Hi everyone.
Sorry I haven't been on much. I'll have to have a read back and catch up on what stage everyone is at.
I am going to the clinic today. We are taking part in a trial looking at medicated v's natural FET. I will be allocated one or the other, then have a 3D pelvic scan, and then sign some forms.
I am a bit nervous about the scan because AF is here and as heavy as always, and I am worried it is going to be a bit messy. I did tell them I have my period and it didn't seem a problem. Mmmm, we shall see.
Blue, I can totally empathise with you. I am feeling exactly the same. Its a weird old bunch of emotions to have all at once, isn't it?!? The first IVF I had, I wasn't really expecting it to work, and it did, so last time I had higher expectations of it working, and it didn't, so this time, well, I don't know how I'm feeling. I don't think I am really expecting it to work if I'm honest. When It worked for us the 1st time, I started spotting pretty soon after by BFP, so there was no excitement of celebration. In a way, even though of course I want a BFP, I am also dreading it as my experience before was sooo stressful.
Now you've got me writing an essay!!! I guess all these feelings we're getting are normal.