IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Then we can do it together all over again :)
Hi Ladies, I've been reading your posts and I hope I can join. I am TTC #2. Ive started my IVF cycle, day 2 of Lupron. I should have retrieval sometime around the 9th of December. At that point they will go through PGD and I will do a frozen transfer my next cycle. I look forward to going through this process with you all.
Hi Ladies, I've been reading your posts and I hope I can join. I am TTC #2. Ive started my IVF cycle, day 2 of Lupron. I should have retrieval sometime around the 9th of December. At that point they will go through PGD and I will do a frozen transfer my next cycle. I look forward to going through this process with you all.

Welcome FaithMommy :hi:
I'm 25. That's kind of what i was thinking too. I hope that I can have 2 embryos placed back and then freeze a few for another time.

The big debate between my doctor and me is how many embryos to place. I have asked or a second opinion by one of the other doctors. He is a little old school and wants to do 1 so I can't end up with multiples but at the same time says it make take an extra cycle of IVF or two to get pregnant..... ?

How old are you? I know that a lot of places make the distinction based on age. In Canada the clinics practice are sometimes 3 if you're over 35 and 2 if you're younger. Personally if I have 2 embies I want both put back and if I have more then hopefully they make it to freeze!
Welcome Faith! We "might" have our ERs on the same day! I'm targeting 12/9 as well!

Good luck!!!
Good evening and welcome all the new ladies!!

I don;t know anything about the IVF stuff you all are going through but I have been keeping up with you all when I get a chance to get on here for a minute. I wish you all the best of luck.

As for me and my IUI cycle... AF showed up on 11/20 so I called FS today and they said the normal stuff. Start testing day 10 and all that good stuff. Also they want me to come in on day 10-12 for u/s. I'm on an unmedicated IUI so this will be a first for me. Anyone have any idea of what to expect? I'm not nervous or anything just curious. Is this something I should take notes on as well? I'm set up to go in on the 30th unless of course surge happens first.

Oh and also DH came home of Friday :happydance: although I think 29 hours of flying got to him because he has a pretty bad cold. I have now got it and I'm really hoping to get rid of it by the time O happens. Not sure if this will hold me back on the IUI or anything.

I doubt the IUI would be effected by a cold unless you get really sick. If you do get sick maybe see if they want you to wear a mask to the Dr :shrug: The u/s will be a vaginal ultrasound and I don't find them to be that big a deal, though some women get embarrassed by it :blush: They will measure your follicle to see if you are getting close to O to time the IUI. Are they going to trigger ovulation or just wait for your natural surge? The IUI will feel pretty much like a pap and generally they will have you lay on the exam table about 10 minutes and send you on your way.

I'm not doing a trigger. I just use OPK's and wait for my natural surge. I missed it last month so this month they want to do the u/s just to see if I'm on track I think :shrug: I have already been through one IUI so I know how all that goes. The only thing that is different is this u/s. I will be doing that on day 11 and normally have my surge day 12 or 13. She said that if everything looks good we might just do the IUI that same day. Not sure if thats a good idea or not but we will see. Now just waiting for AF to leave and start testing. I'm still pretty sick but DH is taking care of me and making me rest. Thats a hard thing for me to do as I always feel like something needs to be done around the house. Especially with the holiday coming up! Thanks for the info on the u/s :)
Hi Ladies, I've been reading your posts and I hope I can join. I am TTC #2. Ive started my IVF cycle, day 2 of Lupron. I should have retrieval sometime around the 9th of December. At that point they will go through PGD and I will do a frozen transfer my next cycle. I look forward to going through this process with you all.

Welcome FaithMommy! :flower:

Is this your first IVF cycle? I will have ET on 7th of December as of now. How have you been doing with Lupron? I feel really tired and want to sleep, but other than that no bad side effects.

Keep us posted and take care :hugs:
Hi Ladies, I've been reading your posts and I hope I can join. I am TTC #2. Ive started my IVF cycle, day 2 of Lupron. I should have retrieval sometime around the 9th of December. At that point they will go through PGD and I will do a frozen transfer my next cycle. I look forward to going through this process with you all.

Welcome Faith!! Look forward to following you through the IVF journey!!!
I am so glad I found this board.. I was going crazy none of my IRL friends really can empathize or understand what I have been going through and DH gets it but not like another woman going through the same thing does... :) Cant wait to chat more with you all!
Hi! can I join you ladies?
I will be doing my first IUI in december. cd1 for me should be december 1 brought on by provera. I will be doing injectables as clomid/femera/tomoxifen did absolutly nothing for me.
I am so terrified to be taking this step. I don't know what I will do if it doesn't work or if I find out I am a poor responder, as this is all out of pocket.

Any of you ladies have some good advice for me?
Hiya No Regrets. Are you going to an OBGYN or an RE? My husband's family lives up near Sioux Falls and eventually we will move back there to take over the family farm. But my hubby doesn't want to move until we have a couple kids because he didn't think there'd be any REs there. So I'm interested to know if you have to travel somewhere else (not that there's much else close by!).

As far as advice... this will be tough, but I'd try to not get too worried about it in advance. Maybe you won't respond well to it, but... It might be exactly what you need. Try to focus on the positive. You have to try it once to find out.

Hi! can I join you ladies?
I will be doing my first IUI in december. cd1 for me should be december 1 brought on by provera. I will be doing injectables as clomid/femera/tomoxifen did absolutly nothing for me.
I am so terrified to be taking this step. I don't know what I will do if it doesn't work or if I find out I am a poor responder, as this is all out of pocket.

Any of you ladies have some good advice for me?

Welcome no_regrets :hi:

Like SG said, try not to worry (though I know we all worry anyways). With all this AC stuff the anticipation has always been worse for me than anything I actually had to do. There are lots of women that won't respond to clomid, etc. but I think it is pretty rare for people to not respond to injectibles. Good luck for you IUI, FX you will be starting the new year with a BFP :dust:
Had a consult with my RE today. Other than being annoyed at being kept waiting til 45 minutes after my appointment time it went well...

We worked out the timing and discussed some of my questions (more detail in my journal). We made a plan to do 50% ICSI and may do up to 100% depending on how the sample looks and how many eggs we have. He did recommend assisted hatching due to my age, which I kind of expected and hope it gets us past one more step in the process. I also asked about acupuncture and he said they encourage it since anything to reduce stress is good. So I have an acupuncturist they refer to contact after the holiday.

So here is the plan:
1/2 - stop BCP
1/3 - baseline scan and E2
1/7 - start stims
1/7 to 1/9 - 300IU gonal f
1/10 to 1/11 - 225 gonal f
1/12 - 1st stim scan
1/16 or 1/17 ER
1/19 or 1/20 ET (most likely a 3dt)

It's really happening!!! :happydance:
Hi! can I join you ladies?
I will be doing my first IUI in december. cd1 for me should be december 1 brought on by provera. I will be doing injectables as clomid/femera/tomoxifen did absolutly nothing for me.
I am so terrified to be taking this step. I don't know what I will do if it doesn't work or if I find out I am a poor responder, as this is all out of pocket.

Any of you ladies have some good advice for me?

Welcome no_regrets! :hi: I know how daunting and scary this whole assisted conception process can be but this forum is a great way to get support and advice from other women going through the same things as you are!

As for the move to injectables that was the position I was in back in August. I was terrified and thought "HOW am I going to do this?!" but it really is a breeze. I was also considered a non-responder to clomid as I only ever had 1 follicle but I responded well to injectables. Don't loose hope yet there are different types of injectables, different dosages etc. Hang in there!!!! :hugs:

Had a consult with my RE today. Other than being annoyed at being kept waiting til 45 minutes after my appointment time it went well...

We worked out the timing and discussed some of my questions (more detail in my journal). We made a plan to do 50% ICSI and may do up to 100% depending on how the sample looks and how many eggs we have. He did recommend assisted hatching due to my age, which I kind of expected and hope it gets us past one more step in the process. I also asked about acupuncture and he said they encourage it since anything to reduce stress is good. So I have an acupuncturist they refer to contact after the holiday.

So here is the plan:
1/2 - stop BCP
1/3 - baseline scan and E2
1/7 - start stims
1/7 to 1/9 - 300IU gonal f
1/10 to 1/11 - 225 gonal f
1/12 - 1st stim scan
1/16 or 1/17 ER
1/19 or 1/20 ET (most likely a 3dt)

It's really happening!!! :happydance:

YAY!!!!! This is happening!!!! Looks like a great protocol and now you can relax and enjoy the holidays.

As for me .... DH and I have decided to get a second opinion and move fertility clinics. We will be putting in a request next week to ask for a referral to the new clinic. I am pretty sure there will be a waiting list so looks like my IVF journey may be delayed a bit, but we are both OK with this as we wanted to move to a clinic where we are 100% comfortable. I know 3 people who have done IVF at the clinic we are looking to move to, all with BFPs on first round!

Has anyone had an endometrial biopsy done??
Yay mrs Bear!!! Good plan!

Springy, hope you get in that clinic soon!

AFM- I had my IUI yesterday, I went this morning for follow up to see if they collapsed and they did so now 1dpo. The dreaded TWW begins. So glad I have a break from the clinic visits. I go back on 12-5 for a pregnancy test. My follicles reached 28 and 24 yesterday and both were released. I even mentioned the right tube being blocked and she made me feel better when she told me sometimes the good tube picks up the blocked tubes egg.
Sounds like everyone is getting everything all figured out.. I love it!!

Noreg- I havent done IUI so I cant be of any help but best of luck to you and welcome, I too am new to the forum!
I'm planning on putting back two as well. My sister and law just did this and got a two for one deal. She's preggers with twins!

I'm 25. That's kind of what i was thinking too. I hope that I can have 2 embryos placed back and then freeze a few for another time.

The big debate between my doctor and me is how many embryos to place. I have asked or a second opinion by one of the other doctors. He is a little old school and wants to do 1 so I can't end up with multiples but at the same time says it make take an extra cycle of IVF or two to get pregnant..... ?

How old are you? I know that a lot of places make the distinction based on age. In Canada the clinics practice are sometimes 3 if you're over 35 and 2 if you're younger. Personally if I have 2 embies I want both put back and if I have more then hopefully they make it to freeze!
Yay!! That's great. Although I am secretly hoping I go after the ninth. I teach and have parent/teacher conferences on the 8th and 9th. I don't want to tick off all the parents!!:nope:

Welcome Faith! We "might" have our ERs on the same day! I'm targeting 12/9 as well!

Good luck!!!

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