IVF in june/july 2012

Just got home from the transfer. They were going to put back two eggs, but out of the 8 fertilized I only had two 8 cell eggs and one was good and the other one was not so good. So, they put in the good 8, the not so good 8 and also an okay 6. Not sure if I made the right decision, but the Doctor asked me what I wanted to do while I was on the table with my legs in the air and my spotlighted up v--jay in his face. He said that it was unlikely that we would get triplets - which we do not want. So, we will have to waitand see. Arg - the most dreaded tww begins!
good luck missannabelle!
I totally understand how you were feeling with everything hanging out there. I am sure that every nurse and doc in my clinic has seen all of my business by now. But how do they expect you to feel comfortable making a decision like that with your legs splayed open and a bright light shining down there for everyone to see!
We'll keep our fingers crossed for a BFP without triplets!

Hopefulgirl-good news on the fertilization- much better than last time it sounds like.
Hopeful Girl- it does sound better, great news! are you pleased? did they do a different protocol this time? did you do anything differently?

MissAnnabelle- that must have been stressful- I had to laugh when you said your lady parts where all lit up. funy visual. Its a wonder they don't take a mo before the whole thing goes down to get all the details down. lordy... It does sound unlikely that it would be triplets but I'll bet you end up with 2! :) exciting...

as for moi, I had my cycle day 3 bloods run again as well as the AMH so we'll see what those results tell us.
I re-read my post and I sounds SO scatterbrained, I hope I didn't offend anyone... its hard to keep track of everyone
can we all post a short stat on where we are (since there is so many of us?)

me- June IVF cycle cancelled due to few follies (4), converted to IUI- BFN. IVF to be resumed in September with new protocol.

Hopeful - That sounds like a great fertilization. Hoping they keep on growing!

MissAnnabelle - Sorry but that had me cracking up. Leave it to doctors to expect you to have discussions or make important decisions while you're private parts are on display. Wishing you the best of luck with your little embies!

Afamilygal - Hope all your stats come back good and they can get you on the perfect protocol for you!

I took another FRER this morning and a digital this afternoon. FRER came back darker. I don't have to squint to see the line this time and it is definitely pink. Still faint but it is there. Digital came back with the wonderful word 'pregnant'. I can't believe it. Nervous for my beta tomorrow but at least I should have an idea of what to expect.

Here's my quick where I'm at post: Antagonist protocol started injections on 6/16, 15 eggs - 2 fertilized, transferred 1 good 7 cell and 1 fair 4 cell on day 3, BFP 9dp3dt, beta will be on 7/13
Hopeful Girl- it does sound better, great news! are you pleased? did they do a different protocol this time? did you do anything differently?

MissAnnabelle- that must have been stressful- I had to laugh when you said your lady parts where all lit up. funy visual. Its a wonder they don't take a mo before the whole thing goes down to get all the details down. lordy... It does sound unlikely that it would be triplets but I'll bet you end up with 2! :) exciting...

as for moi, I had my cycle day 3 bloods run again as well as the AMH so we'll see what those results tell us.
I re-read my post and I sounds SO scatterbrained, I hope I didn't offend anyone... its hard to keep track of everyone
can we all post a short stat on where we are (since there is so many of us?)

me- June IVF cycle cancelled due to few follies (4), converted to IUI- BFN. IVF to be resumed in September with new protocol.


I am pleased and more hopeful... the only change was doubling my menopur from 75 to 150 and it seemed to do the trick. We shall see...
So got my call from the nurse. I have had three days of Stims and today my e2 was 253 up from 33 at my pre ivf us. I have no measurable follicles but they could see 12 and my nurse said this is normal. I think all in all this is promising and things are progressing. I go back on Saturday, hopefully they might be able to measure some follicles after five days of Stims. This is so nerve wracking!
raelynn- sounds like you are on your way to a BFP!

here is my status: start stims 6/30, ER 7/11, 23 follicles, 16 fertilized- waiting to hear on a 3 day or 5 day transfer on either 7/14 or 7/16...
Hey girls! So exited to read all the good news going on. It seems like everyone is progressing nicely through their cycles.

Raelynn- The digitals dont lie, you are pregnant! Congrats that is so exciting!
Hi all!!

Wow this board moves fast!!

Rae- amazing news!! Congrats!!!

Quick where I'm at bit- ER was on Tuesday 10th. 4 eggs fertilised! Waiting for a phone call tom am to see if I'm doing a 3 day transfer or 5!!

Good luck to everyone on 2WW and those triggering!!

rae- im with mstx.. you arent on your way to a bfp.. youve got one
Fantastic news Rae!

Annabelle good luck with the tww! Hope to see your bfp then!!

My quick stats:
Bcp started 6/17, Lupron started 7/5 ER- ? ET ?
So, is everyone doing HPT before bloodwork? At what point should I start looking at doing that? Trigger was Sat. er mon and et today. Bloodtest on the 26th. How reliable would a hpt be?
So, is everyone doing HPT before bloodwork? At what point should I start looking at doing that? Trigger was Sat. er mon and et today. Bloodtest on the 26th. How reliable would a hpt be?

I also triggered Sat and had collection on Monday, but having 5 day transfer on Saturday and will do a hpt the following Saturday.
i did my first hpt on 6dp5dt and got a super faint pos. got an obvious pos 8dp5dt which was the day of my beta (which measured 148)
I tested my trigger out and it was gone by 8 days passed ER. Got my first positive 9dp3dt (or 12 days passed ER)
WWWWAAAHHH!!! you guys are all so nice!! It actually made me tear up to read all the sweet encouraging things you wrote. you guys are the best. seriously. :hugs:

I am feeling MUCH better today. I had my delicious prosecco and it was goooood but one full glass made me feel loose in the legs which is spazzy but I guess what happens when you cut out alcohol for so long right? :)
at least I did'nt get drunk and sob into my glass. (been there! :D)
he he...

SO back to you folks, sounds like a lot of you are doing reeeaaalll good which is always nice to hear!

there's quite a few of us now so sorry if I don't get to you but to as for the period issue- I had a light one that lasted for 8 days. the doctor didn't seem concerned about it but I was, I normally have a heavy bleed for 2-3 days and then 1-2 days of spotting so it was weird to say the least.
BUT I would say if you have 12 follies already HopefulMama then you are a-ok. that's a great start!!! :)
I'll bet it tapers off.

jmc- sad we wont be cycling together :( but I am SO happy that you will be starting so soon!! YAY!!!
will they be doing the same protocol?
I would be starting soon too but for my sisters wedding (which this is totally petty but now that she says she wont give me any eggs I feel less happy with waiting until after her wedding. petty? yes. I cant help it! Im so bitter...:dohh:)

Hoping and Newbie- good luck with ER, are you 2 the only ones doing it this weekend? I'm losing count!!! :dohh:

Annabelle- is ET today?? good luck!

everhopeful- did you do the ET yet? I'm so confused on where everyone is at this point! I've been so wrapped up in my own crap.:blush:

L4Hope- where you at now love?

whoa! the time! I gotta go get some blood work done now (cd3) so I gotta jet but again- love you guys!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hi Hun! I'm glad you're feeling so much better today....great to hear! As to your questions....I am actually just doing a FET this time so all I have to do is start lupron on Sunday then do estrogen and then medrol and doxyxycline and then transfer on 8/9 and then progesterone again! Seems much simpler but I have a feeling it will drag on at the same time.

Ok, maybe I missed something along the way but what's with your sister?? When is her wedding?! You are putting your next cycle on hold for it?? Did she ask you to do that? I don't think it's petty....I told my sister in law that I might be prego at some point when she first asked me to be in her wedding....i just told her I was warning her and pretty much said it's up to her if she wants that or has a problem with that as a possibility. But what about her eggs?? Sorry if i missed something but I don't recall :blush:

As for my details: June IVF#1= BFN...Now preparing for FET on 8/9. Have 3 frosties that we're hoping at least two survive. They are thawing two and if one of the two doesn't make it they'll thaw the 3rd so that we have 2.
Familygal I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better! Sometimes we have to take a day or few to feel sad and disappointed and then we can pick ourselves back up and look forward to the next step. That stinks you have to wait b/c of your sisters wedding. I thought it was a choice to wait. And after having that discussion with your sister about eggs it's only natural to feel a bit bitter. But hey at least you can relax a bit and get a little loopy off a couple glasses of bubbly! Cheap date! Lol!!

As for me I have been in Lupron for exactly a week. I took my last bcp yesterday so AF should be here soon and then onto stimming.
I had my trial transfer yesterday and they were talking to me about the actual transfer. I have to have a full bladder for it. They said that helps with the view of the uterus and flattens it to make the transfer easier. I'm all fine with that part. It's a bit uncomfortable but I can deal. However they threw me for a loop when they told me that because I will have to lay there after for 30 minutes that they will put in a catheter so I can pee! WTH?! I wasn't expecting that and it kinda freaks me out!! Not that ER doesn't scare me too, but at least I won't be conscious. Has anyone else had to have a catheter? Please tell me it sounds worse than it is?

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