IVF in june/july 2012

do they pop up?? Oh man, its so stressful! So did they up your dosage? you are on day 7 today? when is your next u/s? do they expect a few more to grow or a lot? I always thought they had to be around the same size (? apparently not)
ha. thats a lot of ?'s!
Well, they've been popping up for me. They dont all have to be the same size now, I think when the biggest gets to 15, they give you ganerelix to stop that one from growing, so the others can catch up. on day 3 they upped my bravelle dosage from 4 vials to 5, then yesterday they decreased to 4 1/2, now today, Im back to 4 of bravelle. I have to go back in tomorrow for b/w and u/s.

its extremely stressful, I am a ball of nerves everytime I go in for a ultrasound hoping my follies are still there, hoping there is more follies and hoping they grow together.

My nurse told me I am still early in my cycle, which I was happy that she said that, but I agree with you when so many woman go in for their 3 day u/s they have like 15-20 follies and all size 14!!
Afamilygal and oneof14, sorry your follie numbers weren't where you were hoping them to be. I'm sure by tweaking your meds you will have more brewing in no time! This whole process is just so stressful and draining! I have been so anxious and excited to start this process, now I'm feeling worried and scared again. I hope someone here can give me some insight to my prior post! I never thought my bloodwork would come back with problems! :(
L4hope, I agree w/you in that first I was excited and now Im worried and scared.

What did you blood results show? I have clotting issues w/my blood and have to inject lovenox when I do my transfer.

I just read your prior post, and I dont have experience w/that, but isnt there something the RE can give you to lower your e2 level? Sorry you have to wait until the 29th to get some answers.
Thanks oneof14. This has just had me in a funk all day. It really took me by surprise. I haven't had any problems with bloodwork before this other than no LH surge. Thankfully that's an easy fix. I'm really hoping they can just give me something to lower it and still let me in the shared risk program. Ahhh...let's just get pregnant already!!!
l4hope - Sorry about the stress of the tests. I'm not doing shared risk so I can't really help out there but hopefully you get some answers soon.

MsTX - Good luck with retrieval! Hope it all goes well!

afamilygal - I know my count is out of the norm. I have PCOS and am classified as a high responder since my antral count was something like 42. And thats without meds! I'm sure more will pop up for you. I hear about it all the time! Did they tell you what your estrogen level is? I'm jealous of you getting measurements. And for the small needles, do you know what gauge they are? My gonal f is a 27 gauge and the menopur is a 30 so I love the menopur because it goes in so easy. Kinda worried about the 22 gauge trigger though!

AFM - I added in ganirelix this morning. I was so tired I didn't bother to ice and just jabbed it in. This was the first injection I've actually felt and even so it was just the tiniest little pinch. I counted it out and if I trigger on my original schedule date I'm going to be one box short on ganirelix so I need to talk to my nurse about that and ordering my trigger meds. I go in for blood and ultrasound again tomorrow so hopefully I get measurements this time!
Hang in there L4hope, you'll have good days and bad days, but in the end it will all be worth it!
L4Hope, sorry I wasn't much help. I don't know anything about the shared risk programs.. :( sorry. Have you looked around for other threads where someone else has done it? surely the dr's office would have some answers for you? hopefully everything will be a-ok!

oneof14- thanks for the responses. sounds like their adjustments are working- I hope your u/s goes well tomorrow!! log on and let us know how it went.
is ganerelix another injection you add to the mix or it instead of stims? I wasn't aware this part would happen. I'm worried I'm not too far from 15!!! can I ask- what number did you Dr say they were hoping for? (or did they?) Im just worried about doing all this for only a few follicles. I wonder if it doesn't work (the adjustments) if I should reconsider doing it this round? Ill have to ask my Dr on Friday if there might be a better protocol for me.

Raelynn, thanks for the encouraging words. I sure hope oneof14 is right and more grow- or I'm cooked!!
all the ladies on here seem to have a lot of follies like you. so that isn't the norm? what the heck is then? :) so confused...

I need to look at my needles for you to get you the sizes. Im pretty sure my gonal F is 27 g too. I think the insulin needles are the same thickness just shorter. I have done the ovidrel before and it really isnt all that bad. and knowing its the last one is NICE. :)
GL with your bloods and u/s tomorrow!! FX!
oh yeah, and my estrodial was 93. good? bad? normal? BAH! I need a drink... ;)
I don't think anyone knows what good estraiol levels are. I've looked around a bunch. It seems they just like to see them double every 48 hours or so.

I'm going ganirelix and it is another injection that I do in the morning (so 1 in the morning now and 2 at night) it is to keep you from ovulating when you're follicles start getting larger. My protocol says to start it when they're measuring greater then 14mm or when the doctor decides. I need to ask them about it tomorrow since I think I'm supposed to take it up to and including the morning of the trigger shot but if my trigger day stays the same I'll be one dose short.

I wish all the injections came with 30 gauge. That one is awesome! It just goes in so easy.
Hey ladies! Sorry I haven't been doing a lot of personals. I hope everyone is doing well. Its been a crazy last couple of says for me but I hope to be able to get on for longer than 5 minutes soon. My retrieval went really well. I'm a little sore but not bad at all. Mainly if I laugh or cough or something. They retrieved 25 eggs today!!! They will be calling me in the morning to tell me how many fertilized. I'm hoping for a good number but you just never know. I'm just trying to take it easy and relax for the night and tomorrow. I will keep you posted as I know more. I am praying for good results all around for you ladies. Talk to you soon!
Yay 25. Fingers crossed for great fertilization rates
L4Hope, sorry I wasn't much help. I don't know anything about the shared risk programs.. :( sorry. Have you looked around for other threads where someone else has done it? surely the dr's office would have some answers for you? hopefully everything will be a-ok!

oneof14- thanks for the responses. sounds like their adjustments are working- I hope your u/s goes well tomorrow!! log on and let us know how it went.
is ganerelix another injection you add to the mix or it instead of stims? I wasn't aware this part would happen. I'm worried I'm not too far from 15!!! can I ask- what number did you Dr say they were hoping for? (or did they?) Im just worried about doing all this for only a few follicles. I wonder if it doesn't work (the adjustments) if I should reconsider doing it this round? Ill have to ask my Dr on Friday if there might be a better protocol for me.

Raelynn, thanks for the encouraging words. I sure hope oneof14 is right and more grow- or I'm cooked!!
all the ladies on here seem to have a lot of follies like you. so that isn't the norm? what the heck is then? :) so confused...

I need to look at my needles for you to get you the sizes. Im pretty sure my gonal F is 27 g too. I think the insulin needles are the same thickness just shorter. I have done the ovidrel before and it really isnt all that bad. and knowing its the last one is NICE. :)
GL with your bloods and u/s tomorrow!! FX!
oh yeah, and my estrodial was 93. good? bad? normal? BAH! I need a drink... ;)

Thank you, as always its nervewracking. My RE likes to see 12 follies, but I think it honestly depends w/age, I am 37. I think you need to let your meds take time to work (i know eaiser said then done). I will update on my progress tomorrow
MsTX- great job on producing follicles- 25 is really impressive!:thumbup:

How is everyone getting their e2 levels so quickly- do you have the staff call with the results as soon as the lab has them or do you get the previous results at your next visit?
Amylou - the way my clinc does it, is you must go between 7-8:15 for blood and u/s and by 1:30 they have the same day results.
afamilygal - I'm joining your bummed crew! U/S this morning they only counted 17 follicles...not sure where the other 10 went. They still didn't give me measurements but I peaked at the screen after they left and the count went under the less than 10mm column. Why am I already on ganirelix if all my follicles are still under 10mm? I think I'm going to question my nurse this afternoon when she calls with my e2 level. I'm very confused. They keep saying I'm doing good but now I'm starting to worry.
well I am BEYOND bummed. I had my u/s today and I had 5 follicles. 5 FREAKING FOLLICLES! all you women have like 28/33/39!!! what the hell is wrong with me??? he is upping the dosage tonight and tomorrow to 375 and will see me on Friday to see if anything else has popped up. I am so upset. The biggest was 11 too! the smallest was 4. this is not good. :(

feeling super sorry for myself... did anyone else have so few at their first u/s? I have already done 4 stims nights...

Hey Afamilygal! I just wanted to give you a little hope! I started IVF #1 at the beginning of June. At my first U/S they only saw 3 follicles. I was on a very high dose of stims. Every U/S after that still only had 3 follicles. I had my egg retrieval last Friday.....when I woke up they gave me the news that out of those 3 follicles I had only 1 egg!!! I was so destroyed!! I couldn't believe it. I was on pins and needles the rest of the day...I had one shot at fertilization. I got the call the next day and the nurse was screaming telling me it fertilized! Praise God! I went in on Monday for my 3dt. The embryologist came in and was smiling from ear to ear....she kept saying, "Excellent! Excellent!" She showed us the pic of our little embryo....which was a perfect 8 celled embryo with little to no fragmentation. Then she said something to us that I hope will bring you hope. She said, "I would rather see one embryo of this quality everyday, then 2 or 3 of a lesser quality. Most people think more embryos are better, but in reality it's better quality embryos that are the best!" Now, we still have a week and a half to go...so I don't have the outcome yet...but I hope you take comfort in knowing that just because there are not many, doesn't mean that there isn't one that is just right!! You will be in my prayers! :)
Ok so I just got a call from the lab. They said of my 25 retrieved that only 14 were mature and 5 of those fertilized normally. Not the news I was hoping for but 5 is better than 0. She said they are still planning on a 5 day transfer and they will call me Saturday and let me know how they are growing. Wish me luck!
oneof14- how was your u/s today? I'm rooting for you toots!!

amylou- like one of14,I do my bloods before 8 and the office has it later that day. you can always call try to the labs/ your office and find out if the results are in.

raelynn- aw hon. I know that seems bad since you thought you had more but honestly, 17 is awesome! I think being under 10 at this point is good right? they don't want them to get too big too fast. the key is that they are more or less the same size. (I think- listen to me, I have no idea! :dohh:)
not sure why you are already on this ganirelix but I'm sure they have a darn good reason. be sure to ask when they call.

Wantingachild- thanks so much for your post! that did help me to read. I really hope that this perfect embie is the one!! yippe!!! so you still have a week and a half til betas? will you test before hand at all?
I have heard that too about quality over quantity but I haven't the foggiest idea if my little eggs are any good!! let's hope so! the truth is you only need one but I was really hoping for a frozen or 2 for the future (aren't we all)
but I guess just cause you had a frozen, doesnt mean it will thaw ok. so there's that. I'm feeling a little better today. had a MELTDOWN yesterday. not pretty!! ate a whole bag of potatoe chips and watched several episodes of 'the united states of tara'. :) great balls of fire that is a funny show.

MsTX- 25 is a huge number and I know you were hoping for more, but I say 5 is a darn good number, and they may sound like they are going to be good ones!! wishing all the luck in the world dear! so when is day 5 for you? Sunday?

jmc- how's it going dear? you still feeling fine? anything 'unusual'? miss you!

as for me, I am a SPAZ. get this, you're going to laugh. last night I had to inject myslef with 375 f gonal F and I had a pen with what I calculated to be 225. so I decided to use it up and start a new pen. so I set up the 225 and a new one to 150. I did them both and then realized that the old pen still had some medicine in it. so I looked at the dial and it was only on 187.5! I could have slapped myself! so I got the new pen and did ANOTHER shot with 75.
well... if you guys cam add quickly, you'll know thats too much. :dohh:
SUCH A moron, I did 37.5 more than I needed to!!! I sent a txt to my dr and asked him if it was ok. he said yes TG. but what a ninkenpoop right?!

sheesh. so anyhow. now I'm SUPER loaded with gonal F and my ovaries are starting to huuuurt. Im worried that the big one is going to be huge tomorrow and it will be go time. I hope more are growing!!! and I have more time for them to develop!!!
man, I was not kidding about that drink thing. I want one. a cold icy margarita. AH! wouldn't that hit the spot??
alright! mindless ranting over. later dolls!!
Ok so I just got a call from the lab. They said of my 25 retrieved that only 14 were mature and 5 of those fertilized normally. Not the news I was hoping for but 5 is better than 0. She said they are still planning on a 5 day transfer and they will call me Saturday and let me know how they are growing. Wish me luck!

Good luck mstx, i have been following your posts as i think we are around the same time,well a week apart..
it only takes one..just keep reminding yourself that


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