IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Hi! This is my first IVF cycle. We're doing this for the PGD...I was unaware I needed this with my first.

I hope I go the 7th too! I dont know if I have any side effects. I purposly haven't looked up what they are....because then I would definitely have them!! :winkwink:

So far I'm a little achy and I don't have much of an appetite. How about you?

Hi Ladies, I've been reading your posts and I hope I can join. I am TTC #2. Ive started my IVF cycle, day 2 of Lupron. I should have retrieval sometime around the 9th of December. At that point they will go through PGD and I will do a frozen transfer my next cycle. I look forward to going through this process with you all.

Welcome FaithMommy! :flower:

Is this your first IVF cycle? I will have ET on 7th of December as of now. How have you been doing with Lupron? I feel really tired and want to sleep, but other than that no bad side effects.

Keep us posted and take care :hugs:
Just jump in. I'm doing IVF and PGD out of pocket.....sucks, but the reward will be amazing.

Hi! can I join you ladies?
I will be doing my first IUI in december. cd1 for me should be december 1 brought on by provera. I will be doing injectables as clomid/femera/tomoxifen did absolutly nothing for me.
I am so terrified to be taking this step. I don't know what I will do if it doesn't work or if I find out I am a poor responder, as this is all out of pocket.

Any of you ladies have some good advice for me?
I hate it when they make you wait like that. With the amount of money we are all paying the service should at least be timely.

We are doing 100% ICSI. What would be the reason for only doing 50%?

Had a consult with my RE today. Other than being annoyed at being kept waiting til 45 minutes after my appointment time it went well...

We worked out the timing and discussed some of my questions (more detail in my journal). We made a plan to do 50% ICSI and may do up to 100% depending on how the sample looks and how many eggs we have. He did recommend assisted hatching due to my age, which I kind of expected and hope it gets us past one more step in the process. I also asked about acupuncture and he said they encourage it since anything to reduce stress is good. So I have an acupuncturist they refer to contact after the holiday.

So here is the plan:
1/2 - stop BCP
1/3 - baseline scan and E2
1/7 - start stims
1/7 to 1/9 - 300IU gonal f
1/10 to 1/11 - 225 gonal f
1/12 - 1st stim scan
1/16 or 1/17 ER
1/19 or 1/20 ET (most likely a 3dt)

It's really happening!!! :happydance:
What should I be doing to help with the whole stim and retrieval process? Are the any vitamins, supplements, foods I should be working into my diet?
As far as the 50% ICSI, that's what my clinic will do as well, if I have lots of eggs. If I only have a few, they'll do 100% ICSI. For one, if you do half and the half that was just put in the petri dish doesn't fertilize, you likely know what your issue is, and in the future everything would be ICSI'd.

I don't know, it's kind of like not putting all your...... pause for the awesome pun.... eggs in one basket with doing 100% of one or the other.
Faith, as far as supplements, at this point I wouldn't add anything in unless your doctor says to. Take a prenatal vitamin (my clinic requires it). Otherwise, I'm trying to eat more fruits and unprocessed foods. Also trying to eat more fiber....
Has anyone had an endometrial biopsy done??
I have a uterine mapping scheduled but they havent said anything about needing an endometrial biopsy. I know some women on BnB have had it done though. Might just depend on the clinic protocols.

AFM- I had my IUI yesterday, I went this morning for follow up to see if they collapsed and they did so now 1dpo. The dreaded TWW begins. So glad I have a break from the clinic visits. I go back on 12-5 for a pregnancy test. My follicles reached 28 and 24 yesterday and both were released. I even mentioned the right tube being blocked and she made me feel better when she told me sometimes the good tube picks up the blocked tubes egg.
Looking good :thumbup: Are you going to test before 12/5?

I hate it when they make you wait like that. With the amount of money we are all paying the service should at least be timely.

We are doing 100% ICSI. What would be the reason for only doing 50%?
I know - there wasn't a single other person in the waiting room when I was called back either :grr: (though it was packed when I left)

I think SG was right as far as why 50%. They have no history of how my eggs and DH's sperm act when they get together so it is probably a good thing to see how that goes if there are enough eggs. I would be really nervous not doing any ICSI worrying that I would be the 3% that have no fertilization

What should I be doing to help with the whole stim and retrieval process? Are the any vitamins, supplements, foods I should be working into my diet?

I agree with SG. I was thinking about taking them but asked my doctor and for my situation they wouldn't have been helpful and could hurt. For example, some women suggest baby aspirin but you don't want that before IVF because it is a blood thinner. Run it by your doctor and see what they say.
I think I will test on Monday to see if the trigger is out yet. I seen 2 girls say there's was out at 6 days. I don't think I can wait till 12/5 but I also don't want the trigger screwing with my head either so that makes me want to wait.
Hiya No Regrets. Are you going to an OBGYN or an RE? My husband's family lives up near Sioux Falls and eventually we will move back there to take over the family farm. But my hubby doesn't want to move until we have a couple kids because he didn't think there'd be any REs there. So I'm interested to know if you have to travel somewhere else (not that there's much else close by!).

As far as advice... this will be tough, but I'd try to not get too worried about it in advance. Maybe you won't respond well to it, but... It might be exactly what you need. Try to focus on the positive. You have to try it once to find out.


Yes we see an re. We just moved to sioux city but I still go to Sioux falls for my appointments. We go to sanford womens. The re is Dr Keith Hanson but we see his cnp Angela Schmidt. She is amazing. I have been seeing her since September but we have seen her about seven times because she talks to me after every ultrasound. They got me in in less then a month after my referral
I think I will test on Monday to see if the trigger is out yet. I seen 2 girls say there's was out at 6 days. I don't think I can wait till 12/5 but I also don't want the trigger screwing with my head either so that makes me want to wait.

Some women still see a line 10-11 days after trigger so hopefully yours will fade fast so you won't have to wonder. :dust:
Yes we see an re. We just moved to sioux city but I still go to Sioux falls for my appointments. We go to sanford womens. The re is Dr Keith Hanson but we see his cnp Angela Schmidt. She is amazing. I have been seeing her since September but we have seen her about seven times because she talks to me after every ultrasound. They got me in in less then a month after my referral

Awesome! Good to know this!!!

Glad you like the lady you're seeing. Considering what we're going through, it's pretty important to like them and have confidence in them.

How's everyone doing today? Recovering from Thanksgiving/familly time? My in-laws just left so I finally get to relax some.

Oooh, and I get to start stimming tomorrow! woohooo!!! 150 of Follistim in the morning and 100 at night, plus the 10 units of Lupron in the morning still.
I'm planning on putting back two as well. My sister and law just did this and got a two for one deal. She's preggers with twins!

I'm 25. That's kind of what i was thinking too. I hope that I can have 2 embryos placed back and then freeze a few for another time.

The big debate between my doctor and me is how many embryos to place. I have asked or a second opinion by one of the other doctors. He is a little old school and wants to do 1 so I can't end up with multiples but at the same time says it make take an extra cycle of IVF or two to get pregnant..... ?

Personally if I have 2 embies I want both put back and if I have more then hopefully they make it to freeze!

DH wants 1 put back so we're going with 1. If I had my choice, I'd probably go with 2 bc it makes more sense to me in a "just in case" kinda way especially since we're paying for everything out of pocket. The reality of raising 2 would be crazy and stressful, but if I had to risk it to get 1 I'd be ok with the strain. Now the ironic thing would be if having 2 put back would actually increase the risk of miscarriage? Humm, I need to do some research.

My ivf consult is finally next wk, Dec 1. Hallelujah!:happydance:
I think I'm gonna be joining you!!! I have PCOS and in the midst of IVF right now but my RE is planning on freezing my embryos for a FET in January. I am uber bummed since I just want to get off the roller coaster but I am hoping the wait is worth it!
How's everyone doing today? Recovering from Thanksgiving/familly time? My in-laws just left so I finally get to relax some.

Oooh, and I get to start stimming tomorrow! woohooo!!! 150 of Follistim in the morning and 100 at night, plus the 10 units of Lupron in the morning still.

Yay for starting stims! :yipee:

Nothing much going on with me this weekend. Trying to get the house ready to decorate for the holidays and did a little shopping.

DH wants 1 put back so we're going with 1. If I had my choice, I'd probably go with 2 bc it makes more sense to me in a "just in case" kinda way especially since we're paying for everything out of pocket. The reality of raising 2 would be crazy and stressful, but if I had to risk it to get 1 I'd be ok with the strain. Now the ironic thing would be if having 2 put back would actually increase the risk of miscarriage? Humm, I need to do some research.

My ivf consult is finally next wk, Dec 1. Hallelujah!:happydance:
Yay for consult! :yipee:

As far as # to put back, maybe remind DH of how much the cost is and that will convince him to let you do 2? :shrug:

I think I'm gonna be joining you!!! I have PCOS and in the midst of IVF right now but my RE is planning on freezing my embryos for a FET in January. I am uber bummed since I just want to get off the roller coaster but I am hoping the wait is worth it!

Welcome ILuvBabies200 :hi:

Sorry you are going to have to wait for FET but I guess it is better to wait til conditions are perfect. PCOSMomto1 had the same thing happen to her and she just got her BFP :thumbup:
How's everyone doing today? Recovering from Thanksgiving/familly time? My in-laws just left so I finally get to relax some.

Oooh, and I get to start stimming tomorrow! woohooo!!! 150 of Follistim in the morning and 100 at night, plus the 10 units of Lupron in the morning still.

Yay for starting stims! :yipee:

Nothing much going on with me this weekend. Trying to get the house ready to decorate for the holidays and did a little shopping.

DH wants 1 put back so we're going with 1. If I had my choice, I'd probably go with 2 bc it makes more sense to me in a "just in case" kinda way especially since we're paying for everything out of pocket. The reality of raising 2 would be crazy and stressful, but if I had to risk it to get 1 I'd be ok with the strain. Now the ironic thing would be if having 2 put back would actually increase the risk of miscarriage? Humm, I need to do some research.

My ivf consult is finally next wk, Dec 1. Hallelujah!:happydance:
Yay for consult! :yipee:

As far as # to put back, maybe remind DH of how much the cost is and that will convince him to let you do 2? :shrug:

I think I'm gonna be joining you!!! I have PCOS and in the midst of IVF right now but my RE is planning on freezing my embryos for a FET in January. I am uber bummed since I just want to get off the roller coaster but I am hoping the wait is worth it!

Welcome ILuvBabies200 :hi:

Sorry you are going to have to wait for FET but I guess it is better to wait til conditions are perfect. PCOSMomto1 had the same thing happen to her and she just got her BFP :thumbup:

Yep I know PCOSmom from our IVF Nov/Dec thread! :thumbup:
Hi ladies,

Looks like a few people have joined and thats exciting. Welcome to all of you! Sorry I have been slacking on the comments and keeping up with you all DH is home for a little while and I like to soak up as much time with him as I can get. The month he is home seems to fly by :(

Just thought I would check in. My nasty cold is gone now. AF has left so now I have started testing for O. Don't want to miss it again this month so I'm starting early. Anyone else using OPK's? Wednesday is u/s day so that will be different for me and DH. We are not worried about it at all just waiting to see what they say. Other than that nothing much else to report.

Quick question though.... Is there anything I should take notes on during this u/s? Any questions I should ask? So many new things and I don't have a clue at what I'm looking at when I go in :dohh: Any advice would be great!!

I hope everyone else is doing well and had a nice Thanksgiving.
MrsC, I'm sure others may disagree with me on this, but I don't take any notes during ultrasounds. In the beginning I'd get super obsessed about how many follies I had and how big and whatnot. By the third IUI I just decided to let my clinic handle it and tell me when to trigger and when to come in for the IUI. For me it was less stressful than trying to second guess whether the timing or medication doses were correct.

I'm going to do the same with my IVF cycle. I know some people get really caught up with what their E2 levels and whatnot are. I just want to TRY to go with the flow.

So, in a nutshell, I'd say you definitely don't NEED to take notes. They will be sure to tell you what you need to do and when. But you certainly can write down the follie sizes if you want to keep track.
Re How many embryo transfer....
I really want to put two back, because I am so scared of the depression I will be in if this doesn't work, especially if I have to have to wonder what if I would have put the second one in sorta thing... we are also paying completely out of pocket (other than the meds)
DH only wants to put one back, he is scared of the risks of a twin pregnancy and of course thinks having twins would be difficult, which don't get me wrong it would be, but I would rather 2 than 0. I know my RE is going to recommend 1 (that is what they are going towards as routine practice now) ESPECIALLY where we are so young, so I am going in 2 against 1... sigh....
Constance- Darn those DH's.... haha
Hello all, thought I'd check in and see how everyone is doing? Been a bit sloppy checking this lately, work is absolutely crazy at the moment and about to get even more hectic, fortunately not long till Xmas now.
First of all hello and welcome to all new members!
I'm a little behind many of you as waiting for :witch: now to be able to phone in and get my appointment... should be in about 10-12 days!
It was my birthday a week ago and I got the last piss up out of the way, hopefully it will be the last in a long time and I made sure I wouldn't miss the booze for a loooog time, haha :oops:
Other than that, I'm trying not to make any changes until I know for sure that I'm going to get to start the IVF cycle in December.
I called at the beginning of this month but unfortunately as they close the labs for Xmas they couldn't let me start as it might have been likely that the labs would have been needed over that period. They did however note it on my file that I had requested it and they can only turn you down twice, after which they HAVE TO start you on it the 3rd time you ask. I'm confident they'll let me start in December. They seemed extremely apologetic about not letting me start last month, so fingers crossed.
Well, hope it's been a good week-end for everyone xx :dust:

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