Springflower, there are some studies that show IVF is up to 25% more sucessful with accupuncture. I haven't read the recent stuff though. I have been having it for a year now when I started it definately helped regulate my cycles, so I have stuck with it. I see someone who specialised in fertility so its like an hour long counselling session too!
Also, having accupuncture ties in with the CD as she gets you to focus on accupuncture points in the relaxation.
Chesca, where are you off to? Have a lovely relaxing time
Starbright, I think the wellman conception are suposed to be good. dh has been taking them for a few months now. We still may need another fresh cycle so are keeping up things in that area.
Some recent research published showed that one thing thats keeps sperm count and quality high is regular (every few days) ejaculation all the time, not just at certain times of the month. And 'saving up' for ovulation is a big no-no.
I start down reggin a week today so am a little behind most of you. Also when I am down regged I have to take oestrigen, instead of stimming, and that takes a bit longer I seem to remember. I think I pop the oestrogen for about 15 days before I get a scan to see if my lining is thick.
I am off to the twinsclub website now to do some research on life with twins. I am considering having 2 blasts put back this time, but am very wprried about having twins.