Ivf/ICSI successes or natural bfp after IVF/ICSI. Anyone welcome :) x

OMG Gemz congratulations on the birth of little Isabelle Hope :)

Sunflower congrats glad your little bean is exactly where it should be :)
Hey all

Absolutely shattered! On one hand I can't believe how quick the last few days have been but on the other hand it seems to have dragged slowly if that at makes sense.

Well as promised my birth story. I was due to be induced on the Wednesday morning at 9:30, however I ended up in hospital on the Monday in absolutely agony. The pgp I'd be suffering with most of the last 6 weeks of the pregnancy had pulled a muscle, so with the reduced foetal movements I had at 36 weeks plus all the pain I was in, the decision to induce was taken out of my hands. Doctor wanted to induce me that night, but whilst I had a room there wasn't space in the induction suite for me. So they brought it forward to Tuesday night.

Was started off Tuesday without too much of a problem, Harley your right the induction suite isn't that bad. The first round of gel wasn't too bad but the second, was awful! The second round was delayed because a lady went into labour early which left me with a cover midwife. Psyco bitch doesn't cover it. Up until that point everyone was lovely, but she was such a patronising madam - this is what it's like, you'll be in pain during labour, have you thought of an active birthed c. It wasn't really what she was saying more the way she said it. I'm not ashamed to admit I lost my temper with her. I was snappish back and asked her not to patronise, and as she was aware given that I was being induced my options for an active birth where limited. She buggered off then. When the other midwife come back (Claire who was lovely!) she calmed me down and apologised and ended up giving me diamorphine as I was in that at much pain and the tens machine just wasn't cutting It.

Went round to the consultant led delivery suite at about 3ish and had my waters broken. Was left on my own for an hour to see if labour would start in its own. It did but my contractions weren't regular enough so was put on the drip at 4. Was a bit upset about that but in hindsight I'm not sure I could have coped otherwise! I'd phoned my mum at this point as I'd hardly eaten and thought it was going to be a long process as I wasn't in active labour (less than 4cm). Mum came over to the room within half an hour and by this point I was a wreck! Screaming in agony, hubby was up the wall as he couldn't calm me down. The next hour is an it of a blare really. I just remember being in a lot of pain, messing around with the tens machine and bouncing on a ball of curling over the bed. At about 6:30 I was convinced I needed a poo! Thought there was no way in gods green earth I was going to do it in front of my mum (I'd gone back and forth to the toilet about ten times) so asked mum to leave (she since told me she thought baby wouldn't be born until after 12 otherwise she would have stayed!). It was at this point I was screaming that I couldn't cope I wanted the epidural (which mum was like no you don't and I originally said I didn't!) and that I can't push this baby out and screw it give me a c section! I also kept repeating myself that I needed the loo, that I couldn't go, that I needed a poo to the point the midwife Carly said to me let me check you out - and I was fully dilated! Didn't sink in, hubby had to physically drag me onto the bed and tell me the baby was coming before I'd believe what was happening! So there went the epidural and c section :)

Carly was due to finish at 7:30 but she was determined to stay with me until baby was here which I thought was lovely! Isabelle was born 49 mins after I was told I was fully dilated, and given that's we had to wait an extra 9 days for her to turn up - when she decided she was coming out she was blooming quick! That quick I've ended up with a third degree tear which has caused me quite a bit of problems since. Could have gone to surgery but I was so stoked that hubby told me we had a daughter I didn't want to leave her so ended up having the stitches in the delivery room which took just over an hour :(

I had trouble with Izzy on the Thursday as the diamorphine drugged us both up so the midwife not he ward ended up giving her a formula feed, which I agreed to but to be honest I was in no fit state to agree to anything, so I've been struggling with breast feeding ever since. Really trying but finding it rather hard for her to latch on without being in a bit of pain. Managed to get out on Friday night - took forever to get discharged (couldn't believe that with over 20 patients on the ward who had had a delivery there was only one midwife looking after them all! So Friday was our first night home and the little madam just wouldn't settle. Thankfully I've had a slightly easier time last night, but I'm really struggling breast feeding and getting her to sleep in her basket. Can get her to latch on, but my nipples are raw. The latch is definitely right thou according to the Bambi's team who come out.really don't know what to do - climbing the walls!!! Be enforced to feed her formula from the bottle just to settle her. She's been getting herself in some right states any suggestions would be awesome.

Have attached a picture of the little madam! She's a cutie thou!

Jamie, massive to me - obviously Tilly puts Izzy to shame!

Sunflowers obviously the girls have already said it, but congrats. I had a similar scare and everything turned out fine!

Sorry for lack of personals, my sleep deprived brain is not coping very well at moment!

Gem x x x


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Hi Gemz, love your birth story :baby: and Isabelle is just gorgeous :cloud9: The first few weeks are hard work, my lo would not go into his basket the first few nights, me and my oh ended up taking it in turns to sit up and let him sleep on us, not to be recommended when you are so tired!! It got easier as we just kept putting him down every so often and gradually he started to settle in the basket. My midwife said its all very normal for them to want to be held.

In terms of the breast-feeding, I really struggled as I couldn't get a latch at all. I expressed for about 3 weeks and ended up moving to bottle as I was beyond exhausted and I wanted to enjoy my baby. Breast feeding was important to me and I was very upset for quite a few months, but over time I felt better. I look at my lo now and he's happy, healthy and we have a great bond, which makes me feel better. My advice would be get all the support and advice you can, including going to any drop ins. You'll need to express to keep your supply up until you make a decision. Ultimately you have up do what's right for you and baby. At lot of people say it's really hard to establish breast feeding but it does get easier. Sorry I can't help more xxxx

Hi to everyone else :flower: Sunflower great news about your scan xx
Gemz - is she taking the nipple far enough in? i was told the nipple should look the same when it comes out as it did going in so if it looks pinched or different shape/flat then shes not taking it far enough into her mouth and its getting squished against the roof of her mouth. i was told to pinch nipple and try push it in but so hard with how quick a baby tries to get it snd the size of their mouth lol. it will get better as her mouth gets bigger. Annabelle wasnt taking enough at the beginning but now shes doing great. lansinoh lanolin cream is good for sore nipples it expensive at around £10 but natural and doesnt need to be washed off before feeds xxx

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Many, many congratulations gem! :) sounds small to me too, with this big chunky monkey lol x

With regards to breastfeeding, you know what happened to is. He couldn't latch as he was tongue tied. LWH wouldn't refer us to get it fixed but community midwife did as we couldn't breastfeed. I ended up pumping for 5.5 weeks before he had his tie cut at alder hey and we've been breastfeeding ever since. Quite a few of my friends had varying degrees of feeding probs that ended up being down to tongue tie, might b worth asking the community midwife to check? Also, I was in pain for a few days after we started nursing, but like has been mentioned plenty of lanisoh got me through until the cuts healed and now I love breastfeeding so much! :) x
Congratulations Gemz... Another girl!!! Beautiful name too xxx
Iya girls, sorry been a bit quiet. I have made a Facebook page called b'n'b buddies if any of you want to join. It's just easier for me to go on that than this. There's a few of is already on it am it's a closed group for only us to see. If you can't join let me know and I'll add you to it xx

I've mentioned it on Facebook, but thanks for the information! Izzy has oral thrush bless her, and has passed it on to me, the. I've passed it back and so on. Defiantly not tongue tied, poor little mite has been screaming in agony all night.

If it gets much worse I don't care what they say I'm taking her to alder hey

It's hidden. I've pm you so you can add me and join! :)

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