IVF in june/july 2012

Hopeful girl- 12 eggs!! That's great. Hope they call you early tomorrow! Xx
Wow Rae!! horray! that is wonderful, cant wait to hear your beta results!!! GL dear!!!

afm, I am not pregnant after all. it was between 0 and 1 so thats a big fat no for me. :cry:
TBH, I am mostly relieved since I REALLY was dreading another ectopic but I still cant help but feel sad that it didn't work. although I didn't really think it would, I still had some hope. :cry: I am just so scared that IVF won't work at all and I won't be able to have my own children. It's all just too much right now. stupid ovaries. crappy uterus...

and so now I am officially taking a break. oh man, I need it. yesterday alone aged me a few years!! (they didnt call until WAY late in the day- not cool)
I meet with my Dr a week from tomorrow to discuss where to go from here, what the new protocol will be and all that jazz.

and tonight, I am having a drink. I nice big glass of bubbly prosecco and that is that my friends! :):drunk: Ill take a good sip for all of you who are pg or working hard to get there!
I'm going to try hard to REALLY enjoy this time before September. massages, hiking, yoga. NO worrying and temp taking, no shots, no blood work. (and won't go too crazy but I WILL be using the hot tub and drinking a little on my birthday!!!) :winkwink:

AF was terrible yesterday but is actually fairly light today which is odd but I think I might have bled out the majority of it yesterday (seriously it was hideous...)

GL to all of you that are now in the 2ww or getting to ER soon!!

How terribly sad :hugs:, but your time off sounds like it may be just what you need to get back on track. Try to enjoy yourself. I will say a little prayer for you.
Afamilygal- sorry to hear about not being pregnant but it sounds like its a much better outcome than the possible ectopic pregnancy so I'm glad you don't have that stress anymore. The prosecco sounds great- definitely enjoy your break and hot tubbing!

Realynn- that's great news!

I'm in the Bethesda area and am going to the navy hospital since my husband is military.
I've been going to shady grove for their fertility massages though!

I'm recovering from the er this am-23 oocytes. But I think many of them may be immature since there were less than 10 large ones that we were counting on the u/s. We'll see how many fertilize...
Afamilygal- sorry to hear about not being pregnant but it sounds like its a much better outcome than the possible ectopic pregnancy so I'm glad you don't have that stress anymore. The prosecco sounds great- definitely enjoy your break and hot tubbing!

Realynn- that's great news!

I'm in the Bethesda area and am going to the navy hospital since my husband is military.
I've been going to shady grove for their fertility massages though!

I'm recovering from the er this am-23 oocytes. But I think many of them may be immature since there were less than 10 large ones that we were counting on the u/s. We'll see how many fertilize...

How exciting! :happydance:
Aramid gal, so sorry but you have The right attitude. Enjoy your relaxing time.
Afamilygal - I'm so sad for you. You are so right about this whole struggle being a bit too much. It is very unfair that all of us have to suffer through this while others get pregnant at the drop of a hat. I am so glad it wasn't another ectopic for you though. Hopefully this little break is good for you and you get to enjoy some time not worrying about anything else and I'm praying your BFP is just around the corner.
amy- fingers crossed

familygal- sorry =( but better than worrying about a tube rupture. enjoy the prosecco. at the trader joes near me they sell an almond sparkling wine. omg love it
So sorry - hope you get some rest and reenergize during this time off. Good luck with your doc meeting to regroup. *hugs*
:hugs: Familygal I'm sorry for your disappointment. This trying process is definitely a test of our strength! Yes absolutely enjoy some bubbly! You certainly deserve to relax and enjoy yourself. I hope your doc will have a good plan for you this fall to whip your ovaries and uterus into shape to bring your bfp!!
Wow! Busy day on here!

Rae - congrats!!! What great news! :happy dance:

Afamilygal - I'm sorry about your BFN. :hugs: I think your idea for some vino and some relaxing TLC you-time is PERFECT. I'm praying that it'll help get you ready to keep going on your journey and get that BFP!

Annabelle, Amylou & Everhopeful - congrats on your ERs! grow embies grow!!!

AFM - I'm guessing I'll be told to do the trigger on Friday or Saturday with ER Sunday or Monday. I'm feeling good, but am definitely starting to feel some fullness. Crossing EVERYTHING! LOL! :)
Hi All! Wow so many posts...i'll try to catch as many as I can but sorry if I miss anyone...

Afamilygal - I'm so sorry hun....I know exactly how that disappointment feels as we all do. It's crazy how even when you're expecting a BFN that the negative beta still makes you so sad. I thought ok i'll prepare myself by doing a HPT and then I won't be upset....wrong!! Still gets ya....But know we're here for you hun! I love your attitude about relaxing and enjoying the break. Enjoy your :wine: I actually had the same heavy bleeding the day after my BFN beta. It was so much more than im used to! Yikes....I suppose it's because they build up our lining so much that there's a lot to shed. I'm excited for your appointment next week so that you can get a plan started. September is not far but I wish we were cycling closer together again though :-(

raelynn - congrats hun!!! Can't wait to see your updates as your line gets darker

Congrats to all the great news on the ER's this week...sounds like you all got some good eggs! I'll keep praying for fertilization and your ET's!

Sorry if I missed anyone...gosh I know i've missed some ladies but there are just so many of us and so many posts since I last wrote!!! I'm thinking of you all and reading up on the posts as much as I can

Hope MsTx and Drsquid are both feeling great and doing well....

Afm - im just taking my BCP and waiting to start lupron on Sunday...here we go...
Also how long did everyone's period last once they started meds? I got mine Sunday and still have it today. Tonight will be my third night of Stims so I just wanted to make sure this is normal.mmy nurse said it should stop soon. Just worried I'm not responding to meds if my period is still here. I'm so paranoid about everything.

Forever...or so it seemed. It was longer than normal.
We're definitely all different! I was told to take my progesterone 3xs a day, vaginally, and to be sure to take it even the morning of ET.

Update for me...Faint line on the FRER this morning. It's very faint but it is a line. Hubby even texted me to confirm when he woke and found my test. If he can see it, I know its there. Crazy excited and hope it just keeps getting darker! Beta is on Friday

Yay :) good luck!
Wow! Busy day on here!

Rae - congrats!!! What great news! :happy dance:

Afamilygal - I'm sorry about your BFN. :hugs: I think your idea for some vino and some relaxing TLC you-time is PERFECT. I'm praying that it'll help get you ready to keep going on your journey and get that BFP!

Annabelle, Amylou & Everhopeful - congrats on your ERs! grow embies grow!!!

AFM - I'm guessing I'll be told to do the trigger on Friday or Saturday with ER Sunday or Monday. I'm feeling good, but am definitely starting to feel some fullness. Crossing EVERYTHING! LOL! :)

I am thinking I will trigger around this weekend too! Scary...exciting...
Had my first us and bw today since starting Stims. I also still have a light period but my re didnt seem concerned. They saw 12 follicles which I think is a good start. They are to call later but overall they seemed happy so I'll go with that. Just want stupid af to go away. I'll feel more like I'm responding then. Hope I'm not someone who bleeds the whole time.

I hope everyone is doing okay today. Good luck on the Er and ets that are coming up!
Hopeful mama- brilliant news re 12 follies!! Hope they continue to grow well. I wouldn't worry about your period, easier said than done! Xx
hopefulmama- I had a long period after stopping OCP while on Lupron. It was at least a week and very heavy. Plus I felt extra crappy- more so than during a normal period.
WWWWAAAHHH!!! you guys are all so nice!! It actually made me tear up to read all the sweet encouraging things you wrote. you guys are the best. seriously. :hugs:

I am feeling MUCH better today. I had my delicious prosecco and it was goooood but one full glass made me feel loose in the legs which is spazzy but I guess what happens when you cut out alcohol for so long right? :)
at least I did'nt get drunk and sob into my glass. (been there! :D)
he he...

SO back to you folks, sounds like a lot of you are doing reeeaaalll good which is always nice to hear!

there's quite a few of us now so sorry if I don't get to you but to as for the period issue- I had a light one that lasted for 8 days. the doctor didn't seem concerned about it but I was, I normally have a heavy bleed for 2-3 days and then 1-2 days of spotting so it was weird to say the least.
BUT I would say if you have 12 follies already HopefulMama then you are a-ok. that's a great start!!! :)
I'll bet it tapers off.

jmc- sad we wont be cycling together :( but I am SO happy that you will be starting so soon!! YAY!!!
will they be doing the same protocol?
I would be starting soon too but for my sisters wedding (which this is totally petty but now that she says she wont give me any eggs I feel less happy with waiting until after her wedding. petty? yes. I cant help it! Im so bitter...:dohh:)

Hoping and Newbie- good luck with ER, are you 2 the only ones doing it this weekend? I'm losing count!!! :dohh:

Annabelle- is ET today?? good luck!

everhopeful- did you do the ET yet? I'm so confused on where everyone is at this point! I've been so wrapped up in my own crap.:blush:

L4Hope- where you at now love?

whoa! the time! I gotta go get some blood work done now (cd3) so I gotta jet but again- love you guys!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hopeful girl- 12 eggs!! That's great. Hope they call you early tomorrow! Xx

Ok... they just called and 6 of the 12 fertilized. Here's hoping they keep going... now just have to wait for phone call tomorrow. Last time only had 6-7 eggs and only two fertilized and only one survived but stopped progressing and BFN.

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