IVF in june/july 2012

Good morning all - how is everyone feeling and coming along?!

raelynn - First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and good luck at your baseline today! Can't wait to hear....Yes, it was a little worrying that he had to go back but it was worth it as they used his 2nd sample! There is so much that can go wrong but you really just have to try to be positive which is easier said than done but i've done my best! I wish you the most luck in the world throughout your process

Afamilygal - thanks so much!! I feel a bit better about 10 now but being new to this I was just surprised I suppose.....the stress was very unwelcome on such a big day but what do you do! It's ok now!

Newbiemum - I agree with the others that you should stick around for sure!!! We love all of the company

L4hope - Welcome!! Yay for just starting!! It is a lot of emotions rolled all together but we'll help you get through it!! Definitely keep us posted as you continue!

Well the embryologist called this morning and said that of the 10 they retrieved that 5 of them fertilized "normally". I'm not sure what that means for the other 5 but she said they will do a d3 transfer which will be Friday! She said they will probably put 2 embies back but at the beginning my doctor said with me being young that he might just do 1. I hope he does 2! Now I am a little unsure still about only 5 fertilizing and a little surprised again and a little disappointed but im so new to this that im sure it's fine. Now does anyone know if that means that the 5 that fertilized "normally" are safe now or is there a chance they could die or stop growing still??

Also, does anyone know about acupuncture on the day of transfer?? I have heard to do it right before transfer and right after??
Welcome to all the new posters!

Jmc- 5 fertilized embryos is great- it only takes one! We'll keep our fingers crossed for you that they all grow out to be excellent.

I was also interested in acupuncture before and after the transfer. I'm not getting my IVF from the clinic that has the acupuncture so if I did it, it would have to be the day before. Although I wonder how useful that would be. I would definitely do it if it was attached to the clinic and wouldn't add more stress of driving to additional appointments.
I'm getting a massage there tomorrow which I am really looking forward to!
had my egg retrieval today. went with a friend who is going to the same ivf doctor and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw us both (he knows we are friends but..) he saw her first and looked quite confused. all went smoothly. got 13 eggs, and 12 were mature so.. yay. already bummed about my 1 sad immature egg even though that is silly. tomorrow i find out how many fertilized (and i know i have to be ready to lose a bunch). of course doc for some reason decided to talk to me when i was still hammered. all i caught was 13 and had to call him later for more details. nurse said he looked really happy with the results (which is nice from dr doom and gloom)
jmc - its great you have 5 fertilized! I don't know how your clinic is but mine let the ones they're not transferring go to blast stage to blastocyst stage before they freeze. If they make it that far then they're considered good enough to freeze.

My baseline tests went well today, all clear to start stims on Saturday! I got my meds delivered today but the lupron trigger is missing :( Have to figure out who can get it fixed so I get that. I have injection class tomorrow morning so I'll be learning all about everything. I'm nervous!
whoa whoa whoa! lots of special posts today! :D YAY!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to raelynn!!! :happydance::kiss::happydance:

JMC, Im sorry you are having mixed emotions about the 5 fertilized eggs but that is STILL good and amylou is right- it only takes one!! WAHOO!
and so it will be Friday!? YAY!!! oh sister, I am SO excited for you!!!

to both JMC and amylou- I have heard that acupuncture 30 minutes before and 30 mintues after is the golden ticket but I wonder how that works logistically... hmm...

and drsquid- LADY! I had no idea how close you were to retrieval but YAY!!!
SO happy for you, that's a LOT of eggs! will you find out tomorrow what day you will be transferring too? YIPPEE!!! Im so jazzed for you guys! its exciting business isn't it??

hi L4hope!! :wave:

afm: going in for the first u/s on Friday, pay the deposit and Ill start my stims that night if everything looks a ok! yay! :happydance:
jmc - its great you have 5 fertilized! I don't know how your clinic is but mine let the ones they're not transferring go to blast stage to blastocyst stage before they freeze. If they make it that far then they're considered good enough to freeze.

My baseline tests went well today, all clear to start stims on Saturday! I got my meds delivered today but the lupron trigger is missing :( Have to figure out who can get it fixed so I get that. I have injection class tomorrow morning so I'll be learning all about everything. I'm nervous!

cool! you and I are so close in our schedules! fun! I get my meds tomorrow in the mail.

dont worry about the lupron trigger, you have time to get them to send it to you.

btw, I gave myself my lupron injection this morning right under my belly button and OW it hurt so bad. doing it to the left or right is the ticket clearly. maybe I hit a vein??
I'm assuming in injections class tomorrow they'll teach me how to measure everything. I'm so confused looking at everything right now.

Afamilygal - I will definitely remember not to inject below belly button! When do you start stims?

Any other tips for injections ladies?
famly- thanks./ i find out tomorrow how many fertilized then sat (day 3) if there are a lot or they look great, then we wait til monday.. otherwise transfer saturday. unlikely you hit a vein, that wouldnt hurt it would bleed. but you should always pull back a smidge on the plunger after you stick the needle in to make sure you dont get blood back. it is unlikely there are any decent sized veins there but.. i did find under hurt more than to the sides
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies!! It looks like a very supportive group here! My head is still spinning but I have a renewed hope as we are moving forward with ivf. Thankfully AF is usually like clockwork and she arrived yesterday. Tomorrow I go in for day 3 bloodwork and ultrasound. I think I will start bcp Saturday and the sonohystagram next Wednesday.

I'm anxious to see how all of you are getting on in this process and to route each other on along the way!
Ok so I had my first sono after 5 days of stimming. I had 7 follicles on my right side all measuring about 10. I had 1 at 8 almost 9 and one that was 11 but closer to 12. On the left I had 8 all measuring 9-10. He said my lining looks fanstastic and everything is looking perfect. I am going in on Saturday morning for another sono and he said I'll keep stimming until Tuesday and have my retrieval on Thursday the 21st. We are shooting for a 5 day transfer which would put me at the 26th. I am very happy to have so many follicles since I only had a little bit of ovary pain a couple days ago for a few hours and that was it. He did say we need I be careful about over stimulating since I am responding so well so I went and got some Gatorade on my way home. I figure I'll drink a few glasses a day through maybe a week after my transfer.
great news about all the follicles!
What is the gatorade for?
gatorade is supposed to help prevent ohss

oy what a morning.. got a text from the news saying that transbay bart is shut down due to a fire.. so i got up at 6:15 to drive to the city for a 9am court time.. only to get a call from the lawyer at 7 saying i didnt have to be at court til 1 pm. bart is still closed and there is a giants game at 12:45. im thinking about leaving 2 hrs early... sigh he coulnt have called last night... im actualy feeling ok today.. a bit bloaty but not too bad. mild crampy. got a call from my doc.. 11 fertilized.. i said, ok that is good, he was like.. no that is fantastic. he is actually happy.. i made a joke about not counting my embryos til they hatch at which point he started going on about blasts, and i had to tell him i was joking..
That is great news drsquid! Praying for some nice 5 day blasts for you!
MsTX - Thats great that stims are working so well and retrieval is soon!

drsquid - Wonderful that you have so many that fertilized. Hopeing they keep growing well!
Looks like everyone is moving along just fine :) I need to stop reading about IVF on the Internet. I am doing my progesterone bloodwork on 6/22 & then I will be instructed if I should or shouldn't start Lupron that night. Yikes! It is actually happening.
Drsquid- HA!! That embryo joke was awesome!
That dude is such a square...
Sorry about the insane day but yay to your 11 embryos- wow! For the record ladies- that is not 'the norm', so don't feel bad if you dont make that many! :D

And ms tx- lot of follies you got growin, super stuff dear!!

I have my u/s today and start stims if all is well! Exciiiiting!!
Drsquid, I am so new to this side of ttc but the way it sounds you have amazing results!! That's wonderful!

Afamilygal, hope your ultrasound is good and you get to start your stimming!

Afm, I had day3 ultrasound to check my antral follie count. I'm doing a shared risk program, so I have to have certain tests to qualify. One was that I have at least 5testing follicles on each side. I had 6 that she could see on the left and more than that on the right. One step closer! Sunday I start bcp and sono next week. Another pre step I have to do is a trial transfer. Has anyone else had that done? It just seems a little strange and I forgot to ask about it.
Hello ladies! Sorry this will be short but I did scan through you replies over the past two days and it sounds like everyone is coming along well! So glad to hear! I wanted to just let you all know that I had my transfer this morning and we transferred two 8 cell grade 2 embies!! It was the coolest thing....I was so nervous but when we got there we met with the embryologist and she said that of the 5 that fertilized there were three 8 cell grade 2, one 8 cell grade 3 and one 6 cell grade 3. We put two of the 8 cell grade 2's back and even got to see them in the microscope before they transferred them!! DH and I both had to hold back tears a few times....what a relief and such a happy experience so far....this is as far as we've gotten to a baby so far so it was almost surreal. Blood tests on the 25th and 27th and won't know any results till 27th. Also did acupuncture directly after transfer but transfer was too early to have a session before as well. We will see!
JMC that's so exciting! How awesome they let you look at them under the microscope!! I hope those little embies grab on and hold tight for the next nine months! :)
l4hope - I'm guessing the trial transfer is the same thing as the mock embryo transfer. If it is, they just do it ahead of time so that everything goes smoothly on transfer day. They take measurements and such so they know exactly where to stick them.

jmc- That is so exciting! Keeping my fingers crossed for you so those little embies stick!

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