IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Hello ladies. I have been on and off B&B. It feels like we are just in a holding pattern. Tomorrow I go in for 'infectious disease testing' whatever that is. Now it feels like we are actuallly getting started. My cycle started this week so we are now just waiting for the next one to start to hop on BCP. Coming soon!!! :)

Yay to getting started this week with the last screening stuff :) :thumbup:
Hi ladies,

A little update from me: had my bloods done again today and they are now at <4, which although I would have loved them to rise as they should and that the pregnancy was a keeper, at least this nightmare is over now and I can finally mourn and move forward :cry: It's taken since the 24th October for my levels to finally come down, so it's been a long old emotional roller coaster.

They have told me that I'll see the consultant some time in Jan for hopefully starting DR in Feb, but this will depend on my blood results to check for any reason for my recurrent miscarriages :shrug: Also I may have to put it off even longer depending on if they can time it right for the easter school hols, as being a teacher I cannot put additional holidays in, so if not it'll have to be the summer hols :growlmad:

Anywho, one can only wait and see but i'd still like to share it with you all :hugs:
Well, we had the follow up this morning, and I cried even though I promised myself that I wouldn't :cry:. It's like just when I think I'm alright discussing it, I'm not. My re discussed the issues in the cycle- egg quality, response, etcetera. For the next cycle we will be more aggressive with the Gonal F, and I'm also going to be on synarel to down regulate (did short protocol this time). In the meantime I'll be continuing with metformin to hopefully boost my egg quality, and help prevent OHSS. And, we've also added coq10 to the mix. She wants to cycle me again in January, but I think I may even wait until February according to how I feel
:hugs: Hopefully the changes they are making will be all you need to get that BFP. Definitely use your best judgment as far as when you are ready to start your next cycle. IVF is hard enough without pushing yourself when you aren't quite ready. :hugs:

A little update from me: had my bloods done again today and they are now at <4, which although I would have loved them to rise as they should and that the pregnancy was a keeper, at least this nightmare is over now and I can finally mourn and move forward :cry: It's taken since the 24th October for my levels to finally come down, so it's been a long old emotional roller coaster.

They have told me that I'll see the consultant some time in Jan for hopefully starting DR in Feb, but this will depend on my blood results to check for any reason for my recurrent miscarriages :shrug: Also I may have to put it off even longer depending on if they can time it right for the easter school hols, as being a teacher I cannot put additional holidays in, so if not it'll have to be the summer hols :growlmad:

Glad things are finally settling down for you. FX things work out for your Easter holidays and you won't have to wait for summer :hugs:

As for me, called RE nurse today with questions about timing, whether I should be taking DHEA/CoQ10, ICSI, Assisted Hatching, etc and nurse said I should go ahead and schedule a consult with my RE to go over my questions and finalize a plan. Originally my RE said he wanted to meet with me before IVF anyway, and repeated as much to the nurse a month ago, but then one of the student doctors called a couple weeks back and said he didn't need to because my protocol was set. I suspect she got that wrong personally since he had twice said for me to come in... Either way, I am going in Wednesday for a consult so ater that I should know most if not all of the specifics. So excited to be getting closer :happydance:

Good evening everyone! Wow, so much activity in here! Welcome to the new ladies!

Springy -- I was much more worried about Lupron than it has turned out to be. I've had just the slightest little headache after the first 2 injections. Otherwise, just some itching, redness and bumps after some of the shots. Each day the reaction has been slightly different. But so far, nothing to worry about!! Huge relief!!
Good evening and welcome all the new ladies!!

I don;t know anything about the IVF stuff you all are going through but I have been keeping up with you all when I get a chance to get on here for a minute. I wish you all the best of luck.

As for me and my IUI cycle... AF showed up on 11/20 so I called FS today and they said the normal stuff. Start testing day 10 and all that good stuff. Also they want me to come in on day 10-12 for u/s. I'm on an unmedicated IUI so this will be a first for me. Anyone have any idea of what to expect? I'm not nervous or anything just curious. Is this something I should take notes on as well? I'm set up to go in on the 30th unless of course surge happens first.

Oh and also DH came home of Friday :happydance: although I think 29 hours of flying got to him because he has a pretty bad cold. I have now got it and I'm really hoping to get rid of it by the time O happens. Not sure if this will hold me back on the IUI or anything.
Good evening and welcome all the new ladies!!

I don;t know anything about the IVF stuff you all are going through but I have been keeping up with you all when I get a chance to get on here for a minute. I wish you all the best of luck.

As for me and my IUI cycle... AF showed up on 11/20 so I called FS today and they said the normal stuff. Start testing day 10 and all that good stuff. Also they want me to come in on day 10-12 for u/s. I'm on an unmedicated IUI so this will be a first for me. Anyone have any idea of what to expect? I'm not nervous or anything just curious. Is this something I should take notes on as well? I'm set up to go in on the 30th unless of course surge happens first.

Oh and also DH came home of Friday :happydance: although I think 29 hours of flying got to him because he has a pretty bad cold. I have now got it and I'm really hoping to get rid of it by the time O happens. Not sure if this will hold me back on the IUI or anything.

I doubt the IUI would be effected by a cold unless you get really sick. If you do get sick maybe see if they want you to wear a mask to the Dr :shrug: The u/s will be a vaginal ultrasound and I don't find them to be that big a deal, though some women get embarrassed by it :blush: They will measure your follicle to see if you are getting close to O to time the IUI. Are they going to trigger ovulation or just wait for your natural surge? The IUI will feel pretty much like a pap and generally they will have you lay on the exam table about 10 minutes and send you on your way.
I was suppose to take my trigger at 1am but didn't hear my alarm so I took it at 2am! Oops... Anyways, I'm very nauseated today and definately bloated! I bet I look 6 months pregnant! Blah!
I was suppose to take my trigger at 1am but didn't hear my alarm so I took it at 2am! Oops... Anyways, I'm very nauseated today and definately bloated! I bet I look 6 months pregnant! Blah!

Don't worry - That one hour won't make much difference. I always feel like I look preggo on all the meds too... if only :dohh: FX in 6 months we will all look preggo because we ARE preggo instead :dust:
I will be doing IVF in the new year too - I'm hoping for a February retrival and transfer so we will be right around one another.

I see you're in Canada, I'm in Toronto, whereabouts are you located?

Hey there!! Yes we can do this together!! Yay!! :flower: I actually left you a message on another thread and said we were both from Canada :) haha I am from Nova Scotia (Halifax). Too bad our provinces wouldn't pay for our babies huh???
The u/s will be a vaginal ultrasound and I don't find them to be that big a deal, though some women get embarrassed by it :blush:

I'm on a first name basis with the dildo cam. :rofl: I know once I was super incredibly embarrassed because AF had JUST shown up hardcore. It was super gross. The doctor and nurse were like... seriously we deal with this all the time. I said... "WELL, I DON"T and this is GROSS!" It was no problem to them. So, for those of you that haven't yet had the "pleasure" to experience the transvaginal wand exam.... there's no reason to feel embarrassed and you'll get used to it. It's just yet another fun part of infertility treatment...
I will be doing IVF in the new year too - I'm hoping for a February retrival and transfer so we will be right around one another.

I see you're in Canada, I'm in Toronto, whereabouts are you located?

Hey there!! Yes we can do this together!! Yay!! :flower: I actually left you a message on another thread and said we were both from Canada :) haha I am from Nova Scotia (Halifax). Too bad our provinces wouldn't pay for our babies huh???

I know - we should both move to Quebec!! They are paying for it there. Really wish that the Federal government would do something about funding as this out of pocket thing SUCKS!!! What is the cost in NS??
The u/s will be a vaginal ultrasound and I don't find them to be that big a deal, though some women get embarrassed by it :blush:

I'm on a first name basis with the dildo cam. :rofl: I know once I was super incredibly embarrassed because AF had JUST shown up hardcore. It was super gross. The doctor and nurse were like... seriously we deal with this all the time. I said... "WELL, I DON"T and this is GROSS!" It was no problem to them. So, for those of you that haven't yet had the "pleasure" to experience the transvaginal wand exam.... there's no reason to feel embarrassed and you'll get used to it. It's just yet another fun part of infertility treatment...

Oh Squirrel Girl this MADE my evening!!!!! :haha::haha::haha:

I remember the first month I went for monitoring and they said CD3 I said ok booked it and then thought to myself "OH MY GOD AF WILL STILL BE AROUND??!?! THIS IS DISGUSTING" now I don't even think about it. I do wonder how some of the female technicians can be so rough. I think to myself "seriously lady you have these parts you HAVE to know that isn't feeling good!!!"

I also am amazed at how easily I talk about trans vag ultrasounds & everything fertility related. When people don't know what I am talking about because I use lingo I probably look at them like they have 2 heads ...
No kidding! The woman at my clinic is worse than the men! WTF! Take it easy, and maybe buy me dinner afterward! :haha:

Oh, and my personal favorite was when I was talking to my insurance about whether ICSI was covered. The lady said she couldn't find that medication listed anywhere. Um, lady. It's not a medication. Then I tried to explain what it was! :dohh:
I know - we should both move to Quebec!! They are paying for it there. Really wish that the Federal government would do something about funding as this out of pocket thing SUCKS!!! What is the cost in NS??

Yes we should!! Apparently Quebec is the place to be!! haha...
Well we have to do ICSI so its 7350.00 plus the meds (the ICSI is 1500.00)
Mine and DH's health plans both cover the drugs (THANK GOD).

What about in Ontario?

They will fund it eventually but I am sure as heck not waiting around for that!! :wacko:
I know - we should both move to Quebec!! They are paying for it there. Really wish that the Federal government would do something about funding as this out of pocket thing SUCKS!!! What is the cost in NS??

Yes we should!! Apparently Quebec is the place to be!! haha...
Well we have to do ICSI so its 7350.00 plus the meds (the ICSI is 1500.00)
Mine and DH's health plans both cover the drugs (THANK GOD).

What about in Ontario?

They will fund it eventually but I am sure as heck not waiting around for that!! :wacko:

Its 7300 at my clinic too with ICSI and assisted hatching. My drugs are covered for 6 cycles in a life time .... and I wouldn't do more than 4 IVF in a life time so we are at least covered in that department. Figure working for a pharmaceutical company the one thing they could do was cover my drugs ;)
Wow, for IVF, that price is pretty good, I think! Mine charges 16,000 for IVF plus ICSI. Not including meds.

Thank goodness I live in a state that requires most insurance plans to cover infertility treatments! The ONLY good thing about Illinois....
I'm on a first name basis with the dildo cam. :rofl: I know once I was super incredibly embarrassed because AF had JUST shown up hardcore. It was super gross. The doctor and nurse were like... seriously we deal with this all the time. I said... "WELL, I DON"T and this is GROSS!" It was no problem to them. So, for those of you that haven't yet had the "pleasure" to experience the transvaginal wand exam.... there's no reason to feel embarrassed and you'll get used to it. It's just yet another fun part of infertility treatment...
Yeah, I've gotten to the point where who the heck even cares any more. I used to be uncomfortable at the thought of a male Ob/G but there have been so many people 'down there' in the past year that I don't even care. I just toss my feet in the stirrups and let them go at it :haha:

I agree about some of the techs being rough. I have my faves but they don't let you pick who you get :growlmad:

As for cost, mine is around $8400 USD + meds. ICSI is another $1000. I suspect it is lower than some other US clinics since it is connected to a medical school so you are dealing with student fellows sometimes. My state doesn't require coverage for IVF but I lucked out and my employer insurance is self funded so they cover 50% up to $5000 a year :happydance:. I have insurance through DH for free but added the new policy starting Jan 1st to take advantage of the IVF coverage. Every little bit helps! Hoping #1 takes though because I won't want to wait til 2013 to try again and a second one in 2012 would be all out of pocket.
Wow, for IVF, that price is pretty good, I think! Mine charges 16,000 for IVF plus ICSI. Not including meds.

Thank goodness I live in a state that requires most insurance plans to cover infertility treatments! The ONLY good thing about Illinois....

Yeeeikes and right now I am thankful for living in Canada ahaha... frustrating when you look at some things that are covered and then something like this not... crazy!!

Our drugs plans both cover up to a maximum (its a lot but not sure how much) in a lifetime as well.

I work with all the docs in my clinic (I am a labor and delivery nurse) so its nice they are always around for me to ask questions (I dont have to make an appt and pay 75 if I want to discuss something with them) haha
Mrs B!! Is your employer hiring :yipee: Thats great that you have that support!! But I agree!! I wouldnt be waiting a whole year either but we wont have to !! :) WE WILL ALL GET BFPS !!! :thumbup:
Mrs B!! Is your employer hiring :yipee: Thats great that you have that support!! But I agree!! I wouldnt be waiting a whole year either but we wont have to !! :) WE WILL ALL GET BFPS !!! :thumbup:

It's a big university so they are always hiring - good benefits and you could work in their med school, clinics or hospital :thumbup: Only a few thousand mile commute for you to the upper South :winkwink:

Hopefully this time next year we will all be heading into the new moms forum :thumbup: My ideal scenario would be success with #1 in January and then by the time I am ready to try for #2 it will be early 2013 and insurance will cover another $5000 :cloud9:

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