IVF in june/july 2012

missannabelle- I'm not sure if I can attribute it to the lupron but I have been feeling pretty tired recently (I've been on it for about a week and a half now). I've been feeling a bit cranky also but no major mood swings.

2have4- this will be my third try with IVF- I did one fresh cycle last year (transferred one embryo because the doc was optimistic that it would work- I'm young and everything looked good) and I had one frozen embryo that I transferred in January. Both were BFN. I'm a bit depressed that I got through so many cycle without a BFP but I'm trying to keep my hopes up for this cycle. I think they did deep sedation for my transfer last year. It was pretty great- I don't remember a thing and I recovered pretty quickly.

good luck to everyone in the tww (jmc, drsquid, anyone else?)- we're rooting for your BFPs!

Here's another question for everyone a step ahead of me: I stopped my OCP a few days ago and got my period. But it's been pretty awful- bad cramping, headaches, general malaise- much more than a normal period. Did anyone else get this?
missannabelle- I'm not sure if I can attribute it to the lupron but I have been feeling pretty tired recently (I've been on it for about a week and a half now). I've been feeling a bit cranky also but no major mood swings.

2have4- this will be my third try with IVF- I did one fresh cycle last year (transferred one embryo because the doc was optimistic that it would work- I'm young and everything looked good) and I had one frozen embryo that I transferred in January. Both were BFN. I'm a bit depressed that I got through so many cycle without a BFP but I'm trying to keep my hopes up for this cycle. I think they did deep sedation for my transfer last year. It was pretty great- I don't remember a thing and I recovered pretty quickly.

good luck to everyone in the tww (jmc, drsquid, anyone else?)- we're rooting for your BFPs!

Here's another question for everyone a step ahead of me: I stopped my OCP a few days ago and got my period. But it's been pretty awful- bad cramping, headaches, general malaise- much more than a normal period. Did anyone else get this?

Hi amylou! Thanks for the luck hun...definitely need it!!

As for your question....i'm sorry but I didn't have that at all...Mine was pretty light bleeding and actually better than a normal cycle. That seems odd....had you only been on the pill just to start your ivf cycle or were you on it previously as well?
Sedation for transfer would be highly unusual. You sure you aren't thinking about the retrieval?
Raelynn- tell me about it! I am not sure how many days I have left to stim but Im running low on my gonal F and I need to get them to send me more ASAP since it is Friday. EEK!
its hard to keep track of everything... :p
I normally love sausages/pork but everything meaty has me feeling sick. so much for the uber protein diet! I feel so yucky about eating in the evenings!! is there another way to get the protein? what do vegetarians do? eat a ton of nuts?? eggs still sound good to me so Ill have that for lunch. when is your next u/s?

So I managed to talk with one of the nurses at the clinic today (not sure where my nurse has been) but she ordered some more ganirelix for me and they have an extra dose at the clinic that they'll give me at my u/s tomorrow so I have enough for at least Monday and Tuesday since the pharmacy probably won't ship it out until Monday. I heard that protein shakes are a good way to up the protein so I think I'm going to go that direction.

My injections have started giving me red blotches but only when I inject on my left side. The skin is pretty sore if I touch where the red blotches are and my injections are starting to pinch despite me icing. Hoping for some good progress tomorrow so I'll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The nurse I spoke with today sounded hopeful that I'll have some measurable follicles by then. I'm definitely getting tired of injections.

Afamilygal - Hope everything went well for you today!
I have been taking Lupron since Monday and I was wondering if anyone else has expierienced any PMS/mood swings? That is the only side effect that I have noticed so far. It's not too bad, but definitely noticable.

Hi hun! Oh lordy yes, thanks for reminding me of those mood swings! Yikes! I do remember that now that you mention it. It did seem to get better after a few days though.

I do notice it has been getting better. It was mainly those first four days that were the worst. I'm thankful to be able to share my experience with people who are going throught the same. It's funny how everyone is different :)
Finally had some measurable follicles this morning! They're all pretty much hovering around 10. Left is a little behind with more around 7 and 8 but the right they measured 3 10s and an 11. Apparently my missing follicles popped back up too because today they counted 33 and the tech said I'm going to have a lot. I also got a box of ganirelix from the clinic this morning so I can make it through to Tuesday so hopefully my pharmacy can overnight them out on Monday. Then I'll be set with meds until Saturday. My injection this morning went back to not hurting too and the red welts have started to fade so hopefully things are getting back to normal.
hi ladies. I had the u/s yesterday and it was not good news... I only have 4 follicles and they are the only ones big enough to grow. He says he would like to see at least 6 so we are cancelling the IVF. :cry:

we don't really know what happened except that I may just have a low ovarian reserve. its hard to believe since I am only 28 but it's looking that way. I had a normal FSH but apparently that only indicates a problem, its not definitive.

so I have ANOTHER thing to add to my sad list of things that are wrong with me. I feel like SUCH a loser. I can't seem to do any of this right!!

He said now he knows this he can put me on a very vigorous treatment but we would still be getting 6 or 8 at best. still better than 4 but honestly, I never thought this would happen to me.

It's just so frustrating, I was so close, I only a few more days to go. god, I am SO mad I could just scream. all I seem to do is cry though.

My dr said we can convert this to an IUI cycle so the whole thing isnt a waste or try again after another month of BCP. only my sisters wedding is September 1st so I would have to wait for that and I wouldn't be looking at doing it until the end of September. that's 3 whole months away!!! It's so hard to let go of what it was so supposed to be. I was trying so hard and trying to be positive after all the shit I've been through but I know see that doesn't make a damn difference. :cry:

the problem for me converting it to IUI is I just had an ectopic (literally- just had one) and my chances of a recurrence have shot up from 1.8% to 20% and that makes me very uncomfortable. I know I have a 80% chance of it not happening but the ectopic was SO scary and stressful. I didn't know if my tube was going to burst, or if I would bleed to death... it was so awful. everyday was so painfully slow while we had to wait to see what would happen since they werent sure if it was ectopic or not. UG! it was a nightmare. and they didn't have to do surgery last time cause they caught it early enough but if they dont figure it out quickly, it could end very badly. that just scares me so much!!

not to mention- 4 eggs? that could end up with a lot of babies even if it went right!!

I dont know what to do. I have to decide about the IUI by tomorrow morning too, as if I didn't have enough to worry about!
What do you think? should I take the risk??

I'm so freaking depressed.
hi ladies. I had the u/s yesterday and it was not good news... I only have 4 follicles and they are the only ones big enough to grow. He says he would like to see at least 6 so we are cancelling the ivf. :cry:

We don't really know what happened except that i may just have a low ovarian reserve. Its hard to believe since i am only 28 but it's looking that way. I had a normal fsh but apparently that only indicates a problem, its not definitive.

So i have another thing to add to my sad list of things that are wrong with me. I feel like such a loser. I can't seem to do any of this right!!

He said now he knows this he can put me on a very vigorous treatment but we would still be getting 6 or 8 at best. Still better than 4 but honestly, i never thought this would happen to me.

It's just so frustrating, i was so close, i only a few more days to go. God, i am so mad i could just scream. All i seem to do is cry though.

My dr said we can convert this to an iui cycle so the whole thing isnt a waste or try again after another month of bcp. Only my sisters wedding is september 1st so i would have to wait for that and i wouldn't be looking at doing it until the end of september. That's 3 whole months away!!! It's so hard to let go of what it was so supposed to be. I was trying so hard and trying to be positive after all the shit i've been through but i know see that doesn't make a damn difference. :cry:

The problem for me converting it to iui is i just had an ectopic (literally- just had one) and my chances of a recurrence have shot up from 1.8% to 20% and that makes me very uncomfortable. I know i have a 80% chance of it not happening but the ectopic was so scary and stressful. I didn't know if my tube was going to burst, or if i would bleed to death... It was so awful. Everyday was so painfully slow while we had to wait to see what would happen since they werent sure if it was ectopic or not. Ug! It was a nightmare. And they didn't have to do surgery last time cause they caught it early enough but if they dont figure it out quickly, it could end very badly. That just scares me so much!!

Not to mention- 4 eggs? That could end up with a lot of babies even if it went right!!

I dont know what to do. I have to decide about the iui by tomorrow morning too, as if i didn't have enough to worry about!
What do you think? Should i take the risk??

I'm so freaking depressed.

i have low amh (low ovarian reserve). Four follicles is really good for someone with low amh. Why is he insistant on cancelling the cycle? Low quantity doesn't mean low quality. Do you want to cancel? If so, then i understand....but if he is wanting you to cancel it sounds like he is more concerned with his "stats" then you. I had 3 follicles the entire cycle...but my re told me beforehand we wouldn't get a lot....but he kept insisting it only takes one quality egg. I'm sorry you got bad news....i will definitely keep you my prayers....whatever you decide to do. :)
Afamilygal :hugs:, I'm so sad to hear this news. How many days have you been stimming? I only have a minimal amount of follies too and actually today, they said they are even letting the lead follie go. I agree with wantingachild, if you want to continue, I say continue. My girlfriend did an IVF cycle where she had 2 follies the entire cycle, they kept asking her if she wanted to cancel and she was insistant on NOT canceling, at ER they retrieved 6 mature eggs, all of which fetilized.

Please dont think your a loser, its not something you can control. Perhaps your RE can put you on a different protocol. Im surprised he told you that if he put you on a vigorus protocol, you will on get 6 or 8 at best. How can he he so sure? I've heard of woman not responding to one protocol only to respond well on another!!

If it were me, I would either go ahead with the IVF or definitely go with the IUI. I understand your reasons of not wanting to go ahead w/the IUI as well. Good luck with your decision!
i have low amh (low ovarian reserve). Four follicles is really good for someone with low amh. Why is he insistant on cancelling the cycle? Low quantity doesn't mean low quality. Do you want to cancel? If so, then i understand....but if he is wanting you to cancel it sounds like he is more concerned with his "stats" then you. I had 3 follicles the entire cycle...but my re told me beforehand we wouldn't get a lot....but he kept insisting it only takes one quality egg. I'm sorry you got bad news....i will definitely keep you my prayers....whatever you decide to do. :)

thanks for that. I don't know if I have low AMH, I was never tested for that :(
wish I had been now!
The Dr isn't 100% sure this isn't a fluke but told me to manage my expectations for what we may get next time. He said it could be 6-8 and it could be more, there's no way to tell until we do it.
he did say all 4 follicles could be very good quality but that it is a gamble. He
said if we wanted to spend the money that we are welcome to continue (but DH said no :cry:)
he said if we were ok to wait that he might be able to get a better response from me. so frustrating... I would continue if DH would let me.

thanks for the kind words

Afamilygal :hugs:, I'm so sad to hear this news. How many days have you been stimming? I only have a minimal amount of follies too and actually today, they said they are even letting the lead follie go. I agree with wantingachild, if you want to continue, I say continue. My girlfriend did an IVF cycle where she had 2 follies the entire cycle, they kept asking her if she wanted to cancel and she was insistant on NOT canceling, at ER they retrieved 6 mature eggs, all of which fetilized.

Please dont think your a loser, its not something you can control. Perhaps your RE can put you on a different protocol. Im surprised he told you that if he put you on a vigorus protocol, you will on get 6 or 8 at best. How can he he so sure? I've heard of woman not responding to one protocol only to respond well on another!!

If it were me, I would either go ahead with the IVF or definitely go with the IUI. I understand your reasons of not wanting to go ahead w/the IUI as well. Good luck with your decision!

thanks oneof14.I had been stimming for 6 days by yesterday's u/s. I had 5 the previous u/s and only 4 yesterday. :( the 5th one buggered off.

he doesnt know anything for sure he just said to manage my expectations and thinks that maybe 6-8 is a reasonable amount to expect if my ovarian reserve really is lower than we thought.
he wants to put me on a new protocol that will be much more vigorous and hopefully change the outcome. we can only hope it will be better/different.
there is so much unknown. drives me crazy. :wacko:

that story of your friend is encouraging. but we dont have the money to just try if we have a chance of having a better shot at it. but it makes me sad. for all we know, all 4 could be perfect.

thanks again for the support :hugs:
Agamilygal, I total understand not having the finances. Our insurance covers 1 IVF. Whatever you decided, you will be in my prayers!
Afamilygal- I'm so sorry to hear that news. Sometimes it seems like things are going to be better and still end up that way in the end. I had so many follicles, over 35 were counted and I still only ended up with 14 mature eggs and out of those I only had 5 fertilize. I know it's not what you wanted to hear but 1 is all it takes and sometime those follicles have more than one egg. My prayers are with you and I truly hope for the best for you.

Raelynn- I was glad to read that things are coming along nicely for you. How are you feeling?

AFM I got a call from the embryologist this morning who said they like to see the embryos between 6 and 8 cells on day 3 and all 5 of mine met that criteria. I was so happy to hear that news so hopefully I will have some to freeze. It was a real shocker only ending up with 5 but I'm glad to know they are progressing the way they need to. My transfer is sceduled for Monday at 12:30. I am starting to feel like myself more everyday. No signs of OHSS here. I have now lost 2 of the 5 pounds I gained since the retrieval so I'm thinking I should be good. I'm still being careful just in case. My stomach gets swollen at the bottom when I eat but goes down after a while so I'm guessing that is just part of the process. I know I am so bad a doing personals but I hope and pray for the best for everyone and I enjoy reading about everyone's progress. I will keep y'all posted!
hi ladies. I had the u/s yesterday and it was not good news... I only have 4 follicles and they are the only ones big enough to grow. He says he would like to see at least 6 so we are cancelling the IVF. :cry:

we don't really know what happened except that I may just have a low ovarian reserve. its hard to believe since I am only 28 but it's looking that way. I had a normal FSH but apparently that only indicates a problem, its not definitive.

so I have ANOTHER thing to add to my sad list of things that are wrong with me. I feel like SUCH a loser. I can't seem to do any of this right!!

He said now he knows this he can put me on a very vigorous treatment but we would still be getting 6 or 8 at best. still better than 4 but honestly, I never thought this would happen to me.

It's just so frustrating, I was so close, I only a few more days to go. god, I am SO mad I could just scream. all I seem to do is cry though.

My dr said we can convert this to an IUI cycle so the whole thing isnt a waste or try again after another month of BCP. only my sisters wedding is September 1st so I would have to wait for that and I wouldn't be looking at doing it until the end of September. that's 3 whole months away!!! It's so hard to let go of what it was so supposed to be. I was trying so hard and trying to be positive after all the shit I've been through but I know see that doesn't make a damn difference. :cry:

the problem for me converting it to IUI is I just had an ectopic (literally- just had one) and my chances of a recurrence have shot up from 1.8% to 20% and that makes me very uncomfortable. I know I have a 80% chance of it not happening but the ectopic was SO scary and stressful. I didn't know if my tube was going to burst, or if I would bleed to death... it was so awful. everyday was so painfully slow while we had to wait to see what would happen since they werent sure if it was ectopic or not. UG! it was a nightmare. and they didn't have to do surgery last time cause they caught it early enough but if they dont figure it out quickly, it could end very badly. that just scares me so much!!

not to mention- 4 eggs? that could end up with a lot of babies even if it went right!!

I dont know what to do. I have to decide about the IUI by tomorrow morning too, as if I didn't have enough to worry about!
What do you think? should I take the risk??

I'm so freaking depressed.

Oh hun, I can't even explain how sorry I am to hear this news. I am having to hold back my tears for you. I can only imagine how bummed you are. I wish there was something I could do for you. I'm sure this is just shocking since like you said, you're so young and didn't have any idea it would turn out like this. I have to say that I think if I was in your shoes that I would still push my doctor to go through with the IVF....im not sure if you have only one shot at this though. If you do only have one chance then I think I would just wait until you can try again in September. I would be nervous about the IUI as well but I honestly think that i would go for an IUI with this one. I am sure that they will be able to watch you closely to make sure everything goes ok but really it's going to be your and your hubby's decision. I wish I could take your pain away....ugh how crushing. I will be praying for you and your hubby and this decision that you have to make. I would do a lot of soul searchi:hugs:ng tonight and just talk every option through. Lots of hugs:hugs:
family- id likely go with iui. 4 isnt too many follicles (however i am also open to, and would do selective reduction and that is a huge consideration,. someone on the gonal board had iui canceled due to too many follicles.. BD instead and still only got 1) if you do a second round of ivf and only get 4 id go with er etc but to spend the money now when you arent sure this the the optimal .. especially given that you are young and there was no previous indication of dor

tx- yay for embies ticking along well. fingers crossed
How are things going for you drsquid? Are you planning on testing early?
tx- probaby. working a long day tuesday and dont wanna be crushed at work, id like to have a heads up. i guess im thinking positive though cause i am already worrying how i will get a second test on thurs cause im working at a hospital ive never worked at before and dont know anyone
Afamilygal - I am so crushed for you! I feel like we've been moving along together so I can imagine what that kind of setback at this stage means. I'm so so sorry for you having to deal with this but like the other ladies have said, this is not your fault. Infertility is such a struggle and it is in no way fair. I will be praying for you and your DH to be able to come to a decision on where to go next. I can say personally, I would either insist on continuing or switch to IUI. I am personally tired of all the waiting this whole process involves and already fought to get earlier dates for my IVF cycle so if I was faced with cancellation I would do anything I could to at least still try and make this cycle work. I understand your hesitation with IUI but I'm sure the clinic would monitor you closely. Mine already said they would for IVF just to be sure so at least you have that. I'll be praying that whatever you decide that you'll have your little one soon! :hugs::hugs:

MsTX - So glad your embryos continue to progress well! Keeping my fingers crossed you have a great transfer tomorrow! I'm feeling ok, thanks for asking! I'm a bit bloated but I'm sure it is because of all the follicles. I'm emotionally a mess. I have really good days but then the next day I could fall apart for no reason. I guess it is all a part of the process.
afamilygal- so sorry to hear the news. it seems strange that the doc would blame (or even strongly suggest) the low response for this ivf cycle on low ovarian reserve- that can be such a devastating thing to hear and it doesn't seem they have much indication other than your response in this cycle. I'm not sure what I would do in your situation, I am also incredibly scared of multiples, but I think I would probably still go with the IUI for this cycle. All the waiting and waiting is so hard and doing the IUI would at least allow you to proceed with what you've started for this cycle.
decided to test this am.. blank white as always so i went and laid back down.. a few minutes later i had to look again.. super faint line which didnt require squinting.. i cant stop looking at the silly thing every few minutes

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