IVF in june/july 2012

Thanks all for sticky thoughts!! Had my ET. I watched it all on screen- very interesting!! Now just praying this works!
hopeful- yay

annabelle- i cut down to 200 mg a day of caffeine which is the supposed "safe" level.
Gncope we are basically on the same schedule. I'm on 225 of follistim and 75 of menopour. Go in tomorrow for day five us and bw with tentative Er on 7/20 and et on 7/23 or 25. It's so nerve wracking. Glad to have someone pretty much right with me. Good luck!
Annabelle I'm drinking about half a cup a day and that's it caffeine wise. I wasn't a huge coffee drinker to begin with but love soda. The half of cup seems to be getting me through and I think one cup is absolutely fine. The caffeine withdraw would probably be worse for the embies then the little bit of caffeine.

Ever hopeful I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed and sending sticky vibes for you. Best of luck!
Everhopeful -sending sticky vibes your way!!!

Hopefulgirl - that's great news! I'm sure Monday can't get here soon enough!

AFM - Had my scan and bloodwork this morning. I went in there thinking that today would be it based on how everything has been growing and that I'd do my trigger tonight and be on my way, but of course when you think it will be one way - it goes the other. :wacko: My left side has the bigger follies and that side didn't get much bigger from yesterday. My right side got bigger but on both sides they're all just below 20 (biggest is 19.9). So the nurse says she thinks one more day, but I have to wait for the doc's instructions to confirm. If so, I'll go back tomorrow morning for another scan and b/w. I have enough menopur/gonal f and ganirelix to get me through tomorrow morning, so we shall see how this all goes.

For those that have reached ER, what day in your stim cycle did you all trigger? I'm day 9 now.
I triggered on day 10 on this cycle and I think it day 12 on my first cycle.
Well, my beta came back at 14.5 this morning. I'm pretty crushed. My nurse said I am pregnant right now but prepare for the worst. Will go back in on Monday to see how things have progressed...or not progressed.
I'm so sorry Rae :hugs: Ugh, I've been there.

But don't give up hope yet, its not over!
Oh Rae... I'm sorry to hear that. It is very hard to hear I know. but listen, anything could happen at this point so try to stay positive if you can. BIG big big hug
Rae, :hugs:! Anything can happen! Fx for a sticky bean!
Oh Rae I'm so sorry! I too have been in this limbo. I have everything crossed for you that the little one is just a slow grower! :hugs:
we're keeping our fingers crossed for you! When are you getting your second beta?
Well, my beta came back at 14.5 this morning. I'm pretty crushed. My nurse said I am pregnant right now but prepare for the worst. Will go back in on Monday to see how things have progressed...or not progressed.

:hugs: isn't it still really early?
Praying for you.


Just wanted to join this group. I'm looking for support and ladies that are going through the same thing. I started Gonal-F and Menopur this past Tuesday, July 10th after blood work and an ultrasound. They started me on 150 of Gonal-F and 150 of Menopur. I went in this morning for bloodwork and ultrasound after 3 days and the doctor didn't seem too happy with the scan but didn't elaborate. But she said I would get a call later, which I did. They told me doc wants to up my Gonal-F to 300 now and to continue the 150 of menopur. I am to return for more bloodwork and an ultrasound on Monday. I sure hope the meds get things moving and have a better scan on Monday. I am sooooo nervous. I wasn't nervous until now. The shots are no biggie for me. I do them in my belly. Fat has no nerves so no pain. Just a tiny bit itchy once.

For those of you ladies that have already started your IVF cycle... how is it going for you?
Hopeful girl- 12 eggs!! That's great. Hope they call you early tomorrow! Xx

Ok... they just called and 6 of the 12 fertilized. Here's hoping they keep going... now just have to wait for phone call tomorrow. Last time only had 6-7 eggs and only two fertilized and only one survived but stopped progressing and BFN.

Good luck newbiemum! Have you done your trigger yet?

Congrats Rae! Those digitals are the best! There is nothing like seeing that word "pregnant."

L4Hope - when I had my trial transfer, they just let me up afterwards. However, I did have a catheter put in when I was having my son and prepping for a c-section. It was uncomfortable, but not painful.

Miss Annabelle - my doc said 1 day bedrest/taking it easy on ER day, 2 days bed rest following ET.

afamilygal- glad you are feeling better! :hugs:

I'm sorry if I missed anyone - lots of :hugs: all around!!! I'm still sleepy. ;) These are the days when coffee would come in handy. Oh well! LOL!

AFM - I have another scan/bloodwork today. Yesterday I had a 20, two 18s, 17s, 16s and on down the line. My estrogen was around 1700, up from 1200 the day before. So we'll see how big they got and I'm guessing they will have me trigger tonight or tomorrow night. Hoping for tonight mostly b/c I want to get this trigger shot behind me (no pun intended! :haha:) That needle scares the you-know-what out of me. I'm such a weenie. :blush:

Sorry about the autocorrect! Grrrr

No I thought it would be yesterday or today, but smaller follicles popped up. I am so afraid of the 22 Guatemala needle in my rear!
Just got the call from my doctor - our 6 embies are coming along and I'm scheduled for a 5 day transfer on Monday. Hoping we have two great ones so we can put both in.... good luck everyone!

Sending thoughts. And prayers

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