IVF in june/july 2012

Yay for trigger! This group is moving right along!
Thanks everyone!!! I love having all of your support....

MsTX- Oh no!! THat isn't good that you almost passed out....poor girl! I didn't have that at all so im not sure. Wish I could help more. Did it happen again tonight?? YAY for Thursday's check up!!! Hope you have a lot of follies cookin'! :)

drsquid - yay for wednesday retrieval!!!

raelynn- im glad it went well with telling your work and that all looks good for you so far!!! Yay for starting stims this weekend! I hope it goes very well for you

afamilygal - thanks soooo much!!! Retrieval is tomorrow morning at 8:30! Then transfer will be either Friday or Sunday as far as I know right now!!! I'm glad you made it back from Colorado!

I'm super excited for tomorrow but VERY nervous....I tried to resist learning more on OHSS but ended up googling it and am terrified that I will get it and be sick as a dog....yikes. Does anyone know much about it?? I will definitely update you all tomorrow once I come to my senses and am back at home....I wish you all luck tonight and tomorrow and will check in when I can! Thanks for all of your support and well wishes!!
Hi, I have no idea where I am in the grand scheme of the IVF process. I saw this forum and thought you guys were all so supportive of each other.

I have chosen my RE, done the first ultrasound and bloodwork, my husband did the SA, tomorrow is the class & the following day is the saline ultrasound. I guess I will learn more about my drug protocol tomorrow & my schedule.

My husband and I have a daughter together (22 mths), naturally conceived, but now we have male fertility issues. :wacko:
Welcome newbiemum!

Jmc- Everything went well tonight. No bad side effects. Fingers crossed it stays this way from here on out! Good luck at your retrieval tomorrow! My prayers are with you!
Welcome Newbiemum! I just has my saline ultrasound today and will have my class Thursday so it sounds like you're moving right along too. Good luck!

JMC - Good luck tomorrow! Will be praying for a successful retrieval! I have freaked myself out about OHSS too since PCOSers are at higher risk. That is why they have me on the lupron trigger instead of HCG to avoid OHSS. Will keep my fingers crossed OHSS will stay far away from all of us!

MsTX - Glad everything went well for you tonight! How have the injections been overall? I'm really excited to get started but starting to panic a bit knowing I'm going to have to actually stick myself soon!
raelynn- the shots really dont hurt.. sometimes they sting a bit after.. if you pinch the skin it helps.. i also find if you jab it in quick it is easier. menopur i find stings wether you do it quick or slow.. so i just slam it.. ive got quite a few bruises but they dont hurt like usual bruises so... tonight im doing my trigger.. now that one i find does hurt the next day
Thanks drsquid. I'm thinking I may ice before the injections just for my peace of mind. I figure the trigger will hurt too since its and intramuscular and when I get IM vaccines my arm is always sore for a few days afterward. Good luck with your trigger! Are you doing it yourself? My sis will probably end up doing mine since hubby is more afraid of needles than me.
yeah imsingle so i do them all myself, cats dont seem to pick it up well.., trigger can be subq too. i did my first im and doc said i shoulda done it subq
Mine's going to be IM, boo! I wish cats could pick it up :) I'd have ours handle it for me
raelynn- Its actually been pretty smooth sailing. I think reading so much about everyone's different experiences kind of prepared me for whatever was to come. The menupur does sting some but just for the first minute at the most. I just put my gauze on the spot and rub it for a few seconds right after I take the needle out. its not too bad.

drsquid- How did your trigger go? Good luck with your upcoming retrieval!!!
Hi again ladies! I had the mock proceedure/measurement done today along with the injection teaching appointment. I didn't realize there was sooo much medication. Kind of overwhelming. I have very high anxiety during things like that and am hoping that it is not going to lower my chances on game day. Any suggestions on how to destress the situation?
Hello ladies! I just wanted to check in with a quick post and update you on my retrieval today. It went pretty well overall I believe. It started a little stressful with a car fire and therefore terrible traffic on our way to the clinic. Then we got brought into the room and a really nice anesthetist started my iv and that wasn't too bad considering that im TERRIFIED of iv tubes inside my skin. Then I went to sleep and DH heard them count 10 eggs....I'm not sure whether to be glad or disappointed. While 10 seems like a decent number, I was thinking there would be many more with 27 follicles. I'm pretty new to all of this so I learn more everyday. I suppose it makes sense since there were a lot of the 27 that were still smaller in size. I assume those ones don't have eggs and that's why only 10. After I woke up then DH went to do his thing and we were on our way home. I slept the whole 35minute drive home but remember hearing my phone ring. Checked it when we got me into bed and it was the lab asking for DH to call them. He called and they said his sample he provided today was much different than the first two SA's they did and the motility was a little low. They asked if he would be able to go back but if he couldn't then they could use it. Well of course he rushes back to the clinic and performs again. Then he got back home and the lab called and told him it was much better this time and much more similar than the SA's he's done in the past. Phew....so I was freakin out at a few points today but overall it went ok and im not really in much pain. I've just been hangin in bed all day and napping and watching terrible daytime tv! I am going to head back to work tomorrow and the lab will call with an update on fertilization....I just pray that at least most of them fertilize. Then i'll either go back Friday or Sunday for transfer!! I will update tomorrow once I hear from the lab!

Good luck with stims everyone and sounds like everyone's getting started with mock transfers and lupron and stims so im excited to follow your progress!
JMC - That must have been a little worrying with DH's sample but glad everything ended up ok. Hopefully your little embys grow grow grow!

I'm starting to worry we may end up with nothing for DH since our frozen few may not survive and there is no guarantee they'll find more. Ahh! There is so much that can go wrong with this whole process. How are we all supposed to relax?
Hi, I have no idea where I am in the grand scheme of the IVF process. I saw this forum and thought you guys were all so supportive of each other.

I have chosen my RE, done the first ultrasound and bloodwork, my husband did the SA, tomorrow is the class & the following day is the saline ultrasound. I guess I will learn more about my drug protocol tomorrow & my schedule.

My husband and I have a daughter together (22 mths), naturally conceived, but now we have male fertility issues. :wacko:

I am doing a Lupron Luteal phase starting in appx. 10 days. I think I am 3 weeks behind you all. Should I find another thread to post in?
Hello ladies! I just wanted to check in with a quick post and update you on my retrieval today. It went pretty well overall I believe. It started a little stressful with a car fire and therefore terrible traffic on our way to the clinic. Then we got brought into the room and a really nice anesthetist started my iv and that wasn't too bad considering that im TERRIFIED of iv tubes inside my skin. Then I went to sleep and DH heard them count 10 eggs....I'm not sure whether to be glad or disappointed. While 10 seems like a decent number, I was thinking there would be many more with 27 follicles. I'm pretty new to all of this so I learn more everyday. I suppose it makes sense since there were a lot of the 27 that were still smaller in size. I assume those ones don't have eggs and that's why only 10. After I woke up then DH went to do his thing and we were on our way home. I slept the whole 35minute drive home but remember hearing my phone ring. Checked it when we got me into bed and it was the lab asking for DH to call them. He called and they said his sample he provided today was much different than the first two SA's they did and the motility was a little low. They asked if he would be able to go back but if he couldn't then they could use it. Well of course he rushes back to the clinic and performs again. Then he got back home and the lab called and told him it was much better this time and much more similar than the SA's he's done in the past. Phew....so I was freakin out at a few points today but overall it went ok and im not really in much pain. I've just been hangin in bed all day and napping and watching terrible daytime tv! I am going to head back to work tomorrow and the lab will call with an update on fertilization....I just pray that at least most of them fertilize. Then i'll either go back Friday or Sunday for transfer!! I will update tomorrow once I hear from the lab!

Good luck with stims everyone and sounds like everyone's getting started with mock transfers and lupron and stims so im excited to follow your progress!

hello and hugs to all of you! hello the newcomers too! glad to have you on board! :winkwink:

I am so exhausted and need to go to sleep just wanted to pop in and say hi to you all and a special WAHOO to JMC for an awesome retrieval! 10 eggs is great my dear, what would you have done with 27?! :) just kidding, I know you are disappointed, but 10 is super! and hopefully you will get some beautiful embryos out of them!!! so sorry to hear about the extra stress, I'm sure that didn't help. life, ain't is spazzy.

so anyhow, so pleased for you that the worst (pain) is over, just kick your feet back and relax dear, you earned it!!

HIP HIP HORRAY FOR JMC!!!:happydance:
NewbieMum - I'm getting started in 4 days so you won't be that far behind me!
Hi, I have no idea where I am in the grand scheme of the IVF process. I saw this forum and thought you guys were all so supportive of each other.

I have chosen my RE, done the first ultrasound and bloodwork, my husband did the SA, tomorrow is the class & the following day is the saline ultrasound. I guess I will learn more about my drug protocol tomorrow & my schedule.

My husband and I have a daughter together (22 mths), naturally conceived, but now we have male fertility issues. :wacko:

I am doing a Lupron Luteal phase starting in appx. 10 days. I think I am 3 weeks behind you all. Should I find another thread to post in?

no way! you're here now sister! :winkwink: we are all at different times in our cycle. so no worries, we can show you the ropes! :)
JMC - That must have been a little worrying with DH's sample but glad everything ended up ok. Hopefully your little embys grow grow grow!

I'm starting to worry we may end up with nothing for DH since our frozen few may not survive and there is no guarantee they'll find more. Ahh! There is so much that can go wrong with this whole process. How are we all supposed to relax?

whoops. ok, am really tired but I saw this and wanted to tell you that Im sorry you are scared. this is so freaking stressful. I always laugh when they tell us not to stress but Im sure everything will be totally fine. keep the faith! (hugs)
Thanks, afamilygal!

Headed to bed since I have to be up early tomorrow for my baseline and its my birthday too! Hopefully all will go well!
Hey ladies! I know I'm a little late to the party but hoping I can join? Just had an appointment today and decided to move on to ivf. I'm nervous, anxious, scared and excited!! AF should start tomorrow so will go in for day 3 ultrasound and bloodwork. I'm sure I'll get more details then. I do know that I'll be taking bcp and Lupron to start, so no stimming till July I guess.

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