Hey Ladies
Sorry Sammy I'm not going to be much help. I've never seen a positive result

What I do know is even if the lines are light you are still pregnant. Did you do them all with the same wee?
I'm feeling a bit more postive today, and praying AF stays away, as I know we all are. I usually spot a week before, no signs of that yet! Although I know the progestrone messes things up, so I can't trust that! I have no symptoms at all. I would love a symptom!
Sue - I did a test yesterday, only because you said you were as well

Mine was obviously negative too, but as you say at least the meds are out of my system now.
Everyone this is just so bloody hard isn't it!!!!!!!!!!
Pupo ladies how are you doing not testing? I'm definately not going to do it again. Famous last words eh!
Deeni - I would have gone for blasties too. I think you have to when you have a choice, will you have 2 put back in? Waiting to have them put back in is horrible. You be there soon though and then you get the 2ww!
Hopes - Ohhh EC tomorrow then!! Cool! Sounds like you've got some great follies there. Good luck!
I've already decided if this attempt doesnt work, I'm going again soon. The clinic have told me I have to have 2 bleeds before I'm allowed so I guess that would take me to end Sept/Oct. Has anyone else made a contingency (sorry sp!) plan?
Blue and Leilani - I just want to echo what the other girls have said. I have been truely touched that you have continued to support us, I'm sure it must have been very hard at times. I know you're both going again in September, you are definately owed BFP's.
Lots of luck and BFP's to all. I want so badly for all of us to be successful on this attempt.