny! If I did then well then you got double the congratualtions off me hee hee! Hope your resting up too :hugs:

AFM I'm still stressing about my bfp! I'm finding it really difficult to remain positive. I've been here twice before and I dont think I will relax at least until that 6 week scan. I havent tested again today but I will do later. Normally though I'm testing to see that line get darker but I dont think it could get any darker than yesterdays lol so now I'm stressing in case it goes lighter. I'm a serial tester and the clinic always tell me off for doing it but I would rather know whats happening than get to scan day and be heartbroken. It's such a hard ride. Love and luck to you all :hugs:

You did and thank you again! :haha: I'm resting up nicely today. You are pregnant, hun!!!! When is your beta?

Lou, remind me where you are in the process...there was a day or two while stimming that I didn't hurt as much and it worried me. It does NOT mean that you o'ed early. You're fine. I worry about everything, so I understand how you feel. :blush:

AQ, so far, so good. However, it's only the 1st day of the 2ww. :haha: Ask me again next week. :wacko: Glad things are gong well for you! Come on, Friday!!!!

Afm, just chillin' today. :coolio: Found a sub, which is great, so I'm still in bed. :blush: Planning a nice drive to the Starbucks drive-thru and maybe some digital scrapbooking. Some tv watching, and I mustn't forget about my piano lesson at 5:15! I keep forgetting and I'd hate for her to show up and me be braless, in pj pants, hair askew, glasses on, house a wreck...:rofl: Not cool.
See there's the problem with multi-post. It takes up the entire page! :rofl:
Hey we love multi post! I think I had 2 yesterday that filled a page :rofl:

Rosa, so pleased you are taking it easy today PUPO lady :D

AQ, not long now until Friday. It will go quickly. I think the stimming part went quick. The 2WW however, dragsssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Hope, sorry you had problems with your needles last night. Are you ok about them today?

Zowiey, our clinic says a line is a pregnancy, no matter how feint. I can understand your caution though. It won't be the HCG, that's long gone (If it weren't i'd have gotten a positive on day 11). Good luck for tomorrow.

Twinks, how are you feeling today? My otd is day 16. Seems long to me too.

Doodar, I don't think we ever stop worrying, no matter what stage we are at. I am sure your little embie is all snuggled up in there. You've got all those meds this time.

ST, how are you today PUPO lady :hugs:

Pet, good luck with down regging.

Chris, how are you feeling today?

Lou, good luck with your scan tomorrow :hugs:
Delly/Stacey, :hugs: for you.
Traskey and Tinks- I would test 10 days after transfer if its a blast and 13-14 days after transfer if its a 2-3day transfer. I think 17 days is madness! most clinics say 14 days. A lot of my friends have had earlier BFPS tho :) xxx
My clinic does the beta 12 days after the transfer. Not sure if that's for both 3 and 5 day, but I believe it is.
Lou, remind me where you are in the process...there was a day or two while stimming that I didn't hurt as much and it worried me. It does NOT mean that you o'ed early. You're fine. I worry about everything, so I understand how you feel. :blush:


Hi Rosa Im on day 8 of stimms...
Thanks ladies :hugs: I tested again (i know,I know, what can i say I'm a whore for the poas action!) and I *think* the line may be darker, just waiting for hubby to get home, and slap me with reality! My mum said she could see it, but she didn't have her glasses, and I think she may have been humouring me!

Oh rosa, I'm so jealous, you have drive through strabucks in America??? The town I live in only got a Macdonalds 8 years ago! I need to emigrate!

Hubby just got home! Eeek! I'll be back later to catch up with everyone
Z, you're preggo!!! Enjoy it! And yes, we have drive thru everything around here. :wacko: Lazy Americans. :rofl: I live in the suburbs, and there are about 50 starbucks within walking distance. Not that we'd ever actually WALK there...that's ridiculous. Americans don't walk when we can drive. :rofl:
Zowie - I think the trigger will be well gone but they do say everyone is different, I think you have a BFP there though :winkwink: Have you tested again????

Hope - sorry about your freak episode, what happend??? How are you feeling now? And about EC, how scared and nervous was I and honestly it is nothing. I would rather do that then ET again :haha:

Doodar - I can totally understand why you are worried, the 6 week scan will be such a massive milestone. Try to relax though and keep your PMA. That test sure was dark :haha: :thumbup:

Lou - I am sure you have not ov'd. The drugs will be stopping it, how are you feeling now? Good luck for your scan tomorrow :thumbup:

Coco - Sorry your treatment ended in BFN :hugs::hugs:

AQ - sounds like you are doing great, can you feel your ovaries when you wee yet? I did not have a moch transfer but I dont think it would have made any difference as the problem was my cervix being very inflamed from EC and they would not have been able to know that was going to happen :thumbup: 14 days still seems too long :haha:

Rosa - sounds like you have had a nice relaxing day, I bet the twinies are getting ready to go to blast in their new home :winkwink: I know 3ww or what???? :growlmad:

Taskey - How are you? When are you going to test again?

AFM - Still feeling very bloated, is this normal? Could the pesseries be causing the bloat? Work was ok, was vert tired by the end but glad I had something else to focus on.

Well I decided to test the HCG out of my system so I know when I do test the trigger has gone. I have done 2 HPT now, one last night (very faint BFP) and 1 tonight (BFN). I am going to do another tomorrow morning with FMU but it is looking like the trigger has already gone :thumbup:

Can I ask everyone how long do your clinics say to wait before testing? How do they calculate your OTD? I want a new one :haha:

Pineapple eaten for tonight :haha:
Zowie - I missed your last post :dohh: Sounds good, cant wait for the next one :happydance::happydance::happydance:
You do all make me giggle :thumbup:

Zoe where abouts are you in Leicestershire if you don't mind me asking? My parents live in Hinckley.

No idea why I had a funny five minutes with my jab last night because they are not hurting me, just a bit sharp and uncomfortable and i think that's more DH pinching me than the actual jab. I think he's taking too long to get the liquid in, if you were counting out the time it takes to press the syringe all the way in how much would you count up to? I'm using one of the barbie bowling pins of liquid and two menopur powders.

I spoke to my lovely hypno lady about it today and we wonder if it's just a deep seated fear I have of needles and the fact that my tummy is starting to feel tender (which is a good thing as the follies need to grow) and that I'm thinking while it hasn't hurt before it might start hurting. Who knows, sometimes I think I'm just a little nuts! We visualised it going swimmingly tonight so fx it does :thumbup:

AQ I'm only on day 5 of stimming so I don't think I'll be doing EC on Monday, maybe wednesday or Friday, but hopefully you me and Lou will be inthe 2ww together.

Tink I was thinking about testing out the trigger after I learned that trick from Kelly! Good that it's out of your system already because that means the next positive will be a BFP!

Traskey and Zoe when are you going to test again chicks?

I know I've forgotten people... St how are you feeling? Rosa loving your braless pjs music lesson. Kelly have they let you out of the hospital yet? Now I feel like freulein Maria as i can't remember who I've forgotten!

Tinks, i'm sure I read somewhere that the trigger is gone about day 5. Not sure where I read it though.

Hope, i'm hopeful that after your visualisation today that all will go swimmingly with your jabs tonight!

Zowiey, loving the poas action :D

Rosa, I want drive through Starbucks. Seriously! How cool would that be. We just have drive through Mac D

AFM, I will test again Thursday or Friday. My official date from the clinic is Saturday, day 16. Still have cramps and today nauseous after my decaf coffee. Twice! Might try and wait until Sat as if it's another bfn, not sure how i'll cope with work.
Thanks ladies! Hubby can see it! :happydance: We're trying to be realisitic, my lines are faint, but this afternoons was darker than this mornings, so Whilst I may not be in the super bad ass line club with doodar, I'm hoping I can join her soon [-o<

Rosa, I love that! I barely walk anywhere! I could soooo live in the US, I really want to go to a taco bell, yes I really am a loser!! :haha:

Tinks, glad your not feeling to bad :hugs: My bloating never went away really, but I have gained about 7lbs since I started dr, so I thought it might be that? I have my beta on Thurs, so thats 10days from ET.

Hope- I live in Melton Mowbray, the home of the pork pie :haha: So its quite a way from Hinckley, I forget how big Leicestershire is sometimes!

Traskey, I have my fingers tightly crossed for you. As for work, could you not take sick leave? Not that you need to even think about that :hugs:

St, hope you're ok? how are you finding it back at work?

Hello to everyone else :wave:

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