Sue - sorry to read about your loss

Fingers crossed for this cycle.
Bizy - having the meds in the fridge really bought it all home to me, but after about 2 days, I didn't even notice the big blue bag! Any sign that the witch is on her way?
Angel - what day do you start, I get a bit confused with time differences - and I don't think I know where you are!
Blue - I keep thinking AF is here and am on quite regular knicker watch - it's almost worse than waiting for her in a "regular" ttc month - she was much more predictable then!
Starbright - how are you feeling?
Caline - any more side effects of the DRing?
BabyChristie - what time of day are you doing your injections? Best wishes for today and this cycle.
Springflower - not long now - did you track down the cheapest drug dealer, I mean supplier?
Thanks for all "sample" experiences. I think we'll just see how DH feels on the morning, and if it's a cold morning, I'm sure he'll appreciate the warm clinic - when we go for my first scan, he can check it out (and make sure the door locks). Something else, sperm related, that's on my mind is when DH should refresh his boys prior to egg collection day. Because we are doing ICSI because of his low number of swimmers, I'm worried we'll not time it right, as I don't want his boys to be too young or too old, iykwim. I guess every 2 or 3 days will ensure a healthy batch?
Did my first injection this morning - the injection was fine (other than the syringe was slightly different to the one I practiced with at the clinic), but afterwards it felt a bit itchy/tingly, so I then convinced myself that I was having an allergic reaction to the Buserelin and it wasn't going to work!! But after about 5 mins I was over it!
My second injection this evening wasn't really itchy at all. I asked DH to help with the injection by drawing up my dose - he failed big time - he ended up with a huge air-bubble in it - and used the air bubble as the guide to the right dose - he almost got it on his third or forth attempt, I'll get him to try again in the morning - bless.