IVF/ICSI @ Liverpool Womens Hospital

Congratulations MrsE75 :happydance::happydance: I have been watching out for you testing :baby:

Africa - big :hugs: Hope you ok xx

Hi to everyone else, sorry for short post, am so tired at the moment, can't complain though it's all worth it x x
Africaqueen sorry about your nightmare time itll get better soon

Can I ask you all a question? Particularly those based within Liverpool pct? What are your experiences with the women's? I don't know if I'm being overly cynical at the moment, but I saw the matron last week and not the doctor (stu have yet to meet him) and so far my experiences haven't been very good and I feel like I'm being passed from pillar to post.

I've had a really bad experience even before all these tests with the hospital, and since weve started these investigations it's gotten worse. My HSG was extreamly painful, found out the tubes were blocked to which the health care assistant told me not to worry I could just have them removed and go for IVF! :(

I was admitted a day later for several days with an infection, discharged with a 2 week supply of antibiotics only to be readmitted a few days later as I picked up a UTI

Saw the matron ad she said I ha mild haldrosanpix and my only choice was IVF and referred me. I complained that I was still in pain in the lower back and in the stomach neat my pelvis to which she said that my doctor doesn't deal with that and I'd need to see my gp and be referred for to another gynaecologist for investigations

Saw my Gp today and she said that's not te case but has referred
E for another ultrasound scan at broadgreen to be on the safe side and given me some stronger pain killers! Nothing's getting better I'm feeling really poorly, and I don't know what to do! Is anyone's else's early experience of the women's like mine too? Or is it just me?

My second question is do I have to have nhs ivf treatment at that hospital or can we go elsewhere on the nhs in the north west? I'm not sure I can trust the hospital after this! I really feel that the quality of care I've had is awful

Any help would be great just want to feel better again
Thanks for support girls. Dont know what id do without u all x

MrsE- I took royal jelly for 3mths prior to both my failed ivf cycles so it doesnt do much to help me but my dhea has arrived and il be taking 50mg a day from 1st may with the hope of starting our 3rd cycle in August. I think the decision from pct takes around 2mths but if they say no we will appeal and that maybe takes a while then. Really hope they just say yes. My doctor is going to call me next wk an get together to write the letter etc an she fully supports the need for further treatment so fingers crossed. Bet u cant believe your pregnant with a amh of 0!! amazing! so happy for you and altho iv had 2 fails i live in hope il get lucky one day with my crappy 2.5 amh. From 1st may im starting dhea, royal jelly(made no diff but cant harm) lots of healthy eating and the gym at least twice a wk. I want my eggs to be top notch if we get further funding. x

Likkle- I am disappointed with the womens myself after 2 fails. I feel they should of done icsi after only getting 2 eggs first cycle and one embie, they should of given us best chance last cycle and done icsi with my low amh but they didnt and we got 1 embie again. I honestly think getting one embie reduces chances massively and i just pray next cycle we get at least 2. If we dont get extra funding i think we will look into going to chester or care for a fresh start. I also think its weird how they transfer without ultrasound... i know there has been a few women on this thread who got preg there but i know LOTS more that didnt so the success rates are shit x
Is It normal to still have slight bleeding 4 days after EC?? I'm getting worried now :-( x
Hey sharkey. I didn't bleed then bled a little 4 days later. They said its just old blood or from the site they put the needles in.
Sharkey I was the same too don't worry just taken that time for the blood to get out from EC. As long as its only a bit nothing to worry about. GL today for transfer!! What time are you booked in?

Likkle - gosh you have had a bad time of it. Ive honestly. Not had a problem so I can't really talk from experience but I did have the conversation with my GP about having my IVF funding and being able to go to care in Manchester (I'd called them to see if they would accept me nhs funded). My GP who is fantastic said to me that they need to write to the PCT and request but it can take months to get approval if at all and our concern was that with all the nhs cuts that IVF could be one of them so we decided to stay with HC. Figure once you are on the IVF road with a hosp they are unlikely to cut funding for those more just the new people. Anyway that was my experience so hope it helps. Good luck with what you decide.
Thanks Lindy! Hope your okay x

MrsE, Hewitt said that the bleeding was normal & that the nurse will check me when I am there! Im there for 2pm If that time changes then they will call me by 11:30 x Im getting excited now :happydance: even the thought of being PUPO gives me tingles..... Has It sunk In that your pregnant yet? I had my final acupuncture session this morning so that has relaxed me a bit x x
Hi Sharkey - good luck honey I'm sure the bleedin is nothing to worry about at all. Ooohhhh exciting and then it's the awful 2ww!

Tbh nope it's not sunk in at all just carrying on as before I think it will when I have my first scan in 3 weeks. Hubby and I keep saying that it's very surreal and almost feels like a dream - I think I may have to test again tomorrow to make sure it wasn't ha, ha!

Got everything crossed for you!

Mrse It's a weird feeling isn't it. Try and relax... I know impossible till scan.
Hello Girls :) Hope all Is well with everyone?

Well I am now officially PUPO, woooohoooo!!! We only put the 1 embie back which was of good quality & doing what's It meant to be at day 3..... The other embie wasn't doing as well as the other, was only 5 cells which Is not good at all :-( they advised us not to put It back as It might of hindered the other which I totally regret now :-(.... We were also told out of the 5 eggs that were mature that they destroyed 3 of them while doing the ICSI process which I am totally upset & so Is my OH! We had gone there for ET to put the 2 back In but left with only 1..... I feel cheated & the odds of It working Is now stacked against us...... Sorry for the negative post x x x
Awww :hugs: sharkey but the odds of 1 sticking compared to 2 is not much different at all if I remember rightly when they were discussing things with us.

& if the other one was not doing so well then they may be right about it causing the other to not latch on properly, I'm sure they always act in your best interests even if sometimes it might not seem like it.

I really hope this little one you have is a fighter & will keep everything crossed for you. When is your test day?

Woop! Have had some good news at last!!

Spoken to PALS at the women's today to discuss my options and explain that I'm really not happy with my care and to see as part of nhs treatment I can go elsewhere

She's arranged me to see the consultant on Tuesday to go thru both my options relating to the haldrosanpix (note that everyone I've seen kept referring it as mild early stages) and about possible treatment i.e. where I can go!

Has anyone got any questions that I could ask?

Sorry ive not been to read everyones comments as I'm on iPhone at moment
Sharkey - honey yay you are pregnant!!! Now you need to consentrate on relaxing as much as possible - keep stress low and get your pma pants on my lovely. You have one perfectly good embie, I know you wanted two but now you need to dedicate all your energy on your little fighter! I never asked about how many they damaged with me - I got 4 mature eggs and 3 fertilised so assume one was lost but no idea.

I know this is easy do me to say given my recent BFP but you need to keep positive and calm to encourage your embie snuggle on in.

When is your otd?
Lisa / MrsE; I know It sounds silly being upset, It's just the both of us had set our hearts on putting the 2 back In & then to putting 1 back In got me all upset.... Even the thought of them discarding the embryo gives me a lump In my throat... But hey, I've got to stay positive & have faith that this little one Is going to work..... I've finally calmed down from earlier so only PMA now :happydance:

Lisa; did you put just the one embie back In? x x :hugs:

MrsE; I'm sure time will drag now until your scan x x:hugs:

AFM; OTD will be 2nd May ( also my Father's B'day, hopefully a good omen ) x I'm also taking the 1st week off of the 2ww :happydance: x
Did they show you the embie before they put it back? I cried when I saw them. Lucky you having the week of you got anything nice planned??

I'm sure you are right and the next 3 weeks is going to drag but hopefully after that I'll have a 8month wait 😃!! Ive started with a horrible sore throat started yesterday - no cold or temp its just weird a sore throat and nothing else anyway going to see GP tomorrow morning so will see what they say.

Keep calm and relax over the next week xx
MrsE; yes they showed the embie going In, by that point we was upset & so we didn't appreciate the moment like we should of done x x Im just going to chill all week & catch up with some friends :) Last thing I need Is stress so I'm gonna switch my mobile off & the house phone off the hook so work can't contact me, hahaha x

I'm sure your on cloud nine, I so would be & It would also take a while for It to sink In..... You can't really take anything for the sore throat either, just eat plenty Ice Cream to soothe It & col fluids :) Have you any tips fr me In the 2ww?

OH Is currently cooking me the steak works & It smells gorgeous, mmmmmmm

Does anyone know where I can get PUPO tickers? x x
Sharkey - in the 2ww just try and plan something each day even if it's just a gentle walk around a local park - give you something to think about but I won't lie it's hugely difficult cos every feeling you wonder what it is, if its a good sign or not and the difficult thing is that everyone will have varying symptoms.

Sorry you were upset at the collection that should not have been the case sweetie on the up side you went into this wanting just one egg, cos that is all it takes and look at you, you have your great quality egg. To have got from where you were told you had no eggs, you have a perfectly fertilised egg back where it needs to be and that the best you can do. You've done everything humanly possible it's now down to mother nature. Whatever happens you cannot have done any more and that's what you need to remind yourself of - my hubby said that to me everyday and he was right.

Good luck and keep me posted on how your getting on xx
We didn't quite get to ivf sharkey, they discovered I had severe endometriosis when they did the surgery to remove a large cyst I had & then we got pg naturally that cycle, although given oh low sperm results too it's still a bit of a miracle and the doctors couldn't believe it (I still keep thinking that they put a little egg back in during the surgery :rofl:)

I'm just remembering what they told us when we were discussing our options & because I was 33 they said they would recommend 1 egg as it had virtually the same chance as 2.

I think years ago when procedures weren't quite so good it was better to put in more than one (i remember lots of instances of quads & even quints through ivf) as the odds weren't so good but they said that these days it's much closer on the odds with just 1 embie.

Hope you get to do some nice things on your week off. Will be stalking :hugs: & :dust:

Sharkey congrats at being pupo!! Try not too worry too much about the one embie, like Lisa said I remember reading that if you are under 35 there is pretty much the same chance of pregnancy from 1 or 2 embies. When I was going through it I tried to ignore the stats as it just causes stress. It does only take one so focus all your energy on that. I didn't get to blast, and I am 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow so there is always hope. The 2ww is tough but I did similar to you, had a week off and did nice things, chilled out etc. I found the second week harder and it seemed to go on forever. We are all here if you are struggling with it at all :hugs: Got everything crossed.

MrsE75 hope it goes ok with the gp, I found the wait for that first scan seemed to drag so much, and I had a 5 week one due to spotting!! hope it comes round quick.

Hi to everyone else xxx

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