IVF/ICSI in July

I think the sniff Vs inject is down to the different clinics. I imagine thay are as effective as each other, or FS' would only use one. I did a quick search on the differences, and quite a few women say they prefer the injections, ad the sniffing doesn't smell/taste so great, and lots of them were worried they weren't getting their full dose, wheras it's pretty hard to stuff up an injectible dose. Having played with the syringes this afternoon, I'e changed my mind and am glad I'm injecting, as I know I would worry about not sniffing enough, or sneezing it all out!

An old friend of mine went through IVF back in 1990, and I remember her having to go to the bathroom where we worked (it was my Saturday job), to do her sniffing, then in 1995 the lady who I lodged with went through IVF and she too sniffed. My friends who have been through IVF more recently have down regged with injectibles - but that may have something to do with us all using the same clinic! Seems like I've had a life surrounded by IVFers - perhaps it was my destiny to go through it too!?
How is everyone doing?

I'm not sure either why some clinics use injections over sniffing. Is it quicker? I sniff for about 3 weeks before I get a blood test to chack down regulation. My clinic don't let you go in once you have a bleed, but give you a pre set date which is a bit annoying as I always feel I am carrying on sniffing for a good few days once I am down regulated.

Chesca, sorry to hear you had a bad time. Like the others, I think when you're having IVF it is best to know aout all eventualities so you can be prepared for anything that might get thrown at you. I know OHSS can get pretty bad. I had it moderately with my 1st cycle, lots of pain and bloating.

Blue, you're off!! Yay! :happydance: Hope injecting carries on nice and smoothly. Leilani, when do you start? and Angel?? Its all very exciting.

I start sniffing on Sunday. :happydance:
Caline, i start 1st July. Have appointment 30th to get meds and a blood test but i should catch you all up for the next stage. Im sure its tablets first then injections for me?

I think i would like the sniffing thing - i hate needles and my poor stomach was black and blue last time with all the needles!

Hope you are all doing well and dont get any really nasty side effects!!
Wow Ladies, suddenly it's all go here!! Am so excited for you guys who have started, but also a little bit jealous. I want to start!!!

Blue - I have acupuncture last night for the 1st time. Figured it's wroth a go. I don't really understand though, she put the needles in and I just lay there for 25 mins. Have to attempt I didn't really relax as was desperate for a wee, but are you supposed to feel anything whilst its happening or after? I felt exactly the zone. I've got another appointment next week and I'll have the Zita West CD on at the same time so hopefully that will help get me in the zone...

Hey check out my ticker, I'm offically counting down now!! :happydance:

Hope those of you who have started DR, are feeling ok still!

Love to you all:hugs:
Sprigflower with acupuncture I found I either felt a bit itchy or tingly at the sites of the needles. Mostly though I did lots of deep breathing, and visualize healthy blood flow through my body and whatever stage of my cycle I was at - so growing eggs, or fertilization etc.

It isn't an immediate feeling of change - but I think the relaxation helps (wee before you start next time lol) and I have had changes to the quality of my lining and flow and colour of the blood and the pain of my endo.


Loving that ticker hun!!!

Oh and 2nd injection for DR today - went well - I don't mind doing the needle - but it is still gross lol.
Hiya Ladies!

Sorry i'm only just replying, we go on hols early hours of the morning and yesterday was complete chaos!

Ok, well here goes.

Went in for EC on 9th Feb. As you would expect I was a bit nervous as I really didn't know what to expect. I was taken in to the EC theatre and the last thing I remember was talking to this lovely anesthesist........ then it was all over. Woke up in the recovery room with a big smile on my face, in total relief that i'd done it. My mind was racing with happy thoughts of finally getting the much longed for BFP.
After a few minutes I was wheeled back in to my room where DP was waiting. It was about this time when it all started to go down hill.

I had some pain in my lower abdoman, but just assumed this was beacuse the anesthetic was wearing off. I mentioned it to the nurse and she just said they'd keep an eye on it and it was nothing to worry about. The pain just got worse and worse and before I knew it it was going all up my right side. The only was I can describe it is like having mega mega painful trapped wind from right under my boobs, all down right side, in to my pelvis. I actually though I just needed to trump (TMI I know). The nurse tried to sit me up and I immediately nearly passed out. Before I knew it I was hucked up to a drip and being given morphine injections. I had doctors and nurses in the room trying to figure out what was wrong. The pain had now spread up my neck, I remember everything that was said but didn't have a clue who I was taking to. My blood pressure was very low and I felt the worst I have ever felt in my entire life.

An ultra sound scan showed massive internal bleeding, so it appears that when they went in to collect my eggs, they nicked an artery too and the blood was leaking up in to my body.

I was rushed to hospital were I stayed for about a week. It took me over 2 months to get back on my feet, was a very traumatic experience for DP and I and it took me a really long time to get my head around what had happened.

I can't really explain the emotions I went through but I almost felt like all that was for nothing as we weren't able to have ET. I was angry with the clinic and to a certain degree I still am. not so much at the clinic, at the doctor who conducted the procedure. I have completely lost all confidence in her abilities as a consulant. Rightly or wrongly so, this is just the way I feel. Our consultant (who is different to the one who did EC) has assured us that the chance of this happening are very small but unfortunately for us it happened. I have been toying with the idea of the the clinic and going else where but I still haven't come to any decision on this..... any of your views would be greatly appreciated.

DP has been my absolute rock, I really couldn't have pulled myself back from this without him!!! As we haven't really told anyone about the IVF it's almost like non of this has ever happened as I've not spoken about it to anyone other than family. It has been very hard trying to explain why I haven't been well and there have been times when i've just wanted to talk about it but I've been so worried about scaring/ worrying anyone who's having IVF that I just decided to keep it all in.

I really want say a massive thank you to you all for allowing me to tell you my story. I am actually crying writing this as it have been a massive weight lifed to be finally able to talk about it! I hope I haven't totally scared you all now!!

Well, as I said I will be jetting off tomorrow so will do my best to get on here whilst I'm away. So you all will know know why i've chosen to have a little holiday before we have FET. DP and I will certainly be making the most of what will hopfully be our last holiday as a 2.

Sending you all massive sprinkles of baby dust and I hope you all do well with your cycles whilst i'm away.

Love Chesca xxxx
Aww bless you Chesca - the tears are tripipng me just reading your story! How brave to share but you shouldnt have kept it all in - everyone here understands the risks and wants to support you through the bad times as well as celebrate your success (and you really deserve it after all you have been through!) The good times are all the sweeter!

You have a fab time on hols and get some much needed rest and keep each other close!
Chesca, thanks for sharing your story. It goes to show that the simplest of procedures do carry risks, and you were very unlucky that you were the one that got that rare complication. It must have been very hard not to be able to talk to anyone about what happened, especially along with the disappointment of having the transfer cancelled, which is a massive stress on its own, aside from you being so ill after the collection.

Massive hugs :hugs: and I hope it helps ot be able to chat to us girlies on here. Have a lovely break, and when you get home you will be relaxed and ready to go.

I am having FET too. Will you be having medicated (have I already asked you this?!), or natural? Did you get a good few frosties?
Chesca that is an incredibly traumatic experience that you have been through. I am so sorry that this happened to you. Keeping that story to yourself must have been so hard. I really appreciate you sharing your story with us. Brighter times are ahead of you now. I will have to find the quote that I came across recently but I hope to use it one day soon - it is something about we remember with tenderness even the worst of times (once we have what we want).

I hope you and your dp have a wonderful trip. It is a very well deserved trip. Enjoy it a bit extra for each of us lol.

Thank you all for your kind words and support, it really means alot!!

Caline - I think I am having a medicated one, what about you? We have 4 frosties, so fingers crossed we have at least one we can use. Because of what happened they froze them at the fertilisation stage so we don't know what grade any of the are yet. They say they get better results with the thawing process when they do this. Fingers crossed we have a grade 1's and 2's!!

Well I am off to bed now, up at 4, eek!

Speak to you all soon,
Love Chesca xxx
Thanks for sharing Chesca - what an experience!

How many frozen embies did you get from that procedure in the end?

Enjoy the your hols.
Hows everyone else doing? I am finding the DR headaches are quite annoying grrr...
Blue, i doing goood....but then im not on anything yet!!!

I did get headaches last time though so i feel for you! How many days DR do you have? I also felt heavy in my stomach -no idea what that was all about?

Well my schedule arrived in the post today so im still trying to take it in as they have changed the format this time around!
Yeah i'm getting lots of headaches too. It's annoying! Feel ok other than that. :) xxx
Starbright sorry to hear you are getting headaches too - we started DR the same day right? June 22?

Angel - that is awesome that you have a schedule - what is the schedule - and what is different from last time. I have yet to receive a schedule. Basically they told me to DR with lupron and call when I get af cd1 - and they will call me in and instruct me from there.

Can't wait for July and everyone to be started!!!

Just taken my last BCP - so 2 days drug free (except folic acid), then I start my injections on Wednesday - twice a day with Buserlin (to down reg), then on Friday I start the Puregon (to stim). I'm kind of glad I'm on a short protocol, though it does mean taking bigger doses and I'm only on this protocol as I'm older and am less likely to get a big haul of eggs :(

What's your schedule Angel?
Hey Ladies :flower:

How's everyone doing? It's so exciting to see things are starting to happen.

Blue and Starbright - Sending lots of postive vibes your way for the DR!

Well I've now got my perscription just need to find the cheapest place to get them from. I'm not sure what I'm taking, it's all Dr sribble! Can see the last thing is the suppositories (!) I also have my injection training booked in for the day before I start. Figured it gives me less time to forget and confuse myself!!

Chesca - I read your story, it brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine what you must have been through. You are so so brave, sending massive hugs your way :hugs:.

You asked about our views on whether you should move clinics. Well fingers crossed you won't even need to start thinking about that, this time it going to work and you'll get your bump! But I think though it depends on how you feel. From what I've read being relaxed and postive helps massively. If you feel comfortable at the clinic thats the most important thing. What happened to you was very rare and the chances of it or something similar happening must be very very small. Hope you are having a wonderful holiday! I'm very jealous! Although the weather this weekend in the UK is lovely!, so I can't complain! When are you DR? I'm 13th July, are we on similar timescales?

I'm about to have two horrendous weeks at work, so might not be on here much, except for the weekends. Just know I'm rooting for you all!!! We can do this! :thumbup:

Ohhh Blue - While I remember thanks for your comments re accupunture. I have my 2nd session on Tuesday and am looking forward to it. Think you are right the key is to have a wee beforehand! :haha:
:rofl: Springflower - I hope you continue to enjoy it - I love the acupuncture. I usually go once a week except for pre-ov time I go twice. The acupuncturist said once I start stims to go 2-3 times a week which is okay since I will be off of work.

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