IVF in june/july 2012

I am getting so anxious reading the posts about the shots & meds. I hope I make it through. I do have a 2 yr old that loves to jump on me. I am sure that is going to be an adjustment.

I wish you all sticky eggs and lots of 'em :)

Hi NewbieMum! When is it that you start again?? Oh boy, I have a dog that is small and is always jumping on me and that is hard to deal with so I can't imagine a 2 year old!! I wouldn't be too worried about the shots and a jumping 2 year old but definitely after ER and ET you'll want to be careful. your tummy will for surely be tender from the shots but I didn't find it unbearable so hopefully you will feel the same!
Mstx that's so exciting you are ready to go!! That seems like a lot of medicine to take after transfer. But it's all worth it to prevent ohss and to help get your bfp!!

Jmc glad you are feeling better. I'm sure you are very anxious to have your beta. I'm anxious for you!!

Hi L4! Oh gosh it's crazy how anxious I am...luckily i'm crazy busy at work so it's going to make this week go by quickly I hope! How are you coming along!??

That's good you will be busy to help pass the time! I'm feeling a little impatient, but trying not to be. My hubby and I are heading to Virginia beach to visit his cousin so at least that will help to pass the time of not doing anything! I'm on bcp right now. My sono is tomorrow and hopefully it won't be too bad. Keeping up with you ladies and routing you on will help pass the time too! :p:p:winkwink:
afamilygal - I've been worried about running out of space too but I wasn't on lupron so I still have a while before I run out. I'm going to try getting my injections closer together so I have more space. Sorry the meds are still burning.

MsTX - Wow! So exciting that you'll be triggering so soon! Good luck!

jmc - I'm sure the 2ww seems so long. I am absolutely dreading it. I need to try and figure out stuff to keep me occupied during mine or else I'm sure it will just crawl by.

NewbieMum - I have 2 little bouncy dogs that I've been fending off. It hasn't been bad so far though I'm just overly cautious. I'm sure it will be fun with a 2 yr old.

L4hope - Good luck with the sono tomorrow! When do you get started?

AFM - Both arms are now bruised from the blood draws. My one from this morning didn't even hurt but now it is sore and bruised. No idea what I'm going to do tomorrow...guess it is just going to hurt regardless. My E2 was at 120 this morning so they dropped my already low dose of gonal f down to 75iu. Now I'm at 75 for both gonal f and menopur. I go in for blood and ultrasound tomorrow so I'll get my first look at my follicles!
Ok change in plans for me. The nurse called and said we are triggering tonight and doing retrieval on Wednesday morning instead. My estrogen was just over 4000 from 1700 on Saturday so we are ready to go. Im feeling a little crappy from the new meds they prescribed me. Within 30 minutes of taking it I cannot breathe out of my nose at all. I sound like im sick but I am perfectly fine....wierd! Oh well, if it helps prevent OHSS then im on board. I didn't realize how much medicine I was going to be taking after my retrieval but its ALOT. I counted 10 different meds including my prenatals and my juice plus vitamins. I hope it doesn't make me feel too bad. Well, wish me luck!

WHOA! super awesome doll!!! so exciting! and wonderful news about how fast you responded to the meds! :happydance:
sorry to hear about the OHSS meds- they sound yucky but like you say- if they work then bring it on. what is it again? I am going to be on an antiB and something else- something that has a steroid in it? its in pill form. wonder if its the same thing...

10 is a LOT of meds, is it going to be for the whole 2 weeks?

BTW, I've been meaning to ask you gals this- we keep saying 2 weeks. but it isn't really is it? The 2 weeks starts from retrieval right? so if you are day 3 then its 9 days and if its on day 5 then it is 7 days.
am I right about this? I hope so cause its less than 2 weeks- yay! like that...

so retrieval on Wed huh? AWESOME possum.
jmc- How are you feeling? I Hope all is well for you!

Hi MsTX - thanks for checkin' on me! I am doin pretty well and finally feel like im returning to "normal" in the ovary dept. It's a little odd but the past two nights i've been a little uncomfortable still and feel a little....full....maybe that's the word. Not sure how to describe it. And also past two nights can't fall asleep very well and feeling really hot. I even resorted to moving out to the cold leather couch for a bit to try to fall asleep. Probably tired due to laying around resting all Friday and Saturday and a bit of Sunday too! Other than that i have nothing to complain about besides the long wait to the 27th! No symptoms at all yet but it's too early anyways.

Does anyone know how long it takes the little babes to implant after a 3dt?

hola mamacita!! glad all is well with you. I get very sore after lying on my back too long too. Do you have a heating pad? that will relieve some of the soreness. although if you are hot. hmm... how about a cool washcloth on your head?

I think that description of feeling 'full' makes sense, I'll bet it feels that way. I am sore after normal O so this should be interesting! Im only on day 3 (and I haven't even taken todays stims yet) and I already feel 'activity' in both ovaries. at first it was just the right one now it is both. yikes! I hope I'm not on too high a dose! all this talk of OSHH has me biting my nails. but it is exciting. I can't wait for Wed to find out whats cooking!!! :happydance:

so its 8 days til your beta lady! I'll bet time is crawling for you. did you say work is keeping you busy? I think that will help. I don't have much work right now so I'm already going a little nutty. :wacko: going to have to find stuff to keep my head in check ;)

so I just realized something today. this is really crazy but if I have a day 3 transfer on the 1st it will be on the anniversary of when my first baby would have been born. (that was the estimated due date) He/She would have been 1 years old. so crazy to think about. It makes me sad but for the first time in a long time I have so much hope now, I feel so close to something real and I hope this time I can make a forever baby.

well anyhoo- that's a bit depressing. back to you!
only 8 days! WHOO! I'm excited for you! did you say you are going to do a HPT before the beta??
I'm pretty sure my clinic does the beta 18 days after retrieval so a 15-13 day wait depending on transfer day

I've been feeling ovulation-like activity too...can't imagine what it will be like with several more days of stims
L4- have fun on your vaca. I say get away if you can for sure! the time will pass quickly enough. ;) good luck on your sono tomorrow!
Hi everyone! I've been reading this thread and am hoping I can join you all - I feel like I know you all already! LOL!

I'm starting stims with my next AF (expected July 5) and then we blast off from there. I'm guessing retrieval and transfer will be mid July. I am receiving all my meds on Thursday this week and am TOTALLY overwhelmed, but have felt better reading your experiences.

AFM - both DH and I are 35 with unexplained infertility. We have one DS, conceived naturally after 13 months of trying. He's now 5 (will be 6 in Nov) and we've been trying for another for just over 4 years.

We've had four failed IUIs and so we now are here, ready to cross this next bridge and hoping it takes us where we want to be - with a little one to complete our family.

Wishing BFPs for each of you!!!
Welcome Hoping4Baby2! Hopefully this will be the key to your BFP! And all the other ladies on this thread!
Newbie- I agree with what the others said about your son. its just kind of tender is all. you will be fine but at retrieval and transfer you will have to try to take it easy. They say no heavy lifting after transfer. they told me no housework- so probably no lifting your kiddo. do you have someone who can help you with the LO in that time frame?
but dont worry until then, I could have a 2 year old jump on me now- no problem! ;)

rae- sorry about your arms- its hard isn't it? in my last round I had all the injections plus the blood draws and then when I was pg and it was abnormal, I had to draw my blood every other day for nearly 3 weeks! ridiculous! but we are TOUGH and we can do this! I am woman, hear me roar!! ;)

so yours is 18 days? bogus! how come? maybe I have my dates wrong.. hmmm...

so cool that you seem to be responding well enough to lower the dose, can't wait to hear your report from tomorrow!!! got my fingers crossed for you! GL! keep us posted! x
ok! this is my last post, I need to condense all this I know- sorry!!! my laptop screen is little. :)
hi Hoping4Baby2! welcome and hopefully we will get to know you well too! its so daunting when you first get that package but just put it all away until you need it. put the cold stuff in the fridge and the other stuff back in the box in the closet and just tackle one thing at a time.
sorry to hear that its taken this long for you but IVF is a whole new ballgame so get ready for that baby! ;) Im off to get myself iced up for my evening stims. ah.. the joys of TTC...
later gators!!
afamilygal - When do you go in for your next scans? Ugh! You had to draw your own blood? No thanks!
Ok change in plans for me. The nurse called and said we are triggering tonight and doing retrieval on Wednesday morning instead. My estrogen was just over 4000 from 1700 on Saturday so we are ready to go. Im feeling a little crappy from the new meds they prescribed me. Within 30 minutes of taking it I cannot breathe out of my nose at all. I sound like im sick but I am perfectly fine....wierd! Oh well, if it helps prevent OHSS then im on board. I didn't realize how much medicine I was going to be taking after my retrieval but its ALOT. I counted 10 different meds including my prenatals and my juice plus vitamins. I hope it doesn't make me feel too bad. Well, wish me luck!

WHOA! super awesome doll!!! so exciting! and wonderful news about how fast you responded to the meds! :happydance:
sorry to hear about the OHSS meds- they sound yucky but like you say- if they work then bring it on. what is it again? I am going to be on an antiB and something else- something that has a steroid in it? its in pill form. wonder if its the same thing...

10 is a LOT of meds, is it going to be for the whole 2 weeks?

BTW, I've been meaning to ask you gals this- we keep saying 2 weeks. but it isn't really is it? The 2 weeks starts from retrieval right? so if you are day 3 then its 9 days and if its on day 5 then it is 7 days.
am I right about this? I hope so cause its less than 2 weeks- yay! like that...

so retrieval on Wed huh? AWESOME possum.

About the TWW....you're right that it's not really that long with IVF thankfully! My clinic usually does betas 9 and 11 days post transfer but looks like mine will be 10 and 12 days past transfer. I'm assuming because day 9 is a sunday but who knows...
L4hope - Good luck with the sono tomorrow! When do you get started?

AFM - Both arms are now bruised from the blood draws. My one from this morning didn't even hurt but now it is sore and bruised. No idea what I'm going to do tomorrow...guess it is just going to hurt regardless. My E2 was at 120 this morning so they dropped my already low dose of gonal f down to 75iu. Now I'm at 75 for both gonal f and menopur. I go in for blood and ultrasound tomorrow so I'll get my first look at my follicles!

thanks raelynn! I am on bcp right now and start Lupron on July 5th...seems like forever away!! How nice that you are responding well and have your doses lowered!:happydance: I hear you with the bloodwork bruising. For some reason I continue to torture just my left arm and it's quite bruised at the moment. At least I have a few weeks off of bloodwork I guess.
Wow- so much activity!! It's great to hear about all the progress with everyone :thumbup: good luck to everyone for the BFP!!

I can't wait to get started with the stims for mine. I've got another week of luperon before I start the stims. BTW- does anyone get red blotchyness around their luperon injection site? It takes a few minutes to appear but lasts for almost an hour afterwards. It doesn't seem like its from the needle stick- just curious...
jmc- How are you feeling? I Hope all is well for you!

Hi MsTX - thanks for checkin' on me! I am doin pretty well and finally feel like im returning to "normal" in the ovary dept. It's a little odd but the past two nights i've been a little uncomfortable still and feel a little....full....maybe that's the word. Not sure how to describe it. And also past two nights can't fall asleep very well and feeling really hot. I even resorted to moving out to the cold leather couch for a bit to try to fall asleep. Probably tired due to laying around resting all Friday and Saturday and a bit of Sunday too! Other than that i have nothing to complain about besides the long wait to the 27th! No symptoms at all yet but it's too early anyways.

Does anyone know how long it takes the little babes to implant after a 3dt?

hola mamacita!! glad all is well with you. I get very sore after lying on my back too long too. Do you have a heating pad? that will relieve some of the soreness. although if you are hot. hmm... how about a cool washcloth on your head?

I think that description of feeling 'full' makes sense, I'll bet it feels that way. I am sore after normal O so this should be interesting! Im only on day 3 (and I haven't even taken todays stims yet) and I already feel 'activity' in both ovaries. at first it was just the right one now it is both. yikes! I hope I'm not on too high a dose! all this talk of OSHH has me biting my nails. but it is exciting. I can't wait for Wed to find out whats cooking!!! :happydance:

so its 8 days til your beta lady! I'll bet time is crawling for you. did you say work is keeping you busy? I think that will help. I don't have much work right now so I'm already going a little nutty. :wacko: going to have to find stuff to keep my head in check ;)

so I just realized something today. this is really crazy but if I have a day 3 transfer on the 1st it will be on the anniversary of when my first baby would have been born. (that was the estimated due date) He/She would have been 1 years old. so crazy to think about. It makes me sad but for the first time in a long time I have so much hope now, I feel so close to something real and I hope this time I can make a forever baby.

well anyhoo- that's a bit depressing. back to you!
only 8 days! WHOO! I'm excited for you! did you say you are going to do a HPT before the beta??

Hi!! I think i'll have to try your cool washcloth tonight if I have trouble sleeping!! Thanks for the idea!!

How exciting!!! Already feeling the commotion down there huh?! :winkwink: I think that's a good sign!! I was overly paranoid of OHSS especially with my PCOS but I feel like it was mostly for nothing...just do as we've all been saying and eat lotsa protein and drink gatorade! YAY for Wednesday!!! Can't wait for your update...

Well technically I have my first beta next Monday and the 2nd Wednesday and they don't tell me any results till Wednesday so yup! 8 days!!! ahhhhh yes work is CRAZY so that helps but it's always still in the back of my mind of course.

Oh my gosh hun I am so terribly sorry to hear this....I had no idea you had had a loss. What happened if you don't mind me asking? You definitely can ignore that question if you'd rather not talk about it....I feel like that might not be a coincidence though...maybe your angel is giving you a really special gift this time. :hugs:
Hi everyone! I've been reading this thread and am hoping I can join you all - I feel like I know you all already! LOL!

I'm starting stims with my next AF (expected July 5) and then we blast off from there. I'm guessing retrieval and transfer will be mid July. I am receiving all my meds on Thursday this week and am TOTALLY overwhelmed, but have felt better reading your experiences.

AFM - both DH and I are 35 with unexplained infertility. We have one DS, conceived naturally after 13 months of trying. He's now 5 (will be 6 in Nov) and we've been trying for another for just over 4 years.

We've had four failed IUIs and so we now are here, ready to cross this next bridge and hoping it takes us where we want to be - with a little one to complete our family.

Wishing BFPs for each of you!!!
Welcome Hoping4Baby2! The more the merrier!!! Can't wait to follow you through your journey!!
L4- have fun on your vaca. I say get away if you can for sure! the time will pass quickly enough. ;) good luck on your sono tomorrow!

Thanks afamilygal! Yes it's always nice to get away, and to have a beach nearby is even better. You mentioned not being busy with work...I'm a teacher so I'm off for the summer. Don't get me wring I love love love it!! And it's nice for all of the appts, but it does make it seem like time is going slow. On the flip side I feel like I can relax more too which is a good thing for this process. I hope you find some tricks for making the shots less ouchy!
Hi hopingforbaby2! Sounds like you'll be about a week or so ahead of me!

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