Hey Ladies
Sorry I haven't really been about these last couple of days, coming back to work has been crazy busy!
So I think I've caught up with everyone...
Deeni - Hang in there your nearly there! Cramping sounds good. Can't wait to see what the score is on Saturday!
Star - I really really hope your line has got darker. I think having a faint line is worst than none at all, you must be on tenterhooks!
Bizy - Great news you are going for blasties. How many will you have put back in?
Hopes - Sorry your little ones didnt make it through freezing, but you've got 3 lovely eggies snuggled inside making themselves at home.
Sue - Hello my lovely! I think two months on the NHS isn't bad, it's good you get another hsot. Where I am you only get one and it's a 3 yr wait, hence opting for private! Hope you're doing ok, I found the weekend really tough but am better now I'm at work
Angel - Hello! How are you doing? Have you made any further plans for next time yet?
Well no news from me, I'm still spotting but expecting the dependable AF to show up anytime now. The cramps are here so I've got my Anadin ready! I can't get into our clinic until the 2nd week of September to have our review meeting, wish I was sooner I'd feel better if there was a definate plan of action! Anyone else who's trying again scared? I'm so scraed the next attempt won't work and thought of that terrifies me. Sorry all I've got a bit negative!!
Love to everyone