Ivf/ICSI successes or natural bfp after IVF/ICSI. Anyone welcome :) x

Oh Zoie I was so sorry to read about Leo. Take care Janey x
Hi girls

Well I'm officially overdue. I've also had a bit of a scare yesterday. Community midwife said that if I didn't have 10 movements to phone in, add in I had really bad abdominal pain I ended up in the women's. They think that where I've had my laparoscopy there's scar tissue underneath which has stretched and is what's causing the pain but they want to scan me (at first they said they were going to induce me today as there was a slot free) to see if the placenta has moved and is sitting on the scar tissue - hence why I've had reduced movement the past 48 hours.

Scans at 4:30 today, not ashamed to admit I'm a total wreck. Hoping baby's ok! I'm guessing I'll find out more then and will know what they're planning to do. I've got a sweep booked in on Friday at 11:15 with my midwife anyway so just hoping baby gets a wriggle on.

Hope everyone's ok, love to all gem x x x
Hey gem hope babas been wriggling away. Tilly had stopped her movements by the time I was induced but they said she had ran out of room to move! Good luck for today fingers crossed for u xx
Thanks Jamie! Will be leaving soon so will update you when I'm back!
Hope scan goes well Gemz and little one is just running out of room to move xx
Well good news, baby's ok! Baby's hiding behind the placenta so that's why I've felt reduced movements. Everything's fine though and baby is measuring fine! Massive relief

However, they've said if baby doesn't come by Sunday I'm being induced, as she thinks I've got too much pressure on the scar tissue which is causing me pain. So I'm booked in on Sunday for 7:30 am!

How painful is being induced?? Any tips. X x x x x
Ah crossed posts :) glad everything's fine! Being induced isn't that painful I don't think. My contractions were quite bad nearer the end but I can't say wether that's a normal pregnancy or not! I can't help really as have nothing to compare it too. It isn't like all the scary story's out there though I'm sure you will be fine. Xx
So glad everything's ok Gemz. I don't know about being induced but I did have the drip later on in labour to speed things up and I just found it made the contractions a bit longer and closer together, but not anymore painful. You never know you could still go natural before then! Xxxx
So glad everything is ok Gemz. Not sure if i can help on the induction part as i was over stimulated so never got to experience proper labour as i didnt have a stage 1 and stage 2 was only 10 minutes :( maybe i will get to experience that next time
Hi girls

Well had my sweep today, not the nicest!! The women's called me this afternoon to see if I wanted to be induced tomorrow - eek, said no. But I asked them a couple of questions and it turns out that if I'm induced I can't use the pool! :( which I really wanted to give birth in if it was free!

Don't know what to do now!!! Anyone got any advice for me before I turn into a wreck!!!!!

Hope your all doing well x x x
Oh gem, im so excited for you! Its weird but i feel a bit jealous of pregnant women! Its so exciting (ive forgotten feeling fed up at the end already!).

I was induced for medical reasons so cant comment really, i also wanted the pool, but was excited when they gave me a date for induction as i kept thinking of poor jamie going 2 weeks over and im way too impatient for that. The induction suite is really nice, there's a lovely lounge with coffee machine, couches and a telly and you can chat with other couples, or kick your husband out of your cubicle to there if you want a sleep! X
Aww Gemz bless you, I bet you are getting fed up now. I can't give you any advice I'm afraid as I wasn't induced and never got to 40 weeks! I think if it was me I'd maybe wait to see if I went naturally, but I would also be excited to meet baby asap. Sorry not help at all :wacko:

Harley I know what you mean, I wish I could go back and give birth all over again, even though it wasn't the perfect birth it's such a special time xxxx

Hi to everyone else xxxx
Happy Valentine's day...
Go Gemz... good luck whatever happens the best thing is that you know you'll be meeting your little one very soon xxx

Hey to everyone else hope you're enjoying parenthood... I'm wondering where my pregnancy is going.... 27 weeks already & still so much to do xxx
Hey everyone,
Happy valentines day :) also I passed my driving test today :) just never got around to doing it, and it seemed like everything else just took over! But it's done now!

Gem I'm sorry I thought u knew you couldn't have the pool, I had mentioned it a couple of times.
Sweeps arent the best are they ha, my cervix was high up and closed so we knew it wouldn't work! Twice!
How you feeling with yourself, bet your do fed up aren't ya xx
P.s I admire you, I gave up after failing a couple of times. Hubby used to drive when he lived in France, but didn't transfer his licence so has to re take test, his new provisional arrived yesterday, so hopefully we'll have a car soon, sick of the bus!

Congratulations on the driving!! I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a terrible driver! Naughtily I've actually been banned (admittedly it was when I was much younger) but I've got so many bad habits! Well done you!

To be honest I was really confused by the whole thing. One midwife said to me I'd be able to use the pool, then I was told the opposite by another midwife, then another midwife said well you can use the pool for pain relief but not give birth in it. I was so confused so when they called me yesterday I just wanted it clarifying.

I've decided not to go with being induced and give it a few days longer. Feel a bit rail roaded being induced to be honest, I've had a big cry and I'm all over the place. The hospital have tried to change my mind and have out a bit of pressure on me to be honest which has made me uncomfortable and emotional! :(

My stomach bloody hurts as does down below thanks to that sweep!
Gemz it's really normal to feel hormonal at this stage, hope you are ok. Why are they trying to get you to have an early induction? I think you've done the right thing, you could very well go naturally in the next few days. Very excited to hear your update once baby arrives :baby: xx

Congratulations Jamie xx
Hi Susie

They wanted to induce me as I've got a higher risk of preeclampsia although my bp has been fine and I've had an episode of reduced movements

They've agreed to give me a few extra days so plan is to be induced on Wednesday if baby hasn't arrived - makes me feel a bit better actually as I've got a chance

X x x

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