IVF/IUI March/April Baby Madness!!

This thread needs some more action. Any news from anyone?

babydrms, did you tell co-workers today?

Thanks for the advice about ms meds everyone. I am taking zofran now, which my re prescribed. No more vomiting and less nausea now. I'm trying to take as little as possible, but it is helping me get through the day.

Hope everyone is doing well!
I'm glad the prescription is helping. Great that you are getting some relief. :happydance:

I have news, I had my scan tulip is measuring perfectly at 10+2 HB was between 160-170 and my two hematomas have shrunk! :yipee: They are no longer bleeding and are almost gone the biggest length of the two was 1cm all other measurements were less.

Great news about the scan!!

I had an OB appt earlier this week at 11 weeks. The dr wasn't able to find the heartbeat on the doppler so she had me get an ultrasound right away. I got to see the tyke's little feet, legs, face, etc. was very cool. I also liked that the dr had me get the scan for peace of mind. Makes me think she also worries about my mental health vs just the medical piece. I really like her. I have my nt scan scheduled for 9/10. I am excited to see in there again. I wish there was a window so I could peek anytime.

So at this point in the game where are your thoughts? We have talked about names and things like that but the idea of buying stuff still seems weird. Like it isn't really happening. Anyone else feeling the same? When do people start setting up daycare? I feel kind of clueless.

I feel the same. I want to start buying stuff and looking into daycare, ect but still feel like its too early. Maybe after this week since I will be in second tri I will feel better. Also I think it still feels less real without a proper bump!
I would not have worn a swimsuit at 9 weeks but everyone is different. I have been extremely bloated.
I'm so bloated at 9 weeks I wouldn't be caught dead in a swimsuit. I don't even like getting dressed.
I feel pretty bloated at 9+5
Although I had a 12 week patient the other day who was a total stick and you couldn't tell. So I guess it depends on what you look like to begin with? And probably how sick you're feeling. I feel like I have been eating a TON of carbs to combat sickness and I'm sure that's not helping my waistline.
I’m exactly the same Fisher…eating nothing but carbs to try to stave off the ms. Like the apple fritter I just ate! After taking my zofran, I am hungry almost immediately. But the sight of salad or anything remotely healthy is repulsive. My diet is definitely not helping my bikini body.

Thanks for all the honesty ladies. I’m not sure what I will end up doing. It would be totally weird if I wasn’t out lounging by the pool with my girlfriends, but I certainly don’t want to feel like a beached whale! Maybe I’ll be investing in a cute coverup. Or just say “f it” and tell people there. We’ll see.
s08~ 10 weeks for me is a lot worse than 9 weeks. There was some bloat but I actually felt normal. No matter what you decide I hope you enjoy yourself and have a good time.

Kelly~ Great news about the scan!

Husky~ How scary that must of been. I'm so glad everything is well and you got to see your little one. As for buying stuff... we have started getting little things but not a ton. When hubby gets back I think we are going to look at cribs. I want two matching so we will be buying them together. We talked about names before we even got a bfp. Now we just wait and see what we are having to do the other shopping. It still doesn't feel real to me either even after a little shopping.

fisher~ Has your spotting stopped for you? I hope you are doing well.

AFM~ Like the rest of you I can't get enough carbs. I'm also really in the mood for fruit all the time. I have my NT scan in 2 weeks from tomorrow. It feels like the 14th will take forever to get here. Are you ladies working out any? My OB told me I should be but the RE told me not to because of the massive cyst. I still have it and I don't want to end up back in the ER because of it. I guess that is just part of the worry. Anyways, I just thought I would ask what you ladies are doing.
What about a Tankini??? Then you can cover up a bit?

I also want to start shopping and being able to open admit to people that my boobs are gigantic and I am "fat" not because I have had a bad diet, but because I am actually pregnant!!! I will fully come out of the closet next week once I have my NT scan at 11w6d - if there is a HB and all is good that day then I'll be fully open with people about my situation!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well :)
Thanks for the advice about the tankini. But I think for me personally, a tankini would be more of a giveaway than if I taped my positive hpt to my forehead. I've just worn two-pieces for so long that people would think it was a little odd. This is the BEST problem EVER!!! I never thought I'd have to deal with how to hide my pregnancy...love it!

Can't wait to hear about your NT scans, Springy and MrsC!

About working out, I haven't seen the inside of my gym in months. I do briskly walk my dog every night, but I'm hoping to feel up to work out more in the 2nd tri.
HAHAHAHA :rofl: I haven't actually gained a lot of weight and I'm 11 weeks but my boobs are huge so I would need to buy a new bikini just to put the girls into it :haha:

And I agree its a GREAT problem to have :happydance: Are these close friends? If so then there may not be any harm in telling them your situation.
Oh and I too have seen the inside of the gym once since June .... I went to walk on the treadmill a few weeks ago with DH and that was it! We did a lot of walking in NYC this week so I feel better now about going for brisk walks so starting next week when I am in the 2nd tri I will try and go a few nights a week to either ride the stationary bike and/or to walk on the treadmill. I am too paranoid to do much else!
I think there is the unwritten rule about waiting until 12 weeks to tell people but I don't get it. Maybe it is because the average population doesn't get a scan until week 12 so there is more of a chance that there would be an issue. If you are ready to tell, tell. Dont feel like you have yo wait. Could be a great chance with everyone together.

And... You could totally wear your bikini and use a sharpie to draw the baby on your tummy and see who notices first. :).
Hey Ladies glad to hear you are all doing well!

Kelly-Congrats on your scan! So exciting!

Husky- Glad you got to have another scan and get some reassurance it makes things a lot easier. As for the shopping I completely understand I almost feel like we are jinxing ourselves by buying stuff but we did cave in and bought the high chair and crib. The thing is that here in Korea those two items are very hard to find and when you find them they are very expensive so we had been stalking craigslist and found some pretty good deals so decided to take the opportunity to buy it.

s08- I actually lost weight up until last week but I wouldn't have been able to hide my bump at 9 weeks in a bikini but everyone starts showing at different times. Definitely a great problem to have :)

AFM- I have been feeling like crap. It is funny they say things get better after 12 weeks. For me I had the worst nausea, headaches and just plain old feeling miserable starting week 12 and 13 was by far the worst. I have not been on because I have basically had headaches every day for the past two weeks. I broke down and went to the doctors last week cause I was having a really bad sensation down there and thought it could have been a bladder infection was also having some cramps so I decided to go in and get scanned. There was the baby oh so cute and measuring a day ahead and no infection. I am finally feeling a bit better but the headaches are killing me I really hope they go away soon. I am not so patiently waiting for my scan in a week and a half they will finish the trisonomy testing then and I will get released to go back to the US hopefully they will tell me the sex then if not I am making the appointment for end of September when I go back.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thanks guys.

I can't work out till the SCH's are completely gone.

I wouldn't wear a swim suit bikini style at 9 weeks but I would have a tankini. My bloat started going down around 8-9 weeks though in the evening it's pretty bad.
So8 - the trip sounds fun and as mentioned May be a great opportunity to tell everyone together and as my doc put it, there is nothing magical about 12 weeks. Apparently 8 weeks is the big mile stone. Enjoy!
Hi girls.

I'm in my 11th week and I'm still not showing. I can still pull of a tight t-shirt (I wore that yesterday to work). I don't get bloated. I'm still not constipated and I guess that helps a lot. I'm quite thin too and I kind of thought I'd be showing earlier. Guess not.
I'm still terribly nauseous most of the day(even threw up a few times last week) and I'm only fine when I eat. But I can't eat all day non-stop.

I think there are two big mile stones for telling people. First scan and nuchal translucency scan. First scan is around 8 weeks in my country. That's when you see the HB and it's when you tell your closest family and friends. And after NT (around 12 weeks) you can tell everybody else. Of course, it all depends on the couple. Some tell everybody as soon as they get a BFP and others don't tell till they can't hide the bump anymore.

I'm not buying anything yet. I don't know. Maybe I don't want to jinx it. I'll start buying maternity clothes after the NT and baby things even later.

NT in 10 days. Can't wait. If everything is fine then, I'll be telling more people, including co-workers.
Thanks again for the input everyone. Most of the group going on the trip are our really good friends, so we might just spill the beans. And I was in a department store dressing room last night (we all know how flattering those are, right?) and was really looking at my stomach now...not so cute already. Maybe no pool time for me in Vegas!

Seoul, sorry you're feeling so terrible. No fun at all!
So, I'm back from my first scan. Measuring a day ahead at 7+1 with a heartbeat of 147!!! We are obviously thrilled. Makes all this ms worth it!
Hi Ladies!!!

Kelly, congrats on such a great scan!

Husky, I"m glad all turned out well for you and baby. I couldn't imagine! I also have my nt scan on 09/10.

AFM- I've been doing okay. Sometimes I have a little queasiness, but no vomiting, thank God!! I had my first OB appt on Monday, and boy was it a long one. My appt was for 1:30pm, but I had to be there for 1pm to fill out new patient paperwork. All in all, it was great! I got to see our little angel move, and I really like my OB and his staff! I got a call from the nurse on Wednesday saying that I have a bladder infection and will have to take an antibiotic. I will be starting it on today. Aside from the nasty bladder infection, everything is continuing to go well. As for buying things....DH and I bought a unisex travel system from Target last weekend. It was on sale at a great price, so I couldn't let it pass. We've also been looking at cribs as well. I just can't decide if I want the convertible crib with the diaper changer, and drawer space attached, or if I want them all to be separate pieces. I'm leaning more towards getting the convertible 3 in 1-crib with diaper changer, and 3 drawer spaces attached. I think it'll be more of a space saver for us. But, we'll see. Like many of you have already stated, it did feel kind of weird to buy something. It also made me feel like I was jumping the gun, or something...but anyways, I pray all is going well with all of you!!
s08~ Sound like a great appointment and heartbeat! I'm sure you were able to let out a little breath at that moment.

Desires~ The first appointment was long for me as well. We are looking at the 3 in 1 cribs but with everything separate. The 3 in 1 seems to be the best idea since it can be used for so long.

seoul~ Sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad. I hope the headaches pass soon for you.

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