IVF in june/july 2012

talked to my doc today about transfer. he is saying likely day 3.. like 80% chance.. no real clear reason.. im going to put back 2. in looking it up it appears pregnancy rates are pretty similar regardless.. he is going to call me at 8 am but i have to be there by 8:45 and it is like 30 min away.
JMC- SO exciting!!! Egads- what a cool story. It must be exciting seeing them! so sweet, I cant wait to hear that you have gotten your BFP at long last!! (I wish that for all of us!!)
so when will you test? will you do any HPT's before the Beta or just wait for the blood results?? what day will that be for you?
are you taking it very easy I hope? relax to the max! must be nice to not have to mess with injections anymore- enjoy that! :D

Dr Squid- day 3- cool! I heard the results are similar too. when will day 3 be for you?
2 eggs for you too?
Wonder if you and JMC will end up with twins! exciting...

how is everyone else coming along?

U/S was fine, no cysts and he is starting me tonight on stims- EEK! so excited!! looks like retrieval might be the 28th if everything goes according to plan. horray!
I did have a dream last night that DH couldn't 'perform' at the retrieval and it was all a waste. I woke up sweating BAD. now I have to try to convince him to freeze some before hand- JUST in case... :) :dohh:
jmc-How exciting! How are you feeling?

drsquid- Very excited for you! I have read so many success stories about day 3 transfers as well as day 5. How are you feeling today?

AFM I had an US today. They had me only take my bravelle last night and not the menopur because my E2 went from 100 to 800 in just 3 days. I had about 35 follicles today that they measured and they said I am responding very well. I am waiting to hear back from them about my blood results to see what meds to take tonight. I am so excited to almost be done with my shots!!! My lower abdomen is getting pretty tender, not to bad but just enough to make me uncomfortable. The good news is that I haven't had any weight gain so far! I sure feel like I have though but the scale says differently. I do feel a tiny bit bloated by the end of the day but not too bad and its always gone by the morning.
drsquid - Good luck! I've heard success stories from both day 3 and day 5 so I'm sure everything will go great!

MsTx - 35 whoa! That is great!

Afamilygal - We're on the exact same schedule! I'm starting stims tonight and ER is set for the 28th right now to! What are your dosage amounts? I'm on 112.5 iu gonal f and 75 iu menopur for tonight. I'm a little worried about the menopur. Even my nurse said it burns. Well, I'm a little nervous for both since I have to actually stick myself but I'm not looking forward to the burning either. I can't believe its all starting tonight! I've been worrying about DH as well only because we can only get his sperm surgically. We have a small sample frozen but I am so nervous they won't survive and that the urologist won't be able to find any to use in a second operation.

I'm going to have myself a worried mess by the time all of this is over. Any tips for relaxing ladies?
drsquid - yay! you're almost done too! I have my fingers crossed for you....definitely let us know!

afamilygal - Oh my gosh yes it was soooo cool to see them before they transfered them! I sure hope I get my BFP on the 27th! Gosh you know I'm pretty new to this stuff so im not even sure when would be too early to do a home test. Any thoughts? I am torn as I would hate to get BFN and then have to go in knowing it's negative. I have been just laying around all day yesterday and still all day today so far...I think im going to just lay around all day again today even though they told me only one day of bed rest. I figure it can't hurt to just keep relaxing...plus being waited on by DH isn't too bad either ;) Yay for your u/s being clear and to starting stims tonight! you definitely have to let us know how it goes!!! As for your fear of DH not being able to perform, I can definitely relate as it pretty much did happen to us....he was able to do it but it was not a good sample so he had to go back and re-do it if you remember....I would definitely have him keep a frozen sample just in case....tell your hubby the story of mine and tell him he won't want to have to drive all the way back a 2nd time!

MsTX - Yes! I'm so glad to be done with the shots and just waiting now...it's crazy to think that it went so fast but took so long at the same time. I am feeling ok....my ovaries are still pretty full and uncomfortable so that's not great but I guess that's normal. Yesterday prior to the transfer they did a regular ultrasound and said my ovaries are still pretty large but that it's normal and to just eat more protein and increase fluids even more. So im working on that. Oh my gosh girl!!! It sounds like you're coming along FABULOUSLY!!! 35 follies!! What are the average sizes they measured? Are you close?! I'm glad you're not terribly uncomfortable and no weight gain is a huge plus!!! So happy it's all going well for you!

raelynn - yay for starting stims tonight!!! Just remember that if the menopur stings to try to let it sit in the syringe for 7-10 minutes and then it doesn't seem to be quite as bad....Also I remember you gals talking about doing injections below belly button and I experienced the same thing....DO NOT DO THEM RIGHT UNDER BELLY BUTTON! Ouchie!!! Is your DH having another operation to get more sperm soon?? I can't imagine how tough that is for you guys. I'm so sorry but know im praying for you and sending positive thoughts that it will all go well. As for relaxing....I found the acupucnture to be very relaxing aftermy transfer yesterday but it's so expensive. I also found that each night since my retrieval i'd have DH rub my back a bit and while he's doing that I just focus on positive thinking and since yesterdays transfer I take a few minutes every few hours to just shut my eyes and visualize my embies implanting....I don't think they actually implant until like 2 days after transfer so I have been imagining them lightly bouncing around and trying to find a comfy place in my lining...might be crazy but it helps me focus and calm down a bit.

How is everyone else?!! I'm so glad I have you girls to go through this with
JMC that's so exciting! How awesome they let you look at them under the microscope!! I hope those little embies grab on and hold tight for the next nine months! :)

Hi L4hope!!! Thank you! It was soooo cool to see them in the microscope...definitely recommend asking if they don't offer!!! She said "it's pretty cool since most people don't get to see their children this early"....tears for sure!!!

I hope all goes well with your testing to qualify for the shared risk program! we are in a program like that also and while it's relieving that we still have more chances....after going through the whole fresh cycle, i hope to God I don't have to go through it all again...ugh...it's soooo much on your body and mind. But I am sooo thankful that we do have more chances if needed. And yes a trial transfer is total normal and i'm glad they do it. It's just a practice for the transfer so that they know how far to place the embies and they just measure and stuff so it's a normal and positive thing...As far as I know you don't have to worry about it affecting your shared risk qualification.
Rae- it really isn't that bad. It burns a bit but the bigger reason it is worse is cause of the volume. Cetrotide itched and pio well...

Had a whole big todo last night. Doc noticed a comment I made in my email about starting progesterone on the 16 and freaked cause it was supposed to be the 15... Gee thanks nurses for screwing uP again. He was like... We should cancel and freeze everything. I flat out said no. He finally agreed that 12 hrs late wasn't a big deal.

Oy totally hit my sciatic last night. Didnt sleep cause of pain in my butt. I don't remember what all I wrote before but the doc actually called me back a second time to say he thought it wouldn't be a problem. I told him I never thought it would be. I had 13 follicles. All of them with be producing progesterone so it isn't like there is none. Besides I was only starting 12 hrs late. So this am the stupid shower had no water pressure... Sigh. Doc of course
Called as I was heading across the bay bridge. Turns out I have 8 embryos that have 8-10 cells do they are gonna go to blast. He was saying how unexpected that was at my age , so I said "see I'm special". He got all serious and was like... We need to manage expectations and they won't all go to blast etc. umm duh. I then went and stopped at the clinic that is gonna do the transfer to get more needles and get them to do my shot today cause I just couldn't face it. Also told them when was best for me Monday (doc was all like... We have to work with their schedule etc... Umm dude squeaky wheel and all). So all is good now other than ass pain
MsTX- 35?!? holy *%&^!!! that's mental- and you're not too sore?? TG for that! what size are they? yay to them reducing the menopur! sounds like that one is a doozy.

raelynn- high five for simultaneous cycling! My doc doesn't have me on menopur since I respond really well to gonal F, but he has me on 300 tonight and then 225 for the next 3 nights. (dude- that's a lot o drugs) but it's only one needle so I'm happy about that! ;)
not sure If I can tell you how to relax- this whole thing is stressful. I say deep breathing always helps though. deep breath in through the nose and deep exhale through the mouth.
visualization might work for you too. (?) get as many foot rubs as you can, that always helps me!! :D
as for your husbands issue- that is tough. can you freeze 2 samples? it might be worth the trouble!! you have time to get two frozen...

jmc- so BPF would be the 27th? coooool. that aint so far away doll!!! 11 days if you dont count today. squeal!
so the deal with the testing is this (for moi) I don't want to test out the trigger every day like last time cause it never went blank and that made me so anxious. BUT you want to make sure its out of your system before you test. its supposed to be out by 10 days from trigger (in your case the 22nd)
so what I plan to do is test it out 11 days after trigger and keep that test (to use it to compare to) and then test again with a FRER the day before or the morning of my BETA. No matter if it is pos/neg, I don't want to hear the news from a stranger. I would rather have an idea of what the news will be. then maybe I wont be completely crushed if it is BFN. think that's my plan.

I like your visualization. I think I'll do that too. I like that- seems like it would be calming. :)

Drsquid- ass pain. you kill me lady. Im sure the 12 hour difference is going to be fine. Dr Gloom is a bore isn't he?

as pour moi, same old here. I had DH give me the injection this morning since my tummy is already sore (and its only been 9 days of one daily so Im worried about the state of my stomach for the next 10/11 days!!!) but he did it in the back of my arm which was awesome. I'm finding new real estate. ;)
so I start stims tonight! horray! never thought Id be so excited for an injection! the needles I hate, but I LOVE what they do! :happydance: c'mon follies, let's get crackin'!
MsTX - Yes! I'm so glad to be done with the shots and just waiting now...it's crazy to think that it went so fast but took so long at the same time. I am feeling ok....my ovaries are still pretty full and uncomfortable so that's not great but I guess that's normal. Yesterday prior to the transfer they did a regular ultrasound and said my ovaries are still pretty large but that it's normal and to just eat more protein and increase fluids even more. So im working on that. Oh my gosh girl!!! It sounds like you're coming along FABULOUSLY!!! 35 follies!! What are the average sizes they measured? Are you close?! I'm glad you're not terribly uncomfortable and no weight gain is a huge plus!!! So happy it's all going well for you!

Im not sure the average sizes because I had a different doctor today so he didnt really go over everything with me. He just told me the basics. He said everything looked really great and that I had enough eggs for 3 IVF cycles so that if all goes well I will have some to freeze and not have to go through this process again. That was very nice to hear. I have been drinking lots of gatorade so hopefully I don't get OHSS. I know with that many follicles, I am at a pretty high risk but for it but he didnt mention it at all and didnt seen concerned. I go in again Monday to see my regular doctor so I am going to get all that information from him.
afamilygal- forgot.. please dont wish twins on me. that would be my worst nightmare. first off im single but secondly the pregnancy risks are sooo much higher.. i just want 1 at a time =) oh and.. wait til you do them,./ i had NO problems with any of the other meds... but this one is killing me. spent the day sleeping on my friends couch. it is about a milion degrees here today and im lying here sweating with a heating pad. im already dreading the am. ptsd with pio
mstx- yay for lots of eggs!!! i dont think i could do the meds again so im so glad my eggies are doing well
drsquid - The nurse in my injection training mentioned the volume thing too. We had to practice actually pushing the amount out of the syringe so we realized how long it would actually take. Wish it was easier - in, out, done. I guess I'll get through it. Your doc would frustrate me! I get that they don't want to get your hopes too high but what happened to positive thinking? Not looking forward to the pain in the butt but luckily it is a one time thing! My clinic does suppositories instead of PIO

jmc - I love your visualization idea! I think I'll be using that one. Hubby won't be going back in for another operation ahead of time. His urologist will be sort of on-call and if the frozen sample doesn't survive, they'll take hubby in and see if they can find some more. I really hope it doesn't come to that for his sake and all our little frozen swimmers pull through.

afamilygal - I hope you're doing better than me! I'm a nervous wreck tonight. Will be injecting in a little over 30 min. Yikes! Same thing as I wrote for jmc about hubby. Also, he can't do another operation any earlier since the urologist wants him to heal at least 3 months between them. So 3 months will be a few days before ER.

MsTX - Keeping my fingers crossed things continue to go well for you and that OHSS stays far away!
jmc- so BPF would be the 27th? coooool. that aint so far away doll!!! 11 days if you dont count today. squeal!
so the deal with the testing is this (for moi) I don't want to test out the trigger every day like last time cause it never went blank and that made me so anxious. BUT you want to make sure its out of your system before you test. its supposed to be out by 10 days from trigger (in your case the 22nd)
so what I plan to do is test it out 11 days after trigger and keep that test (to use it to compare to) and then test again with a FRER the day before or the morning of my BETA. No matter if it is pos/neg, I don't want to hear the news from a stranger. I would rather have an idea of what the news will be. then maybe I wont be completely crushed if it is BFN. think that's my plan.

I like your visualization. I think I'll do that too. I like that- seems like it would be calming. :)

I am so glad you put the testing at home before the blood test into perspective for me....that makes total sense. I'd much rather be prepared and find out on my own than a stranger calling me and having to be shocked at the news. I will most likely be at work when they call to give me results so I love your theory!! Thank you!!

Injection in your arm?! I had no idea you could do it anywhere else?! I never was told I had options....humpf. YAY FOR STARTING STIMS TONIGHT!!!! So happy you're getting started!
rae- im jealous. ive only done 2 and im not sure i can handle anymore. i have a huge pain tolerance and.. wow. i cant take it
MsTX - Yes! I'm so glad to be done with the shots and just waiting now...it's crazy to think that it went so fast but took so long at the same time. I am feeling ok....my ovaries are still pretty full and uncomfortable so that's not great but I guess that's normal. Yesterday prior to the transfer they did a regular ultrasound and said my ovaries are still pretty large but that it's normal and to just eat more protein and increase fluids even more. So im working on that. Oh my gosh girl!!! It sounds like you're coming along FABULOUSLY!!! 35 follies!! What are the average sizes they measured? Are you close?! I'm glad you're not terribly uncomfortable and no weight gain is a huge plus!!! So happy it's all going well for you!

Im not sure the average sizes because I had a different doctor today so he didnt really go over everything with me. He just told me the basics. He said everything looked really great and that I had enough eggs for 3 IVF cycles so that if all goes well I will have some to freeze and not have to go through this process again. That was very nice to hear. I have been drinking lots of gatorade so hopefully I don't get OHSS. I know with that many follicles, I am at a pretty high risk but for it but he didnt mention it at all and didnt seen concerned. I go in again Monday to see my regular doctor so I am going to get all that information from him.

Yes, make sure to drink lots of gatorade and my nurses told me to eat lots of protein as well to help fend off OHSS....I can't wait to hear your update on Monday!
jmc - I love your visualization idea! I think I'll be using that one. Hubby won't be going back in for another operation ahead of time. His urologist will be sort of on-call and if the frozen sample doesn't survive, they'll take hubby in and see if they can find some more. I really hope it doesn't come to that for his sake and all our little frozen swimmers pull through.

Oh ok, I get it now. I will definitley be praying that the frozen sample comes through just perfectly and that your poor DH doesn't have to have he procedure again. That's gotta be tough to worry about on top of all the normal IVF stress. I'm so sorry but I have faith that it will work out for you!

Try not to be too nervous...just take a few deep breaths and plunge it in and push slowly! You will do great! Let us know how it goes!!!
jmc- so BPF would be the 27th? coooool. that aint so far away doll!!! 11 days if you dont count today. squeal!
so the deal with the testing is this (for moi) I don't want to test out the trigger every day like last time cause it never went blank and that made me so anxious. BUT you want to make sure its out of your system before you test. its supposed to be out by 10 days from trigger (in your case the 22nd)
so what I plan to do is test it out 11 days after trigger and keep that test (to use it to compare to) and then test again with a FRER the day before or the morning of my BETA. No matter if it is pos/neg, I don't want to hear the news from a stranger. I would rather have an idea of what the news will be. then maybe I wont be completely crushed if it is BFN. think that's my plan.

I like your visualization. I think I'll do that too. I like that- seems like it would be calming. :)

I am so glad you put the testing at home before the blood test into perspective for me....that makes total sense. I'd much rather be prepared and find out on my own than a stranger calling me and having to be shocked at the news. I will most likely be at work when they call to give me results so I love your theory!! Thank you!!

I agree with you ladies. I don't think I want to hear it from a stranger first! I think I'd much rather know ahead of time so I can prepare and deal with it on my own first. I'll probably test the trigger out (or at least try to) just to have something to keep me busy during the 2ww.

rae- im jealous. ive only done 2 and im not sure i can handle anymore. i have a huge pain tolerance and.. wow. i cant take it
I am a HUGE needle whimp so I seriously celebrated when I found out I'll be doing suppositories. Hope they get easier for you! Maybe numb the area first? I know that won't help with the muscle ache afterwards...I always ache for days after an IM

Going to inject now! Fingers crossed that I'm getting worked up over nothing!

Good luck tonight afamilygal!!
ache is one thing. i cant move. i didnt mind the stim needles etc. i look like an old lady.sitting or standing is excrutiating. i waddle instead of walking. i work out a lot so i am used to muscle ache this is a whole other ballgame
Drsquid - Wonder what made it hurt so bad...have you tried putting heat on it to help?

1st stims done! Woohoo! I'm such a wuss. I was completely freaked out and I seriously didn't even feel the needles. I didn't even get the menopur burn but I let it sit like everyone has suggested. I felt that one going in where I didn't for the gonal f but I think that was more because it was harder to push out and more volume.
Drsquid - Wonder what made it hurt so bad...have you tried putting heat on it to help?

1st stims done! Woohoo! I'm such a wuss. I was completely freaked out and I seriously didn't even feel the needles. I didn't even get the menopur burn but I let it sit like everyone has suggested. I felt that one going in where I didn't for the gonal f but I think that was more because it was harder to push out and more volume.

YAY raelynn!!!! So glad it wasn't nearly as bad as you had imagined....now with the first one out of the way all the others will be no biggie!!!! So glad for you....

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