IVF/ICSI in July

Well i had my test this morning- waste of a journey really - an hours drive, pee in a pot and leave!!
Oh I know the feeling it is such a pain. I work next door to a hospital but the fertility clinic is miles away.

Thanks for the reassurance. I really appreciate it. I think I'm on synarel (at work at the mo and can't remember for definite). Hope all is going well for you :flower:
Wow Blue and Starbright you're both about to start, that's so exciting!!

I got my Zita West yesterday, the CD is quite good actually. I felt really calm when I was listening to it. I'm going to start using it everyday. I've used hynotherapy before for flying and when I had my drving test and it really does work for me. If anyones having acupunture then the cd may well be worth a purchase as it refers to acupunture areas on the body throughout.

I've been umming and errring about trying acupunture, I trawled through the net yesterday and found some recent research (March 2010) saying there was no proof it worked. Would be interested to hear anyones thoughts on this, I don't know what to think :wacko:

Well it's not very exciting but next Tues OH and I are back to the clinic for what seems like lots of blood tests. Luckily I don't have to have a smear test again, I can use the results from one a had a while ago at the Doc's. Phew - That's a bit more money saved!

Hope everyone's doing ok! Blue and Starbright my CD says you have to do lots of positive visualisation :haha:

Love to you all
I should try to get that cd - what is it officially called - zita west....

I have been doing acupuncture for the last 3 months and I have had significant changes. I also love how relaxed I am and the visualizations that I am able to do during it.

Can't wait for this place to be busy with cycles and hoping with injections lol.

Hiya ladies!!

The zita west CD sounds really good, think I'll have to purchase that one too!!

Starbright - my DP had 2 really bad SA results and we had to have ICSI. The clinic gave us a suggested supplement regime to follow (which DP wasn't very happy about but he took them!) and by the time we got to EC day it had massively improved!!!! I mean improved to the point where we could've had IUI they were that good. The clinic advised us to still opt for icsi instead of ivf. Ageless is right though, the only difference is that they inject the Sperm in to the egg, so it just gives it a bit of a helping hand!

I'm a little stressed at the moment girls, trying to get everything sorted for hols and trying to get all caught up at work too, eek, not used to booking a hol at such short notice.... Got so much shopping to do too!! Been doing loads of Reiki to try n chill me out which is helping but just need to get my 'to do' list done then I will loads better.

It's so exciting that you are all starting DR now, will do my best to catch up with you all whilst I'm away too. Do any of you know when EC day is?

Hope everyone is ok,

Hey Chesca do you remember what the supplements were? Our clinic hasn't mentioned anything along those lines. So I've asked him to get himself some Wellman Conception. Is there anything else you can recommend? I bet you're excited about your hols. I'm kinda jealous! lol
Thanks all xxxx
Hey Chesca do you remember what the supplements were? Our clinic hasn't mentioned anything along those lines. So I've asked him to get himself some Wellman Conception. Is there anything else you can recommend? I bet you're excited about your hols. I'm kinda jealous! lol
Thanks all xxxx

Hiya starbright! I've just copied the letter for you it's as follows;

Sperm formation takes almost 3 months so it may take this long before reaping the benefits of a nutrient supplementation program.

Several studies have shown the benefits of antioxidant treatment on the sperm parameters. The dose and duration of the supplements have been variable in different studies. While several antioxidants are avaliable 'over the counter' none are specifically designed to combat male infertility. A suggesteed supplement regime is as follows:

Vitamin E 400IU
Zinc 25mg
Vitamin C 100mg
Lycopene 6mg
Garlic 1000mg
Selenium 26ugm
Folate 0.5mg

The documents just say to take the supplements with food to avaoid stomach upsets.
DP and I have made complete lifestyle changes, we have a very good diet and also completely cut out all alcohol and caffine from our diets. I take multivitamins, Zinc and folic acid everyday too. The letter also just suggests for you to check with your/ DH's GP/ Clinic before taking any supplements as they could impact on medication you/ DH may be taking or any health issues.

I've never looked in to wellman conception but some of these supplements may already be in there.

I hope that helps hunny! It made a massive different to us, hope it will for you too.

Springflower, there are some studies that show IVF is up to 25% more sucessful with accupuncture. I haven't read the recent stuff though. I have been having it for a year now when I started it definately helped regulate my cycles, so I have stuck with it. I see someone who specialised in fertility so its like an hour long counselling session too!

Also, having accupuncture ties in with the CD as she gets you to focus on accupuncture points in the relaxation.

Chesca, where are you off to? Have a lovely relaxing time :flower:

Starbright, I think the wellman conception are suposed to be good. dh has been taking them for a few months now. We still may need another fresh cycle so are keeping up things in that area.

Some recent research published showed that one thing thats keeps sperm count and quality high is regular (every few days) ejaculation all the time, not just at certain times of the month. And 'saving up' for ovulation is a big no-no.

I start down reggin a week today so am a little behind most of you. Also when I am down regged I have to take oestrigen, instead of stimming, and that takes a bit longer I seem to remember. I think I pop the oestrogen for about 15 days before I get a scan to see if my lining is thick.

I am off to the twinsclub website now to do some research on life with twins. I am considering having 2 blasts put back this time, but am very wprried about having twins. :wacko:
Hi Ladies :flower:

I've spent the morning reading the Zita West book I ordered, it's really good. Have to say it made me well up a couple of times, it was like the book had been written about me. For anybody that's not done IVF or ICSI before its worth a read. And the cd is called "3 guided relaxation and postive visualisation sessions for IVF". After reading some of your comments here I've decided to look into acupunture. It worth a go isnt it!

I think I'm the last to start DR on the thread, I'm not due to start until 14th July.

Chesca - Have a splendid holiday! Im very jealous!

Caline - I'm wondering about having two put back in as well. There seems to be a lot to consider and I don't want the pressure of having to decide quickly without having done my research. I did read somewhere that the divorce rate is much higher with couples who have twins. That scares me! Am going to have a nose on the website now.
Hi Ladies,

I was supposed to be starting to DR on Tuesday cd 21 - but I think that is going to be delayed. Tomorrow I go for a blood test to confirm that I have ovulated - which I know that I haven't as I still have so much ewcm - grrrr - stupid crazy busy stress times the past 2 weeks. SO I am not sure what that means that they might do. How long will I have to wait. Will they give me an hcg shot to make me ovulate? I just want to start!!!
Thank you ladies!! Caline - I am off to Aruba on Friday.

My brother-in-law has twin girls, aged 2. They are totally beautiful, but a handful. They aren't too bad now they are a little older but it was difficult when they were born. One would cry and wake the other, when one is being fed they other used to scream. They are the obvious negatives but they are so playful with one another and they have their own little language, it's so cute!! They have really brought one another on, there vocabulary is amazing, I sometimes forget they are only 2!! There is alot to consider with Twins but for me money would be the biggest thing. My sister-in-law is very lucky, she is in a position where she doesn't need to work but I sometimes go shopping with her and I can't believe her shopping bill!!! There is obviously 2 of everything, but the cost is unreal. I know that if it happened to us I would be over the moon and I know that we'd manage but as i'm NHS funded they only allow 1 to be put back so our changes of multiple brith are small. It's such a hard decision to make - is there anywhere on here where you can chat to mothers of twins??

Chesca xxx
Hi Girls

I have been following everyday and really am pleased how you all share so much. I am having my HSG on Wednesday so we will know for sure if we will be having IVF. This looks more than likely after the last lap. My pal has just had her twins at 41, they are IVF babies and it was her first cycle, they put two eggs back in. It seams to be common with older women, being a lady of 36 I think this will happen with us. We self fund so I assume we get a choice is this right? Also are any of you around my age?
Thanks again ladies for having me along for the ride. It is always my favorite thread.
Lots of luck with the DR and FX for all of you.
Love Zoe x
Hi ladies.

Had a bit of a low week last week, as got my AMH results back and they were pretty poor - it's taken until tiday for a doctor to get back to us and explain what it all means. We wereinformed of the results by an admin person - I was not impressed.

So even though it seems I don't have a whole heap of eggs left, (the low result means low number of eggs and is no reflection of quality), we're going to proceed with this cycle of IVF - and we can scrape together enough money for a second (and possibly third) attempt if need be - and by this time we'll be near the top of the pulicly funded waiting list.

I'm calling the clinic tomorrow to find out when I can collecet my drugs and get my injection training - scared and excited. We're doing a short protocol, hopefully the needles won't be too bad - eek!

Zoe - I'm 37, and we're definitely going to push for 2 embryos if possible, mostly due to the AMH result - we may not have time on our side to go through this too many times. Also there are twins in my family - so i wouldn't be totally surprising to our families (only my parents know).
Hi all - hectic weekend, sorry i didnt get on for a catch up!!

Some of you were starting today - how'd it go?

Zoom, im 37 - my clinic offer the choice of how many embys but "suggest" 2 at my age. I think that the max they will do in the UK, although i know some countries do more.

Leilani i know its easy to say, but it only takes one to work! I only had 3 eggs last cycle but they were good quality - even though it didnt work, i put it down to the lottery that is IVF!!

Twins - now thats a thought! Secretly i would love twins as given the choice i would never do ivf again and you would have a ready made family! DH had a dream about 2 twin girls but i think we would both settle for anything at this stage!! There are some "natural" twins in my family - my gran was one and my cousin has boy/girl twins so as we havent told anyone about our cycle, it would be seen as normal.

Hope you are all keeping well.
Ohh forgot to add, DH is on wellman and zinc. Between tests his count went up by 2million. It will be interesting to see if there is any more improvement this time!
Ohh forgot to add, DH is on wellman and zinc. Between tests his count went up by 2million. It will be interesting to see if there is any more improvement this time!

My DH is on something similar - called Menevit - I'm interested to know if there has been much improvement. His count went up massiely (from too low to count to 6 million) after 2 months on it, so after 5 months maybe we won't need ICSI - though I'm thinking I like the sound of ICSI more than letting the boys finding their own way into the egg!
Hi Ladies :flower:

I'm 31 and this will be our first cycle of ICSI. I'm not the baby of the bunch am I?!

Blue - Sorry you've got a bit of a delay how frustrating!
Springflower- I'm 27 so I think I might be the youngest.
Anyone same age as me?

Hi Ladies,

I am 28 - pretty close Chesca - so far you are the youngest lol.

I just got back from my fertility clinic. Got my amh results 33.5 - crazy - on the scale it is very high but just below being a very dangerous level for ivf/icsi. Now it is just hoping for good quality, fertilization, implantation, etc. etc.

I had blood taken this morning to see if I ovulated (fxd that I did and that my blood shows it). They will call me later today to let me know. AND if I did ovulate then I can take my first injection today she said!!! I hope so badly - lets get this DR going!!!

I am really surprised that I am going to be stimming using PUREGON. That is what I used when I did my iui. So she said I will be injecting my DR (lupron) right up until EC. I will be doing Puregon from when I get my period until EC and I will be injecting a third injection (I didn't ask what it is called lol). So I will have 3 injections a day to do! That is crazy lol!

What are you ladies using to stim?

Angel I started sniffing today! Feeling fine so far :)
Zoom, I'm 29 - my clinic will only put one emby back in for someone my age. I think it's more common to put 2 back if you're over 35, but not sure.
Going to get DH some Wellman. I don't know if it'll make much of a difference if it takes 3 months to work, but it's worth a shot! It won't hurt him to be healthier anyway! He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke and is in very good shape. But, he does cycle to work every day so I'm wondering if that's affecting his, erm, boys.
Blue sorry you have been delayed. Hope you can start soon
Massive hugs to everyone. xxx
Interesting you say that Starbright - DH is also into cycling. I have been telling him for ages to cut back as it cant be doing his boys any good. Im sure i've read its bad for mens fertility?

Glad there are so side effect so far!

So Lelaini, which one of us is the oldest now we have sorted the youngest?? My birthday is March.

Blue that does indeed sound high - plenty of eggies then from you! Hope you ge tthe go ahead later!

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