IVF in june/july 2012

Oh my goodness ladies there's been so much action on here today!

Drsquid that's awesome your eggs are doing well. Sounds like your doc needs a lesson in bedside manner!

Raelynn and afamilygal, you must be feeling excited to start stimming!! I absolutely hate needles but am ready to feel like I'm getting this process rolling! Thankfully my hubby likes doing it for me cuz I don't think I could handle doing it myself.

I know I've missed some but am still trying to get some names straight and don't want to say the wrong thing. It seems like all ate doing well and I am looking forward to hearing your success tp inspire me through this!!

Things are pretty boring for me right now...start bcp tomorrow.
afamilygal- forgot.. please dont wish twins on me. that would be my worst nightmare. first off im single but secondly the pregnancy risks are sooo much higher.. i just want 1 at a time =) oh and.. wait til you do them,./ i had NO problems with any of the other meds... but this one is killing me. spent the day sleeping on my friends couch. it is about a milion degrees here today and im lying here sweating with a heating pad. im already dreading the am. ptsd with pio

whoops sorry! I forgot who wanted them and who didn't. pretty sure me wishing twins on you isn't going to make it happen though ;)

although if that was a superpower that I could have, I would take it, although I would want to wish singletons on people too (including moi)

I don't want twins either. well, medically it is a bad idea for me since my pre-diabetes would probably develop into full blown diabetes for life. hence why I am only transferring one egg! It's a risk I know but the way I see it, either way is a risk.

and I don't have to have the progesterone shots (TG) I am going to be on crinone. My RE believes that is the best way to receive the progesterone but it is expensive if insurance doesn't cover it and your blood can't read the extra progesterone in your blood so you never know the real number which is a drag. but I am very happy to not be doing those shots. ouch, they sound dreadful! :(
Im not sure the average sizes because I had a different doctor today so he didnt really go over everything with me. He just told me the basics. He said everything looked really great and that I had enough eggs for 3 IVF cycles so that if all goes well I will have some to freeze and not have to go through this process again. That was very nice to hear. I have been drinking lots of gatorade so hopefully I don't get OHSS. I know with that many follicles, I am at a pretty high risk but for it but he didnt mention it at all and didnt seen concerned. I go in again Monday to see my regular doctor so I am going to get all that information from him.

wow 3 cycles! you must be beside yourself! That is very good news! (but lets hope you don't have to do this again!! btw, where in TX are you? I'm in Austin)
I've been meaning to ask how the Gatorade helps with OHSS, is it the electrolytes?

drsquid - The nurse in my injection training mentioned the volume thing too. We had to practice actually pushing the amount out of the syringe so we realized how long it would actually take. Wish it was easier - in, out, done. I guess I'll get through it. Your doc would frustrate me! I get that they don't want to get your hopes too high but what happened to positive thinking? Not looking forward to the pain in the butt but luckily it is a one time thing! My clinic does suppositories instead of PIO

jmc - I love your visualization idea! I think I'll be using that one. Hubby won't be going back in for another operation ahead of time. His urologist will be sort of on-call and if the frozen sample doesn't survive, they'll take hubby in and see if they can find some more. I really hope it doesn't come to that for his sake and all our little frozen swimmers pull through.

afamilygal - I hope you're doing better than me! I'm a nervous wreck tonight. Will be injecting in a little over 30 min. Yikes! Same thing as I wrote for jmc about hubby. Also, he can't do another operation any earlier since the urologist wants him to heal at least 3 months between them. So 3 months will be a few days before ER.

sorry about the surgery thing- I had forgotten that detail. :( yes, that must be very stressful. but listen, it will probably be just fine and worrying about it isn't going to change anything. I know that is easy for me to say, I just don't want you to be super stressed- it's really important that we try to remain as calm as possible now right?
big hug dearie!
btw, my clinic does the suppositories too YAY! I was worried about those shots too. they sound so painful.

Injection in your arm?! I had no idea you could do it anywhere else?! I never was told I had options....humpf. YAY FOR STARTING STIMS TONIGHT!!!! So happy you're getting started!

in the back of my arm. The IVF nurse said it was ok, hope it is cause I did it and I intend in doing it again!! :D
1st stims done! Woohoo! I'm such a wuss. I was completely freaked out and I seriously didn't even feel the needles. I didn't even get the menopur burn but I let it sit like everyone has suggested. I felt that one going in where I didn't for the gonal f but I think that was more because it was harder to push out and more volume.

horray! see, it isn't so bad right? I mean it isn't fun cause it is needles and all but I found it was better than in my head. having said that, the 300 gonal f last night STUNG like a mother. ow. I have never put in such a high dose before. little different.

glad it went well though! so when is your next u/s and bloods?
Afamilygal- I am in Fort Worth. Not too far. My best friend lives in Buda right by Austin so I try to go a couple times a year to visit. I really like it there. I believe the electrolytes an the sodium in it help with the OHSS. I'm not sure exactly how it helps but I googled how to prevent and it was consistent in all the websites Gatorade and lots of sodium and protein. That's my plan so hopefully I can dodge that bullet.
horray! see, it isn't so bad right? I mean it isn't fun cause it is needles and all but I found it was better than in my head. having said that, the 300 gonal f last night STUNG like a mother. ow. I have never put in such a high dose before. little different.

glad it went well though! so when is your next u/s and bloods?

The spot where I injected my gonal f is a little tender today but I'm guessing it is because it was a slightly bigger needle than the one for menopur and I didn't realize it would take a little more pressure to go in. I'm sure tonight will be better since I know now. I probably didn't get any medicine burn since I'm on really low doses right now since I'm expected to be a high responder. Hopefully I am so I can stick to these little doses. The 112.5iu of gonal f took maybe a second to shoot in.

I go in for bloods on Monday and then probably Wednesday for bloods and u/s but I won't know my next one for sure until Monday.
hey ladies,
glad to hear all is going well with ye.
I got my AF today yipee!!!!
So start my first injection of purgeon tomorrow. i had a scan friday and everything was fine....well as the nurse expected.

so happy to start now..
good luck to all xx
afamilygal - wouldnt it be awesome to have that power
Mammy - Hooray for getting to start! Good luck!

Did my 2nd injections tonight. Still no pain, keeping my fingers crossed it continues like this. I'm still not used to using 2 different sized needles for injections so I'm a bit fumbley with the gonal f since it is a 28 gauge and the menopur is a 30 gauge and goes in so easy. Need to remember to use a little more pressure on the gonal f so I don't bruise myself. I also accidentally shot a bit of gonal f in the air when I was priming the needle...plunger got stuck. Oops!
l4- ordinarily id defend him but at the moment.. sooo pissed at him
Mstx- cool thanks for the info, I'll do the same and stock up on Gatorade. and protein! Lots of eggs perhaps? Thats good I love me some eggs. Eggs for my eggs!! :D
Also,I used to live in Dallas many years ago. :)

Raelynn- didn't realize it was a bigger needle. You should do the bigger one first! Did my 2nd dose today, totally burned again, wth!? It never burned before! And I seem to be bruising easily too. What helps with that? Anyone?

Mammy- yay to beginning!

Drsquid- yes that would be rad- I would zap you a baby in a flash! Babies for everyone!!!
afamilygal - I read a blog that said icing before the injection can help prevent bruising. I've been doing that and haven't bruised so far. I don't know if it is anything like when you get blood drawn but I know that putting pressure on the spot you get blood drawn from immediately afterwards keeps it from bruising (I bruise anytime I don't hold pressure to a blood draw) so maybe that will help to. I've been keeping gauze pressed down on the injection sites for about a minute or two afterwards. I wonder if the large dose is what is making it burn? I'm on really low doses of everything so maybe that is why mine haven't been burning. I also let the syringes sit for a few minutes after I draw everything up. The nurse suggested that to help with the menopur burn so I draw both syringes up, let them sit, ice for a few minutes, swab with alcohol, then inject.

MsTX - Definitely helpful to have someone a bit ahead of us to let us know what to expect. I guess I'll be stocking up on Gatorade and protein this week too! Any side effects to look out for from the stims?
Thanks dear I do ice it before hand, let it sit and hold pressure afterwards and last time I didn't bruise (and no burn) but this time it does.. no idea what is different. I used to push the needles in much slower which hurt more so I stopped doing that and now I did it more swifty. but maybe that made the difference? who knows! :)

Im only on day 12 of lupron and 3 of gonal F and Im already running out of real estate on my tummy. so Ill start using my thighs soon. maybe this morning!
Hey everyone! Sorry I have been a little absent. I had a busy fathers day weekend and I couldn't find the time to really sneak away for long enough to post.

drsquid- How are you doing? I hope you are feeling well after your transfer. Was it today? So sorry about those progesterone shots, I hope your body gets used to them quickly!

jmc- How are you feeling? I Hope all is well for you!

afamilygal- I love eggs too! I eat them almost every day so its not too bad. I don't really like gatorade though and right now it makes me nauseas to even think about so I have to hold my breath and drink it fast...eww! I always felt sore the day after in the spot where I did my injections but I never bruised. I used the gauze right after my shot and just kind of rubbed on the area for the first minute or two after I did it which helped with the burn too. I also did every other day switching sides and kept it written down so I didnt mess it up.

AFM, they called me saturday afternoon and told me no more menopur just 2 vials of Bravelle that night with 5 units of lupron and then last night I did only 1 vial of Bravelle with the lupron. I went in this morning and had an US done and they measured about 20 follicles that were good sized (between 16 and 20) and another 10 or so that were smaller(around 10). I am going back in again tomorrow and should be triggering tomorrow night. They also prescribed me something to prevent OHSS since my left ovary looked alot like a honeycomb. I have been peeing alot and haven't gained weight or anything(2lbs over the last month and a half) so he said that is a really good sign. Its always a possibility though so just to be safe I am on these meds for the next 2 weeks. I am done with my stims. He said no more, just continue the lupron...Thank God! Best news yet. I am so happy becaue even the Bravelle without the Menopur burned for me. I am feeling a little bloated and ready to get all these eggs out of me so I am just trying to remember to be positive and that its for a good cause. Definitley not fun though :/ Well, thats it for me now. I hope everyone is doing well and feeling well. I look forward to your updates!
Ok change in plans for me. The nurse called and said we are triggering tonight and doing retrieval on Wednesday morning instead. My estrogen was just over 4000 from 1700 on Saturday so we are ready to go. Im feeling a little crappy from the new meds they prescribed me. Within 30 minutes of taking it I cannot breathe out of my nose at all. I sound like im sick but I am perfectly fine....wierd! Oh well, if it helps prevent OHSS then im on board. I didn't realize how much medicine I was going to be taking after my retrieval but its ALOT. I counted 10 different meds including my prenatals and my juice plus vitamins. I hope it doesn't make me feel too bad. Well, wish me luck!
jmc- How are you feeling? I Hope all is well for you!

Hi MsTX - thanks for checkin' on me! I am doin pretty well and finally feel like im returning to "normal" in the ovary dept. It's a little odd but the past two nights i've been a little uncomfortable still and feel a little....full....maybe that's the word. Not sure how to describe it. And also past two nights can't fall asleep very well and feeling really hot. I even resorted to moving out to the cold leather couch for a bit to try to fall asleep. Probably tired due to laying around resting all Friday and Saturday and a bit of Sunday too! Other than that i have nothing to complain about besides the long wait to the 27th! No symptoms at all yet but it's too early anyways.

Does anyone know how long it takes the little babes to implant after a 3dt?
Ok change in plans for me. The nurse called and said we are triggering tonight and doing retrieval on Wednesday morning instead. My estrogen was just over 4000 from 1700 on Saturday so we are ready to go. Im feeling a little crappy from the new meds they prescribed me. Within 30 minutes of taking it I cannot breathe out of my nose at all. I sound like im sick but I am perfectly fine....wierd! Oh well, if it helps prevent OHSS then im on board. I didn't realize how much medicine I was going to be taking after my retrieval but its ALOT. I counted 10 different meds including my prenatals and my juice plus vitamins. I hope it doesn't make me feel too bad. Well, wish me luck!

AHHHHHH how EXCITING!!!! Wow that seems liek it went REALLY fast for you...didn't you just start stims like last week?! Are you nervous?! That really stinks about having an insta-cold from that med you tooK?! Gosh that does sound like a lot of meds after ER...what are they or what for? Are they all for OHSS prevention?
Mstx that's so exciting you are ready to go!! That seems like a lot of medicine to take after transfer. But it's all worth it to prevent ohss and to help get your bfp!!

Jmc glad you are feeling better. I'm sure you are very anxious to have your beta. I'm anxious for you!!
I am getting so anxious reading the posts about the shots & meds. I hope I make it through. I do have a 2 yr old that loves to jump on me. I am sure that is going to be an adjustment.

I wish you all sticky eggs and lots of 'em :)
Mstx that's so exciting you are ready to go!! That seems like a lot of medicine to take after transfer. But it's all worth it to prevent ohss and to help get your bfp!!

Jmc glad you are feeling better. I'm sure you are very anxious to have your beta. I'm anxious for you!!

Hi L4! Oh gosh it's crazy how anxious I am...luckily i'm crazy busy at work so it's going to make this week go by quickly I hope! How are you coming along!??

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